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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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04.11.2011 um 10:10
Die Berliner Morgenpost hat sich auf einen Bericht von "" bezogen ... das ist der angegebene Bericht ... :D

Conrad Murray's Fate Is Now in Jury's Hands

By Howard Breuer
Thursday November 03, 2011 07:00 PM EDT

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A prosecutor Thursday asked jurors to convict Dr. Conrad Murray of involuntary manslaughter for conducting what he called "an obscene experiment" that killed Michael Jackson.

During closing arguments in the nearly six-week trial, Deputy Los Angeles District Attorney David Walgren said that Murray was not so much a doctor to Jackson as an employee. As such, Murray provided a service: administering the dangerous anesthetic propofol all night, every night, in Jackson's bedroom.

Walgren says that when the medical misadventure went awry on June 25, 2009 and Jackson stopped breathing, Murray delayed calling 911 so he could cover up the crime scene. Then, says the prosecutor, Murray withheld the fact that propofol was even involved from paramedics and emergency room doctors.

"Conrad Murray chose not to call 911 because he had other things on his mind – protecting Conrad Murray," Walgren told the seven men and five women on the jury. "He knew of his guilt and he was intentionally giving false and misleading statements."

It was an intense climax to the long-anticipated trial, and dozens of Jackson fans from around the world lined the courthouse hallway Thursday.

Inside Judge Michael Pastor's courtroom, Jackson's mother, Katherine and sister La Toya dabbed away tears as Walgren recalled the emotional impact of Jackson's death on the pop star's three children, who had been looking forward to seeing their father perform a 50-concert extravaganza in London.

"Paris … screamed, 'Daddy!' as she broke down in tears. Prince had a shocked look on his face and was crying," Walgren said. "This what Conrad Murray did not just to Michael Jackson, but to his children."

Defense: This Isn't Reality TV

But lead Murray defense attorney Ed Chernoff countered that the prosecution built a criminal case with no real evidence of a crime, and then tried to make the circumstances seem egregious, because the victim was a huge celebrity. He said there was ample evidence that Jackson gave himself extra doses of propofol and "a load of" the sedative lorazepam.

"They're asking you to convict Conrad Murray for the actions of Michael Jackson," Chernoff said. "We've been dancing around it for two years. If it were anybody [other] than Michael Jackson, would this doctor be here today?"

He also accused the prosecution of playing on the jury's sympathies by unnecessarily identifying Jackson's children and discussing their reactions. He also said they demonized Murray by forcing his attractive, young mistress to testify needlessly about how the propofol was shipped to her Santa Monica apartment.

"There's no perfect villain and no perfect victim," Chernoff said. "I want you to take this case away from Michael Jackson. Let's put it in a psych hospital, into a hospital where a patient breaks into a cabinet; into a family situation where somebody overdoses. But if you're going to hold Dr. Murray responsible, don't do it because it's Michael Jackson."

"This isn't reality TV, this is reality, and the decisions you make will affect real human beings and the people who love them."

A verdict could come as soon as Friday.,,20542618,00.html (Archiv-Version vom 04.11.2011)


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04.11.2011 um 10:20
Conrad Murray lied to police about Jackson's death, D.A. says

Conrad Murray hat die Polizei über Jacksons Tod belogen, sagt DA
[District Attorney = Bezirksstaatsanwalt ~ Staatsanwalt]

November 3, 2011 | 12:13 pm

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A prosecutor told jurors in the trial of Michael Jackson's personal physician that the doctor's own account in a police interview was filled with lies about the moments leading up to the singer's death.

Dr. Conrad Murray submitted to the two-and-a-half-hour interview in the interest of "self-preservation," Deputy Dist. Atty. David Walgren said Thursday in his closing argument.

"Unfortunately his version doesn’t match up with any of the evidence, to the phone records or the text messages or the emails," Walgren said of the interview, which provided the only opportunity to hear directly Murray.

FULL COVERAGE: Trial of Conrad Murray

The prosecutor said a Houston cocktail waitress' testimony that she was on the phone with the physician when he abruptly disappeared from the line showed that was the moment when the doctor found Jackson unresponsive, and that it "directly contradicts" Murray's account.

Murray told police he left the singer's bedside for only two minutes to go to the restroom, and returned to find Jackson had stopped breathing.

"How long Michael Jackson was there by himself abandoned, not breathing? We’ll never know," the prosecutor said. "Did he gasp, did he choke? Were there sounds? We don’t know, and we’ll never know."

Walgren told jurors the physician’s treatment of the pop star with the anesthetic propofol for insomnia amounted to a "pharmaceutical experiment."

That there was not a single medical record in which Murray documented giving the drug is further proof of the doctor's guilt, the prosecutor said.

"There is a lack of medical records because Conrad Murray chose for there to be a lack of medical records," Walgren said. "If nothing else, it reflects on the consciousness of guilt."


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04.11.2011 um 10:25
Geschworene beraten über Jackson-Arzt

Freitag, 04.11.2011, 07:41

Zweieinhalb Jahre nach dem Tod von Michael Jackson liegt das Schicksal seines früheren Leibarztes nun in der Hand der Geschworenen.

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Staatsanwalt David Walgren mit Beweismaterial. Foto: Kevork Djansezian

Am Freitag sollten die sieben Männer und fünf Frauen erstmals ihre Beratungen aufnehmen. Am Donnerstagabend (Ortszeit) hatte der Richter in Los Angeles den zwölf Geschworenen aufgetragen, ein einstimmiges Urteil zu finden.

In ihrem Plädoyer fuhr die Anklage zuvor schweres Geschütz auf. Staatsanwalt David Walgren rief die Geschworenen dazu auf, den wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagten Herzspezialisten Conrad Murray (58) schuldig zu sprechen. Der Mediziner habe den Tod des Sängers „grob fahrlässig“ und „direkt“ verschuldet. Murray habe seinem Patienten das Narkosemittel Propofol gespritzt und ihn dann alleine gelassen. Er habe im Polizeiverhör gelogen, Sanitätern und Medizinern wichtige Informationen verschwiegen und nur an seinen eigenen Vorteil gedacht.

