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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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09.08.2013 um 09:16
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
AEG plans to play Randy Jackson's deposition and Dr. David Adams from Las Vegas in the afternoon. We hope to see you tomorrow! Good night!
7:06 AM - 9 Aug 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
Judge adjourned session a little early. Jurors ordered back 9:30 am tomorrow. Kathy Jorrie is back on the stand.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2h
When the director got up, all jurors clapped for him. He thanked the jurors, kissed Mrs. Jackson, shook hands with Shawn Trell and left.
7:04 AM - 9 Aug 13


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09.08.2013 um 21:33
Michael Jackson wollte Universal kaufen

Freitag, 09.08.2013, 12:48

Michael Jackson wollte ein Superheld sein zumindest auf der Leinwand. Wie sein ehemaliger Manager nun verriet, soll der King of Pop einst Pläne gehegt haben, die Rechte an Marvel und den Universal Studios zu erwerben, um sich seinen Traum zu erfüllen.

Stellen Sie sich vor, nicht Robert Downey Junior (48) hätte in „Iron Man“ in dem Kampfanzug gesteckt, sondern Michael Jackson. Wäre es nämlich nach dem King of Pop gegangen, dann wäre das auch genau so gekommen. Wie Dieter Weisner, der ehemalige Manager der 2009 verstorbenen Musik-Legende der Zeitung „Daily Mirror“ verriet, soll sein Schützling zu Lebzeiten den großen Traum gehegt haben, als Superheld über die Kinoleinwände zu schweben und ein Filmstudio zu kaufen. Dies jedoch sei ihm aufgrund seiner Gerichtsverhandlungen wegen Kindesmissbrauchs stets verwehrt geblieben.

Auserkoren hatte er für sein Vorhaben demnach Universal Pictures, das mit seinen Helden-Verfilmungen aus den Marvel-Comics große Erfolge feierte. Ein Insider sagte: „Er sah sich selbst in den Hauptrollen dieser Filme und vor allem Iron Man war eine Möglichkeit, weil er in sich Ähnlichkeiten mit Tony Stark sah – ein Mysterium, ein Genie, aber gleichzeitig auch kindlich“. Nach Aufkommen des ersten Sex-Skandals sei dann aber der Fokus etwas verloren gegangen, doch „Michael hat immer gedacht, der nächste Schritt nach seinem musikalischen Comeback, sei die Rückkehr zu Filmen.“

Der Plan, die Universal Studios und Marvel in seinen Besitz zu bringen sei sogar auf Band festgehalten. „Wir könnten Universal ganz einfach kaufen. Uns würden ,Der weiße Hai´ , ,E. T´ , ,Unheimliche Begegnung der dritten Art´ und all diese Klassiker von Universal gehören, uns würde das ganze Zeug gehören. Und das würde es uns erlauben einen Marvel Channel zu betreiben“, wird Jackson von dem Tape zitiert. Er plante Restaurants und Themen-Parks. „Das war sein zweites Leben“, versichert der Manager. „Er wollte das machen“.

Statt an Jackson ging das Unternehmen jedoch schließlich an Disney. „Disney hat Marvel schließlich gekauft und genau das getan, was Michael prophezeit hat“, schließt sein Manager. (Archiv-Version vom 02.09.2013)

ähnliche Berichte


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09.08.2013 um 21:39
Jury applauds witness in Michael Jackson death trial

By Alan Duke, CNN
August 9, 2013 -- Updated 1841 GMT (0241 HKT)


* The jury will watch a video deposition of Michael Jackson's youngest brother Friday
* Kenny Ortega testified Michael Jackson seemed sleep-deprived a week before his death
* Lawyers use Ortega's testimony to debate who's responsible for Jackson's death
* Jackson's ex-wife Debbie Rowe is expected in court next week

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Jurors hearing the Michael Jackson wrongful death case seem to be enjoying themselves after 15 weeks of testimony, even after the judge told them they could be in court through September.

They've leaned forward, taken close notes and often laughed while watching lawyers for Michael Jackson's mother and children spar with attorneys for concert promoter AEG Live.

"I'm not going to be babysitting you two," Judge Yvette Palazuelos told Jackson lawyer Brian Panish and AEG Live lawyer Marvin Putnam this week as the attorneys traded barbs in court.

Several jurors even applauded famed choreographer and director Kenny Ortega at the end of his lengthy testimony Thursday.

While some of the 65 days of testimony has covered tedious medical and legal ground, Jackson's music and intimate home videos are often shown on two big screens in the tiny Los Angeles courtroom

The jurors were getting an inside look Friday at how Jackson's family tried to intervene in the singer's prescription drug use as AEG Live's lawyers showed them video of their questioning of Randy Jackson, Michael Jackson's youngest brother.

The jury will eventually have a billion-dollar decision to make: Is AEG Live liable in Jackson's death and, if so, how much should the promoter-producer of his comeback tour pay the family in damages?

Katherine Jackson and her grandchildren -- Prince, Paris and Blanket -- contend AEG Live negligently hired, retained or supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician now serving a prison term for involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death.

Murray told investigators he gave the entertainer nightly infusions of the surgical anesthetic propofol to treat his insomnia so he could rest for rehearsals while preparing for his "This Is It" shows set to debut in London in July 2009. The coroner ruled Jackson's June 25, 2009, death was caused by an overdose of propofol.

AEG Live argues Jackson, not the company, chose and controlled Murray. A contract the company negotiated with Murray to work as Jackson's personal tour doctor for $150,000 a month was signed by Murray and returned to AEG Live on June 24, 2009. With Jackson's death the next day, no AEG Live executive ever signed it.

The company also argues its executives had no way of knowing about the dangerous and unusual treatments Murray was giving Jackson in the privacy of his bedroom. AEG Live lawyers are using Randy Jackson's testimony about his family's attempts to intervene with the pop icon's use of painkillers to bolster their contention that he was a secretive drug addict.

Red flags missed?

The Jackson lawsuit accuses AEG Live executives of ignoring a series of red flags signaling that the artist was at risk in the weeks before his death -- including warnings from Kenny Ortega and others working on the production.

"He was like a lost boy," Ortega wrote in an e-mail to AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips days before Jackson's death. "There still may be a chance he can rise to the occasion if we get him the help he needs."

After a poor rehearsal on June 13, 2009, and a missed rehearsal the next day, Ortega expressed his concern in an e-mail to AEG Live co-CEO Paul Gongaware: "Were you aware that MJ's doctor didn't permit him to attend rehearsals yesterday? Are Randy and Frank (DiLeo, another Jackson manager) aware of this? Please have them stay on top of his health situation without invading MJ's privacy. It might be a good idea to talk with his doctor to make sure everything MJ requires is in place."

