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Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

4.832 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Israel, Bürgerkrieg, Palästina ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

12.12.2013 um 22:31

noch besser in nem tierquälerei thread, weil ja bekanntlich keine sonderstellung im gaza, sondern auch in israel, deutschland, usa, usw. usf., sonst könnte ja noch der eindruck erweckt werden, dies trifft nur auf die bösen gaza menschen zu


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

22.03.2014 um 21:11
Gaza versinkt wohl nicht nur in der Gewalt, sondern wohl auch an der Korruption, denn woher kommen die vielen Millionäre, wo es doch dort an allem fehlt?

1700 Hamas-Millionäre gibt es im Gazastreifen,

so der Sprecher der palästinensischen Fatah, der gleichzeitig auch kritisierte, dass die Menschen in Gaza als eines der ärmsten Gegenden der Welt wohl eine Steuer an die Hamas zahlen müssen, und zwar für alles, was aus Ägypten und Israel in den Gazastreifen eingeführt wird. Dieses Geld verschwinde dann in den Taschen der Hamas, so der Fatah-Sprecher.



Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

08.10.2014 um 12:12
Islamic State group flier claims responsibility for Gaza attack

Handbill says bombing French Cultural Center for its 'immorality and heresy was radical Islamist organization debut operation in Strip.
+++ Jetzt Neu +++ IS auch in Gaza +++

Na schauen wir mal wie die Honks das dort unter sich ausmachen...


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

04.11.2014 um 18:36
GAZA - There is still not an effective or united Palestinian government in place in Gaza and unless stability is achieved rapidly, another conflict will engulf the territory, a senior United Nations official said on Tuesday.
Ongoing differences between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, particularly over the payment of salaries to Hamas employees, has kept tensions high in Gaza and the flow of goods into the territory has been stalled. After a rocket was fired out of Gaza last week, Israel closed the borders for three days.
http://dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Nov-04/276496-thousands-of-gaza-civil-servants-strike.ashx#axzz3HuaJgsVT (Archiv-Version vom 12.11.2014)
GAZA CITY: About 20,000 civil servants in the Gaza Strip went on strike Tuesday to protest the Palestinian unity government's refusal to pay military and security employees of Hamas.

All ministries and other institutions run by Hamas in Gaza were shut and gated, except for schools, after the walkout by mostly administrative workers, an AFP correspondent said.
Es tut schon fast weh zu beobachten das die bekloppten politischen Führer der Palästinenser sich nicht auf den kleinsten Kompromiss einigen können. Gerade jetzt wo es für die Zivilisten in Gaza so wichtig wäre das schnell die Hilfen auch ankommen, passiert nichts.


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

04.11.2014 um 19:01
An diesem Streik kann man mal wieder sehen wie sehr die Hamas das Konzept die eigene Bevölkerung als Geisel zu nehmen verinnerlich hat.
Wem tut ein Streik der Hamas denn was ausser der Bevölkerung in Gaza?
Für alle anderen ist doch "die Hamas tut nichts" eine eindeutige Verbesserung.


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

07.11.2014 um 06:41
A number of explosions in the early hours of Friday targeted Fatah members in the Gaza Strip, a spokesman from the Palestinian faction said.

Fatah spokesman in Gaza Fayez Abu Aitah told Palestinian news agency Maan that no one was injured in the blasts, but damage was sustained to property of official from the rival Palestinian faction of Gaza's ruling Hamas party.
Ob sich da wieder was tut ?


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

12.12.2014 um 17:40
Wieder ärger im Terroristenparadies...

Abbas backs Egypt crackdown on Gaza tunnels

CAIRO (AFP) -- President Mahmoud Abbas said he supported Egypt's crackdown on tunnels linking the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip to the Sinai Peninsula and any other action the country took to protect itself from militants, according to a media report Thursday.

"We have supported all the precautionary measures taken by the Egyptian authorities to close the tunnels and stop the trafficking of arms and the passage of people between Gaza and the Sinai"
The army says it has destroyed more than 1,600 such tunnels since Morsi's ouster.

Egypt has also begun setting up a buffer zone along its border with the Gaza Strip, which will see hundreds of homes demolished, in order to prevent infiltration and arms smuggling.


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

24.12.2014 um 11:55
Hamas warned Israel that it was "playing with fire" on Wednesday after IDF retaliatory fire to a Hamas sniper attack killed one of the terror group's operatives.

"This is a grave escalation," a Hamas statement read. "The occupation is fully responsible to all of the consequences of the escalation. The resisteance hasa right to defend itself and its people."
Mal wieder so typisch, israelische Soldaten soll sich gefälligst beschiessen lassen...