Murrays Verteidiger Ed Chernoff hielt dagegen, dass die Anklage Murrays Schuld an einer Überdosis Propofol nicht glaubwürdig bewiesen habe. Vielmehr deute alles darauf hin, dass Jackson sich selbst die tödliche Dosis spritzte, als sein Arzt nicht im Raum war. Chernoff warnte die Juroren, dass die Anklage von ihnen verlangte, „Conrad Murray für die Taten von Michael Jackson“ zu verurteilen. Der Mediziner sei nur „ein kleiner Fisch in einem großen schmutzigen Teich“, sagte Chernoff über die vielen Ärzte, von denen sich der Popstar über Jahre hinweg mit starken Medikamenten versorgen ließ.

Jacksons Mutter Katherine und seine Schwester La Toya wischten sich Tränen weg, als die Rede auf die Kinder des Sängers kam, berichtete das Promi-Portal „“. Wegen Murrays Taten hätten Paris, Prince und Blanket ihren Vater verloren, führte Walgren im Gerichtssaal aus. „Für Michaels Kinder geht dieser Fall ewig weiter, weil sie keinen Vater mehr haben.“ Die Beweise gegen Murray seien „überwältigend“, sagte der Anklagevertreter.

In den vergangenen sechs Wochen waren 49 Zeugen, darunter Mediziner, Sachverständige, Angestellte Jacksons und Patienten Murrays, zu Wort gekommen. Mehr als 300 Tabellen, Fotos, Videos und andere Beweismittel wurden den fünf Frauen und sieben Männern der Jury vorgelegt. Murray selbst war nicht in den Zeugenstand getreten.

Laut Autopsiebericht führte eine „akute Vergiftung“ mit Propofol im Mix mit anderen Medikamenten im Juni 2009 zu Jacksons Tod. Im Falle eines Schuldspruchs drohen Murray bis zu vier Jahre Haft und der Entzug seiner ärztlichen Lizenz.


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04.11.2011 um 10:36
November 3, 2011

Law 101: What the jury will have to decide

Law 101: Worüber die Jury wird entscheiden müssen

Posted: 11:31 AM ET

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There is only one charge for the jury to consider in the Dr. Conrad Murray's trial: involuntary manslaughter.

There are no lesser-included charges. But there are two theories of involuntary manslaughter that the jurors will consider. They can find Murray guilty of one or both theories but they must be unanimous on whatever they decide.

What does involuntary manslaughter mean?

Involuntary manslaughter is an unintentional killing without malice. Malice is when someone does something with a conscious disregard for life.

This next part gets a little complicated, but keep reading, we're going to break it down for you.
Involuntary manslaughter is committed when a defendant commits a lawful act with criminal negligence, or fails to perform a legal duty and that failure is criminally negligent, and the defendant's acts or failure to perform a legal duty unlawfully caused the death of someone else.

Here are two theories of Involuntary Manslaughter that are relevant to the Murray trial:

1. the commission of a lawful act with criminal negligence
2. failure to perform a legal duty where such failure was criminally negligent

What is an lawful act?

A lawful act is something the defendant does that does not break any laws.
In this trial, the jury will be instructed that the commission of the lawful act with criminal negligence is that Murray, a licensed physician, administered propofol to Michael Jackson.

What does it mean to fail to perform a legal duty?

In most situations people are not required to act under circumstance.

For example, if you are a regular citizen walking down the street and see someone about to jump out a window of a tall building the law doesn't require you to try to save the jumper.

But the jury in this trial will be instructed that Murray, a physician who assumed the duty of care of Michael Jackson, had a legal obligation to care for him and that the failure to perform this legal duty was committed when Murray gave Jackson propofol then left him unattended.

The prosecution is expected to argue a host of ways in which Murray was negligent in the administration of propofol and failure to perform a legal duty of care. At the charge conference on Wednesday, Nov. 1, prosecutors listed seven acts under the "lawful act" theory and 15 acts under the "failure to perform a legal duty."
Those acts or failures include:

. no other medical personnel present
. inadequate monitoring equipment
. failure to constantly monitor Jackson
. ineffective resuscitative care
. failure to call 911 immediately
. administering propofol for insomnia

NOTE: The above list is not complete, because the prosecution did not read the entire list in open court.
What does causation mean?

A critical element of involuntary manslaughter is that the negligent act or failure to perform a legal duty caused someone's death.

The instruction to the jury in this trial will include the following language:

An act (or failure to perform a legal duty) causes death if the death is a direct, natural, and probable consequence of the act (or failure to perform a legal duty) and the death would not have happened without the act (or failure to perform a legal duty). A natural and probable consequence is one that a reasonable person would know is likely to happen if nothing unusual intervenes. It's important to know that here may be more than one cause of death. An act causes death only if it is a substantial factor in causing the death. A substantial factor is more than a trivial or remote factor. However, it does not need to be the only factor that causes the death.
A special instruction to the jury, which the prosecution drafted, is expected to be read following the definition of causation. We do not have the exact language, but it deals with whether an intervening act could have been foreseen. If the intervening act (Jackson self-administering propofol) was foreseeable, then Murray can still be found guilty.

What does criminal negligence mean?

The jury instruction will include the following language:

Criminal negligence involves more than ordinary carelessness, inattention, or mistake in judgment. A person acts with criminal negligence when:

1. he acts in a reckless way that creates a high risk of death or great bodily injury; and
2. a reasonable person would have known that acting or failing to perform a legal duty in that way would create such a risk.

In other words, a person acts with criminal negligence when their behavior is so different from the way an ordinarily careful person would act in the same situation, that his act (or failure to perform a legal duty) amounts to disregard for human life or indifference to the consequences of that act (or failure to perform a legal duty).

The jury will be instructed that, in order to find Murray guilty, they must find that the prosecutors proved each of the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

Elements of Involuntary Manslaughter/Lawful Act Performed Negligently

1. Conrad Murray committed a lawful act but acted with criminal negligence; and
2. Conrad Murray's acts caused the death of Michael Jackson.

Elements of Involuntary Manslaughter/Failure to Perform a Legal Duty

1. Conrad Murray had a legal duty to Michael Jackson;
2. Conrad Murray failed to perform that legal duty;
3. Conrad Murray's failure was criminally negligent; and
4. Conrad Murray's failure caused the death of Michael Jackson.

Jurors must keep all that in mind and then the must be unanimous on one or both theories:

1. lawful act committed with criminal negligence or
2. failure to perform a legal duty and such failure was with criminal negligence.