The AEG Live executives later told Ortega they met with Murray and put him in charge of getting Jackson to rehearsals, Ortega said. The director said he was told that if he needed to know whether Jackson was coming to a rehearsal, he should call the doctor. Ortega was given Murray's cell phone number, which he said he programmed into his own phone.

When Jackson finally showed up for a rehearsal on June 19, "he appeared lost, cold, afraid," Ortega said. It is a day he will never forget, he testified.

"I saw a Michael that frightened me, a Michael that was shivering and cold," Ortega testified. "I thought there was something emotional going on, deeply emotional, and something physical going on. He seemed fragile."

When AEG Live's lawyer asked Ortega if Jackson could've just had "a really bad flu," the show director said that was "not the best way of describing it."

A sleep expert hired by the Jacksons' lawyers testified earlier that he believed the singer was suffering from long-term sleep deprivation caused by two months of nightly propofol infusions. The drug interrupts crucial REM sleep cycles, depriving the brain of real rest and repair, the expert said.

Ortega persuaded Jackson not to go onstage that night because he was afraid he would hurt himself, he testified. Instead, Jackson agreed to watch the rehearsal with choreographer Travis Payne dancing his parts.

Jackson appeared paranoid and afraid, Ortega said. "He was repeating for me not to quit or to leave him. He was afraid that I was going to quit or leave him."

With just a dozen days left for rehearsals before the touring company moved to London for the opening, Ortega testified, he was worried "that all that we had worked for together, Michael and I -- this dream, this desire -- was going to fall away."

Ortega testified that on June 19, he "felt that we should stop" the production, but he was "torn because I did not want to break Michael's heart."

Ortega sent a series of e-mails that night and the next morning to AEG Live executives warning that they needed professional help for Jackson.

"There are strong signs of paranoia, anxiety and obsessive-like behavior," Ortega wrote. "I think the very best thing we can do is get a top psychiatrist in to evaluate him ASAP. It's like there are two people there. One (deep inside) trying to hold on to what he was and still can be and not waiting us to quit him, the other in this weakened and troubled state."

A contentious meeting

Ortega testified that he was called to a meeting with AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips, Jackson and Murray at Jackson's home on June 20, hours after he sent those e-mails.

Murray angrily confronted him, Ortega testified. "He said I had no right to not let Michael rehearse, that Michael was physically and emotionally capable of handling all his responsibility as a performer and I should be a director and not an amateur doctor or psychologist. I should stick to my job and leave the rest to him."

Phillips watched Murray's attack on him in silence, Ortega testified Thursday.

Jackson died while under Murray's care five days later, in a bedroom just upstairs from the parlor where the meeting took place.

"A different Michael" showed up for the next rehearsals on June 23 and 24, Ortega testified. Jackson "seemed healthy and ready and happy. There didn't seem to be any leftover issues."

"I was feeling that we were back on track and grateful and believing that we were now in a new chapter," Ortega said.

Jackson lawyer Brian Panish asked Ortega what he thought caused the "metamorphosis" he witnessed in Jackson. "Maybe a lot of rest," he said. "He seemed rested, stronger."

"I assume sleep had to be a part of it," Ortega added. "He just looked rested. Deep sleep, real sleep."

Murray told investigators he stopped using propofol to induce Jackson's sleep for the two previous nights -- after 60 nights of it. Jackson lawyers contend that is why Jackson was revitalized.

Jackson lawyers argued that Murray was influenced by a conflict of interest -- created by his arrangement with AEG Live -- to continue dangerous propofol infusions to help Jackson rest for rehearsals. He was $1 million in debt and had abandoned his medical practice two months earlier to serve as Jackson's personal physician for the tour. If he failed to get Jackson to rehearsals, the shows might be postponed or canceled and he would be out of a job, they argue.

Blame game

Lawyers for both sides used Ortega's appearance in court to argue over who was responsible for Jackson's death -- the promoter or the artist.

"At the time, did you think Mr. Jackson was responsible for his own health?" AEG Live's Marvin Putnam asked.

"I didn't think he was being very responsible, but it was his responsibility, in my opinion," Ortega answered. "I wanted to take care of him, you always want to take care of someone if they're not feeling well, but you can't be responsible for them. They have to be responsible for themselves."

When Jackson lawyer Brian Panish had a chance to again question Ortega, he focused on AEG Live's responsibility in retaining Murray.

Panish: "You would expect a responsible concert promoter and producer to make sure anyone they hired to be checked out as fit and competent?"

Ortega: "Yes."

Panish: "Check them out to make sure they had no conflict?"

Ortega: "Yes."

Panish: "It would be irresponsible not to do that?"

Ortega: "Yes."

As Ortega stepped off the witness stand Thursday afternoon, several jurors applauded.

Debbie Rowe, the mother of Michael Jackson's two oldest children, may finally appear in court next week as a witness called by AEG Live. She was married to Jackson for several years and traveled with him on tour in the 1990s.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.08.2013 um 21:45
9. August 2013 08:30

Michael Jackson
Seine Gesundheit kümmerte ihn nicht

Popstar Michael Jackson achtete laut Co-Regisseurs seiner anstehenden Tour nicht auf seine Gesundheit.

michael jackson 5026733 ORIGINAL article

Michael Jackson (†50) hatte kein Verantwortungsgefühl, was seine eigene Gesundheit betraf.

Der Sänger ('Thriller') handelte während der Vorbereitung für seine Londoner Comeback-Konzerte sorglos. Der Co-Regisseur Kenny Ortega (63) bezeugte dies am Donnerstag im Gericht.

Der King of Pop starb 2009 an einer Überdosis des starken Betäubungsmittels Propofol und sein Arzt, Conrad Murray (60), wurde 2011 wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt. Er verabreichte die fatale Dosis des Mittels, das Jackson Berichten zufolge als Schlafhilfe nutzte. Seine Mutter, Katherine Jackson (83), führte einen Prozess gegen AEG Live und beschuldigte den Konzertveranstalter dafür, dass sie den Arzt ihres Sohnes, während der Vorbereitungen für die große Show, nachlässig eingestellt haben. Laut 'TMZ' bestritt Ortega diese Behauptungen, als er am Donnerstag als Zeuge für AEG Live auftrat. Ortega bezeugte, dass der Popstar durchgehend "nach den Injektionen verlangte" und der Star bis zu seinem Tod für sich selbst die volle Verantwortung trug. Der Regisseur behauptete außerdem, dass Jackson allen deutlich machte, dass er und sein Arzt das Wohl von ihm unter Kontrolle hätten. "Ich denke nicht, dass er sehr verantwortungsvoll war", sagte Ortega. Der Regisseur forderte scheinbar professionelle Hilfe für den Sänger an, als seine Sorgen um dessen Gesundheit wuchsen. "Es gibt starke Zeichen von Paranoia, Ängstlichkeit und zwanghaftem Verhalten. Ich denke, dass das Beste, was wir tun können, ist, so schnell wie möglich einen guten Psychiater einzuschalten, um ihn zu beurteilen", schrieb Ortega in einer E-Mail, die dem Gericht präsentiert wurde. "Es ist als wären da zwei Personen. Eine, die an dem festhält, was er mal war und immer noch sein könnte und die nicht will, dass wir ihn kündigen und die andere Person ist in einem schwachen und beunruhigenden Zustand", hieß es in der Mail. "MJ ist jetzt noch nicht genug in Form, um dieses Zeug live zur selben Zeit zu singen und zu tanzen", lauteten die Zeilen einer anderen Mail.

