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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 12:49
Tweets auf der Twitter-Seite von Randy Jackson jr.


rjacksonjr: Being childlike connects you to the deeper wisdom of life #candid 4h
Sei wie ein Kind, das verbindet Dich mit der tieferen Weisheit des Lebens # Ehrlich

frei übersetzt
7d45cb70dba111e1829522000a1e88aa 7


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01.08.2012 um 13:06
Zitat von HanikaHanika schrieb:Dieses Hausverbot wurde ausgesprochen von Weitzman, dem Anwalt des Estate. Der Estate brauchte hierfür NICHT die Genehmigung von Richter Beckloff, und auch keine einstweilige Verfügung.
stimmt, das Hausverbot hat die Nachlassverwaltung mit der Billigung von Richter Beckloff
ausgesprochen ... :) so war m. M. n. auch die Formulierung vom Anwalt Weitzman,
zu seiner eMail ... :)
Zitat von HanikaHanika schrieb:Nur Randy will das nicht wahrhaben und behauptet, der Estate hatte hierzu kein Recht – aber der Estate HAT dazu das Recht !
weil Randy geradezu bessen zu sein scheint ... er denkt er hat Recht ... das denkt aber nur ER .. :D
Zitat von HanikaHanika schrieb:Ja wer denn noch alles???? Das wird ja wohl von den Kindern und vom Gericht entschieden und deshalb sind derartige Spekulationen reiner Humbug.
ein "tolles" Thema für die Medien ... und ob diese Halbschwester nun meint, die müsste TJ unterstützen, bleibt ihr überlassen ... dürfte eh keinen Einfluß auf die Entscheidungen des Gerichts bzw. des Richters
haben ... :D


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01.08.2012 um 13:57
Truth At Long Last

Posted on August 1, 2012


Beginning on July 17th 2012 the MJGlobal family watched as a Jackson family saga played out right in front of our electric eyes. A sibling letter, challenging the validity of Michael Jackson’s will and describing concern for the health of their mother, was leaked to the media while Randy, Rebbie, Janet and Jermaine whisked their mother, Katherine off to an undisclosed spa in Tucson, AZ for what they termed “dr. ordered” rest and relaxation. Interestingly enough, they cut off all communication with her and her legal wards, Paris, Prince and Blanket and also some of their siblings. Because of their ill-conceived actions, TJ, Tito Jacksons, youngest son went to court and was awarded temporary guardianship.

ON July 27th Randy Jackson posted a twitlonger 7 bits of truth and we responded with an answer to it the same day. Please read both carefully.


Randy’s is “truth” bolded.

1) When TJ asked my mother if he should ask for temporary guardianship, my Mother told TJ NO – twice.

Answer: Your mother said in her ABC statement that TJ asked her to come back before the hearing, so she understood the urgency and so did all of you. You chose not to bring her home on a flight that would only take 72 minutes. She could have been home and the temporary guardianship would have never been awarded to TJ. You effectively had your mother’s guardianship usurped.

Question is: Why? Maybe to create a situation that you can blame on the evil Estate.

2) The Estate denied Rebbie, Janet and Jermaine access to the house when they returned to home to Calabasas with a letter written by Howard Weitzman, attorney for the Estate, who is not a resident of the home.

Answer: Legally, that is Trent Jackson’s home not yours, not the Jackson family. After you chased down the childrens’ SUV returning from Summer School, and burst through the security gate, he had every reason ti be alarmed and evey legal right to deny you entry and call the police.

At the time you didn’t know but you and Janet were caught on surveillance cameras filming Paris and Prince with your cells phones during the altercation. Yet, you haven’t released your cell phone footage.

3) The Estate is trying to isolate my Mother from her family JUST LIKE THEY DID TO MICHAEL, in order to propagate their lies, financial agendas and to protect a fraudulent will.

Answer: First, there was no Estate while Michael lived for them to manipulate him and control.

Second, Michael complained to June Gatlin that Tohme Tohme was isolating him from his money, bank accounts, accountants, advisors and other reps. Tohme isolated Michael and it was Jermaine who brought him into Michael’s life. Tohme double dipped by working for Colony Capital for commission while he convinced Michael to deal with them and get a finders fee from Michael too.

MJEstate has a lawsuit against Tohme for that AND for giving your brothers property to Julien’s Auction House.