If the jurors cannot reach a unanimous decision, then they are considered deadlocked, also called a hung jury. Judges encourage juries to work toward a decision, but if they absolutely can't agree, then the judge declares a mistrial. That means the case could be retried and we start all over. (Archiv-Version vom 03.11.2011)


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04.11.2011 um 10:44
November 3, 2011

The Best Protest Signs of the Conrad Murray Trial

Die besten Protestplakate vom Conrad Murray Prozess

Posted: 11:37 AM ET

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Where there are protestors, there are protest signs. Each day there have been a number of supporters outside the courthouse, fighting for both sides of this trial; some being pro Conrad Murray and others passionately pleading for justice for Michael Jackson.

While taking photos outside of the courthouse I set out to find, what I consider the best protest/support signs seen outside the courthouse since the start of trial. Some will make you cry others will make you laugh.

Check out to see the rest (Archiv-Version vom 04.11.2011) (Archiv-Version vom 07.11.2011)


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04.11.2011 um 10:50
Conrad Murray | See all 84 items

Best of the Murray trial protest signs

By Staff, November 1, 2011

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'Murray took Michael's life and broke the world's heart. Convict him!'
These two women say they traveled from Paris to support Michael Jackson's family: 'Justice Pour Michael'

Where there are protesters, there are protest signs, and we certainly had no shortage of either outside the L.A. County Courthouse. Every day there have been a number of supporters fighting for both sides of this trial: Some are calling Dr. Conrad Murray an innocent man, while others are pleading for justice for Michael Jackson.

Check out some of the protest signs we've seen outside of court.


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04.11.2011 um 10:59
ja, jetzt kommt es darauf an, wie die Schlussplädoyers der Staatsanwaltschaft und der Verteidigung von der Jury interpretiert werden ... :D daher ist es auch schon fast eine "Kunst", etwas zum Ausdruck zu bringen, ohne es direkt zu sagen ... :D es kommt immer auf die INTERPRETATION an !

November 3, 2011

Vinnie Politan: The art of the close

Vinnie Politan: Die Art [die Kunst] der Schlußplädoyers

Posted: 12:50 PM ET

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Every case gets two interpretations during closing arguments. While jurors aren't supposed to consider the words of attorneys as evidence, closing arguments are important. Sometimes they can mean the difference between a verdict of guilty and not guilty.

Check out for Vinnie Politan's breakdown of what each side needs to prove during closing arguments in the Conrad Murray trial. (Archiv-Version vom 04.11.2011) (Archiv-Version vom 09.11.2011)


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04.11.2011 um 11:12
November 3, 2011

Gallery: Inside Michael Jackson's autopsy file

Gallery: In Michael Jacksons Autopsie-Akte

Posted: 01:12 PM ET

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Michael Jackson's appearance has been cause for speculation over the years. Plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Romo analyzed Jackson's autopsy report and theorized what the pop star may have done to his body. Click here to dive into the autopsy report. (Archiv-Version vom 03.11.2011)

here (Archiv-Version vom 04.11.2011)

2x zitiertmelden

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04.11.2011 um 11:21
Conrad Murray | See all 84 items

Gallery: Inside Michael Jackson's autopsy file

Gallery: In Michael Jacksons Autopsie-Akte

By Staff, November 1, 2011

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The world watched Michael Jackson's appearance morph through the years, and there's been a lot of speculation about the surgeries he may have had. Now, we could have some answers.

And those answers are in a document that's played a key role in the case against Dr. Conrad Murray -- the autopsy report. Prosecutors have focused on the autopsy conclusion that Jackson’s death was a homicide due to propofol intoxication, but the report shows far more about Jackson than just his cause of death.

It details every scar, tattoo and mark on the singer's body.

We had plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Romo analyze the autopsy report and tell us what he thinks. Dr. Romo is the Director of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital and the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital in New York City.

Here’s what he says the document reveals about the super-secretive star:

General health
On Oct. 11, Dr. Christopher Rogers testified Jackson was “healthier than the average person of his age.” Despite photos shown in court of a deceased and seemingly gaunt Jackson, the medical examiner found the star healthy aside from minor ailments, like arthritis and the skin condition vitiligo.

Facial surgeries
The report says Jackson had a three-quarter-inch scarring behind each ear. Dr. Romo says those scars could have come from several different procedures.

“When incisions are made behind the ear it can usually be done because you’re pinning the ears back,” Romo said. “When one does a limited face-lift, you can also have limited incisions behind the ear.”

But, because Jackson’s scalp was severely burned during the filming of a Pepsi commercial in 1984, Romo said the scars could have also been from skin grafts used to cover the singer’s burns.

“Many times, when I do reconstructions of the face, I take skin from behind the ears because it’s camouflaged real well,” Romo said.

Jackson also had small scars on both of his nostrils, which Romo says can be a tell-tale sign of nose-narrowing procedures, like rhinoplasties, better known as nose jobs.

In the 2003 documentary, “Living with Michael Jackson,” the singer admitted having two rhinoplasties to improve his breathing, but he denied having any other plastic surgeries.

“Michael Jackson was an international, star performer,” Romo said. “The requirements for somebody like that, who’s looked at in a large arena, has to have a certain look.”

At the bottom of his neck, Jackson had two scars, both about three inches long. Dr. Romo says the scars could have been the result of a neck lift but could have also come from further skin grafts.

Athletic injuries
Romo said Jackson put demands on his body like any other athlete, and he had the scars to prove it. The pop star had several marks indicating surgeries on his right shoulder and knee. He also had one-eighth-inch scarring on both of his wrists, which Romo attributes to carpel tunnel surgery.

Jackson’s left arm also had a quarter-inch scar near the typical IV insertion point. Dr. Romo said this scarring could have come from functional bicep surgery, but he said similar scars occur after numerous IVs insertions.

On his right hand, Jackson had a nearly one inch scar running from his thumb to his wrist. Romo said there are a few explinations for this scar including trauma or it could be the result of a surgery to repair ligament damage.

While Jackson had multiple tattoos, they are not necessarily what one would expect for a rock star. The autopsy shows he had a “dark skin discoloration resembling a tattoo” on front of his head. Romo suggests the tattoo was to cover burned areas of the scalp, which may have never re-grown hair, and to combat balding, which the autopsy shows Jackson was experiencing.

“If you look at his current pictures, he’s got this very black horizontal hair line,” Romo said. “I’m sure a lot of that was tattooed in along with either wearing hair pieces and/or implantable hair pieces and/or hair plugs.”