Katherine Jackson nahm nach Ortega im Zeugenstand Platz und laut 'New York Daily News' "verlor sie ihre Coolness" als sie vom Verteidigungsanwalt befragt wurde. Sie sagte außerdem aus, dass sie niemals Zeuge davon war, wie ihr Sohn Drogen missbrauchte, gestand aber ein, dass die Familie 2002 auf der Neverland Ranch eine Intervention einberufen hatte, um Michael Jackson zu helfen.


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09.08.2013 um 22:01
KING ‏@KingMikeJ 1h
So it's been confirmed by Thomas Mesereau. Katherine Jackson lied in court - this AEG lawsuit was Randy's idea & discussed at Janet's house.
Retweetet von Ivy
8:31 PM - 9 Aug 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
Of course this lawsuit is the brainchild of Randy Jackson and Katherine is lying when she said I brought it alone. Why are you surprised?
8:18 PM - 9 Aug 13

Nero ‏@caramelicedtea 1h
Why were Randy and Janet involved in a lawsuit Kath claims she did alone? Sigh.
Retweetet von Ivy
8:15 PM - 9 Aug 13

Nero ‏@caramelicedtea 1h
So Tom Mesereau said that he and Randy met with Brian Panish first, and then Katherine met with Panish at Janet's house.
Retweetet von Ivy
8:11 PM - 9 Aug 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 5h
Randy Jackson deposition video transcript (only parts shown in court) will become available a few days after it is played. I'll post it.
4:23 PM - 9 Aug 13


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09.08.2013 um 22:06

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 8 Aug
First take the pledge ( ), organize your friends, make donations to the homeless and document it (with permission)
3:24 AM - 8 Aug 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 8 Aug
To honor Michael Jackson's birthday we are starting a campaign to help the homeless - Details here:
3:21 AM - 8 Aug 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.08.2013 um 22:48
ein neues Interview mit Thomas Mesereau ...

Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #6488 ~ User: Ivy

you might want to tell this to T-Mez because apparently he disagrees with you. everyone might want to listen to first few minutes T-Mez talking about Randy wanting all of these to be investigated.

Crime Time : Michael Jackson's Lawyer Thomas Mesereau on AEG, Abuse Claims & Trayvon Martin (Video: Michael Jackson's Lawyer Thomas Mesereau on AEG, Abuse Claims & Trayvon Martin)
TheLipTV ~ Veröffentlicht am 08.08.2013

Michael Jackson's former attorney Thomas Mesereau discusses the Jackson family case against AEG for the wrongful death of the king of pop, and he also talks about his experience with Michael, the molestation case he defended him in successfully, abuse allegations from Wade Robson, the Jackson family and Debbie Rowe. Mr. Mesereau, himself deeply committed to social justice, also gives his thoughts on the Trayvon Martin case and the system's treatment of black people.

Best known for defending Michael Jackson in his 2004/2005 child molestation case, Thomas Mesereau has worked with such notable clientele as Robert Blake, Mike Tyson, and Joe Babijian. He is also extensively experienced in pro-bono cases and has received awards and recognition for his community service and humanitarian activism on behalf of poor and disenfranchised people.

Michael "Mike" Cavalluzzi is one of the best criminal defense attorneys in Los Angeles County. He has been described by judges and prosecutors as aggressive, uncompromising, and relentless in his pursuit of justice for his clients. Having defended clients in courts throughout Los Angeles, Ventura, and Orange Counties, Mike Cavalluzzi has cemented a reputation as a top trial attorney.
Having practiced extensively throughout the juvenile justice system, Mike Cavalluzzi is well known in many juvenile courts, where he is on a first-name basis with judges, prosecutors, and probation officers. As a member of the gay community, Mike Cavalluzzi is also an outspoken advocate for the rights of the entire LGBT population.

ADD'L LINKS: (Archiv-Version vom 11.10.2013)

Crime Time Full Episodes Playlist:

Crime Time Shorts Playlist:

00:01 Coming up on Crime Time.
00:30 Welcoming Tom Mesereau.
01:10 The Jackson family and the case against AEG.
04:40 The impact of the case on the family and Michael Jackson's legacy.
07:27 Dealing with Michael Jackson during his child abuse trial.
12:11 Wade Robson as a witness for the defense.
14:56 Katherine Jackson's interest in bringing the civil case forward.
19:10 Debbie Rowe and the surprise support she gave Michael.
26:36 Michael Jackson's history of using prescription drugs.
29:24 Defending Joseph Babijian successfully against money laundering.
35:20 The Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case: "Our criminal justice system has traditionally and historically devalued black lives."
So Tom Mesereau said that Randy was suspicious, he and Randy met with Brian Panish first, and then Katherine met with Panish at Janet's house. Katherine on the other hand testified that she did not discuss this case with her kids before she filed it. So if the kids did not know anything before she filed it, how can they meet the lawyers before she did? How can Randy ask for lawyer recommendations if he did not know anything before Katherine filed the lawsuit?
Also Tom Mesereau sagte, dass Randy verdächtig sei, er und Randy trafen sich zuerst mit Brian Panish, und dann traf sich Katherine mit Panish in Janets Haus. Katherine hingegen sagte aus, dass sie diesen Fall nicht mit ihren Kindern diskutiert hätte, bevor sie ihn eingereicht hatte. Also, wenn die Kinder nichts wussten, bevor sie etwas eingereicht hatte, wieso konnten sie die Anwälte treffen, bevor sie es tat? Wie kann Randy den Anwalt nach Empfehlungen fragen, obwohl er nichts wusste, bevor Katherine die Klage einreichte?

This is not the first time that T-Mez have said Randy approached him about the lawsuit and he recommended Panish to him.
Dies ist nicht das erste Mal, dass T-Mez gesagt habe, dass Randy ihn über die Klage ansprach und er ihm Panish empfahl.

so who is lying? Katherine or Tom Mesereau?
also, wer lügt? Katherine oder Tom Mesereau?

