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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 00:05
bin noch mal aus dem Bett gefallen.
hahaha, das ist ja der 7.Sinn
Wir reden über sie und schon hat sie das gehört.
Habe ihre Facebook - Seite mir mal angeschaut, da steht das auch drin. Falls jemand Facebook hat, einfach - Grace Rwaramba - und da findet ihr sie. Bin gerade beim Lesen. Also schlaft schön irgendwann und nicht mit den Kopf auf die Tastatur fallen! :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 00:13
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Habe ihre Facebook - Seite mir mal angeschaut, da steht das auch drin. Falls jemand Facebook hat, einfach - Grace Rwaramba - und da findet ihr sie. Bin gerade beim Lesen. Also schlaft schön irgendwann und nicht mit den Kopf auf die Tastatur fallen! :D
ja, da schaue ich mir dann auch gleich mal die FB Seite an ... aber ich werde bevor ich mit dem Kopf auf die Tastatur knalle, doch mal lieber in die Horizontale gehen ... hahaha

Schlaf auch schön ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 00:37
In solchen fällen empfehle ich die anschaffung einer weichen flexi tastatur oder eine mit schaumstofftasten ... die müsste allerdings erst erfunden werden!
Zur schadenbegrenzung wegen der eklig eckigen abdrücke im gesicht empfehle ich einen möglichst super spitzen abstandhalter, falls die birne der schwerkraft und der müdigkeit folgt.

In diesem sinne, allen eine gute nacht.
Sry für OT.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 00:40
Paris: ready for my hp marathon today 3h

2b149afcdb4211e182fd22000a1e8a9e 7A


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 07:56
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:@chaweng
Hallo und schreib mal was!
Hi Sylvina ... kommt schon noch ... kommt schon noch .. *grins*
Ist imo so viel info ... muss ich erst auf die reihe bringen ..
Lg chaweng


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 08:33
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
Debbie Rowe interview on ET is old and from 2004.
das Debbie Rowe Interview auf ET ist alt und aus dem Jahr 2004.
1:55 AM - 1 Aug 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
@_ItsToni_ the ones I saw wasn't necessarily Janet fans. I saw so-called MJ fans as well that are pro-Randy,pro-conspiracy&"justice fighter"
@ _ItsToni_ Die, die ich sah, waren nicht unbedingt Fans von Janet. Ich sah so genannte MJ-Fans, genauso sind auch die pro-Randy, pro-Verschwörung & "Gerechtigkeits-Kämpfer"
1:24 AM - 1 Aug 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
Even though you might disagree with everything that's coming from Prince and Paris, it's improper to disrespect and bully MJ's minor kids.
Auch wenn Sie mit allem, das von Prince und Paris kommend ist, vielleicht nicht zustimmen, es ist unanständig, respektlos und schüchtert MJ's minderjährige Kinder ein.
1:21 AM - 1 Aug 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
I have seen people call MJ's kids brats, spoiled etc. and even send hate& bullying tweets to them, in my book it's totally UNACCEPTABLE.
Ich habe Leute gesehen, die MJ's Kinder Gören nennen, verwöhnt usw. und sogar Hass & Mobbing Tweets an sie senden, meiner Meinung nach, ist es völlig INAKZEPTABEL.
1:21 AM - 1 Aug 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
This latest events has shown a really ugly face of some MJ fans.
Diese jüngsten Ereignisse haben ein wirklich hässliches Gesicht einiger MJ Fans gezeigt.
1:19 AM - 1 Aug 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
X17 - Sanders adds that he won't be returning to court until the scheduled court date of August 22
X17 - Sanders fügt hinzu, dass er nicht vor Gericht zurückkehren wird, bis zum geplanten Gerichtstermin am 22. August
12:48 AM - 1 Aug 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
Am I the only person that cringe every time people refer to Katherine as "Mama Jackson" ?
Bin ich die einzige Person, die jedes Mal zusammenzuckt, wenn Menschen von Katherine als "Mama Jackson"berichten, ?
12:48 AM - 1 Aug 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
Did anyone know for a fact that FB profile is really Grace?
Weiß jemand ganz sicher, ob das FB-Profil wirklich Grace ist?
12:43 AM - 1 Aug 12
Nunyadamnbidniz ‏@MJCB_Junky
@Ivy_MJJC That profile has been verified by fans previous to 2009.
@ Ivy_MJJC Das Profil wurde von Fans vor 2009 bestätigt.
12:43 AM - 1 Aug 12
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
Why on earth would ANY Michael Jackson fan boycott Bad 25? Are we living in the Twilight Zone?
Retweetet von Ivy
11:06 PM - 31 Jul 12

