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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2012 um 21:52
ist wie verhext, Sony hat sich irgendwo versteckt bei LSA, ich finde es noch nicht. grrr.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2012 um 22:00
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:ist wie verhext, Sony hat sich irgendwo versteckt bei LSA, ich finde es noch nicht. grrr.
bist du bei LSA registriert ???


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2012 um 22:02
nein, nicht registriert.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2012 um 22:39
Michaels unveröffentlichte Songs, da können wir uns freuen und hoffen, daß wir davon noch was zu hören bekommen, ich habe immer gesucht, Michael hatte mit Whitney einen Song aufgenommen, haben zumindest viele gemunkelt, jetzt steht er mit da unter 2007, ich will den hören!!!

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2012 um 23:23
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Michaels unveröffentlichte Songs, da können wir uns freuen und hoffen, daß wir davon noch was zu hören bekommen, ich habe immer gesucht, Michael hatte mit Whitney einen Song aufgenommen, haben zumindest viele gemunkelt, jetzt steht er mit da unter 2007, ich will den hören!!!
ja, da haben sie doch genug Material, auf welches sie zurückgreifen können ...
bei YouTube ist ‘Days Of The Broken Hearted ‘ nicht zu finden ...

habe aber dies entdeckt >


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2012 um 23:29
na, da muß MJ doch mal lachen ... :)

tumblr lk48vvQjhU1qdrayz


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2012 um 23:35
schönes Video, aber dieser Song vom 2007, da müssen die ja zusammen gesungen haben, bäääh, ich will das hören:

Written and recorded by Jackson featuring Whitney Houston in 2007.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2012 um 23:55
Fans United 4 MJ ‏@U4MJL
You can follow the latest development on the Katherine Jackson v. AEG lawsuit on @MJJCommunity 's thread

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.10.2012 um 00:18
maliraMJ ‏@maliraMJ
AEG lawyer asked the court to fix a date to hear Randy and Jermaine Jackson on emails leaked to the media, a hearing was set for 24/10/2012

Retweetet von DianeToucan
DianeToucan ‏@DianeToucan
@mikejj7777 LOL - what will they do? Might have to run to the desert and hideout playing Uno until the court case is over.

und nochmal hahaha

DianeToucan ‏@DianeToucan
@mikejj7777 They have changed their stories so much in the last three years they won't know which story to tell LOL. #CubsAreLiars

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.10.2012 um 04:35
Prince Jackson nach seinem Jiu-Jitsu Training in Beverly Hills, am 6. Oktober 2012



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.10.2012 um 04:50
von LSA

Blanket Jackson nach dem Karate Unterricht, am 7. Oktober 2012
und er scheint glücklich zu sein ... :)


Prince legt eine Pause ein ...



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.10.2012 um 05:04
von LSA

Prince trägt seine Großkusine Dee Dee auf den Schultern, sie ist die Tochter von TJ Jackson, der auch mit dabei ist ... :)




MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.10.2012 um 10:28
Paris Jackson löscht ihr Instagram-Profil wegen Mobbing!

8. Oktober 2012


Paris Jackson ist zwar die Tochter vom legendären King Of Pop Michael Jackson, aber trotzdem oder gerade deswegen ist sie nicht vor Anfeindungen geschützt. Jetzt zog die 14-Jährige die Reißleine, als sie wiederholt im Internet gemobbt wurde.

Vor zwei Tagen postste sie bei Twitter, „Habe meinen öffentlichen Instagram-Account gelöscht. Sorry Leute.“ Am nächsten Tag fügte sie hinzu, „Ich habe keinen neuen öffentlichen Instagram-Account erstellt, Leute. Wenn, dann hätte ich denselben Usernamen wie zuvor. Wenn ihr einen seht wie @_flufilla_i, das bin nicht ich.

Vor 16 Stunden wurde sie dann noch konkreter, um fiese Leute abzuschrecken. „Leute, die versuchen meinen IG zu adden, die ich nicht persönlich kenne, werden geblockt und reported. Ich bluffe nicht.“ Offenbar wurde Paris nicht zimperlich umgegangen, sonst würde sie nicht so hart reagieren. Konkrete Beispiele nannte sie aber nicht.

„Ich will nicht grob erscheinen, aber es gibt viel zu viel Hass bei Instagram. Mein Twitter ist öffentlich, ich will ETWAS Privatsphäre haben. #keinmobbingmehr. Wenn ihr glauben wollt, dass ich euch nicht liebe, weil mein Instagram privat ist, dann macht ruhig. Ich hab nur genug davon, gemobbt zu werden.“

Im Juni sprach Paris Jackson mit Oprah Winfrey über die Schattenseiten ihres Lebens als Angehörige des Jackson-Clans. Sie wird nicht mehr zu Hause unterrichtet, sondern geht auf eine Privatschule, wo die Mitschüler richtige Dummköpfe sind. „Viele Leute mögen mich nicht“, gab sie zu. „Ich weiß nicht warum.“ Es gäbe viele „falsche Menschen“ dort und hinter ihrem Rücken wird getuschelt.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.10.2012 um 10:50
Jackson fever: meet Navi, the world’s number one MJ impersonator