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.08.2013 um 09:15
das ist ja wohl klar, daß Kathrine gelogen hat :D, Randy hat ja schließlich schon vor langer Zeit auf Twitter damit geprotzt, daß er es jetzt geschafft hat, daß seine Mutter jetzt AEG verklagt.
Aber die Aussage von ihm bestätigt ja, daß diese Interviews von Rebbie und Janet richtig waren.
Allerdings bezog er sich ja wohl auf die 90-er Jahre oder bzw. bis 2004/05. Was danach mit MIchael passierte, weiß er nicht. Also sind das wieder nur Berichte aus der Vergangenheit und nicht relevant für den Prozess.
Aber trotzdem fand ich die Aussage nicht so schlimm, daß jetzt alle Fans wieder über den Randy herfallen müssen. Es ist zumindest der Beweis, daß sich Michael nicht reinreden lassen wollte in seinen Medikamentenkonsum und wie alle Süchtigen es abgestritten hat. Ja, was sollten sie denn alle machen, wenn er es selbst nicht wahrhaben wollte? Wahrscheinlich war das auch der wahre Grund, warum er sich durch seine Leibwächter so geschützt hat. Es ging ihm einfach auf den Keks, immer darauf angesprochen zu werden. Natürlich waren Geldforderungen auch ein Grund, denke ich.

Ja und Michael als Schauspieler hätte ich mir auch gut vorstellen können, aber nur bis Anfang der 90er Jahre. Er hat ja schließlich bewiesen, daß er es konnte in seinen ganzen Musikvideos, naja, Ghost war auch noch toll und das war später. Aber dann hätte man Michael als Schauspieler bestimmt nicht mehr akteptiert, zumindest eh nicht als Superhelden, den er spielen wollte. Nein, dafür war er nicht geeignet. Bis Anfang der 90er Jahre hätte er den Frauenverführer spielen können, wollte ihn doch eh jede knutschen, wir alle inbegriffen. hahahaha


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10.08.2013 um 10:11

Randy´s Aussage

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10.08.2013 um 22:01
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Randy´s Aussage
leider ist der angegebene Link nicht vollständig ... es erscheint, Ooops! Page not found ... :)

Website zum vollständigen Link ↓

Michael Jackson trial: Randy Jackson talks brother's drug abuse

Jurors heard from Michael Jackson's brother, Randy, as the wrongful death trial focused on the pop star's drug abuse.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.08.2013 um 22:08
Randy Jackson testifies about drug concerns

By LINDA DEUTSCH | Associated Press – 18 hours ago


LOS ANGELES (AP) — A jury heard videotaped testimony Friday from Randy Jackson, who described more than half a dozen interventions his family attempted to try to get Michael Jackson to stop taking prescription medications.

Randy Jackson, the pop superstar's younger brother, said several of his siblings were involved in the efforts, and they occasionally brought interventionist doctors to try to convince their brother to go into rehab. The superstar always refused and kept his family at a distance in the final years of his life, Randy Jackson said.

His videotaped testimony was played for jurors by lawyers for AEG Live LLC, which is being sued by Jackson's mother. She claims the company negligently hired the doctor convicted of giving the "Thriller" singer a lethal overdose of an anesthetic in June 2009.

AEG denies it hired the physician, Conrad Murray, and its attorneys have said Jackson made choices that led to his death. Their case has already featured testimony from several medical professionals who treated the singer, including one who gave him an implant to block the effects of opiate drugs.

Randy Jackson says the interventions took place in various locations including New York, Las Vegas, Jackson's Neverland Ranch and Taiwan and dated back to the mid-1990s.

He said almost every time he tried to intercede it was after a call from a nanny who cared for Michael Jackson's children and told him the singer was over using prescription drugs. He said he never saw his brother take drugs but twice saw him in a condition where he was slurring his speech. He said he later fired the nanny after he encountered her at a pharmacy picking up prescriptions for the singer.

Randy Jackson said he never heard of the drug propofol until after his brother died from an overdose of the anesthetic.

However, he said he did not talk to his brother much in the five years before his death and was unable to get into his rented mansion during the period before he died because security guards blocked his access.

"Michael didn't want to be around the family too much because he didn't want them to see him like that," Randy Jackson said. "He was hiding from me."

He said most of the interventions were attended by his sisters Rebbie and Janet and his brothers, Tito, Marlon, and his father, Joe Jackson. But he said his mother only came along once or twice. He said she was unwilling to accept that Michael was addicted and he felt "she was in denial. She just didn't want to believe."

He said his brother refused repeatedly to go to rehab.

Katherine Jackson testified earlier in the trial that she asked her son once about his prescription drug use, but he denied he had a problem.

Randy Jackson said his brother was terrified during the run-up to his 2005 child molestation trial in Santa Maria. At one point Randy Jackson said he had to take his brother to a hospital because "he was under the influence of something."

He said he had no idea what drugs Jackson was taking.

"He was very frightened, and I had to get him to court," Randy Jackson said.

Outside court, Katherine Jackson's lawyer, Brian Panish, said that Randy Jackson's testimony showed "what everyone knew, that Michael Jackson had a problem with prescription medications. Apparently the only ones that didn't know that were the people at AEG."

Randy Jackson is the third member of his famous family to testify in the case, which concluded its 15th week on Friday. Michael Jackson's mother and his son Michael Joseph "Prince" Jackson Jr. have also testified.

ähnlicher Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 25.08.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.08.2013 um 22:19

Debbie Rowe is going to take the stand in the wrongful death suit against AEG by the family of Michael Jackson. Former attorney for Michael, Thomas Mesereau speaks about his own experience with Ms. Rowe and why we should expect the unexpected in this clip from Crime Time with Allison Hope Weiner:


Crime Time : How Will Debbie Rowe Testify In AEG Trial? (Video: How Will Debbie Rowe Testify In AEG Trial?)
TheLipTV ~ Veröffentlicht am 09.08.2013

Debbie Rowe is set to testify in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial against AEG. Tom Meserau, Jackson's former lawyer speaks about Debbie and how she testified for Michael in his 2004/2005 molestation trial, and her relationship with the Jackson family on this short clip from Crime Time.

Watch the Full Episode Here:

Crime Time Short Clips Playlist:

Crime Time Full Episodes Playlist:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.08.2013 um 22:39

Michael Jackson nearly overdosed, family staged at least 10 drug interventions: brother

Randy Jackson told jurors in Michael Jackson’s wrongful death trial that the pop star had a secret near-overdose in 2005 and that he blocked some 10 drug interventions. ‘I made sure everybody knew it ... I would say he's an addict,’ Randy said a videotaped deposition.