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 08:40
sanemjfan ‏@sanemjfan
Here is Raven Woods' latest blog on the Jackson family saga! She fiercely defends PPB! (Archiv-Version vom 30.09.2014) Be sure to subscribe!
3:35 AM - 1 Aug 12

Blame Whoever You Want…But Don’t You DARE Blame Michael’s Babies!

Posted by: Raven on: August 1 2012 •

Michael-s-children-michael-jackson-71913Original anzeigen (0,3 MB)
“When I look into the eyes of my son, Prince, and daughter, Paris, I see miracles and I see beauty. Every single day becomes the Sabbath. Having children allows me to enter this magical and holy world every moment of every day. I see God through my children. I speak to God through my children. I am humbled for the blessings He has given me.”-Michael jackson


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 09:00
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
my new baby .. welcome to the family sweetheart!!
96f1d5eedb9e11e1a84922000a1e8bad 7
8:03 AM - 1 Aug 12
Bjan Belief ‏@BjanBelief
harry potter marathon with @thatjacksonchickk
Retweetet von Paris Jacksoη
96f91a40db6f11e18b0122000a1e8b96 7
2:27 AM - 1 Aug 12
von Paris bei Instagram eingestellt >
Paris 6h
bjanbelief: aye look its me! 6h
Paris: mhmm (: 5h

06bcf24adb6e11e1ba4022000a1e8932 7


Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
had a short HP marathon with blanket and @bjanbelief (: we have to finish the marathon later xD
hatte einen kurzen HP [Anm. HP=Harry Potter] Marathon mit Blanket und @ bjanbelief (: wir haben den Marathon später beendet xD ..... frei übersetzt
3:33 AM - 1 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 09:08
Michael Jackson's nanny says singer wanted to protect kids from feuding family

Wednesday Aug 1 2012

Former nanny speaks out

Michael Jackson’s former nanny Grace Rwaramba says that the recent family drama is exactly what the late singer tried to protect his kids from.

Grace worked for Michael for over a decade helping to look after his three children; Prince, Paris and Blanket.

And she told RadarOnline that she is not surprised about the public battle over the Thriller star’s fortune.

“Everyone knows that Michael went to great lengths to protect his children from the public eye,” Grace told the site.

“While the use of veils and masks was unconventional, it only highlights how important this issue was to him.

“The recent drama surrounding Michael's mother, Katherine, the ongoing custody issues and now the public dispute between Paris and Janet is exactly what Michael wanted to protect his children from.

Paris, 14, has been very vocal about the discord between her aunts and uncles and has started to receive some backlash for her outspoken nature, but Grace said that she should be given “a chance to make and learn from her mistakes without demonizing her.”

“She is a spirited, very expressive and dramatic young girl,” she said. “The traits that made her the apple of her father's eye are the same traits that she must learn to control as she matures into adulthood.” (Archiv-Version vom 03.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 09:32

Bei dieser "Message" stellt sich die Frage, kommt diese "Botschaft" von
der "richtigen" Grace Rwaramba ...

das FB Konto Grace Rwaramba
ist Facebook am 26.06.2012 um 16:20h begetreten ...

das FB Konto Grace Rwarambapageone
auf dieser Seite wurde die "Botschaft" gepostet ...

aber soll dies wirklich Grace Rwaramba sein ????

auch Frage bei Ivy von MJJC s. Beitrag von heute um 08:33h



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 09:36
Michael Jackson's Mother Plans Events in Indiana

LOS ANGELES August 1, 2012 (AP)

Michael Jackson's mother says she is returning to her family's Indiana hometown to celebrate what would have would have been her son's 54th birthday.