Question is: Why are you not focused on Tohme? Maybe because Michael was able to get out of his control and Tohme has no control of MJ Estate.

Third- Trent Jackson has been your mother’s assistant for many years and put in place by Michael. He has been loyal and attentive to her needs years before Michael died and the MJEstate was formed. Why would he suddenly turn into a uncaring person who could be bought to “isolate” your mother?

Question is: Why? Maybe because the spin you were going to feed to tabloid site X17, would be contradicted by the surveillance tape.

4) The same people that are trying to manipulate my mother are the same people that were involved with my brother when he died.

Answer: Again, Tohme Tohme was the one keeping Raymone Bain and others from Michael. When Michael finally figured out what Tohme was doing he was able to get a hold of Frank Dileo who came in March and discharged Tohme in April. Unfortunately, Michael had signed a POA with Tohme that didn’t expire til May, so Frank couldn’t get rid Tohme that easy. Michael then asked Frank to also call John Branca to represent him, and he didn’t arrive on the scene until 2 weeks prior to his death. How is it again that they were around manipulating?

If anyone – Tohme should be your focus and you should be helping the Estate collect evidence against him. If he was mismanaging and absconding with Michael’s funds all of the financial woes that were being reported at the time would totally be understood.

It is curious, that the family allowed Tohme to make a statement at UCLA, even though he’d been discharged by Michael’s request, before introducing Jermaine to announce Michael’s death. Jermaine, by his own book says he introduced Tohme to Michael, but wouldn’t it be ridiculous for us assume that you all are in league with Tohme?

5) In order to obtain temporary guardianship, TJ lied to the court. Rebbie, Janet, Jermaine and I would never harm our mother and we are doing our best to protect her and the Estate knows that. I want to know why Perry Sanders would consider a negotiation based on lies.

Answer: TJ and Michael’s children were not allowed to talk to Katherine as you and sibs took her out of state, and cut of communication. When TJ did finally speak to her, Katherine’s demeanor was unusual and it concerned him.

Who is Lying?

Explain why you took your mother out of state on the pretense of “dr.orders” for a “mini-stroke” when she was preparing a relaxing RV trip with Trent to NM to watch the J5 concert? Instead, you had a Dr. tell her she need rest, took her to AZ, said she was in Canyon Country Spa, at first but she was really at Miravel Spa- disallowed communication at the precise time your sib letter was leaked –

A) It wasn’t Katherine’s primary dr.
B) No “stroke”- “mini” or otherwise – according to your mother. Unless you now say she’s lying too.
C) Every room at Miravel Spa has phone and internet.
D) Transportation was available to bring her home BEFORE the hearing but you all brought her home 10 hr. car journey
E) The picture of Katherine playing UNO was staged and somehow conveniently sent to X17. By whom? An employee at the spa had them all pose for it?
F) Police were not allowed to talk to Katherine. Her lawyer flew to AZ and he was rebuffed, so he couldn’t talk to her. Her grandchildren could not talk to her. Her nephew Trent, could not talk to her. TJ could not talk to her. Marlon could not talk to her. Even LaToya was kept in the dark.
G) Instead of bringing her home you had Katherine read a statement regarding her ‘not being held against her will’ with Janet, Jermaine, some employee of Miravel, Rebbi and her daughter Stacy stand around her looking scared out of their minds that she’s going to say something that wasn’t on that paper. No questions allowed from ABC.

**** weiter im nächsten Beitrag ****


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 14:03
**** Fortsetzung ****

6) It is clear that anyone who stands up against the Executors of the Estate – John Branca, John McClain and their attorney Howard Weitzman – is denied access to my mother.

Answer: It is clear that since your brother’s death you, Janet, Jermaine, and Rebbi probably have made no effort to extend any sort of familial love to Michael Jr, Paris or Blanket. It baffles the mind to even consider, that after losing the only parent they knew, under circumstances most adults would have a hard time coping with, they were left emotionally adrift by some of their father’s siblings.

If any of you had a loving and trusting relationship with them then you wouldn’t have to storm the Calabasas Estate, and Paris wouldn’t have threatened to call the FBI.

If they trusted any of you, they would have gone with you happily to see Katherine as they have been so desperate that Paris tweeted a number to authorities in the event that anyone sees her grandmother.