The pop star also had dark tattoos on his eyebrows and eyelids, and a pink tattoo on his lips. Romo said tattoos like this are surprisingly common and offer patients a form of permanent makeup.

Stomach surgeries
The autopsy shows several scars on Jackson’s stomach, including a two-inch scar on his lower right stomach area and small, circular scar around his belly button. Romo said there’s no mystery to the first stomach scar, which he attributes to an appendectomy. The other scar, however, holds a little more mystery.

Despite Jackson’s thin appearance, Romo said the location of the scar could indicate liposuction or a cosmetic surgery to tighten stomach muscles. But the surgeon doesn’t rule out the possibility of an operation to examine potential issues with his intestines, gallbladder, liver or spleen.

Here is a link to the entire autopsy report if you want to take a look. Warning: The autopsy contains graphic content.

If you want to read the part of the autopsy that focuses on Jackson's tattoos and scarring, click here.

In Session's Graham Winch and Cara Hutt, along with CNN's Kelly Byrom, contributed to this story. (Archiv-Version vom 04.11.2011)




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04.11.2011 um 11:33
November 3, 2011

The 10 most shocking Murray trial moments

Die 10 am meist schockierenden Momente vom Murray Prozess

Posted: 03:00 PM ET

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After 22 days of testimony and 50 witnesses, we are in the final moments of the Conrad Murray trial. Take a look at the top ten moments so far! (Archiv-Version vom 07.11.2011)

look (Archiv-Version vom 04.11.2011)

The 10 most shocking Murray trial moments

By Staff, November 2, 2011

* Dr. Conrad Murray is charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson
* We count down the top 10 most shocking moments of the trial

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#10: Dr. Conrad Murray's complicated love life

The defense portrayed Murray as quite the ladies' man when parading his girlfriends on the stand. Nicole Alvarez is an actress who lives with Murray and is the mother of his most recent child. She testified that Murray shipped propofol to her address. She also told the court she was "speechless" when she first met Michael Jackson. And who could forget when she referred to herself as her "instrument?"

#9: Former patient smooches Murray in the courtroom

The defense called several of Murray's former patients to the stand in an attempt to paint a picture of the doctor as a caring and loving man. One of the patients, who called Murray his "best friend," went to the defense table after his testimony and kissed Murray on the head.

#8: Defense drops its main theory in the middle of the case

Murray's lawyers were originally arguing that Jackson gave himself a fatal dose of propofol by swallowing the anesthetic. But they ditched this theory in the middle of the trial, saying that Jackson actually injected the propofol into a catheter in his leg.

#7: MJ's demands: Horses and a Guinness world record

The CEO of AEG gave us a behind-the-scenes look at the "This is It" tour. Randy Phillips says Jackson originally agreed to do 31 shows (in an effort to out-perform singer Prince) and that it was AEG who asked for more. Jackson agreed, but under two conditions: that he be given an estate outside of London for his family (with 16+ acres, horses and a running stream) and that a representative from Guinness World Records be on hand for the 50th show, because he planned to break records.

#6: Photos of Michael Jackson's deathbed

Jurors took a virtual walk through Jackson's home. Jackson's head of security, Faheem Muhammad, described the chaos at the home the day the pop star died. Jurors also looked at pictures of the scene of Jackson's death.

#5: Expert says there's only ONE way MJ died

The prosecution's expert anesthesiologist methodically ruled out several scenarios for the singer's death, leaving only one: Jackson was hooked up to a propofol drip, which was set up by Murray. The defense says no drip was set up and that Jackson administered the fatal dose of propofol to himself while Murray was out of the room.

#4: Slurred audio of MJ played in court

We've never heard the King of Pop like this before. The shocking recording was made by Murray on his iPhone while speaking with Jackson about his upcoming "This Is It" concert series. Jackson sounded groggy when talking about the tour, and how he wanted to create a children's hospital. The tape concludes with Murray asking Jackson if he is okay and the pop star replying, "I am asleep."

#3: "Don't let them see their dad like this"

We heard about how Jackson's kids found out about their father's death. Jackson's director of logistics testified about rushing to Jackson's bedroom, with Jackson's kids right behind him. He told the court, "Paris screamed out 'Daddy!'" and was crying when she saw her father lying motionless on his bed. Jackson's personal chef said the children and household staff came together in the mansion's foyer and hugged, held hands and prayed.

#2: MJ's medical secrets revealed: Botox, painkillers and tattoos

According to Jackson's autopsy report, the King of Pop had several tattoos on his body, including dark markings on his scalp and both eyebrows, and pink tattoos on his lips. We also got a peek inside Jackson’s dermatology records (which were created under the alias "Omar Arnold"). The defense's addiction medicine specialist Dr. Robert Waldman said Jackson was receiving "large" and "unnecessary" doses of the powerful painkiller Demerol, along with injections of Restylane and Botox. Some of the Botox was injected into his groin and armpits to reduce "excessive perspiration." Jackson also received injections below his right eye, in his cheekbone, and in his chin and nose.

#1: Autopsy photo shocks the courtroom

It's the one moment from this trial that we won't soon forget: A picture of a deceased, naked Michael Jackson displayed for the court. The picture was taken as part of Jackson's autopsy report. One Jackson fan left the courtroom in tears when the picture was displayed.


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04.11.2011 um 11:48
November 3, 2011

Who will decide Conrad Murray's fate?

Wer wird über Conrad Murrays Schicksal entscheiden?

Posted: 05:00 PM ET

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Jury selection can prove to be the most important step in a trial like Conrad Murray's. Ultimately, his fate is in their hands. Check out our juror-by-juror breakdown! (Archiv-Version vom 03.11.2011)

Check (Archiv-Version vom 04.11.2011)

Get to know the Murray trial jurors

By Megan Haberling, October 29, 2011

* One juror says he is only interested in justice
* Another juror is a fan of MJ, calling him a 'gifted performer'

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In high-profile cases like CA v. Conrad Murray, jury selection can prove to be the most critical step in the entire trial. Before the jurors even report to the courthouse, the prosecution, defense and judge agree upon a questionnaire to present to the potential jurors. After the questionnaires are completed, the selected jurors are then questioned by both sets of attorneys in a process called voir dire. Voir dire means "to speak the truth." Throughout the voir dire process, the prosecutors and defense attorneys are given a set number of peremptory strikes in which they can eliminate a potential juror for no specific reason.