An announcement released Tuesday by a representative of Katherine Jackson states the events in Gary, Ind., will be attended by the singer's three children as well.

A candlelight vigil is planned for Aug. 29 outside the family's home on Jackson's 54th birthday.

The celebration is being dubbed: "Goin' Back to Indiana: Can You Feel It?"

Details on the events, including a tribute concert and an event honoring Katherine Jackson are posted on a Facebook page for the event,

The Jackson family moved to Los Angeles as Michael and other siblings pursued their burgeoning music careers, but have kept connections to their Indiana hometown.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 09:57
MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity
A Letter From Grace Rwaramba #MJNews
12:42 AM - 1 Aug 12

aus dem Beitrag # 23 .. User: susna
I heard that Grace was close with Jermaine. xt
Ich habe gehört, dass Grace "innig" mit Jermaine war. xt
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 11:16
aus dem Beitrag # 35 .. User: qbee ..
here is a direct link to her message
*klappt wohl nur, wenn man bei FB angemeldet ist
Hier besteht eine direkte Verbindung zu ihrer Botschaft

aus dem Beitrag # 42 .. User: Aprilmay ..
Yes, this is from Grace real facebook page. She had this page since 2008.

"pageone" was added to her name because she made a second facebook account due to reaching her limit of friends on the first one.

I dont have a problem with her statement I believe she's just trying to defend Paris.
Ja, dies ist echte Facebook-Seite von Grace. Sie hat diese Seite seit 2008 gehabt.

"pageone" [Seite eins] wurde ihrem Namen hinzugefügt, weil sie ein zweites Facebook-Konto durch Erreichen ihrer Freundes-Grenzen auf der erste Seite hatte.

Ich habe kein Problem mit ihrem Statement. Ich glaube, sie hat nur versucht, Paris zu verteidigen.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 11:32
Kindermädchen meldet sich zu Wort

Grace Rwaramba, die ehemalige Nanny der Kinder von Sänger Michael Jackson, verkündete ihre Meinung zum Familienstreit.
01.08.2012 09:45

Michael Jackson (†50) wollte seine Kinder so gut es geht vor Familienstreitereien schützen, erklärte die ehemalige Nanny der Sprösslinge.

Der verstorbene King of Pop ('Beat It') engagierte Grace Rwaramba, die sich über zehn Jahre lang um Prince, Paris und Blanket kümmerte.

Nun erklärte sie gegenüber 'RadarOnline', dass sie der neueste Streit der Jacksons um das Vermögen des Megastars nicht überrasche: "Jeder weiß, dass Michael alle erdenklichen Maßnahmen ergriff, um seine Kinder so gut es geht vor der Öffentlichkeit zu schützen. Dass er Schleier und Masken dafür benutzte, war zwar umstritten, macht jedoch deutlich, wie wichtig ihm diese Sache war. Das neueste Drama um Michaels Mutter Katherine und die anhaltenden Sorgerechtsstreitereien sowie der öffentliche Streit zwischen Paris und Janet sind genau das, wovor Michael seine Kinder immer bewahren wollte."

Vor allem Paris (14) kritisierte den Familienstreit und kassierte für ihre Offenheit eine derbe Standpauke und angeblich sogar eine Ohrfeige von ihrer Tante Janet Jackson (46, 'Anything').