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

24.12.2014 um 12:17
Das Problem gäbs nicht wenn die ganzen Araber dort in die umliegenden Staaten integriert würden, anstatt, sie einzupferchen wie ne Hammelherde


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

24.12.2014 um 12:49
Wenn Netanjahu durchsetzt, dass der Staat Irsael mit der Religion gleichgesetzt wird, wird es sehr holprig. Aber die Neuwahlen geben Hoffnung. Es gibt eben auch sehr viele Menschen, die durchaus an Frieden und Verständigung interessiert sind. Aber die sind nicht so medienwirksam.


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

24.12.2014 um 13:09
Was du da beschreibst ist natürlich das Grundübel der ganzen Welt.Es gibt immer welche die meinen sie dürften andere abzocken.


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

26.12.2014 um 11:38
http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=749629 (Archiv-Version vom 27.12.2014)
"There are a few cases where young people try to sneak into the '48 lands (i.e Israel), but Palestinian security forces have arrested some this year and Israeli forces arrested those who successfully entered," al-Buzm said.

"We are looking carefully at the issue in order to stop the Israeli side from recruiting collaborators," he added.

Al-Buzm said that Gaza security forces had been working on the issue for the last two months.

According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, 94 Palestinians have crossed into Israel without documents since the beginning of the Gaza offensive in July, including 10 during the conflict and 66 since September alone.

Al-Buzm said that part of the problem was the fact that there are border areas where Palestinian security forces cannot operate, allowing individuals -- who he said were primarily youths -- to cross over.

"We still have some procedures to carry out in order to completely stop infiltration. Those who are caught will be punished appropriately," he added.
Wah, haut der Hamas etwa die Jugend aus dem Gazastreifen ab ?
Man könnte ja fast denken die wollen lieber in Israel sein als bei den Honks...


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

26.12.2014 um 16:23
First phase of Egypt-Gaza buffer zone to cost $70 million


Egypt is completing the first phase of a buffer zone along its border with Gaza and is going to start the second phase soon, the governor of North Sinai said this week.

Gen. Sayed Harhour, governor of the region, told Ahram Online on Wednesday that the cost of finishing the first phase of the buffer zone would reach as much as $70 million (500m. Egyptian pounds), after they pay compensation to the residents of the remaining 837 homes.

“The second phase that will begin soon along 500 more meters includes even more homes,” he said.

The government is paying property owners around $14 a meter for open land and between $98 to $168 for homes, said the report. In addition, $126 in emergency aid was being given to each evacuated family.

Q: http://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/First-phase-of-Egypt-Gaza-buffer-zone-to-cost-70-million-385825
Ich warte dann mal auf die UN Resolution die einen Stopp der Bauarbeiten fordert.


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

08.01.2015 um 09:35
Ich weiss nicht wie das zu kommentieren ist.... mit sind die bekloppt vielleicht ?

http://english.palinfo.com/site/pages/details.aspx?itemid=69519 (Archiv-Version vom 19.03.2016)
NORTH SINAI, (PIC)-- The Egyptian authorities intend to remove the whole city of Rafah in order to establish the buffer zone with the besieged Gaza Strip.

North Sinai governor Abdul-Fattah Harhour told a news conference on Wednesday that the Egyptian city of Rafah would be removed entirely, stressing that creating a buffer zone with Gaza requires that.


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

12.02.2015 um 14:16
389812 img650x420 img650x420 crop
Palestinians ride donkey carts during a sandstorm on February 11, 2015 next to buildings destroyed during last year's 50-day war between Israel and Hamas-led militants, in Gaza City's al-Shejaiya neighborhood.
Ich frage mich was den Leuten da eigentlich noch helfen kann. Das versprochene Geld kam nie an, wenn was kommt versickert es irgendwo zwischen Fatah und Hamas, die UNRWA ist pleite und Ägypten hat anscheinend alle Tunnel zerstört.

Gaza, wohin führt dein Weg ?


Gaza versinkt in Gewalt

26.06.2015 um 20:06
Ob Elektrizität, Löhne oder nun Telekommunikation, die Palästinenser schaffen es dank interner Querelen immer wieder die eigenen Leute zu drangsalieren.

Hamas closing Gaza's mobile phone company over 'tax dodge'

GAZA CITY (AFP) -- Hamas authorities ordered Friday the closure of the offices of Jawwal, the only mobile phone company operating in the Gaza Strip, accusing it of tax dodging.

The order could mean a shut-down of all mobile telephone services in the coastal enclave.

"Public prosecutor Ismail Jabr has issued an order for the closure of the Jawwal company's headquarters as a preliminary measure against it for tax evasion," his office said in a statement.
Business analyst Omar Shaaban said the closure could mean cessation of all mobile phone services in Gaza.
"There is no alternative in Gaza to the services provided by this company," he told AFP.

Shaaban said it was likely Jawwal was paying taxes to the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority (PA) and not the Hamas authorities in Gaza.


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