Saturday, August 10, 2013, 1:35 AM

According to his brother Randy, Michael Jackson had a near-overdose in 2005.

Michael Jackson suffered a secret near-overdose in Beverly Hills in 2005 and deflected more than a half-dozen drug interventions staged by his concerned relatives, a Los Angeles jury heard Friday.

In videotaped deposition testimony played on a courtroom screen, the King of Pop's brother Randy Jackson detailed the revelations and also gave a new explanation for Jackson’s bizarre behavior during his 2005 molestation trial in Santa Barbara County.

Randy Jackson said Grace Rwaramba, the nanny to Jackson's kids, somehow snuck a prescription drug patch to the "Thriller" singer during the high-stakes criminal trial, causing the moonwalker to appear "under the influence" in a hospital when he was supposed to be in court.

Randy Jackson didn't specify the exact date of the hospital incident, but a source told the Daily News he was describing the notorious morning Jackson showed up in court in his pajamas.

The near overdose, meanwhile, came after the trial at a house in Beverly Hills called Shadow Wood, according to the video testimony.

Randy Jackson said Rwaramba called him in a panic after Jackson purportedly took too much of a prescription obtained in her name. He said Jackson was out of it and talking in "slurred speech" while his kids and guests were inside the residence.

"He was certainly under the influence of something that was altering his normal way of functioning," Randy Jackson recalled.

The brother said he confiscated all the drugs he could find and was downstairs getting something to eat when he heard Jackson had "collapsed."

Randy Jackson also testified that his family staged at least 10 interventions to try and get the pop star off various addictive prescription drugs.

Randy Jackson said he picked his brother up off the floor, put him on a bed and raced around the corner to get a doctor. He said the doctor gave Jackson something to "counter" the effects of the overdose and said not to leave the pop icon's side.

"Somebody should sleep next to him, make sure he doesn't vomit or choke, anything like that," the doctor said, according to Randy Jackson.

He recalled as many as 10 attempted interventions with Jackson that started in Taiwan during one of the singer's tours and also included an intervention in a New York hotel in 2000, about "four or five" surprise trips to Neverland Ranch and an attempt at Jackson's Las Vegas residence after the 2005 trial.

Randy Jackson said he even wrote a letter to all his family members explaining his concern that his brother was an addict.

"I copied everybody on it. Everyone. I made sure everybody knew it. I would say he has — he's an addict, and at this point, addicts aren't so responsible for what they do," he said.

He said it was "upsetting" to him that Rwaramba seemed to be supplying drugs to his brother and then calling him to pick up the pieces. He said he would race to pharmacies to confront her over her actions.

Randy Jackson said his brother didn't like the interference and would "isolate" himself, especially during the last year of his life.

Katherine Jackson, seen here with husband Joe, is suing concert promoter AEG for the wrongful death of her son, Michael.

"I wasn't afraid to say no to him. So he would really -- he would, like, get physical with me because — and I wouldn't be afraid to say no to him. But he's like 90 pounds, so it wouldn't do much," Randy Jackson with a laugh.


The testimony stood in stark contrast to the version of Jackson painted by clan matriarch Katherine Jackson during her turn on the witness stand.

The 83-year-old mom previously testified she never saw her son under the influence and did not believe he was an addict.

Katherine Jackson and the dead singer's three kids are suing AEG Live for an estimated $1 billion, claiming the concert promoter should be held liable for negligently hiring the doctor now serving four years for Jackson's overdose death.

AEG has denied any wrongdoing, saying it was Jackson who hired Dr. Conrad Murray and pressured the doctor to give him the surgery-strength anesthetic that led to his June 2009 death.

Asked if his mom believed Jackson had a problem, Randy Jackson said she was "in denial."

"She didn't want to believe it," he said.

He said Jackson knew how to "sweet talk" his mom. (Archiv-Version vom 25.08.2013)


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10.08.2013 um 22:48
Jury hears director’s view on promoter, Michael Jackson’s responsibility in trial’s 15th week

By Associated Press, Updated: Saturday, August 10, 6:26 PM

LOS ANGELES — A look at key moments this past week in the wrongful death trial in Los Angeles between Michael Jackson’s mother, Katherine Jackson, and concert giant AEG Live LLC, and what is expected at court in the week ahead:


Jackson’s mother wants a jury to determine that the promoter of Jackson’s planned comeback concerts didn’t properly investigate Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter by a criminal jury for Jackson’s June 2009 death. AEG’s attorney says the case is about personal choice, namely Jackson’s decision to have Murray serve as his doctor and give him doses of a powerful anesthetic as a sleep aid. Millions, possibly billions, of dollars are at stake.


— “This Is It” Director Kenny Ortega testified about his interactions with AEG Live executives and said he felt Jackson was the one who should have been responsible for his own health. Ortega also said it would have been responsible of AEG to not place Murray in a conflict of interest in response to questions by a plaintiff’s lawyer.

— AEG Live’s outside counsel, Kathy Jorrie, testified that she told the company’s CEO that Murray was properly licensed in four states and had told her that his clinics were earning more than $1 million a month.

— Jurors watched the videotaped testimony of Timm Woolley, a tour accountant who said he suggested that the need for CPR machines be written into Murray’s contract because the doctor wasn’t forthcoming in an initial conversations about what he needed to treat Jackson.

— Jurors watched the videotaped testimony of Jackson’s younger brother Randy, who described more than half a dozen intervention attempts by the singer’s family to try to get the superstar to stop taking prescription medications.


— Attorneys for Jackson’s mother and AEG Live lob rapid-fire questions at Ortega toward the end of his testimony, asking the director about whether a doctor should be discredited because of debts, whether actions that both sides took were responsible ones, and other topics. By the time Ortega was done answering all the lawyers’ questions, the jury rewarded him with a round of applause.

— Ortega stoop down and quietly speak to Katherine Jackson in the audience before departing the courtroom.


— “I didn’t think he was being very responsible. But it was his responsibility,” Ortega said of the need for Jackson to be responsible for his own health.

— “Michael was very clear, bold, strong in his ideas, what he wanted all through the process,” Ortega said of his friend and collaborator at the beginning of tour preparations. “Eventually he started to decline and disappear.”

— “Michael didn’t want to be around the family too much because he didn’t want them to see him like that,” Randy Jackson said. “He was hiding from me.”

— “Did he want to be remembered as the greatest entertainer in the world or the greatest father,” plaintiff’s attorney Deborah Chang asked Jackson’s former head of security Michael La Perruque. “I would say the greatest father,” he replied.