Rwaramba findet, dass Michael Jacksons Tochter anstelle von weiterer Kritik eine Chance bekommen sollte, aus ihren Fehlern zu lernen. "Sie ist ein temperamentvolles, junges Mädchen. Die Charakterzüge, die dazu geführt haben, dass sie zum Augapfel ihres Vaters wurde, muss sie jetzt lernen zu kontrollieren, während sie zu einer jungen Erwachsenen heranreift", empfahl das ehemalige Kindermädchen von Michael Jackson.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 11:39
Michael Jackson's Former Nanny: He Tried To Protect His Kids From This Drama

Posted on Jul 31, 2012 @ 07:19PM


By Jen Heger - Radar Assistant Managing Editor

Michael Jackson's long time nanny, Grace Rwaramba, is speaking out about the ongoing Jackson family drama, telling exclusively that the recent turmoil is exactly what the late singer had tried so hard to protect his three children from while he was alive.

Grace began working for Jackson in 1997, and continued to work on and off for the King of Pop for the next decade, including after he tragically died in 2009.

In an exclusive statement to, Grace says, "Everyone knows that Michael went to great lengths to protect his children from the public eye. While the use of veils and masks was unconventional, it only highlights how important this issue was to him. He understood, probably better than anyone, that growing up as a public figure, especially in the entertainment industry can be disaster...The recent drama surrounding Michael's mother, Katherine, the ongoing custody issues and now the public dispute between Paris and Janet is exactly what Michael wanted to protect his children from. These matters have been further complicated by Gladys Knight and others recent and well intentioned comments about Paris. I have great respect and admiration for Mrs. Knight. And while I agree with the spirit of her comments, attacking Paris in public is not the answer."

As previously reported, Judge Mitchell Beckloff, stripped the Jackson family matriarch of her guardianship of the three children because no one could reach her for more than a week. The judge said he made the ruling not because of any wrongdoing on Katherine's behalf, but because she had been prevented from fulfilling her guardianship duties by an "intentional act from third parties."

The children have been embroiled in a vicious family struggle for more than a week now as Randy, Jermaine and Janet Jackson battle over the late King of Pop's will, which they claim is fake. Michael's nephew TJ has been a constant presence in the children's lives and their attorney stated in court that they had no objections to him being appointed temporary guardian.

The Jackson siblings made news last week after security video from the house where Michael's children live was released and showed Janet getting into an altercation with Paris Jackson over the teen's cell phone. Janet physically tried to take the 14-year-old's cell phone from her, and the children watched in horror as Jermaine and Randy got into a physical altercation with Trent, who is Joe Jackson's nephew.

Rwaramba asks that the public be fair to Paris Jackson and "give her a chance to make and learn from her mistakes without demonizing her. She is a spirited, very expressive and dramatic young girl. The traits that made her the apple of her father's eye are the same traits that she must learn to control as she matures into adulthood. Let's be careful not to dim her spirit. It breaks my heart to think that Paris and her brothers could become the subject of endless criticism for simply being kids. Michael loved his children very much. He gave them tools that they will need to become good and decent individuals. I am confident that in time, Paris and her brothers will learn that their family loves and wants what's best for them. Until then, please take her tweets with a grain of salt. No child should have 700,000 followers on Twitter or any other social media platform."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 11:52
'She's spirited and dramatic!' Former nanny defends Paris Jackson's Twitter outbursts - saying she was the apple of Michael's eye

By Nadia Mendoza

PUBLISHED: 04:46 GMT, 1 August 2012 | UPDATED: 04:53 GMT, 1 August 2012

There has been divided opinion over whether Paris Jackson is innocent victim or precocious teenager in the current custody battle surrounding her and two brothers Prince and Blanket.

However, a former nanny has defended the 14-year-old saying she is simply 'spirited and dramatic'.

Paris, already in the media spotlight as the only daughter of late Michael Jackson, catapulted further into headline territory after grandmother Katherine Jackson was stripped of her guardianship.

article-2181909-1451B7F4000005DC-958 634
Concerned for their happiness: Former Michael Jackson nanny Grace Rwaramba has defended his daughter Paris' outbursts on Twitter, saying she is a 'spirited, very expressive and dramatic young girl'

Now Grace Rwaramba asks requested that the public be kind to Paris, telling Radar: 'She is a spirited, very expressive and dramatic young girl.

