Donald Trump: 45. & 47. Präsident der USA
26.01.2017 um 08:16Chris McDaniel, Trump Supporter und Senator von Mississippi findet ziemlich deutliche Worte :)
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Quelle ist also Facebook, ich hoffe das reicht.
I'll give you radicals some credit; you have a large number of angry instigators ready for social media action. You've really swarmed this page. Thankfully, 95% of you live outside of MS.Das wurde gerade gelöscht weil die Quelle fehl...
From my perspecitve, I understand your position. You love free stuff. I get it. Unfortunately, in your quest for freebies, your so-called "revolution of love" has become little more than intolerant hatred for anyone who disagrees. And that's okay. You have that right.
The tragic irony of the #WomensMarch is that most were marching for the "right" to violently end the lives of their unborn, including the lives of little girls.
Making matters worse, you want us to pay for it even though we find the act of abortion to be morally repugnant. And then, because you love free stuff, you believe we should also pay for your birth control. Is there anything else we can help you with? A free cell phone, perhaps?
So no, I don't think we will ever agree. And that's okay, too. I don't want your vote.
So bring it.
Yell, curse, scream, threaten, and ridicule all you wish. I don't care.
It's cute.
But I'm not going anywhere. The more you push, the more I will resist. Even if I have to stand alone.
Oh, one more thing: we are going to defund Planned Parenthood and repeal Obamacare.
Have a good night.
Leider habe ich keine Quelle, weil ich zu dumm bin einen einzelnen Facebook post zu verlinken.
Quelle ist also Facebook, ich hoffe das reicht.