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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 18:57
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:ja, aber die Hoaxer und BeLIEver werden weiterhin ihre Zweifel haben ... leider ... :( :(
Sollen sie doch .......... ich finde das nur noch traurig ........... da sitzt die Familie muß sich das alles reinziehen und die sagen .............och is nur Zirkus .......... so ein Schwachsinn !!!!!

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 19:04
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Sollen sie doch .......... ich finde das nur noch traurig ........... da sitzt die Familie muß sich das alles reinziehen und die sagen .............och is nur Zirkus .......... so ein Schwachsinn !!!!!
da gebe ich dir Recht ... die Sichtweise und auch die Wahrnehmung der Realität ist wirklich nicht mehr zu verstehen ... aber es wird nie aufhören ... und mit bzw. an solchen irrwitzigen Gedanken verdienen auch noch viele Leute eine Menge Geld ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 19:36

15 Minuten Pause ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 19:41

es gab eigentlich bisher nichts, was wir nicht schon wußten ... interessant wird es auch wenn die Zeugen aussagen werden ... und auch falls Murray etwas sagen sollte ... :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 19:43

Nee es gab nix neues .....aber das würd noch kommen ..... :( :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 19:51

So ein Mist jetzt zeigen sie MJ auch noch deutlicher .............. :( :( ...ich Fall gleich vom Sessel ...

People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray
Opening Statements

Prosecutor David Walgren delivered an opening statement, using a graphic of what appears to be Michael Jackson's body on a gurney.


* Michael Jackson trusted his life to the medical skills of Dr. Murray and it was "misplaced trust"
* The cause of death was an overdose of Propofol, administered by Dr. Murray
* We will prove Conrad Murray repeatedly acted with gross negligence and incompetence
* Walgren explained that Murray would obtain $150,000 a month, not the $5 million Murray demanded for the duration of the "This is It" tour.
* Murray made arrangements with a pharmacy to purchase very large quantities of Propofol on a regular basis
* Murray lied to the pharmacist by saying he had a clinic in Santa Monica when he did not
* On May 10, 2009, Murray made a voice recording on his iPhone ... the recording documents MJ highly under the influence of "unknown agents" with Murray sitting there. It shows Murray knew Michael's state and what he was doing to the singer


* In the weeks before MJ died, he was cold, shivering, rambling but Murray kept giving him Propofol, and Kenny Ortega will testify MJ was clearly not well
* A meeting was held at Michael's house on May 20, 2009, MJ died, with Kenny Ortega, Murray, MJ and others. Murray scolded Ortega for expressing concerns about his health, saying he was the doctor, adding, "Michael is physically and emotionally fine. I am the doctor."
* On the day MJ died, at 1 AM, MJ came home from rehearsal and Murray spent the night at the house -- as he did every night for the prior 2 1/2 months -- for the purpose of putting him to sleep with Propofol.


* Walgren acknowledged what TMZ has been reporting almost from the beginning ... that Michael died in his bed -- that he was clinically dead when paramedics arrived.
* Murray was texting and making phone calls while he sat by MJ. He made 8 phone calls, the last at 11:51 to a girlfriend, and that's when Murray realized there was an emergency.
* Murray calls bodyguard Alberto Alvarez and says Michael Jackson had a "bad reaction."
* Murray instructs Alvarez to essentially hide the evidence in a blue bag ... putting, among other things, the Propofol bottle that was hanging on the IV stand -- Walgren is implying that's the bottle that had the fatal dose
* 911 was called at 12:20. And, Walgren says, when paramedics arrived, MJ was dead
* Murray never told the EMTs he gave MJ Propofol, even though they asked what drugs Murray had administered
* Paramedics pronounced MJ dead, but Murray insisted he be transported to UCLA
* UCLA doctors asked Murray what drugs had he given MJ, but Murray never mentioned Propofol
* Two days after MJ's death, Murray met with LAPD detectives, and disclosed he was giving MJ nightly doses of Propofol everyday for more than 2 months to put him to sleep. This is the first time Murray fessed up.
* MJ told Murray at around 5 AM that he needed to sleep and they agreed Propofol was the answer. Murray said he gave MJ 25 milligrams of Propofol, but that would only put him to sleep for minutes. Prosecutors say much more Propofol was administered.


* Murray explained to cops he went to the bathroom to urinate, came back 2 minutes later to discover MJ wasn't breathing. Prosecutors says that is called "ABANDONMENT," leaving a patient unattended is medical abandonment.
* The prosecutor says Murray was on the phone for 45 minutes after giving MJ Propofol
* Conrad Murray acted with gross negligence and was not acting in MJ's best interests ... he was working for $150,000 a month.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 20:01
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:So ein Mist jetzt zeigen sie MJ auch noch deutlicher .............. :( :( ...ich Fall gleich vom Sessel ...
dann schau lieber nicht so genau hin ... ich habe schon einige tote Menschen gesehen, so auf einem Bild
kann man sich vorstellen, da liegt ein Kranker ... aber auch wenn man vor dem Leichnam steht, ist es oftmals alles so unwirklich ...

aber man konnte damit rechnen, dass es Bilder geben wird ... :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 20:04

Weiter gehts..........