On September 8, 84 citizens arrived at the Los Angeles Superior Court to fulfill their civic duty. They answered a 30-page questionnaire consisting of 113 questions. It took defense attorneys and prosecutors in the Conrad Murray trial more than two weeks to whittle the pool down to seven men and five women. The selection of these people may prove to be the most important step of the trial, as these are the people who will decide Murray’s future.

Six of the jurors identify themselves as Caucasian, five Hispanic and one African-American. They vary in age: The youngest is 32, the oldest is 57. According to court records, here are more details on the people who will decide whether Murray is guilty or not guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson:

Seat #1: A 51-year-old male of Mexican origin. He lives in Whittier, California, and works as a letter carrier for the United States Postal Service. He is married with three children, two stepchildren and six grandchildren. He has never served on a jury and considers himself a fan of Jackson’s music.

Seat #2: A 57-year-old white female. She lives in Alhambra, California, and has been in the area for five years. Her husband declared bankruptcy in the 1970s. (Conrad Murray has also declared bankruptcy in the past.) She is divorced with two children and has grandchildren. She likes to read, garden and listen to NPR. She followed the O.J. Simpson case.

Seat #3: A 45-year-old white male who lives in West Los Angeles, but was born in Charleston, South Carolina. He has an MBA in Management Consulting and considers himself an expert in computer system implementation. He has served as a juror on two criminal cases, one in 1994 and another in 2000.

​Seat #4: A 32-year-old white male from Eagle Rock, California. He served in the U.S. Army National Guard for eight years and currently works as a bookseller. He served as a juror in a civil case in 2009 and has both positive and negative views of Jackson, saying, “I think he was talented and I think probably a good person. I am aware of allegations as to his treatment of children but have not drawn any of my own conclusions without having personal knowledge or seeing any evidence.”

Seat #5: A 48-year-old white female from Temple City, California. She is married with two children and has worked as a paralegal for 30 years. She followed the Casey Anthony trial on and off because she had a family member who was very interested in the trial. She thinks famous people are treated differently in the court system because “the court system is so overburdened that they could not handle the security needed if a celebrity were in jail.”

Seat #6: A male of Cuban/Mexican origin who lives in Tujunga, California. He holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology and works as an associate director in product management. He formerly worked at TV Guide and his wife is currently employed by Dreamworks Animation. He served on a jury for a civil case in 2007 and saw the last few minutes of Jackson’s documentary, “This Is It.”

Seat #7: A 54-year-old female who describes herself as Mexican-American. She lives in San Gabriel Valley, California, and is married with children and grandchildren. Her daughter was a drug and alcohol addict but has been clean for five years. She, like Murray, declared bankruptcy in the past.

Seat #8: A 42-year-old Hispanic male who was born in Mexico. He currently lives in Lynwood, California, and works as a school bus driver. He is married with four children and one stepchild. His father-in-law died of alcoholism. He was the foreperson on a jury in 2010 regarding a civil matter.

Seat #9: A 54-year-old African-American male. He lives in North Hollywood and works as a technical director in television. He has never been married. His father died from alcoholism when he was nine years old. He has served on three juries -- two criminal cases and one civil. When asked if he would like to serve on the jury, he responded, “Celebrities don’t excite me, I’m only interested in justice.”

Seat #10: A 43-year-old mother of two. She was born in Birmingham, England, and recently became a U.S. citizen. When asked if she would like to serve on the jury, she said, “I see this opportunity as a privilege and my civic duty to do the right thing.” She has a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and considers herself an expert in medical marketing.

Seat #11: A 36-year-old Hispanic female. She lives in Whittier, California, with her boyfriend and has two children. She is employed as a worker’s compensation insurance tech. She filed for bankruptcy in 2003 or 2004 for personal credit card debt. She was shot in a drive-by shooting in 1993. She formerly worked as an administrative assistant in a family practice office for 11 years. She served on a jury in a criminal case.

Seat #12: A 54-year-old white male from Altadena, California. He met Jackson and is a retired animator who worked at Disney and other studios. He is divorced with no children and had a DUI. He considers himself a fan of Jackson, calling him a “gifted performer.”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.11.2011 um 12:12
Diese 12 Menschen werden entscheiden, was wirklich mit Jackson geschehen ist ... aber die tatsächliche Wahrheit, wird wohl ans Licht kommen ... da wird das Deckmäntelchen des Schweigens drüber liegen bleiben ... :(

aus dem Eintrag vom 29.10.2011 um 14:21h
Beitrag von FaIrIeFlOwEr (Seite 641)

Juror No. 1: Mexican male, 51, U.S. Postal Service letter carrier, married father-of-five. A Michael Jackson fan who said he finds law enforcement officers, firefighters and doctors 'always believable'.
Mexikaner, männlich, 51, US Postal Service Briefträger, verheiratet Vater von fünf Kindern. Ein Michael Jackson Fan, der sagte, dass er Polizeibeamte, Feuerwehrleute und Ärzte immer glaubwürdig findet. "

Juror No. 2: Spanish female, 57, unemployed. Has served on five previous juries and closely followed the O.J. Simpson trial but said it did not affect her opinion of the criminal justice system. She does not consider herself a Jackson fan.
Spanierin, weiblich, 57, arbeitslos. Hat bei fünf vorherigen Jurys "gedient" und genau den O.J. Simpson Prozess verfolgt, aber sagte, es beeinträchtigte nicht ihre Meinung über das Strafjustizsystem. Sie betrachtet sich nicht selbst als ein Jackson Fan.

Juror No. 3: American male, 45, a partner in a management consulting firm. His wife is a former registered nurse, and both his brother-in-law and cousin are physicians. He has served on two previous juries, including a murder case in 1994.
Amerikaner, männlich, 45, ein Partner in einer Unternehmensberatung. Seine Frau ist eine ehemalige Krankenschwester, und seine beiden Schwager und Cousine sind Ärzte. Er hat bei zwei vorherigen Jurys "gedient", darunter einem Mordfall im Jahr 1994.

Juror No. 4: American male, 32, part-time bookseller and cashier. He served as a U.S. Army National Guard specialist as a telecom operator. His primary source of news is the Internet.
Amerikaner männlich, 32, Teilzeit-Buchhändler und Kassierer. Er diente als US Army National Guard-Spezialist bei einem Telekom-Betreiber. Seine primäre Quelle für Nachrichten ist das Internet.