AEG Live’s lawyers are expected to continue playing the videotaped depositions of several medical care professionals who worked with Jackson throughout his life.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.08.2013 um 22:57
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5h
Here's one of our stories on Randy Jackson's deposition: (Archiv-Version vom 12.08.2013)

ABC7 Eyewitness News
Michael Jackson trial: Randy Jackson talks brother's drug abuse

Jurors heard from Michael Jackson's brother, Randy, as the wrongful death trial focused on the pop star's drug abuse.
5:00 PM - 10 Aug 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.08.2013 um 10:00
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:leider ist der angegebene Link nicht vollständig ... es erscheint, Ooops! Page not found
oh, Entschuldigung, habe ich nicht geprüft. Danke für nochmal.

Ich war zwar der Meinung, daß Randy eigentlich ganz gut gesprochen hat und ich das auch glauben konnte, was er so von sich gegeben hat. Aber wenn ich jetzt wieder lese, daß es doch mehr um andere Dinge ging als diese Interventionen, weiß ich wieder nicht, was ich davon halten soll. Alles Lügen?
Schau mal bei Lipstick-Alley, was die da alles dazu rausgefunden haben, omg!!!
Besonders hier:

Hier wurde alles ausgegraben, was nur ging! Aber sehr interessant. Nun bin ich doch wieder unsicher, ob der Randy doch auch nur gelogen hat bei seiner Aussage.
Langsam glaube ich wirklich, alles ein verlogenes Pack, es geht doch nur ums Geld und sonst nichts.
Falls der Fall jetzt abgeschlossen ist und das ohne Ergebnis wird sicher der Randy wieder auf die Nachlassverwalter losgehen.
Irgendwer hat auch geschrieben, daß es auch eine neue Taktik sein könnte. Sie lassen Michael für die ganzen Jahre als nicht zurechnungsfähig erklären, besonders in der Zeit der Testamentserstellung, er stand ja immer unter Drogen. Damit könnten sie einen neuen Angriff auf das Erbe starten. Für mich ist trotzdem immer noch unerklärlich, warum die Janet da mit beteiligt ist? Ist es wirklich nur, weil sie ihr eigenes Hab und Gut schützen will?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.08.2013 um 10:06
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:so who is lying? Katherine or Tom Mesereau?
Warum sollte Mesereau lügen? Hat er doch nichts davon. Ich hoffe, von diesem Gespräch erfährt auch der Richter und auch dieser Anwalt von Kathrin und sie selbst, damit die mal merken, was das für B...shit ist.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.08.2013 um 10:10
Hast Du gelesen? Die Ivy hat geschrieben:

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 15h
Details of AEG's motion for nonsuit - request to dismiss the case as Jacksons failed to meet their burden of proof

Könnte das heißen, es ist nächste Woche vorbei???

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.08.2013 um 07:19
Gestern, 12.8. wurden von einem Experten die Schulden von Michael erörtert und hochgerechnet, was die Erben eventuell in den nächsten Jahren als Vergütung bekommen könnten, falls AEG verpflichtet wird.
Es wurde wieder erwähnt, daß Latunta auch als Miteigentümerin des Encino-Hauses eingetragen ist, aber nur Michael wurde in die Pflicht genommen. Äußerst seltsam!,0,892250.story

Nachdem Randy sein Gift versprüht hat, ist er wieder in der Versenkung verschwunden.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.08.2013 um 08:22
Morgen wird Debbie aussagen. Aber mich überrascht eh nichts mehr. Was soll sie schon noch verraten?
Sie ist aber wahrscheinlich die Einzige, die direkt im Zeugenstand erscheint und über die Medikamentenabhängigkeit berichtet, weil sie keine Angst hat vor "Niemanden". Rebbie und Grace sind in der Versenkung verschwunden und alle anderen auch. Randy wäre bestimmt auch nicht persönlich dort im Zeugenstand erschienen, auch wenn er das jetzt twittert. Seine Aussage ist ja schon Anfang des Jahres auf Video aufgenommen worden. So konnte er nicht mehr seine Aussage ändern und fällt eigentlich seiner Mutter direkt in den Rücken. Neue Strategie?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.08.2013 um 11:37
Michael Jackson's ex-wife up next in death trial

By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 2:30 PM EDT, Mon August 12, 2013


* NEW: Debbie Rowe is expected to be questioned about Jackson's drug use during the 1990s
* The concert promoter is using Randy Jackson's testimony in the wrongful death trial
* AEG Live lawyers say Jackson was a secretive drug addict even beyond his family's help
* His brother would "kind of hide from me," Randy Jackson testifies

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's ex-wife Debbie Rowe is set to testify in the AEG Live wrongful death trial Wednesday, lawyers for the concert promoter said Monday.

Rowe is expected to be questioned about Jackson's drug use during the 1990s when she traveled with him, married him and bore his two oldest children.

She will be called as the next witness in the Los Angeles courtroom after an economics expert concludes his testimony about the financial support Jackson would have provided his mother and three children had he not died four years ago.

Jackson's youngest brother made an unsuccessful effort to reach the singer in his last weeks because of family concerns about his drug use, according to testimony Friday.

Lawyers for the concert promoter accused of liability in Jackson's death want to show that the pop icon was a secretive drug addict who was even beyond his family's help.

Jurors watched video of Randy Jackson's questioning by the AEG Live lawyers about failed interventions he led because of his concerns about Michael Jackson's use of painkillers in the last decade of his brother's life.

Jackson died from an overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol that a doctor told police he was using to treat his insomnia as he rehearsed for a comeback tour four years ago. Jackson's mother and three children are suing the concert promoter, contending it negligently hired, retained or supervised the doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter in his death.

Randy Jackson testified that he and his father, Joe Jackson, were turned away from the gates of Jackson's rented Los Angeles mansion on Carolwood Drive, the home in which he died weeks later. They were concerned because of "reports to me that he didn't look too good," he said.

"After I had heard this, I said, 'Come on, let's go. We're going over there,' " he testified.

Other witnesses, including Jackson's makeup artist and the show director, have testified that Jackson suffered physical deterioration in the last two months of his life.

"There was a drug issue," Randy Jackson said, explaining why they wanted to reach him. "He wasn't eating. All of these things were happening at the same and, you know, a lot of pressure."

He said he wanted to persuade his brother to leave rehearsals and enter a drug rehab program in San Francisco.

"Of course my brother wouldn't let me through because he wouldn't want me to see him like that," he said. The security guard told him his brother was not at home, he said.

Jackson lawyers do not dispute that Michael Jackson had a drug dependency problem at times, but they say he went long periods of time without taking painkillers. The entertainer publicly acknowledged his dependency when he cut short his Dangerous tour to enter a rehab program in 1993.

The drug use was connected to two decades of pain stemming from scalp burns suffered while filming a Pepsi commercial and several onstage accidents on tour, they say. He also used prescription sedatives to help him sleep, especially during the pressure of touring, they argue.

