Donald Trump: 45. & 47. Präsident der USA
23.02.2017 um 18:10A Democrat-backed House resolution that would direct the Justice Department to release information about President Trump’s conflicts of interest and potential ties to Russia is likely to die in committee, Politico reported on Wednesday. Democratic sources told Politico that Republican lawmakers will send the resolution to the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, after returning from their current recess. The panel, which is Republican-controlled, will likely reject the measure, avoiding a floor vote that could spell trouble for GOP members.
In other News: Die Republikaner werden wohl eine Resolution abschmettern die Infos über Trump's potentielle Beziehungen zu Russland und Interessenskonflikte veröffentlichen sollte.
Die Republikanische Partei ist eine Partei komplett ohne Rückgrat.