Posted at 7:00 am, October 9, 2012 in Music & Clubbing


Calling all MJ fans: this is going to be a week to remember. Not only has BAD 25 come out with some previously unreleased tracks but you can now go see highlights from Michael’s wardrobe up close at The Getty Gallery (until Nov 4). And as if that wasn’t enough to get your shades steamed up, anyone who’s still upset that they never got to see the King of Pop perform ‘This Is It’ in 2009, will go wild to hear that he’s back! Well not actually him, of course, but the next best thing. Almost. Having already reincarnated the music of The Beatles and Elvis through acrobatic endeavors, Canadian company Cirque de Soleil have turned their attention to the gloved one for their latest extravaganza ‘The Immortal’, which is coming to the O2 Arena from October 12-21.

As if this wasn’t enough to get you crotch grabbing, on Sunday October 14 there’ll be a Michael Jackson Spectacular afternoon fan event featuring Britain’s Got Talent’s nifty movers Signature and none other than Navi, the world’s number one Michael Jackson impersonator. We caught up with Navi before the big show…


What can we expect from the Cirque de Soleil show?
‘Cirque du Soleil are at the top of their game. It’s like being pulled into MJ’s world: like a Jackson explosion with two hours of Michael’s best music. For a fan, it’s like being a kid in sweet shop.’

Hold up, but why aren’t you in it?
‘They have set the standards very high, and they’ve done Michael real justice here. If I was invited to be in the show, it would only be a small part, a Michael visual. They don’t need to do that though. There are no impersonators in the show’


How did you get into impersonating Michael?
‘I love MJ. I’ve loved him since I was very young. I came over here when I was seven from Trinidad and Tobago when ‘Thriller’ came out in 1982, and it dominated. He was the biggest, a real life superhero. I chose him ahead of everything else because he gripped me, the rest didn’t. I’m a fan before an entertainer always. I remember standing at a hotel looking at him among masses of people when I was a young boy, and then several years later standing next to him and looking down at the masses of people when I was a decoy. I chose him; it was immense.’

At what point did it turn from a hobby to a fulltime job?
‘When I was 15, I started opening for The Drifters as a Michael Jackson impersonator. I was also studying construction at college, because my parents wanted me to, so I was always back and forth between my studies and being Michael. My family adopted four more children when they came over here and we used to rehearse together. They actually ended up performing with me onstage as the Jackson 5 and one of them is now a Michael Jackson dance teacher at Pineapple Studios.’

Youtube: MJ gives standing ovation to Navi
MJ gives standing ovation to Navi
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What was your relationship to Michael?
‘It was truly professional until I got to know him, and then it became professional except that we traded pleasantries; I spoke to him on the phone a few times, performed at his birthday party a few times (see above), once in New York. And I was invited to Neverland.’

Wow! What was Neverland like?
‘Imagine taking Disneyworld, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ and ‘The Wizard of Oz’ – put them in a blender that’s what it like: the gates open and there are real elephants and giraffes walking about; you go to a sweet shop and get any sweet you like and not pay; there’s a cinema where you can watch any film you like and a train that takes you into the valley. Before, I loved him and I had worked for him but I never really understood him until then.’

What work did you do for him?
‘As a decoy and for promotion: I would go take pictures with people and start the Jackson mania wherever I was. Also, when an album came out, I would go down and perform because Michael couldn’t always be there himself.’

He must have trusted you…
‘I always say that Michael was the type of person who, if he didn’t trust you, would let you know. He wasn’t a fool. I was his only impersonator.’

What was he like?
‘Off stage he was quiet, shy and gentle. On stage he was a nut, the boss.’

How did you learn to dance like him?
‘I’m not a dancer, it was just my love for him that kept me trying to be like him. I loved his image the most. You’re now probably going to ask me if I’ve had plastic surgery… yes, I have had surgery to look more like him.’

navi2Original anzeigen (0,3 MB)

How many operations have you had?
‘A few… several… numerous, you can use numerous if you like. But it’s all facial. They say the things that look most Michael about me are my eyes and smile. They’re both mine! I’m a perfectionist, so if I’m going to do things I’ll do them properly. It’s the same with clothes, if I don’t have the correct item, I’ll fly over to wherever they have it.’

Where do you get your costumes from?
‘I have around 200 costumes. Think of the ‘Thriller’ jacket; I have 20. Honestly it’s like ‘Cribs’ – you open my cupboard and it’s sick! I’ve had my house in Essex expanded: it has 5 bedrooms and I have a flat at the back with a studio. Everything is taken up with Jackson.’

What effect has his death had on you?
‘It has been massive. Professionally I wasn’t any busier, but I began opening much bigger events. Recently I was asked to close the Formula 1 race in Bahrain. Personally, I felt like a part of me closed up.’