Juror No. 5: American female, 48, paralegal. She watched the Casey Anthony murder trial 'on and off' because family members were interested was very interested but said it did not affect her opinion of the criminal justice system.
Amerikanerin, weiblich, 48, Rechtsanwaltsfachangestellte. Sie beobachtete den Casey Anthony Mordprozess "hin und wieder", weil Familienmitglieder interessiert waren, sehr interessiert, aber sie sagte, es beeinträchtigte nicht ihre Meinung über das Strafjustizsystem.

Juror No. 6: Cuban/Mexican male, 39, associate director of product management. He is an occasional reader of various Internet news and gossip sites. He considers himself a Jackson fan and owns various Michael Jackson, Jackson 5 and Janet Jackson CDs.
Kubaner/Mexikaner, männlich, 39, Vizedirektor vom Product Management. Er ist ein gelegentlicher Leser von verschiedenen Internet-News und Klatsch-Websites. Er hält sich für einen Jackson Fan und besitzt verschiedene Michael Jackson, Jackson 5 und Janet Jackson CDs.

Juror No. 7: Mexican American female, 57, relocation representative in office management/customer service. She followed the Casey Anthony case and believes people of wealth or fame are treated differently in the court system.
mexikanischstämmige Amerikanerin, weiblich, 57, Umzugs-Beauftragte im Office-Management / Kundenservice. Sie verfolgte den Casey Anthony Fall und glaubt, dass Menschen mit Vermögen oder Ruhm unterschiedlich beim Gericht betrachtet werden.

Juror No. 8: Mexican male, 42, school bus driver. He believes Hollywood celebrities get away with crimes because of their status. He does not consider himself a fan of Michael Jackson but has a positive opinion of him.
Mexikaner, männlich, 42, Schulbusfahrer. Er glaubt, dass Hollywood-Stars aufgrund eines Verbrechens davon kommen, wegen ihres Status. Er betrachtet sich selbst nicht als ein Fan von Michael Jackson, aber er hat eine positive Meinung von ihm.

Juror No. 9: African American male, 54, television technical director. A Michael Jackson fan, he has served on two criminal juries and one civil jury.
Afroamerikaner, männlich, 54, Fernseh-technischer Direktor. Ein Michael Jackson Fan, er hat bei zwei strafrechtlichen Jurys und einer zivilen Jury "gedient".

Juror No. 10: English female, 43, international marketer but previously worked as a pathology/medical technician in a biochemistry lab.
Engländerin, weiblich, 43, internationale Vermarkterin, aber hat vorher als eine Pathologie / medizinisch-technische Assistentin in einem Biochemie-Labor gearbeitet.

Juror No. 11: Hispanic female, 36, customer service representative. She reads People magazine and and watches reality television. She was shot in a drive-by shooting in 1993.
Hispanoamerikaner, weiblich, 36, stellvertretende Kundenberaterin. Sie liest People-Magazin und und schaut Reality-TV. Sie wurde 1993 bei einer Schießerei im Vorbeifahrenin angeschossen.

Juror No. 12: American male, 54, retired animator now working as a teacher. He considers Michael Jackson a 'gifted performer' and has owned Jackson CDs and albums since he was a teenager.
Amerikaner, männlich, 54, pensionierter Animator, arbeitet jetzt als Lehrer. Er betrachtet Michael Jackson als einen "begnadeten Darsteller" und hat Jackson CDs und Alben besessen, seit er ein Teenager war.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.11.2011 um 12:29
ein Video zeigt die Premiere von "Michael Jackson: A life of an Icon" ...

Michael Jackson "A life of an Icon" Premiere, Q&A (Video: Michael Jackson "A life of an Icon" Premiere, Q&A)
Michael Jackson "A life of an Icon" Premiere, Q&A with David Guest, Tito Jackson, Rebbie Jackson, Tom Mesereau and Susan Yu


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.11.2011 um 12:39
Schlussplädoyer rührt Jackson-Familie zu Tränen

Freitag, 4. November 2011 11:25

Knapp sechs Wochen stand der Arzt Conrad Murray im Prozess um den Tod des Sängers Michael Jackson vor Gericht. Nun haben die Anwälte am Donnerstag ihre Schlussplädoyers gehalten. Jacksons Mutter Katherine und seine Schwester La Toya waren sichtlich aufgelöst.

YI1Pje bln morgenpost video 04.11.2011
VIDEO im Bericht

Es hagelte Vorwürfe, es flossen Tränen, es gab Applaus: In ihren Schlussplädoyers am Donnerstag zogen Anklage und Verteidigung noch einmal alle Register, um die Jury von der Schuld oder Unschuld des Herzspezialisten Conrad Murray am Tod von Popstar Michael Jackson zu überzeugen.

Jacksons Mutter Katherine und seine Schwester La Toya wischten sich Tränen weg, als die Rede auf die Kinder des Sängers kam, berichtete das Promi-Portal „“. „Für Michaels Kinder geht dieser Fall ewig weiter, weil sie keinen Vater mehr haben“, sagte der Staatsanwalt David Walgren mit Grabesstimme im Gericht von Los Angeles. „Paris schrie 'Daddy', als sie unter Tränen zusammenbrach“ - so malte der Anklagevertreter die Szene im Juni 2009 aus, als Jacksons Tochter Paris ihren Vater leblos in seinem Bett liegen sah.

Dutzende Fans des Sängers, die sich vor dem Gerichtssaal drängten, applaudierten nach dem emotionalen Finale Walgrens, berichtete der US-Sender CNN. Der Jurist hatte den wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagten Murray (58) scharf attackiert. Er hielt ihm „bizarren, unethischen und gewissenlosen Umgang“ mit seinem prominenten Patienten vor. Jacksons Schlaflosigkeit mit dem starken Narkosemittel Propofol zu behandeln, beschrieb Walgren als „obszönes Experiment“, das kein anderer Arzt jemals probiert habe.

Er habe grob fahrlässig und kriminell gehandelt und den Tod des Sängers „direkt“ verursacht. Er habe im Polizeiverhör gelogen, Sanitätern und Medizinern wichtige Informationen verschwiegen und nur an seinen eigenen Vorteil gedacht. Mehr als zwei Stunden lang prasselten die Vorwürfe auf den Zwei-Meter-Mann Murray ein, bevor die Verteidigung in ihrem Plädoyer den Herzspezialisten als Opfer eines medikamentensüchtigen Stars in Schutz nahm.