Michael Jr posted cell phone proof that you kept Katherine from receiving any communications from them and posted a twitlonger that his father warned him about “certain” individuals and “their ways”.

It is clear to us that you are one of them.

7) It is my fear and belief, that they are trying to take my mother’s life.

Answer: If you believed what you stated in your letter, regarding Michael “despising and not trusting” John Branca and John McClain, then you are three years too late to be worrying about your mother’s life.

Quoting your letter- “Our brother told us, in no uncertain terms and without hesitation in the months prior to his death, that he despised both of you and that he did not want either of you to have anything to do with his life or estate for that matter. “

Again, in months prior to his death John Branca was not involved in your brother’s affair.

Your words and behavior must match but
If you believed John Branca and John McClain killed your brother and now are a danger to your mother’s life then-

Why did family members meet with John Branca for the scheduled June 29th 2009, 11am meeting at Jermaine house that Branca arranged? If Michael told you he despised this man you should have raised this issue immediately.

Why, Aug 2009 was Jermaine gushing about how the Jackson family has known these gentleman for 20 yrs and they are wonderful people who will make sure Michael’s wishes would be maintained?

If it doesn’t make sense – It can’t be true.

For three years, MJJJP has made no comments about the Jackson family because we held to the belief that we didn’t know everything that goes on in the large and “dynamic” family.

We respect Michael and we felt it disrespectful of his memory to denigrate, critique or question any of his family members.

We held our tongues, in respect to Katherine, and did not sign the fan letter protesting the Wales concert, which failed.

We held our tongues when the wine, belts, jackets, perfumes and assorted items were hawked in Michael’s name by family members, without the permission of the Estate that Michael put in charge of protecting his image.

We held our tongues when his siblings, one by one, threw him under the bus with cryptic mentions of “drug interventions” even though they had signed a letter in 2007 saying nothing like that ever occurred.

We held our tongues when Brian Oxman, attorney now disbarred , was allowed by the Jacksons he represented to make disparaging remarks about Michael within one hr of his passing.

We held our tongues when Katherine signed a contract, without proper legal advice representation with Howard Mann basically enslaving Michael’s children to attend regular scheduled PR events for his fraudulent MJVault.

Instead of going through proper channels from day one and alerting authorities that something was amiss with the 2002 Will, it would seem that you and siblings orchestrated to bring it public by using that letter leaked to Celebuzz and by using tabloid X17.

That, in itself is plenty deceptive, but then to purposely remove Katherine from Michael’s three children, isolate her and use emotional blackmail to abuse them into submission is so calloused and cruel we can be quiet no longer.

Mr. Jackson, you will not win this battle in the court of public opinion. If you have any proof that John Branca or John McClain were instrumental in the death of your brother then it is your duty to stop using social media but bring it forward in a court of law.



Today a Twittee Account @LongLiveTruth has emerged its begin date was July 27th. It is not our account but whoever it is knows intimate details of the goings on in Michael’s life. Who were the moles in his house that leaked stories to the press? Who leaked what was going on in Michael’s house to Jermaine? If we watch this account will many of the mysterious unfold? It would behoove all of you to read the tweets on that account so that the truth can finally be heard.

“Truth like the sun and moon, will not long be obscured.” Buddha

Source: Randy Jackson’s tweet July 27th 2012


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 15:06
Tweets auf der Twitter-Seite von ϟ ℳմz♪ʞFactorƴ₮ωσ ϟ @MUZIKfactoryTWO (Archiv-Version vom 28.10.2013)

twittermuzikfactory01082012AOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)
twittermuzikfactory01082012Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 15:42
Randy schuldet Alejandra Genevieve Oaziaza über 500.000$ Unterhaltszahlungen für seine beiden Kinder ...

Randy Jackson Owes Baby Mama Over $500,000 In Child Support

Posted on Aug 01, 2012 @ 05:00AM

pp randyjacksoin

By Amber Goodhand - Radar News Editor

There are 500,000 reasons why Randy Jackson wants to battle over the late King of Pop's will.

The Jackson brother has two children with baby mama Alejandra Genevieve Oaziaza, and has exclusively learned he's a whopping $500,000 behind in child support payments.