The pressure was on again as Jackson prepared for his "This Is It" concerts set to debut in London in July 2009, they say. Jackson was getting nightly infusions of propofol in a desperate effort to cure his insomnia, which a sleep expert testified disrupted his natural sleep cycles and caused his physical and mental decline.

AEG Live executives created an ethical conflict of interest by hiring Dr. Conrad Murray as Jackson's full-time physician for $150,000 a month, the Jackson lawsuit contends. Murray could not refuse Jackson's demands for propofol infusions since he was deeply in debt and could not risk being fired from the lucrative job, they argue.

AEG Live lawyers say it was Jackson who chose and controlled Murray, not the company, and they had no way of knowing about the dangerous treatments he was giving the singer in the privacy of his bedroom.

While Randy Jackson was questioned for several hours by AEG Live lawyers, only about an hour of the video was shown to jurors Friday. Most of it focused on his repeated attempts to interrupt his brother's use of painkillers.

"I wrote letters to my family about his problem and that we had to do something to help," Randy Jackson testified. The letters would tell his parents, brothers and sisters that 'he's an addict,' and at this point, addicts aren't so responsible for what they do. So this is where the family needs to step in and do something about it because their desire becomes physical."

Jackson testified that he "staged several interventions," including in Taiwan, New York, Las Vegas and Los Angeles.

"Four or five" of those attempted interventions were at Jackson's Neverland Ranch between 2004 and 2006 -- around the time of the child abuse trial in Santa Barbara County, California, he said.

MJ's 'pajama day' in court

Randy Jackson said he was able to get his brother off of drugs at one point, but he resumed just before the child molestation trial began in a Santa Maria, California, courtroom in 2004. "He was really scared."

He fired Jackson nanny Grace Rwaramba because he suspected she was supplying his drugs, he said. "Whenever she's around, he's wasted."

He asked older sister Rebbie Jackson to stay close to their brother, he said, telling her, "Make sure you watch everything he does, because I have to get him in this courtroom every day and see this thing through."

Randy Jackson gave new insight into what happened that infamous day of the trial when Michael Jackson showed up late for court wearing pajamas. At the time, the singer blamed a back injury suffered when he fell in the shower, which sent him to a hospital that morning.

His brother testified, however, it was "because he didn't want to go to court."

"I went to the hospital and he said to me, he says, 'I don't know what you're thinking. I'm not walking into that courtroom, so don't even think about it, Randy,' " he testified. "And I said, 'OK.' I said, 'But you're going to court.' He goes, 'No, I'm not.' "

Randy Jackson blamed the nanny for supplying "some kind of patch" that had drugs.

Jackson also described an incident in which his brother had a bad reaction to a sedative while at a Beverly Hills home in 2005. The nanny called him, saying, "You need to get over here. Something's not right," he testified. A doctor who lived nearby paid a house call and treated him, he said.

He said his brother would "kind of hide from me" because he didn't want him to know about his drug use, Jackson said.

Monday is the start of the 16th week of testimony in the trial, which the judge told jurors could last until the end of September.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.08.2013 um 12:27
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Es wurde wieder erwähnt, daß Latunta auch als Miteigentümerin des Encino-Hauses eingetragen ist, aber nur Michael wurde in die Pflicht genommen. Äußerst seltsam!
wer weiß, wie in den USA die Rechte und Pflichten der Miteigentümerin LaTunta geregelt sind ...
vielleicht ist da manches gar nicht vergleichbar mit unserem Rechtsempfinden ... ich weiß es leider nicht ...

hmmmm, also irgendwie bin ich blind, habe in dem La Times Artikel nichts entdecken können, was auf LaTunta hinweist ...

Michael Jackson trial: Pop star was 'tapped out,' millions in debt

By Jeff Gottlieb
August 12, 2013, 2:13 p.m.

Despite receiving millions of dollars annually from his song catalogs, Michael Jackson year after year spent more than he earned, including $30 million in annual debt payments, a forensic accountant testified Monday.

William R. Ackerman, testifying as a defense witness on behalf of AEG Live in the wrongful-death trial, offered a detailed look at the singer's finances, telling jurors that Jackson spent money on donations to charity, gifts, travel, art and furniture.

"He spent a lot of money on jewelry," Ackerman said with a chuckle.

Neverland Ranch -- which Ackerman called "a mini-theme park," with its maintenance staff, zoo and train that traveled around the property -- was also a huge drain on his income, the certified public accountant testified.

Still, he said, “consistently, his largest expenditure was interest expense. He spent a ton of money on interest.”

Jackson's biggest expense was $30 million in annual payments on his debt when he died in 2009.

Interest on the loans grew over the years, ranging from a little less than 7% to 16.8% annually, Ackerman said in a downtown Los Angeles courtroom.

As early as 1993, Jackson owed $30 million, a figure that grew to $140 million by 1998. From June 2001 through June 2009, Jackson's debt increased by about $170 million. When he died, Jackson owed $400 million to $500 million, Ackerman testified.

Ackerman said Jackson received no loans after 2007, and at the time of his death, he was three to four months behind on payments for the San Fernando Valley home where his mother lived.

"He was tapped out," Ackerman said.

The CPA is the latest high-priced expert to testify in the trial. Ackerman said his company has received $825,000 for its work on the trial. Concert promoter AEG Live has spent around $1.5 million on experts to testify about Jackson's financial condition, which could be a key factor in how much damages the firm could owe Jackson's mother and three children.

The Jacksons are suing AEG Live, claiming it negligently hired and supervised Conrad Murray, the doctor who administered the lethal dose of anesthetic to the singer as he prepared for his 50 comeback concerts in London.

AEG says Jackson hired the doctor and any payments the firm was supposed to make to Murray would have been advances to the pop star.

Jackson's debt has become a contentious issue during the trial, now in its fourth month. During testimony by a previous expert called by AEG, it was revealed that the Internal Revenue Service had valued Jackson's portion of the Sony/ATV song catalog as being worth hundreds of millions of dollars more than his total debt.

But Ackerman, whose testimony is continuing, said the singer was in a "precarious financial position."

He provided details of Jackson's 1985 purchase of the ATV music catalog, which contains many Beatles songs, for $49.5 million. Jackson merged it with Sony's catalog a decade later, receiving $115 million, along with a guaranteed $6.5 million a year, which was increased to $11 million annually in 2008.

The CPA also testified that Jackson's tours in the 1990s were not moneymakers. He said Jackson broke even on the Dangerous tour and lost $11.2 million on the HIStory tour.,0,892250.story


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13.08.2013 um 12:32
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum ...

