Fedaykin schrieb:wo kriegt ihr das immer nur her?
A senior Chinese diplomat said on Friday an attack on Iran would invite devastating retaliation that would envelop the region and destabilize the global economic recovery, and added that the international community had to restrain itself from war.
"If force is used on Iran, it will certainly incur retaliation, cause an even greater military clash, worsen turmoil in the region, threaten the security of the Strait of Hormuz and other strategic passages, drive up global oil prices and strike a blow at the world economic recovery," he said.
http://www.haaretz.com/news/middle-east/china-ups-the-pressure-to-prevent-a-strike-on-iran-s-nuclear-facilities-1.423044http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/06/us-china-iran-idUSBRE83505720120406Russia Is Massing Troops On Iran's Northern Border And Waiting For A Western Attack
"Iran is our neighbor," Rogozin said. "If Iran is involved in any military action, it's a direct threat to our security." Rogozin now is the deputy Russian prime minister and is regarded as anti-Western. He oversees Russia's defense sector.
The implication of preparing to move Russian troops not only is to protect its own vital regional interests but possibly to assist Iran in the event of such an attack. Sources add that a Russian military buildup in the region could result in the Russian military potentially engaging Israeli forces, U.S. forces, or both.
Informed sources say that the Russians have warned of "unpredictable consequences" in the event Iran is attacked, with some Russians saying that the Russian military will take part in the possible war because it would threaten its vital interests in the region.
http://articles.businessinsider.com/2012-04-09/news/31311454_1_russian-defense-ministry-military-action-dmitry-rogozin (Archiv-Version vom 29.04.2012)Russland bereitet sich auf Iran-Angriff der USA und Israels im Jahr 2012 vor
Russland bereitet sich auf Iran-Angriff der USA und Israels im Jahr 2012 vor
Moskau (Press TV) - Laut der US-Zeitung "World Tribune" hat der Kreml der russischen Armee befohlen, die Optionen für eine Reaktion Russlands auf jeglichen ausländischen Angriff auf iranische Atomanlagen zu prüfen.
http://german.irib.ir/nachrichten/politik/item/202809-russland-bereitet-sich-auf-eventuellen-angriff-der-usa-und-israels-auf-iran-im-jahr-2012-vor (Archiv-Version vom 19.04.2012)Attack Iran and you attack Russia
A high-level diplomatic source in Tehran tells Asia Times Online that essentially Putin and the Supreme Leader have agreed on a plan to nullify the George W Bush administration's relentless drive towards launching a preemptive attack, perhaps a tactical nuclear strike, against Iran. An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia.
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/IJ26Ak06.html (Archiv-Version vom 15.04.2012)Greifen die USA und Israel an werden sich Russland und China nicht zurückhalten.