"Let me just say this. This is not about money for us," Randy insisted when he appeared on MSNBC's PoliticsNation last Tuesday night.
"Lassen Sie mich nur dies sagen. Es geht für uns nicht um Geld", betonte Randy, als er auf MSNBC's PoliticsNation am vergangenen Dienstag Abend in der Sendung erschien.

However, as exclusively reported, both Randy and Jermaine Jackson -- who also has children with Alejandra — asked Michael Jackson's estate to pay for their child support.

According to a close inside source, Randy, 50, owes more than half a million dollars to Alejandra in past due child support for Genevieve, 22, and Steven, 20.

"There's no reason why Randy should be so far behind on his child support payments. He shouldn't be a deadbeat dad," the insider told

"But knowing how much Randy owes along with all this crazy drama surrounding Michael's estate, there's definitely reason to question his motives regarding the estate and Michael's will."

Randy, Jermaine and Janet Jackson claim Michael's will is fake and are taking on the estate's executors, John Branca and John McClain.

Calls to Randy's attorney for comment went unreturned.


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01.08.2012 um 16:02 (Archiv-Version vom 08.09.2011)



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01.08.2012 um 16:10
Originally published August 1, 2012 at 6:27 AM | Page modified August 1, 2012 at 6:46 AM

Michael Jackson's siblings resume attack on will

More than three years after Michael Jackson's death, his youngest brother continues to raise questions about the validity of the pop superstar's will.

AP Entertainment Writer


More than three years after Michael Jackson's death, his youngest brother continues to raise questions about the validity of the pop superstar's will.

On Twitter and cable TV, Randy Jackson has called the five-page document signed in 2002 a fake. The one place he hasn't made the claims is a courtroom, where legal experts say he faces almost insurmountable hurdles to invalidate the will and stiff odds against ousting the men who run the lucrative estate.

In a recent letter, Randy Jackson and three of his siblings called on Jackson's estate executors to resign and renewed charges that their brother's will is a fake.

The letter states Jackson's family - who other than his mother and three children receive no stake in his estate - was too overwhelmed after the singer's death to meaningfully challenge the document. "At that time we couldn't possibly fathom what is so obvious to us now: that the Will, without question, it's Fake, Flawed and Fraudulent," the letter signed by Randy, Jermaine, Janet and Rebbie Jackson states.

The delay, however, likely dooms any effort to invalidate the document, and if it was thrown out, would not alter the stake the King of Pop's three children receive, experts say and an appeals court has noted.

Randy Jackson has since posted on Twitter that he believes the estate is trying to isolate his mother to the detriment of her health. "It is my fear and belief, that they are trying to take my mother's life," Randy Jackson wrote last week.

Jackson's estate has denied the accusations. "We are saddened that false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy theories are now being made by certain members of Michael's family whom he chose to leave out of his will," the estate wrote in a statement.

Almost from the moment it was filed, the will has been a topic of controversy for some of Jackson's relatives. The pop superstar's father Joe Jackson attempted to get a stipend from the estate, but like the rest of his children, he was excluded from any share. His mother, Katherine, explored the possibility of challenging the executors and was given permission by a judge, but settled before a full hearing was held.

The estate benefits Katherine Jackson and the singer's three children - Prince, 15; Paris, 14; and Blanket, 10.

The five-page document is straightforward and simple, and many key provisions of how Jackson's estate is constructed are set out in a trust. That document has never been publicly released.

Many of the misgivings stem from the will's final page, which bears the signatures of three witnesses who claim Jackson signed the document on July 7, 2002, in Los Angeles. Jackson's family points out that the singer was in New York on that day, a point the Rev. Al Sharpton recently bolstered by showing video of the "Thriller" singer appearing with him at an event in Harlem that day.

"I don't think that kind of extrinsic fraud would be enough to overturn the order admitting the will to probate," said Marshall Oldman, a Los Angeles probate attorney who represented Peter Falk's wife in a conservatorship proceeding.

He said Jackson's siblings' only valid argument is that they did not receive proper notice that their brother's will had been accepted into probate. Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff accepted the will in November 2009. Any challenge would have had to been filed within four months, Oldman said.

The California 2nd District Court of Appeal noted in an October 2010 ruling against the singer's father that the period to challenge the will had already expired. Even if the will were thrown out, the court noted, California law would require the estate to benefit Michael Jackson's children.