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 20:24

bei dem Vortrag von dem Verteidiger kommen dem Murray die Tränen ...

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 21:03

und jetzt mal eine längere Pause ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 21:07
People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray
Defense Claims
Michael Jackson Killed Himself

Ed Chernoff -- Defense Attorney's Opening Statement

Dr. Conrad Murray's attorney Ed Chernoff told the jury Michael Jackson caused his own death.


* Chernoff says the evidence will show MJ swallowed 8, 2 mg pills of Lorazepam.
* And Chernoff says MJ self-injected a dose or Propofol that created a "perfect storm" that killed him.
* There was no way to save MJ. He died instantly.
* Chernoff told the jury what TMZ has reported for the last year -- that the centerpiece of the defense case is that Michael's death is on Michael -- not Dr. Murray.
* Chernoff also said MJ "had a problem" that no amount of determination could overcome, even with his talent, and without help he could not do the "This Is It" tour -- a tour that would score him more money than he had ever made on tour before.
* So, Chernoff says, Michael went doctor shopping.
* Dr. Murray is not a "celebrity doctor" -- he's a cardiologist who saves lives.
* The defense will put some of Dr. Murray's patients on the stand to show his level of care. He would buy prescriptions for people who couldn't afford it and would generally go well above the standard of care expected of a doctor -- which contradicts prosecutors who call him greedy and reckless. Murray seemed to tear up as he listened to Chernoff.
* Murray treated MJ for several problems, including toe fungus and a broken foot.
* Chernoff said Murray had no idea at the time that MJ had a much deeper problem
* MJ didn't have insomnia -- he had "an absolute, total and thorough inability to sleep."
* When Murray met with detectives 2 days after MJ's death, and he thoroughly answered every question. It was no holds barred and they hid nothing. Chernoff said Murray told cops, "I don't want to know what killed Michael Jackson. I want to know also."
* Michael Jackson told Murray the only way he could sleep was with Propofol and he always took Propofol. MJ told Murray exactly how it was to be administered. He even had a nickname for the drug -- milk. MJ knew Lidocaine was essential in administering Propofol to prevent a burning sensation.
* MJ told Murray he would use Propofol with or without Murray, so Murray then agreed to provide Propofol.
* Dr. Murray provided Propofol for 2 months for MJ, and during that time the singer slept, woke up, and lived his live -- suggesting it wasn't negligent to administer the drug.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 21:08
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:bei dem Vortrag von dem Verteidiger kommen dem Murray die Tränen ...
Hab ich gesehen .............


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 21:14

auch das, was der Verteidiger Ed Chernoff vorgetragen hat, ist nicht neu ... ob heute auch noch Zeugen geladen sind ????

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 21:23
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:auch das, was der Verteidiger Ed Chernoff vorgetragen hat, ist nicht neu ... ob heute auch noch Zeugen geladen sind ????
So wie ich gelesen habe ja KO und Paul Gongaware von AEG

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 21:27
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:So wie ich gelesen habe ja KO und Paul Gongaware von AEG
könnte es sein, dass es um 01:00 (13:00) PT weiter geht ????
also hier um 22:00 h ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 21:30

Denke schon ..... weiß nicht genau ..... :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 21:35
Conrad Murray Trial
You Be the Judge!


You heard the opening statements -- now as the testimony fires up, we gotta ask ...

mal einige von der Umfrage .....

Did Michael Kill Himself?


Total Votes: 6,823

Dr. Murray's Tears


Total Votes: 6,280

Murray Is a Bad Guy


Total Votes: 6,297


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 21:43

bei den Anhörungen hatte man doch die Aufnahmen vom "voice recording" nachträglich noch
zugelassen ...
damit wollte man zeigen, dass Murray sehr wohl etwas von MJs "Zustand" wußte ...

* On May 10, 2009, Murray made a voice recording on his iPhone ... the recording documents MJ highly under the influence of "unknown agents" with Murray sitting there. It shows Murray knew Michael's state and what he was doing to the singer
* Am 10. Mai 2009, machte Murray eine Sprachaufnahme auf seinem iPhone ... die Aufnahme von MJ dokumentiert, dass er sehr unter dem Einfluss von "unbekannt wirkenden Mitteln" stand und mit Murray zusammen saß. Es zeigt, dass Murray wusste, wie Michaels Zustand war und was er mit dem Sänger zu tun hatte ...

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 21:48
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:bei den Anhörungen hatte man doch die Aufnahmen vom "voice recording" nachträglich noch
zugelassen ...
damit wollte man zeigen, dass Murray sehr wohl etwas von MJs "Zustand" wußte ...
Hat mich auch gewundert ...........hab MJ aber da nicht so raus hören können .... diese Stimme
war ............ich weiß auch nicht ...........schrecklich ..........

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.09.2011 um 21:54
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:hab MJ aber da nicht so raus hören können .... diese Stimme
war ............ich weiß auch nicht ...........schrecklich ..........
höre da auch nicht unbedingt MJ raus ... hört sich eher an, wie jemand, der keine Zähne mehr im Mund hat und vielleicht etwas zu viel Alkohol getrunken hat oder auch unter "Drogen" steht ...

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