'The traits that made her the apple of her father's eye are the same traits that she must learn to control as she matures into adulthood. Let's be careful not to dim her spirit.

article-2181909-144B7F07000005DC-772 306
Outspoken Paris was rather vocal on Twitter when grandmother Katherine Jackson went 'missing'

'It breaks my heart to think that Paris and her brothers could become the subject of endless criticism for simply being kids. Michael loved his children very much.

'He gave them tools that they will need to become good and decent individuals.

'I am confident that in time, Paris and her brothers will learn that their family loves and wants what's best for them.'

Grace, who began working for the Thriller star in 1997, also stressed that having 700,000 followers on Twitter is unconventional for any teenager and people should grant Paris room to make mistakes.

The social networking site provided a canvas for Paris to ink her fury when Katherine went 'missing' and was uncontactable for 10 days.

It later transpired that the 82-year-old was in fact at a spa in Tucson, Arizona.

Grace continued: 'Everyone knows that Michael went to great lengths to protect his children...

'While the use of veils and masks was unconventional, it only highlights how important this issue was to him.

'The recent drama surrounding Michael's mother, Katherine, the ongoing custody issues and now the public dispute between Paris and Janet is exactly what Michael wanted to protect his children from.'

It has now been reported that a new custody agreement for the trio is expected to be signed off by The Supremes songbird Diana Ross.

Michael named the 68-year-old legend as a back-up guardian in his will after Katherine.

The new agreement will see shared custody of the children with grandson Tito Joe 'TJ' Jackson.

In hindsight, it seems Paris is rather mature for her age though, tweeting: 'sometimes i need my alone time... this world is so crazy and unpredictable i just need some time to think, relax, and breath.'

article-2181909-142FDB7A000005DC-537 634
Victims? Blanket, Paris and Prince are now said to be in the custody of Diana Ross and Tito 'TJ' Jackson


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 12:02
von Paris ein Tweet ... Text aus dem Song "He Could Be The One lyrics by Miley Cyrus"


Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus - He Could Be The One (lyrics)
Youtube: Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus - He Could Be The One (lyrics)
Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus - He Could Be The One (lyrics)
Externer Inhalt
Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 12:12
MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity
Michael Jackson's mother plans events in Indiana #MJNews
6:55 AM - 1 Aug 12
MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity
Diana Ross Urges Privacy for Jackson Children #MJNews
6:55 AM - 1 Aug 12
MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity
Owership of Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch Remains Deadlocked in Legal Battles #MJNews
3:30 AM - 1 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 12:22
TJ Jackson's Half-Sister Backs Co-Guardians for Michael Jackson's Kids

gty tanay tj jackson nt 120731 wg
In this photo taken from Twitter, Tanay Jackson supports her half-brother TJ Jackson as a co-guardian of Michael Jackson's children.
VIDEO im Bericht

Aug. 1, 2012

A little-known Jackson family member strongly supports making Katherine and TJ Jackson co-guardians of Michael Jackson's children: Tanay Jackson, TJ's half-sister.

"My brother would make an ideal father for the kids," she told "He knows how to be a father. He's been doing it for a while, and it's been in him from the beginning."

Lawyers for Katherine, Michael's mother, and TJ, the 34-year-old son of Michael's brother, Tito, are expected to file a request for joint guardianship in a Los Angeles court this week. Last week, Perry Sanders, an attorney for Katherine, said "If the court grants this joint request, it will eliminate concerns such as the ones triggered by the events of the last few days," referring to Katherine's recent trip to Arizona. TJ was appointed a temporary guardian of Paris Michael, Prince Michael, and Prince Michael II in Katherine's absence. He has been integral in the kids' lives for years.