"I don't see how you come in three years later, and say, `oh, by the way, the will's a fraud, a forgery, because he wasn't in LA when he was purported to be,'" said Howard Klein, a probate attorney for nearly 50 years and partner in the Los Angeles firm Feinberg Mindel Brandt Klein & Kline. "It's something that should have been brought up a long time ago."

Randy Jackson - in comments on Twitter and to Sharpton on his MSNBC show last week - has repeatedly accused the estate's executors of criminal conduct. Both Klein and Oldman said even if the executors were charged with wrongdoing, it wouldn't open the door for more of Jackson's relatives to gain access to the estate. Jackson's children are deemed his heirs without the will, and a 1997 version lodged with the court but never publicly released also doesn't name the singer's siblings as beneficiaries of his estate.

Klein said even if Jackson or other siblings try to challenge the document, their bid will likely be rejected because it is too late. The judge could also rule, as he did against family patriarch Joe Jackson, that because he isn't a beneficiary of the will, he isn't entitled to contest it.

"It would be a tough sell," Klein said of any effort by another Jackson relative to challenge the will now.

The executors recently informed a judge that there have been $475 million in gross earnings for the estate since Michael Jackson died in June 2009 from an overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol. Jackson died with more than $500 million in debts, but the earnings have been used to repay many of the singer's creditors and provide a spacious hilltop home for Katherine Jackson and the children, private schooling, staff, security, vacations and other perks.

Katherine Jackson has requested and the estate is recommending approval of a nearly $35,000 per month increase in Katherine Jackson's stipend so she retain her own attorney, accountant and homes in Indiana and Las Vegas, court filings show. (Archiv-Version vom 04.08.2012)


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01.08.2012 um 17:15
New Michael Jackson Documentary Directed by Spike Lee Coming Up!

Article written by: Asmara Wreksono
Posted on: August 1, 2012

A new documentary about Michael Jackson is well on the way, MJ fans. Film director Spike Lee is scheduled to premiere the documentary titled Bad 25 at the 2012 Venice Film Festival in Venice, Italy on August 29th. reported that Bad 25 was collaboratively created by Spike Lee, the Jackson Estate, and Sony Music.

The documentary release is in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the Bad album on September 18th. IndieWire reported that Bad 25 will drop in a “deluxe package featuring three CDs, two collectible booklets, and features the first-ever authorized DVD release of a concert from the record-breaking Bad tour.”

Spike Lee released a press statement saying:
“I’m more than just a huge fan of Michael Jackson. Having the chance to actually know him and work with him, I deeply care about his legacy. With this Bad project, I was able to uncover just what made this such a huge, important coming of age in his career and unearth compelling stories surrounding the making of the album, the long-awaited follow-up to Thriller, the best-selling album of all time, the short films, and the tour that may have never seen the light of day.”
Watch the film’s snippet below: (Archiv-Version vom 03.11.2012)


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01.08.2012 um 17:22
Jackson Family Drama: Is All Of This Drama Paris Jackson's Fault?
Youtube: Jackson Family Drama: Is All Of This Drama Paris Jackson's Fault?
Jackson Family Drama: Is All Of This Drama Paris Jackson's Fault?
Externer Inhalt
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Roland Martin and Marvet Britto appear on HLN's ShowBiz Tonight with host A.J. Hammer to discuss who is really at fault for unearthing this recent round of Jackson family drama. Gladys Knight says Paris needs to respect her elders and Star Jones weighs in.


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01.08.2012 um 17:33
Katherine Jackson FBI called in


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01.08.2012 um 18:37
Cash-strapped Randy Jackson 'owes the mother of his children $500,000 in child support'

By Fehintola Betiku

PUBLISHED: 15:36 GMT, 1 August 2012 | UPDATED: 15:47 GMT, 1 August 2012

article-2182143-143FB38A000005DC-276 306
In the deep: Randy Jackson apparently owes over
half a million dollars in child support

As the late Michael Jackson's brothers and sisters battle to have the executors of his estate overthrown, it has been revealed that this is not Randy Jackson's only legal battle.

According to reports on, Randy owes Alejandra Genevieve Oaziaza, the mother of his two children, $500,000 in child support.

