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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 10:53
Prince Michael Jackson sticks to his daily routine as his sister Paris recovers in hospital after suicide attempt

By Cliff Renfrew
PUBLISHED: 04:04 GMT, 14 June 2013 | UPDATED: 04:04 GMT, 14 June 2013

It has been the most traumatic period in his young life since his father Michael Jackson died.

But Prince Michael Jackson is continuing to try and function the best he can after his sister Paris Jackson's recent suicide attempt.

First he went to the True Blood premiere with his girlfriend, Remi Alfalah, and then on Thursday he was spotted pumping gas in his truck close to his home in Calabasas.

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Normal chores: Prince Michael Jackson filled up his truck with gas close to his home in Calabasas on Thursday
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Pushing through: Prince is making the best of a bad situation as he continues to support his sister Paris

Wearing a black T-shirt with Oriental writing, shorts and sneakers, the 16-year-old wore a slightly anxious expression on his face as he got out of the truck before filling it up himself.

Sporting long unkempt hair Prince may have been stopping off en route before going to visit his sister who is currently being treated at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles.

Earlier this week Prince attended the premiere of the sixth season of True Blood with his girlfriend Remi Alfalah as he continued to try and get back to having some fun after recent events.

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Being strong: Teenager Prince is having to show maturity beyond his years as he copes with his sister's recent suicide attempt
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Dark dresser: Prince wore all black as he dropped by the gas station close to his home in Calabasas

Although the young pair failed to raise any smiles during their night out it must have come as a welcome distraction from all the bad news they have suffered recently.

Aspiring actor and television presenter Prince cancelled a scheduled trip to Europe following Paris' suicide attempt - he had been due to appear on the German television show Wetten, dass... ?

In recent times Prince has grown closer to his girlfriend Remi, 15, and he has been spending time with her family as well while Paris continues to do well in hospital.

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Soul mate: Prince has been getting help from girlfriend Remi Alfalah with the two taking in a True Blood new season premiere in Los Angeles on Tuesday night

Paris and Prince had sparked a sibling rivalry running up to her meltdown after he objected to her spending more time with their biological mother Debbie Rowe.

It is understood that Prince was wary of Debbie who had offered to 'take custody' of his sister on a permanent basis.

But sources claim the pair have gotten close again following the suicide attempt and that Prince wants to do whatever it takes to help his sister regain her full health.

article-2341456-1A4FEBF9000005DC-255 634Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
Happier times: Prince and Paris enjoy one another's company at "Mr Pink Ginseng Drink Launch Party" held at the Regent Beverly Wilshire in Beverly Hills on October 2010


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 11:00

Prince Jackson Gets Some Gas For His Truck

Posted Thu June 13th, 2013 - 10:27 PM EDT

Prince Jackson gasses up his truck in Calabasas.

Photo Gallery umfasst 22 Bilder ...


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14.06.2013 um 17:45
Prince Jackson Pays A Visit To The Pump

Posted on Fri Jun 14, 2013 07:00 AM PDT

pjackson061313 12-full

It seemed like just another day for Prince Jackson on Thursday as he stopped by a Calabasas gas station to fill up his truck.

The 16-year-old son of Michael Jackson has been through lots in just a few weeks with the news of his sister Paris' attempted suicide but it looks like he's fighting for some normalcy.

In the past few days, he's been shopping with his girlfriend Remi, took in a mixed martial arts event at UCLA's Pauley Pavilion and even attended the True Blood season premiere in Hollywood, all while still paying steady visits to the hospital to check on his sister.

We hope everything gets back to normal and fast for him and his family!

Do you think it's best for Prince to take his mind off things?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 20:18

Debbie Rowe
Won't Seek Guardianship
Of Paris ... For Now

6/14/2013 1:00 AM PDT


Debbie Rowe is NOT at odds with Paris Jackson's guardians, Katherine Jackson and TJ Jackson -- and she will not try to wrestle guardianship away unless the situation changes drastically ... because she does not want to split up Michael Jackson's 3 kids.

Sources directly connected with the family tell TMZ ... Debbie has spent a significant amount of time at Katherine's house and "likes and respects" Katherine. We're told Debbie loves TJ, and worries he's taken on so much -- not only is he guardian to MJ's 3 kids, he has a family of his own to care for.

As for Debbie's relationship with Paris, we're told it's "intense." Paris calls Debbie "Mom" and the two interact as mother and daughter, with Debbie often correcting Paris and "laying down the law."

We're told as much as Debbie loves Paris and wants to be with her, she does not want to yank Paris out of the family house and away from her brothers, Prince and Blanket. We're told Debbie is especially worried about Blanket, who is vulnerable and feels abandoned after Michael's death.

Now here's the problem -- We're told Michael's brothers and sisters -- with the exception of Janet -- have been on a campaign against Debbie being part of Paris' life.