Der Mediziner sei nur „ein kleiner Fisch in einem großen schmutzigen Teich“, sagte Verteidiger Ed Chernoff mit Blick auf die vielen Ärzte, von denen sich der Popstar über Jahre hinweg mit starken Mitteln versorgen ließ. Er warnte die Juroren: Die Anklage verlange von ihnen, „Conrad Murray für die Taten von Michael Jackson“ zu verurteilen. Alles deute darauf hin, dass Jackson sich selbst eine tödliche Dosis spritzte, als sein Arzt abwesend war, sagte Chernoff.

Die Kontrahenten fuhren scharfes Geschütz gegen die wichtigsten Zeugen der jeweils anderen Seite auf. Der Propofol-Experte Paul White habe nur „Schrott-Wissenschaft“ und „Müll“ geliefert, wetterte Walgren. Chernoff konterte, die Anklage habe mit ihren vielen Zeugen „absolut versagt“, ein Verbrechen zu beweisen. Nur weil der Patient berühmt war, sei Murray angeklagt worden. „Wäre es ein anderer als Michael Jackson gewesen, würde dieser Arzt heute hier stehen?“, spekulierte Chernoff.

Nach einem fast sechswöchigen Verfahren mit 49 Zeugen mutmaßten Prozessbeobachter über ein möglicherweise schnelles Ende bei der Urteilsfindung. Die sieben Männer und fünf Frauen müssen zu einem einstimmigen Ergebnis kommen. Bei ihrer Beratung ist jede Zeitspanne möglich, wie frühere spektakuläre Prozesse zeigen.

In dem Mordprozess gegen den amerikanischen Footballstar O.J. Simpson hatte sich die Jury 1995 in Los Angeles überraschend schnell geeinigt. Nach nur vierstündiger Diskussion war Simpson vom Vorwurf des Doppelmordes frei gesprochen worden. Die Jury im Mordprozess gegen den Sektenführer Charles Manson brauchte 1971 hingegen eine ganze Woche für den Schuldspruch.

Sieben Tage debattierte auch die Jury 2005 im kalifornischen Santa Maria über die Missbrauchsvorwürfe eines Jungen gegen Michael Jackson. Am Ende wurde der Sänger in allen Punkten freigesprochen. Die Jury hatte länger als 32 Stunden hinter geschlossenen Türen getagt. Im Falle eines Schuldspruchs drohten dem Popstar damals mehr als 20 Jahre Haft. Murray könnte höchstens vier Jahre hinter Gitter kommen. Wird er schuldig gesprochen, muss der Arzt auch mit dem Entzug seiner Lizenz rechnen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.11.2011 um 13:42
Dave Grohl: Verwirrspiel um Michael Jackson-Album

Dave Grohl war entsetzt, als er bemerkt hat, dass er fälschlicherweise als Mitwirkender auf dem Michael Jackson-Album aufgeführt wurde. Der Foo Fighters-Star erklärte jetzt, dass er zwar für die Aufnahmen zu dem Song "(I Can't Make It) Another Day" mit Lenny Kravitz im Studio war, dass seine Musik jedoch gar nicht verwendet wurde. "Das ist alles durcheinander geraten. Lenny Kravitz hat mich angerufen und gefragt, ob ich bei einem Stück Schlagzeug spielen würde. Ich habe 'sicher' gesagt, den Track eingespielt und danach nie wieder von ihm gehört. Und jetzt steht in den Notes: 'Michael Jackson featuring Lenny Kravitz und Dave Grohl', aber sie haben meine Aufnahmen gar nicht benutzt. Das ist nicht cool." (Archiv-Version vom 06.11.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.11.2011 um 13:44
Staatsanwalt und Herzensbrecher: David Walgren

Seit Wochen lehrt er den Anwälten von Conrad Murray das Fürchten: David Walgren hat auch in seinem Schlussplädoyer alle Register gezogen, um den Leibarzt von Michael Jackson hinter Gitter zu bringen. Obwohl knallhart, ist der Staatsanwalt ein Frauenschwarm. Von Jens Maier

Er ist der Typ Sunnyboy: modische Kurzhaarfrisur, schicker Anzug, smartes Lächeln. Wäre David Walgren nicht Staatsanwalt, hätte er Autoverkäufer, Fußballstar oder vielleicht sogar Chippendale-Stripper werden können. Auf Facebook hat sich eine Fan-Gruppe mit dem Titel "David Walgren is hot" (David Walgren ist scharf) gegründet. Doch sein adrettes Äußeres, sein charmantes Lächeln, täuscht. Walgren ist nicht nett, sondern das, was man in Justizkreisen einen scharfen Hund nennt. Seit Wochen lehrt er den Anwälten von Doktor Conrad Murray das Fürchten. Mit seinem Schlussplädoyer im Prozess gegen Michael Jacksons Leibarzt lieferte er jetzt sein Meisterstück.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.11.2011 um 14:14
Zitat von FunnyKerstinFunnyKerstin schrieb:Auf Facebook hat sich eine Fan-Gruppe mit dem Titel "David Walgren is hot" (David Walgren ist scharf) gegründet. Doch sein adrettes Äußeres, sein charmantes Lächeln, täuscht. Walgren ist nicht nett, sondern das, was man in Justizkreisen einen scharfen Hund nennt. Seit Wochen lehrt er den Anwälten von Doktor Conrad Murray das Fürchten. Mit seinem Schlussplädoyer im Prozess gegen Michael Jacksons Leibarzt lieferte er jetzt sein Meisterstück.
ja, die entsprechende Facebookseite, aber auch den Twitter Account, hatten wir bereits entdeckt ...
Walgren ist schon ein "heißer" Typ ...
aber er hat den richtigen Biss, für seinen Job als Staatsanwalt ... natürlich möchte er im Fall Murray ~ Michael Jackson keine Schlappe einstecken müssen ... das Schlussplädoyer, das er da abgeliefert hatte, war bestimmt sein Glanzstück ... er hat es ganz toll vorgetragen ...
systematisch Punkt für Punkt ... t8diu4U smilie sb 001


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.11.2011 um 14:40
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Gallery: In Michael Jacksons Autopsie-Akte
Hab mir das angesehen und durch gelesen ..... besonders die typischen Merkmale von MJ
die Tätowierungen .... die Verbrennungen vom Pepsi-Werbespot...
Der Popstar hatte auch dunkle Tätowierungen auf seinen Augenbrauen und Augenlider, und ein rosa-Tattoo auf seinen Lippen. Romo sagte Tattoos wie diese sind erstaunlich häufig und bieten den Patienten eine Form von Permanent Make-up.
Alles würd da aufgeführt ....
Nun muß ich aber wirklich mal Lachen 254 254 doch schön das es diesen Mann mit den gleichen Merkmalen doppelt gibt 214 ....und dieser ist jetzt für MJ gestorben^^ ..... was für ein Glück der MJ doch hatte.