Which could thicken the plot as to why Randy is relentlessly battling estate's executors, John Branca and John McClain for Michael's will which he and his siblings deem fraudulent.

Oaziaza and Randy, 50, started dating when Randy was 25-years-old and in that time she gave birth to Genevieve Katherine Jackson, 22.

Then it's claimed he married Eliza Shaffe without Alejandra's knowledge, who gave birth to his second child, Stevanna Jackson, 22, in 1990 but Shaffe and Jackson divorced in 1991.

Randy then got back with Oaziaza who gave birth to his third child, Steven Randall Jackson, Jr., 20, however their relationship ended when she got married to his older brother Jermaine.

And they went onto have also have two children, Jaafar and Jermajesty.

Other reports on the website claim that Jermaine has also struggled to keep up with his payments, and both brothers had hoped money from the Thriller singer's estate would help they pay what they owed.

But an inside said that their request was 'shot down immediately'.

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Struggling: According to reports both Randy (L) and Jermaine have had
difficulty paying Alejandra Oaziaza support for the two children they share with her

A source close to Randy, told the website: 'There's no reason why Randy should be so far behind on his child support payments. He shouldn't be a deadbeat dad'.

But the insider continued: 'But knowing how much Randy owes along with all this crazy drama surrounding Michael's estate, there's definitely reason to question his motives regarding the estate and Michael's will.'

Last week a feud over the validity of Michael Jackson's will escalated into open warfare with Randy accusing estate executors of trying to kill their mother.

Turmoil had roiled the Jackson family very publicly since the days-long 'disappearance' of Katherine Jackson, whose guardianship of Michael's three children was temporarily assigned to her nephew after a judge determined she was prevented from fulfilling her duties 'by a third party'.

But the 50-year-old claimed the whole charade was all a guise by John Branca, John McClain and their attorney, Howard Weitzman, to manipulate and control the family after allegedly falsifying Jackson's will.

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Blocked? Jermaine, Janet and Randy Jackson are believed to have been banned from the home shared by their mother and brother Michael's children

Yesterday, the estate of Michael Jackson confirmed reports that it had blocked some members of the extended family from the home shared by his children and mother.

The estate drew up a list of approved guests in the wake of a family feud that turned into a driveway argument last week.

'It is imperative to the estate that from this point forward a safe and appropriate environment be provided for Michael Jackson's children and his mother,' the statement reads.

While the estate had not released the list, the news came in response to a report that Jackson's siblings Randy, Janet and Jermaine had been blocked from visiting the home.


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01.08.2012 um 18:47

Jackson guardianship lawyers plan return to court

August 1, 2012 12:37 PM EST | AP

LOS ANGELES — Katherine Jackson's attorney says paperwork to create a co-guardianship for Michael Jackson's three children will be filed on Thursday in Los Angeles.

The filings will be based on an agreement reached last week between the Jackson matriarch and TJ Jackson, the children's cousin who was appointed their temporary guardian last week.

Perry Sanders Jr. says in a statement released Wednesday that attorneys will wait until Thursday to see how a judge wants to proceed.

Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff said last week that he didn't believe Katherine Jackson had done anything wrong but suspended her guardianship duties because she had been out of contact with her grandchildren for 10 days.

She returned from an Arizona spa trip hours after last week's hearing. Her grandchildren are
ages 10 to 15.


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01.08.2012 um 18:53
Janet Jackson
Did Not Slap or Verbally
Abuse Paris Jackson

8/1/2012 9:18 AM PDT


Janet Jackson did not slap or verbally abuse Paris Jackson during a confrontation at the Jackson family home in Calabasas last week.

TMZ published a story last week based on sources who told us Janet went off on Michael Jackson's daughter after the singer tried to grab Paris' cell phone. We also reported Janet called Paris a "spoiled little bitch."

Although we believed the story to be true when we published it, we have now determined it was not correct ... Janet did not slap or otherwise touch Paris, nor did she verbally abuse her.


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01.08.2012 um 19:02
Michael Jackson's dermatologist resists medical board-ordered exams

July 31, 2012 | 11:19 am


A longtime Beverly Hills dermatologist for the late pop star Michael Jackson could lose his medical license after failing to undergo mental and physical evaluations ordered by the state medical board earlier this year.