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen von AEG, 9. Teil

11. August 2013

This Is It Direktor Kenny Ortega wurde zurück in den Zeugenstand gerufen. Und erhielt von der Jury Applaus, als er am Donnerstag den Zeugenstand verliess.

Die Probe am 13. Juni 2009 war nicht gut – am Tag darauf tauchte Michael Jackson gar nicht auf. Kenny Ortega informierte den stellvertretenden AEG Vorsitzenden, Paul Gongaware, und riet ihm, mehr über Michaels Gesundheitszustand heraus zu finden und mit dessen Doktor Conrad Murray zu sprechen.

Als Michael dann am 19. Juni wieder zu den Proben auftauchte, schien er „verloren, kalt und ängstlich“, so Ortega. Er werde den Tag nie vergessen. „Ich sah einen Michael der mich beängstigte, einen Michael, der schlotterte und fror.“ Kenny Ortega: „Ich dachte, da ging etwas emotionales vor sich, zutiefst emotional, und etwas physisches ging vor sich. Er schien zerbrechlich.“ Als der Anwalt von AEG Live wissen wollte, ob man hätte sagen können, Michael hatte eine „wirklich starke Grippe“, erwiderte Ortega, das sei „nicht die beste Art, es zu beschreiben.“ Er habe aus Angst, Michael könne sich verletzen, ihm geraten, nicht auf die Bühne zu gehen. Michael willigte ein, den Proben beizuwohnen, während Travis Payne seine Parts tanzte. Michael habe ängstlich und paranoid gewirkt und ihn immer wieder darum gebeten, nicht aufzugeben und ihn nicht zu verlassen. Tatsächlich habe er an dem Tag gefühlt, dass sie die Produktion stoppen sollten. Doch er sei hin und her gerissen gewesen, da er Michaels Herz nicht brechen wollte. In einer Reihe von E-Mails an AEG Führungsleute warnte sie Ortega und riet, dass sie professionelle Hilfe für MJ bräuchten.

In der Folge wurde er am 20. Juni zu einem Meeting mit Randy Phillips, Dr. Conrad Murray und Michael Jackson in dessen Villa aufgeboten. Murray habe ihn wütend konfrontiert, er habe kein Recht, Michael nicht proben zu lassen und dass Michael physisch und emotional fähig sei, all seine Verantwortungen als Künstler wahrzunehmen, Er soll sich auf seine Job als Direktor konzentrieren und kein Amateur-Arzt oder Psychologe sein, sondern das ihm, Murray, überlassen. Randy Phillips habe den Worten Murrays schweigend zugehört, so Ortegas Aussage.

Als Michael am 23. und 24. Juni wieder zu den Proben erschien, sei „ein anderer Michael“ aufgetaucht, der gesund, bereit und glücklich schien. „Ich fühlte, dass wir zurück auf Kurs waren und war dankbar und überzeugt, dass wir nun in einem neuen Kapitel waren“, sagte Kenny Ortega. Jacksons Anwalt Brian Panish wollte wissen, wie er sich die Verwandlung erkläre. „Möglicherweise eine Menge Ruhe. Er schien ausgeruht, kräftiger.“ Ortega nimmt an, dass Schlaf eine Rolle spielte. „Er schaute einfach ausgeruht aus. Tiefer Schlaf, echter Schlaf.“

Murray hatte Ermittlern mitgeteilt, dass er in den beiden Nächten vor Michaels Tod am 25. Juni kein Propofol verabreicht hatte. Dies, nachdem er ihm 60 Tage lang das Narkosemittel injizierte. Vor einigen Wochen sagte ein Schlafexperte für die Jacksons-Seite aus und sagte, dass, wenn jemand Propofol verabreicht bekommt, dieser in keinen echten Tiefschlaf fällt, der zu einem normalen, gesunden Schlaf gehört und lebenswichtig sei.

AEG Anwalt Marvin Putnam wollte von Kenny Ortega wissen, ob Michael Jackson damals verantwortlich für seine Gesundheit war. „Ich denke nicht, dass er allzu verantwortlich war, aber es war seine Verantwortung meiner Meinung nach“, so Ortega. „Ich wollte mich um ihn kümmern, man möchte sich immer um jemanden kümmern, wenn es diesem nicht gut geht, aber du kannst nicht für sie verantwortlich sein.“

Als später Brian Panish Ortega befragte, wollte er von ihm wissen: „Würden Sie erwarten, ein verantwortungsvoller Konzertpromoter und Produzent überprüft jeden, den sie anstellen, ob er geeignet und kompetent ist?“ „Ja“, antwortete Ortega. Panish: „Überprüfen um sicherzustellen, dass sie keinen Konflikt haben?“ – „Ja“ – Panish: „Es wäre verantwortungslos, das nicht zu tun?“ Kenny Ortega antwortete erneut mit “Ja.”

Als der Ortega am Donnerstag den Zeugenstand verliess, applaudierten mehrere Geschworene.


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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.08.2013 um 12:57
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Könnte das heißen, es ist nächste Woche vorbei???
hmmm, weiß nicht, ob man es so interpretieren könnte ...

Ivy hatte auch noch einen Link zur MJJC angegeben ...

aus dem Eintrag #38
As Ortega's testimony concluded Jacksons case in chief, AEG has filed a motion for nonsuit - meaning they are claiming Jacksons did not meet burden of proof and case needs to be dismissed. In the alternative (if the whole nonsuit motion is not granted) , AEG is asking for dismissal of individual defendants - Phillips &Gongaware
wenn ich es richtig verstehe, hat AEG einen Antrag zur/m *nonsuit ( nicht Klage/Prozess) ---
das heißt, sie behaupten, dass die Jacksons nicht die Last der Beweisführung treffen und der Fall müsste zurückgewiesen werden.
In der Alternative (falls dem gesamten "nonsuit" Antrag nicht stattgegeben wird), wird AEG nachfragen, wegen der Entlassung von einzelnen Angeklagten - Phillips & Gongaware

*habe keine direkte Übersetzung gefunden ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.08.2013 um 13:11
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Warum sollte Mesereau lügen? Hat er doch nichts davon. Ich hoffe, von diesem Gespräch erfährt auch der Richter und auch dieser Anwalt von Kathrin und sie selbst, damit die mal merken, was das für B...shit ist.
dieser Satz/diese Frage stammt nicht von mir ... es ist ein Zitat aus einem Eintrag von Ivy/MJJC ...

ich gehe auch davon aus, dass NICHT Mesereau, derjenige ist, der hier lügt ... bestimmt kann man davon ausgehen, dass die Gegenpartei sehr wohl die vielen Ungereimtheiten/Widersprüche der Jacksons mitbekommen haben ... :) und garantiert auch gegen sie verwenden wird ...