Noch blöder geht es wohl nicht ..........was für ein Schwachsinn 139


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.11.2011 um 14:58
Case against Michael Jackson's doctor goes to jury

Thursday, November 03, 2011

KX9oGS abclocal video 03.11.2011
VIDEO im Bericht

LOS ANGELES -- The trial of Michael Jackson's doctor was transformed Thursday into a contest between the superstar and the physician, with a prosecutor saying Dr. Conrad Murray killed his patient and a defense lawyer blaming Jackson for his own death.

Prosecutor David Walgren called Murray a liar and an opportunist who put his own welfare before that of Jackson.

Defense lawyer Ed Chernoff cast Murray as a victim of Jackson's celebrity, saying he would never have been charged with wrongdoing if his patient was someone other than Jackson.

"If it was anybody else, would this doctor be here today?"

Chernoff asked during his closing argument at the involuntary manslaughter trial of Murray.

The case later went to the jury, with deliberations set to begin Friday.

Chernoff said prosecutors hadn't proven that Murray committed a crime by giving Jackson doses of the anesthetic propofol as a sleep aid in the singer's bedroom.

"They want you to convict Dr. Murray for the actions of Michael Jackson," Chernoff said.

Earlier, during his closing argument, Walgren projected images of Jackson's grief-stricken children on a giant screen and told jurors that Murray took away their father.

With Jackson's mother and siblings watching from the courtroom gallery, Walgren showed a photo of Jackson at his last rehearsal before the picture of the three Jackson children - Prince, Paris and Blanket - at their father's memorial.

He also reminded jurors of the scene in Jackson's bedroom when Paris came upon Murray frantically trying to revive her lifeless father and screamed, "Daddy!"

"For Michael Jackson's children this case goes on forever because they do not have a father," Walgren said. "They do not have a father because of the actions of Conrad Murray."

The prosecutor repeatedly called Murray's treatment of Jackson bizarre and said there was no precedent for the cardiologist giving the singer the powerful anesthetic to help him sleep.

Still, Jackson trusted him and that eventually cost the singer his life, Walgren said.

"Conrad Murray looked out for himself and himself alone," the prosecutor said.

Walgren, in a carefully structured argument enhanced by video excerpts of witness testimony, spoke of the special relationship between a doctor and patient and said Murray had corrupted it in the treatment of his famous client.

Murray violated his medical oath to do no harm and "acted so recklessly that it caused the death of Michael Jackson," the prosecutor said.

Walgren portrayed Murray as a greedy opportunist who was more concerned with earning $150,000 a month as Jackson's personal physician and traveling to London for his "This Is It" concert than with the welfare of his patient.

He cited evidence showing Murray did not call 911 after finding Jackson unresponsive. Instead he called Jackson's personal assistant, a decision the prosecutor said was just one of the doctor's bizarre actions on the day the singer died.

He suggested Murray delayed the call until he could hide medical equipment and bottles that might incriminate him.

Evan after paramedics arrived, the doctor made no mention of giving Jackson propofol because of "a consciousness of guilt," Walgren said.

Walgren ridiculed the defense theory that Jackson injected himself with the fatal dose of propofol and denounced the testimony of defense expert Paul White who blamed Jackson for his own death.

"What you were presented by Dr. White was junk science. It was garbage science," Walgren said.

Chernoff countered that Dr. Steven Shafer, a propofol expert who testified that evidence showed Murray killed Jackson, was wrong and overstepped his role as a scientist by becoming an advocate for Murray's conviction.

He said Shafer ignored Murray's statement to police in which the physician said he gave the singer a small dose of propofol and left the room after the drug should have worn off.

"It doesn't matter, Dr. Murray did not kill Michael Jackson," Chernoff said.

The prosecutor played statements of several doctors who testified that they would never have agreed to give Jackson propofol for insomnia in a private home.

"The setting represents an extreme violation of the standard of care," Walgren said. "No one ever did it until it was done to Michael Jackson. It is gross negligence and it is a cause of Michael Jackson's death."

At one point, Walgren suggested Murray was conducting "an obscene experiment" on Jackson.

With only Jackson and Murray present in the singer's room on the day he died, there will be things that are never be known about his death, Walgren said. But he said it was clear that Murray, untrained in anesthesiology, was incompetent.
Allein Jackson und Murray waren im Zimmer des Sängers anwesend, am Tag, als er starb, es gibt Dinge, über seinen Tod, die werden niemals bekannt werden, sagte Walgren. Aber er sagte, es sei klar, dass Murray, in der Anästhesiologie unausgebildet war, inkompetent war.

"Conrad Murray is criminally liable," he said. "Justice demands a guilty verdict."
"Conrad Murray ist schuldfähig", sagte er. "Die Gerechtigkeit verlangt einen Schuldspruch."
AP Entertainment Writer Anthony McCartney contributed to this report.

(Copyright ©2011 by The Associated Press


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.11.2011 um 15:17
Gallery: In Michael Jacksons Autopsie-Akte

Hab mir das angesehen und durch gelesen ..... besonders die typischen Merkmale von MJ
die Tätowierungen .... die Verbrennungen vom Pepsi-Werbespot...
ja, den Bericht fand ich auch sehr interessant ... eigentlich auch sehr verständlich geschrieben ... :D

na, als Double wird doch auch ein "Zwillingsbruder gehandelt" ^^ ... bin ganz deiner Meinung, der Phantasie sind da keine Grenzen gesetzt ... je abstruser, umso besser ... pullhair-1

aber gerade solche Berichte, werden doch von den Hoaxern und BeLIEvern ignoriert ... da geht man lieber den sich schnell verbreitenden "Meldungen" nach, denen schenkt man Glauben .... aber Fakten in dem Verfahren werden nicht wahrgenommen ... 000203DB


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