Tanay called co-guardianship a "better idea" than having Katherine or TJ parent alone.

"At first I was saying that TJ should take guardianship because he's a good father and the kids like him and it would be a good way to let my grandma get a rest," she said. "But she's very fond of the kids and she's been raising them. This is a good idea. She'd still get to raise them and then she'd get some sort of backup."

GRAPHIC: Who Are the Players in the Jackson Family Drama?

The last time Tanay saw TJ, he was preparing for the birth of his first child. TJ is married and now has three children.

"He was having his first child, and he just had that demeanor," she said. "He was just like a father, like 'No, sit here, do this, this is the right way' -- he just has that characteristic about him."

Tanay hasn't seen TJ in years, in part, because of her strained relationship with the Jackson family. Her mother was never married to Tito, and in 2009, Tanay filed a petition in Brooklyn Family Court to declare that the former Jackson 5 member is her father. The outcome of the petition was not made public.

Earlier this week, Tyrell, TJ's younger brother, tweeted "Tanay Jackson is NOT related to us."

"I haven't seen them in a long time," Tanay said. "TJ was cool with me. Tyrell and Taj were not. They're probably trying to keep their loyalty to their mom -- she's deceased and I have a different mom."

Delores Martes Jackson was the mother of TJ, Tyrell, and Taj. She was murdered by a boyfriend in 1994, a year after she divorced Tito. Her sons went on to form the R&B group 3T.

Tanay's also in the business. Her latest single, "The Spotlight," is available on iTunes now, and she has plans to pitch a reality show "about me and what I'm going through."

GRAPHIC: Who Are the Players in the Jackson Family Drama?

michael jackson family feud infographicOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 12:48
Dieses Hausverbot wurde ausgesprochen von Weitzman, dem Anwalt des Estate. Der Estate brauchte hierfür NICHT die Genehmigung von Richter Beckloff, und auch keine einstweilige Verfügung. Und zwar DESHALB, weil der Estate der MIETER dieses Hauses ist – ER zahlt an den Hauseigentümer die monatliche Miete und hat somit das Hausrecht. Und aufgrund dieses Hausrechtes kann der Estate Personen seiner Wahl den Zugang zum Haus/Grundstück OHNE richterlichen Beschluss untersagen. Nur Randy will das nicht wahrhaben und behauptet, der Estate hatte hierzu kein Recht – aber der Estate HAT dazu das Recht !

Dieses Hausverbot war quasi eine „Notfallmaßnahme“ aufgrund der Ereignisse am 23.07.2012, als Randy, Jermaine + Janet in Calabasas „eingefallen“ sind.

TJ war es, der dem Estate nach Rücksprache mit Prince + Paris daraufhin die Personen benannt hat, die ein Hausverbot erhalten sollen, um sowohl PPB als auch (nach ihrer Rückkehr) Katherine vor weiteren Übergriffen zu schützen. Der Estate bzw. Weitzman hat aufgrund dessen den entsprechenden Brief - bzw. vorab eine E-Mail mit gleichem Text – bereits am 25.07.2012 an TJ’s Anwalt (Schultz) geschickt. Dieses Schreiben gelangte aber erst ein paar Tage später an die Öffentlichkeit.

Dennoch war dieses Schreiben/dieses Hausverbot sicher auch „im Sinne“ von Richter Beckloff, denn dieser war bekanntlich aufgrund des Anhörungstermins am 25.07.2012 darüber informiert, dass Katherine 10 Tage lang zwar ohne eigenes Verschulden, aber „durch Handlungen Dritter“ an der Ausführung ihrer Vormundschaft gehindert wurde und er war somit vermutlich ebenso über die Vorfälle am 23.07.2012 informiert.
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:TJ Jackson's Half-Sister Backs Co-Guardians for Michael Jackson's Kids
Ja wer denn noch alles???? Das wird ja wohl von den Kindern und vom Gericht entschieden und deshalb sind derartige Spekulationen reiner Humbug.

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