A July 19 accusation — filed by Linda Whitney, executive director of the medical board — says Dr. Arnold Klein has yet to undergo mental and physical examinations ordered in May 2012. As a result, he is eligible for discipline because he failed to comply and showed unprofessional conduct in doing so, according to the documents.

The Medical Board of California began investigating Klein in February 2010, when an anonymous complaint was filed alleging that the dermatologist had "provided substandard and the inappropriate care and treatment to two patients," according to the document. The patients were not identified.

In May of this year, the board determined there was "reasonable cause" to believe Klein "was unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety," and ordered him to undergo the examinations by June 8, the document says. In a May 2 letter to Klein, the board warned the doctor that if he failed to comply within 30 days, he'd risk disciplinary action suspending or revoking his license.

The board set up appointments for Klein with designated physicians, the document said, and informed Klein's attorney of the plans.

Klein has since sued the medical board demanding to see the petition that prompted the investigation. The lawsuit, filed in Sacramento Superior Court on July 10, alleges that Klein and his attorney repeatedly requested the medical board explain why the examinations were ordered and did not receive satisfactory answers.

Klein has "reiterated his willingness to comply with the order," the lawsuit stated, provided he first has "an opportunity to assure that it was in fact lawfully issued and for good reason."
Klein's attorney, Joel Douglas, stressed again Tuesday that his client is willing to cooperate with the state but wants to know the "factual, evidentiary basis" for the mandate. Douglas declined to comment on Klein's health, saying it was "private."

"If there's some basis to say he's not fit, we're happy to look at that. We've got our experts and I'd imagine they have their experts," Douglas said. "But this is about an abuse of authority."

The 67-year-old Klein, whose Beverly Hills practice once earned him the nickname "dermatologist to the stars" for patients including the late King of Pop and Elizabeth Taylor, has experienced a series of setbacks in recent years.

At the 2011 trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, defense attorneys portrayed Klein as an enabler who fueled the singer's addiction with enormous doses of Demerol that had no medical purpose. After Murray's conviction, Klein acknowledged he was under investigation by the state medical board.

Klein is also facing possible imprisonment in ongoing bankruptcy proceedings. A trustee appointed by a U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Los Angeles has asked a judge to find Klein in contempt of court for failing to cooperate with his attempts to track down and sell the doctor’s assets to pay back creditors.

“Incarceration is the appropriate remedy if Dr. Klein remains in willful contempt” of court orders, lawyers for the trustee wrote in a July 2 filing.

Judge Richard Neiter has already given U.S. marshals permission to forcibly enter Klein’s Laguna Beach estate so that it can be prepared for sale. The doctor had refused to provide the trustee with access to the oceanfront property, valued at $12 million, according to court records.

The judge ordered Klein to appear in court next week with keys to the home and two others he owned as well as a list of the locations of a 2001 Ferrari Modena and other luxury vehicles.

Meanwhile, the owners of a Beverly Hills mansion where Klein is living while his Windsor Square residence is repaired are seeking to evict him for failure to pay the $60,000-a-month rent.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 19:16
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
Did anyone pay attention that Janet is not denying the text message Prince posted? or the cell phone snatch attempt? and so on
Hat jemand darauf geachtet, dass Janet nicht leugnet, die SMS-Nachricht Prince geschrieben zu haben ? oder das Handy versucht hat zu entreißen ? usw.
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7:06 PM - 1 Aug 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
:) TMZ retracts Janet Jackson slapping Paris Jackson story, seems like they got a cease and desist.
7:00 PM - 1 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 19:22
TJ Jackson To File Motion Thursday To Be Co-Guardian Of Michael's Kids

Posted on Aug 01, 2012 @ 01:00PM


By Jen Heger - Radar Assistant Managing Editor

TJ Jackson, temporary guardian of Michael Jackson's three children, will formally file a motion in the custody case on Thursday morning, asking a judge to make him permanent co-guardian, along with the kids' grandmother, Katherine Jackson, is reporting.

"Before 10 this morning, Charles Shultz (TJ Jackson's lawyer) will give notice to interested persons that we intend to file a pleading tomorrow regarding co-guardianship. The pleading will speak for itself and be consistent with my prior statement issued on this subject. Tomorrow we will learn the court's pleasure on when and how his honor chooses to handle the request being made tomorrow. No further statements will be made regarding this pleading until subsequent to us learning how the Court wishes to proceed," Katherine Jackson's lawyer, Perry Sanders said in a statement.

