@JoschiX uhh, da gibts ja sogar ne rede von abbas bei der un-vollversammlung ... sehr viel potential drin, auch mit ost-jerusalem als hauptstadt und nicht komplett jerusalem
wie, dass nenn ich mal positive signale und bzgl. rückkehr äußert er sich ja auch
"The objective of the negotiations is to secure a lasting peace accord that leads immediately to the
establishment of the independence of a fully sovereign State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its
capital, on all of the Palestinian lands occupied in 1967, so that it may live in peace and security
alongside the State of Israel, and the resolution of the plight of Palestine refugees in a just agreed upon
solution, according to United Nations resolution 194, as called for by the Arab Peace Initiative.
Here, we reaffirm that we refuse to enter into a vortex of a new interim agreement that becomes
eternalized, or to enter into transitional arrangements that will become a fixed rule rather than an urgent
exception. Our objective is to achieve a permanent and comprehensive agreement and a peace treaty
between the States of Palestine and Israel that resolves all outstanding issues and answers all questions,
which allows us to officially declare an end of conflict and claims."
http://www.palaestina.org/fileadmin/Daten/Dokumente/Warum_Staat_anerkennen/Rede_Pr%C3%A4sident_Abbas_UN_2013.pdf (Archiv-Version vom 26.11.2013)