@Landluft Kannst Du mal ein Zitat zur Diskussion stellen was dich zu der Annahme führt dass der russische Präsident über kein Geschichtsverständnis verfügt? Bitte kein Zitat aus der FAZ.
Die Diskussion ist hier zu finden.
http://eng.kremlin.ru/transcripts/23185Mal ein paar Auszüge.
We visited the museum just before and Ms Velikanova [Director of the Museum of Modern Russian History] showed me the exhibitions. We noticed that during the civil war period, which was a very difficult time for our entire nation, for better or for worse, the Bolsheviks’ slogans and posters were more vivid and concise and no doubt more effective in their impact. Aside from anything else, they also rode the fashion of the moment because no one wanted to keep fighting and so they called for an end to the war. They duped society, of course. You all know the slogan of “Land to the peasants, factories to the workers and peace to the people!” They did not give the people peace because the civil war broke out, and they took the factories and land and nationalised them. So this was complete and total deception.
Ziemlich objektive Ansicht über die Bolschewiki.
As for the 20th century, everything is important for us – the more distant past, and more recent, contemporary history. It is harder to teach more recent history because we have a great deal of politicised issues there, not all wounds have healed yet, especially if we take the civil war, the opposition between the Reds and Whites. But nevertheless, we still need to deal with it, we must strive to be as objective as possible, and we certainly need to know about our most recent past.
Yes, we won the Great Patriotic War; we were winners in World War II. This was also likely no accident, because those who took part in World War I – they were essentially the people leading the main operations, supervising the fronts and the general staff.
The cruelty of the leadership likely played a certain role as well.
We could, of course, argue about this and give political assessments. It’s just hard to say whether we could have won the war if the leaders had not been so cruel, if they were more like those in Nicholas II’s time. It’s very hard to say. And what would the consequences have been if we’d lost? The consequences would have been simply catastrophic. They were going to physically exterminate the Slavic people, and not just ethnic Russians, but many other peoples, including the Jews, the Gypsies and the Poles. In other words, if you weigh it, it is hard to say what is worse. We must study it and assess it, but those assessments must be as objective as possible.
Or, for example, there are still arguments about the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, and the Soviet Union is blamed for dividing Poland. But what did Poland itself do, when the Germans invaded Czechoslovakia? It took part of Czechoslovakia. It did this itself. And then, in turn, the same thing happened to Poland.
I do not want to blame anyone here, but serious studies should show that these were the foreign policy methods at the time. The Soviet Union signed a non-aggression agreement with Germany. They say, “Oh, how bad.” But what is so bad about it, if the Soviet Union did not want to fight? What is so bad?
Wo "verteidigt" er den Ribbontrop-Molotov Pakt wie die FAZ behauptet? Es geht ja um den Standpunkt von damals.
As for the role of the Soviet Union and our allies in World War II, all this is also highly important. We cannot deny the enormous input of our allies into the victory over Nazi Germany.
Russland hat 27 000 000 Menschen während des 2. Weltkriegs verloren, 2 Drittel davon Zivilisten, soweit ich weiß.
Moreover, even knowing about the inevitability of war, supposing that it could happen, the Soviet Union desperately needed time to modernise its army. We needed to implement a new weapons system. Each month had significance because the number of Katyusha rocket launchers or T-34 tanks in the Soviet army was in the single digits, whereas thousands were needed. Each day had significance. So idle thoughts and chatter on this matter on a political level may have a purpose, in order to shape public opinion, but this must be countered with serious, deep, objective research.
Es werden wohl auch noch weitere Archive geöffnet werden.
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