As we previously reported Diana Ross will sign off on a new proposed custody agreement, in which Michael Jackson's three children, Prince, Paris, and Blanket will have two guardians, their grandmother Katherine Jackson and TJ Jackson, son of Tito.

Ross must OK the agreement since Michael stipulated in his will that he wanted the legendary Motown singer to care for the kids, should Katherine not be able to fulfill his wishes.

"Diana has no qualms whatsoever about the new custody agreement, she only wants what is best for the children. Diana knows that the children are old enough to decide who they want to live with and she defers to what they want. While Diana hasn't been a big part of their lives because she lives on the East Coast, she is very fond of them," a source close to the situation previously told us.

Judge Mitchell Beckloff, stripped the Jackson family matriarch of her guardianship of the three children because no one could reach her for more than a week. The judge said he made the ruling not because of any wrongdoing on Katherine's behalf, but because she had been prevented from fulfilling her guardianship duties by an "intentional act from third parties." Judge Beckloff told all parties while in court last week that Diana Ross and Debbie Rowe, mother of the two oldest children, needed to be provided notice of what was transpiring.

The children have been embroiled in a vicious family struggle for more than a week now as Randy, Jermaine and Janet Jackson battle over the late King of Pop's will, which they claim is fake. Michael's nephew TJ has been a constant presence in the children's lives and their attorney stated in court that they had no objections to him being appointed temporary guardian.

Last Friday, it was announced that Katherine and TJ Jackson, would be petitioning to become co-guardians of the kids. The paperwork is expected to be submitted this week and the judge will have to sign off the proposed agreement.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 19:38 (Archiv-Version vom 19.10.2011)

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3
There is someone now going on tv shows all over the U.S., claiming to be our half sister. As much as I would (cont)

There is someone now going on tv shows all over the U.S., claiming to be our half sister. As much as I would have wanted a sister growing up, my brothers and I DO NOT have a half sister. Since she is clearly doing this to promote herself and her music career, I will not mention her name here because that is exactly what she wants out of all this… publicity. My brothers and I would normally not acknowledge things like this, but unfortunately some reputable U.S. media are giving her major airtime and falsely reporting her as family. She is not.
7:29 PM - 1 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 20:08
tumblr m823abXGNr1rzub97o1 500


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.08.2012 um 20:58
in meinem Beitrag von heute um 11:16h
habe ich u. a. diesen Beitrag von der MJJC übernommen

aus dem Beitrag # 35 .. User: qbee ..
auch dieser Link führt nicht mehr zum Ziel ... der Thread wurde zwischenzeitlich in den geschlossenen Bereich verschoben ... Zugang haben nur angemeldete User
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:here is a direct link to her message
*klappt wohl nur, wenn man bei FB angemeldet ist =
nein, wie ich erfahren habe, klappt es nicht ... man muß wohl auch mit Grace Rwaramba befreundet sein

Hier besteht eine direkte Verbindung zu ihrer Botschaft

dies verbirgt sich hinter dem angegebenen Link
FBgrace31072012Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
FBgrace31072012AOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

aus dem Beitrag # 42 .. User: Aprilmay ..
auch dieser Link führt nicht mehr zum Ziel ... der Thread wurde zwischenzeitlich in den geschlossenen Bereich verschoben ... Zugang haben nur angemeldete User
Yes, this is from Grace real facebook page. She had this page since 2008.

"pageone" was added to her name because she made a second facebook account due to reaching her limit of friends on the first one.

I dont have a problem with her statement I believe she's just trying to defend Paris.

Ja, dies ist echte Facebook-Seite von Grace. Sie hat diese Seite seit 2008 gehabt.

"pageone" [Seite eins] wurde ihrem Namen hinzugefügt, weil sie ein zweites Facebook-Konto durch Erreichen ihrer Freundes-Grenzen auf der erste Seite hatte.

Ich habe kein Problem mit ihrem Statement. Ich glaube, sie hat nur versucht, Paris zu verteidigen.
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dieser Beitrag wurde aber auch in diesem Thread eingestellt ... habe aber den Beitrag auf die Schnelle noch nicht finden können ...