Not a big shock, right?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 20:52
bei LSA "entdeckt" ... Jaafar hat dieses Bild bei IG geposted ...

d4d7b130d50311e2982122000a1f8c32 7Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

und auch bei Twitter ...
jaafar jackson ‏@jaafarjjackson 3h
Trying to be cool.
5:06 PM - 14 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 21:45
Michael Jackson Death Trial
AEG Live
On the Ropes

55 minutes ago
6/14/2013 11:45 AM PDT


It's pretty shocking ... but Katherine Jackson may have taken a giant step today toward convincing a jury AEG Live was negligent in protecting Michael Jackson just days before his death.

AEG Live honcho Randy Phillips had trouble explaining to Katherine's lawyer why he thought MJ "looked really good" in a meeting 5 days before his death when a photograph taken a day before the meeting clearly showed otherwise.

The photo shows a smiling Jackson but someone who looked gaunt and pale. On top of that, there is testimony that producer/director Kenny Ortega and others were alarmed over Jackson's health.

In the days preceding his death, Jackson had missed rehearsals and was sweating profusely. He also seemed out of it.

As for how Phillips reconciled his statement with other evidence, he said, "I was confused as anybody."

Here's the deal ... This case was AEG's to lose. AEG could have made it simple and just said they assumed MJ was being properly cared for by the doctor MJ handpicked. But AEG has gotten a little too cute, painting a picture that the jury may not be buying.

Short story ... Propofol aside, if the jury believes AEG unreasonably pushed MJ like a circus animal, they could be in beaucoup trouble.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.06.2013 um 09:00
Dieser letzte Beitrag von TMZ, ja könnten sie sogar mal Recht haben!
Ich bin zwar immer noch der Meinung, daß das nichts mit der Anklage zu tun hat, ob Murray von AEG eingestellt wurde. Aber da sie sich in alle Widersprüche verwickeln, kann es durchaus sein, daß sie Murray unter Druck gesetzt haben. Obwohl ich mir vorstellen kann, daß Michael das letzte Wort hatte. Er wollte unbedingt weitermachen, weil er Angst hatte, alles zu verlieren.
Warum sagt der Murray, daß Michael o.k. wäre???? Er, der Arzt, der es hätte abbrechen können???

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.06.2013 um 09:02
Michael Jackson tour was in danger of cancellation, exec concedes

June 14, 2013, 3:05 p.m.

Michael Jackson's anticipated comeback tour was in danger of being canceled after a promoter received troubling emails about the singer's health and mental stability, the chief executive for the company producing the "This Is It" concerts acknowledged Friday.

Randy Phillips, the top executive for AEG Live, said the sold-out London concerts could have been shut down after he received the emails, some that described the pop singer as being unprepared for the rigors of touring and being in feeble health.

Asked by Jackson family attorney Brian Panish if the tour was in danger, Phillips replied, "Yes. I would characterize it that way."

Phillips testified for the eighth day in the wrongful-death case brought by Jackson's mother and three children against AEG Live, Phillips and another AEG executive.

The Jacksons say that AEG hired and controlled Conrad Murray, the doctor who administered the fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to the singer on June 25, 2009. AEG argues that Murray worked for Jackson and that any money the company was supposed to pay him was part of a multimillion-dollar advance the entertainment firm gave the singer.

Murray is now serving jail time for involuntary manslaughter.

Panish played a clip of a Sky News interview he gave a week after Jackson's death in which Phillips said AEG hired Murray.

Phillips told Panish that the company had never hired a doctor at the behest of a performer or paid for their housing.

Murray's contract said that AEG would pay for his house when the "This Is It" crew moved to London in July for the 50 concerts at the 02 Arena. Murray signed the contract shortly before Jackson died, but no one from AEG signed.

In previous testimony, an AEG executive testified that neither Jackson nor his representatives were shown drafts of Murray's contract.

Much of Phillips' testimony in recent days has centered on what happened June 19 and June 20, when Jackson was rehearsing for the concerts.

On June 19, after a particularly troubling day of rehearsal, tour director Kenny Ortega sent Phillips an email in which he said Jackson was "trembling, rambling, obsessing" and needed a mental health evaluation. A photo taken during a costume fitting that day shows a gaunt Jackson in a white T-shirt.

A meeting with Jackson, Ortega, Phillips and Murray was held at the singer's Carolwood Drive house the next day.

Phillips testified Jackson "looked really good."

Panish asked him how Jackson could improve so quickly. "I was as confused as anybody because the Michael Jackson I saw, the Michael Jackson sitting in that living room ... looked great."

What changed in 12 hours? Panish asked.

"I have no idea," Phillips replied.

Phillips and others have testified that Jackson's rehearsals on June 23 and 24 put everyone's worries to rest.

