Israel - wohin führt der Weg?
26.08.2014 um 11:32Aber das machen sie doch schon.
Hamas declares victory, celebrations across PalestineNa auf den Sieg ein Allahu Akbar.
He announced victory and congratulated the Palestinian people and the Arab nation for the victory which he said the Palestinian resistance achieved.
The war has proven that our Palestinian masses in Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem, 1948 Occupied Palestine, Negev, Galilee, and overseas are part and parcel of the same corpus and of the same cause: Fighting the colonizer, liberating Palestine and Occupied Jerusalem, saving the sanctities, and restoring refugees’ right of return to their native soil.So dann auch die Glückwünsche aus Teheran:
"The heroic Palestinian people have forged a new era with the victory of the resistance which has brought the Zionist regime to its knees," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.Jetzt muss die Hamas nur wieder aufrüsten und dann geht es wohl weiter.
"This victory prepares the way for the final liberation of all the occupied lands especially Quds (Jerusalem)," it said, congratulating the Palestinian people and the militant groups in Gaza that Iran supports.
Senior Generals in Tehran had warned on Tuesday that Iran would not give a diplomatic response to the violation of its airspace by the Israeli spy drone which was shot downed near Natanz nuclear site a few days ago, and said Tel Aviv should wait for Iran's retaliatory moves in battlefield.
"Our response to this aggression will not be diplomatic, we will retaliate in the battlefield, but will not necessarily announce it. The enemy will see and understand it," Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami said, addressing a ceremony to commemorate martyred Basij (volunteer) forces in Tehran.
Interessante Theorie: die 400 zum Dschihad aus Deutschland ausgereisten könnten da 1% der 40Tausend sowieso gewaltbereiten Islamisten in Deutschland sein. Hmm, ist etwas für Kriminologen und halten wir erst mal fest, daß sich bei IS möglicherweise vornehmlich Typen aufhalten und dort dazustoßen, die straffrei morden wollen. Mal Professor Pfeiffer fragen ...Helion schrieb:Psychisch kranke Menschen gibt es wohl in jeder Gesellschaft, nicht nur in der Hamas.
Professor Pfeiffer wird sagen:drehrumbum schrieb:Mal Professor Pfeiffer fragen ...
Oder erst mal die Angst nehmen - also manche Foristen sind da kontraproduktiv ... ;-)eckhart schrieb:Man muss die friedlichen Moslems stärken.
Ja, durchaus !drehrumbum schrieb:Oder erst mal die Angst nehmen - also manche Foristen sind da kontraproduktiv ... ;-)
The second one is as a matter of fact taking the war into the occupied territories. Iran has announced at least for the last two months – first the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei announced - that Iran or the Muslim world would start arming the West Bank.Taking the war into the occupied territories...
RAMALLAH, Palestine: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas blamed Hamas Friday for needlessly extending fighting with Israel in the Gaza Strip, casting doubt on the future of the Palestinian unity government that the Islamist militant group backs.Soviel zum verkündeten "Sieg" der Hamas.
The remarks by Abbas come a few days after Israel and Hamas militants reached a truce after 50 bitter days of fighting.
More than 2,100 Palestinians were killed, including hundreds of civilians. Seventy-one people on the Israeli side, including six civilians, were killed. Several Egyptian mediated cease-fire attempts during the conflict failed. Hamas eventually accepted almost the same truce offered at the beginning.
“It was possible for us to avoid all of that, 2,000 martyrs, 10,000 injured, 50,000 houses [destroyed],” Abbas told Palestine TV in remarks broadcast Friday. He said Hamas had insisted on discussing demands first before ending the cease-fire, which only served to prolong the violence.
“The Egyptian formula was on the table July 15, it was backed by the Arab League, it was accepted by Israel but rejected by Hamas then and now more than a month later has belatedly been accepted by Hamas,” Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said.
Das Oberhaupt des Zentralrats der friedlichen Muslime in Deutschland, meinte jüngst bei Maischberger, man dürfe aus dem Djihad zurückgekehrte deutsche Gotteskrieger nicht aus der Gesellschaft ausschließen und bestrafen. Stattdessen sollte man sie wieder in die Gemeinschaft aufnehmen, also in die der deutschen Muslime und ihnen zeigen wie richtiger Islam geht. Ihm ist offenbar egal wieviele Leute die vorher abgemurkst haben.eckhart schrieb:Professor Pfeiffer wird sagen:
Man muss die friedlichen Moslems stärken.