How did you become the world’s number impersonator?
‘My show is called ‘Chosen by Michael’ as I am the only one ever actually chosen by him. I’ve also been to 57 countries to perform as him over the last 25 years.’

What do you do when you’re not Michael Jackson?
‘I watch a bit of TV but I don’t have time for anything else. I’ve missed so many things in my life because I can’t cancel shows. Work takes priority.’

Are you constantly in character?
‘No, that would be a little insane. Can you imagine me dressed up watching Eastenders?! I like to go to the movies, I go out to the supermarket – normal things.’

Find out more about Navi at and book tickets to The Immortal now.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.10.2012 um 10:54
Michael Jackson Tribute Act - Navi - Big Foot Events
Youtube: Michael Jackson Tribute Act - Navi - Big Foot Events
Michael Jackson Tribute Act - Navi - Big Foot Events
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Hochgeladen von bigfootevents am 24.05.2011

Top Michael Jackson Impersonator Navi. For more informaiton please call Big Foot Events on 012353 351100 or visit

Navi is a professional Michael Jackson Tribute act and impersonator with international recognition having performed in most of the major countries in Europe, USA, South America, Canada, Middle East, India, Philippines, Thailand, Japan, Senegal, Morocco and Egypt.

He as worked for Michael Jackson himself on various occasions and has appeared on a number of television shows. His shows are renowned for being up-beat and tailored to suit the client. An outstanding visual performance!
Navi is universally recognised as "The World's No.1 Michael Jackson Impersonator" throughout the world, including the Michael Jackson fan community itself.
No other impersonator or tribute act has ever come close to achieving what Navi has accomplished to date. Listed below are a few points that underline Navi's many achievements, his professionalism and commitment to delivering an 'MJ performance' second only to the man himself - Michael Jackson.
This show is in its 20th year. There have been many changes along the way, and even now the show has been yet again re-vamped. This is simply because the 'King of Pop' show is a reflection of the genius that Michael Jackson is in both audio and visual.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.10.2012 um 11:11
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:LOL - what will they do? Might have to run to the desert and hideout playing Uno until the court case is over.
hahaha, stelle mir die beiden in der Wüste vor, wie sie in einem Versteck Uno spielen ... :D
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:They have changed their stories so much in the last three years they won't know which story to tell LOL.
LOL na das Erinnerungsvermögen scheint ihnen doch schon lange abhanden gekommen zu sein ...
vielleicht wird ja etwas von dem "Auftritt" bei Gericht bekannt ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.10.2012 um 11:42
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:You can follow the latest development on the Katherine Jackson v. AEG lawsuit on @MJJCommunity 's
Ivy wird die Gerichts Dokumente heute checken ...
Beitrag von Ivy # 668
I don't the details yet , I'll check for the court documents tonight and if they post them we'll have a better idea then. but it's quite unlikely - almost impossible - that judge would make a decision without a hearing and listening to the other side. So I'm thinking that

Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent

is either a draft of order or is just judge allowing the ex-parte application to go forward.

As fro Taunya, she sat for her deposition for a day / 5 hours but refusing to continue it and refusing to provide documents requested. They had filed a motion to compel for that as well and it was set for November 28.

Now it's showing 2 motion to compel hearing on that day. So as of now I'm assuming AEG filed a ex-parte (one sided) motion to compel and judge agreed to put it on the court docket for November 28. But don't go around thinking it's a fact. We'll know for sure when I can get my hands on the documents - hopefully later today.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.10.2012 um 11:57 (Archiv-Version vom 17.07.2011)

maliraMJ ‏@maliraMJ
Message from Tom Mesereau: Please forward the message below as you see fit: I am not involved in any of Mr. (cont)
Retweetet von Qbee
6:45 AM - 9 Okt 12

Message from Tom Mesereau: Please forward the message below as you see fit:

I am not involved in any of Mr. Wagner’s projects. I cannot comment on whether or not these projects are desirable because I am not involved.

I do not talk to Mr. Wagner on a regular basis. I am also not involved in raising money for any project.

I do support efforts to clear Michael Jackson’s name because he was innocent. For this reason, I did attend some of Mr. Wagner’s events.

Thank you for your concerns.

Best wishes,

Tom Mesereau


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.10.2012 um 12:06
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
I post scans of Vanity Fair and some complain it's too long and want a summary. Funny when I think some people criticized me for summaries
1:55 AM - 9 Okt 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
nope still scanning but almost done RT @andjustice4some: @Ivy_4MJ Did you post Vanity Unfair at MJJC?
12:52 AM - 9 Okt 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Vanity Fair article is almost negative about everyone ranging from Randy and Janet Jackson to Executors.
12:49 AM - 9 Okt 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Scan of the Vanity Fair article about MJ Estate and Jacksons -
1:25 AM - 9 Okt 12

VF MJ Article<iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" src="" data-auto-height="true" data-aspect-ratio="0.726840855106888" scrolling="no" id="doc_59498" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.10.2012 um 12:11
aus dem vorgenannten scribd ...

4-2ec2d129f4Original anzeigen (0,4 MB)