Jackson died on June 25. A paramedic who answered the emergency call to Jackson's residence testified earlier in the trial that the singer was so slender that he looked like a cancer patient who had gone home to die.,0,4465703.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.06.2013 um 09:29

D.h., die Tour wäre eh nie zustande gekommen, auch wenn Michael nicht an der Propofol-Vergiftung gestorben wäre!!!
Die AEG - Verantwortlichen haben demzufolge schon in Erwägung gezogen, den ganzen Wahnsinn in 2009 abzubrechen.
Ja und der Michael hatte Angst, daß das wirklich geschieht. Na, da hat doch der Murray auch seine Felle davonschwimmen sehen! Ja da können wir uns wieder raussuchen, entweder der Murray hat seinen Frust losgelassen oder der Michael hat keinen Ausweg gesehen.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.06.2013 um 09:32
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Warum sagt der Murray, daß Michael o.k. wäre???? Er, der Arzt, der es hätte abbrechen können???
ich denke, er hatte Angst, diesen lukrativen Job zu verlieren ... hätte denn MJ auf ihn gehört, wenn Murray ihm gesagt hätte, er ist z.Z einfach nicht in der Lage, die Konzert Tour zu absolvieren ...
und warum hat er MJ Tag für Tag Propofol verabreicht ??? da hat Murray sich doch auch Verantwortungslos gezeigt ...
warum hat Murray darauf bestanden, dass man bei MJ noch Lebenszeichen erkennen kann, obwohl selbst die Sanis diese nicht mehr festgestellen konnten ...

aber ich hatte damals mal gelesen, dass Murray unbedingt erreichen wollte, dass MJ ins KH eingeliefert wird ... hätte man festgestellt, dass MJ zu Hause verstorben wäre, wären weitere Untersuchungen erfolgt (die ja aber trotzdem gemacht wurden!!!!) ... und Murray rechnete wohl damit, dass, wenn MJ im KH "verstorben" sei, keine Autopsie erfolgen wird ... und Todesursache, hätte man dann ganz einfach mit Herzinfarkt erklärt ...

nur so ist es dann, natürlich doch nicht abgelaufen ... :( aber damit hat wohl Murray absolut nicht gerechnet ...
Einträge dazu, findet man in früheren Beiträgen dieses Threads ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.06.2013 um 09:52
ja, das mag sein, daß Murray Angst hatte, diesen lukrativen Job zu verlieren. Da kann man aber wieder eindeutig erkennen, was das für ein Arzt ist. Das hat ja absolut nichts mit dem "Hypokratischen Eid", den er ja wahrscheinlich auch abgelegt hat, zu tun.
Abgesehen davon, wissen wir auch nicht, wie er von Michael unter Druck gesetzt worden ist oder doch von AEG???????
Ja der Gangster hatte damit gerechnet, daß keine Autopsie gemacht wird und daß zumindest das Propofol nicht gefunden wird.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.06.2013 um 10:06
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Ja und der Michael hatte Angst, daß das wirklich geschieht. Na, da hat doch der Murray auch seine Felle davonschwimmen sehen! Ja da können wir uns wieder raussuchen, entweder der Murray hat seinen Frust losgelassen oder der Michael hat keinen Ausweg gesehen.
es gibt leider nur zwei Personen, die genau wissen, was an diesem schicksalhaften 25.06.2009 abgelaufen ist ... und eine davon kann leider gar nichts mehr dazu sagen ... :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.06.2013 um 10:16
Lawsuit evidence: Michael Jackson lost dance moves in last days

By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 7:37 PM EDT, Fri June 14, 2013

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* Jurors watched a comparison of Jackson's performance of "Billie Jean" in '01 and '09
* Show director was "concerned he would embarrass himself on stage, or worse yet -- get hurt"
* Jackson lawyers argue AEG Live pressured his doctor to get Jackson ready for rehearsals
* AEG Live lawyers argue Jackson chose and supervised Dr. Conrad Murray

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's health deteriorated so badly in the last weeks of his life that he couldn't perform some of his trademark dance moves, according to evidence presented in his family's lawsuit against a concert promoter.

Jurors in the wrongful death trial Friday watched a comparison of Jackson's performance of "Billie Jean" from 2001 with rehearsal video from June 2009, when he was preparing for his "This Is It" comeback concerts.

"I have watched him deteriorate in front of my eyes over the last 8 weeks. He was able to do multiple 360 spins back in April. He'd fall on his ass if he tried now," production manager John "Bugzee" Houghdahl wrote in an e-mail to AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips on June 19, 2009.

Show director Kenny Ortega sent Jackson home from a rehearsal that night because of his strange behavior.

"He was a basket case and Kenny was concerned he would embarrass himself on stage, or worse yet -- get hurt," Houghdahl wrote. "The company is rehearsing right now, but the DOUBT is pervasive."

The e-mail chain -- titled "trouble at the Front" -- is key evidence in the trial in which Jackson's mother and three children contend AEG Live is liable for the singer's death because it negligently hired, retained and supervised Dr. Conrad Murray.

Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death, told police he used the surgical anesthetic propofol to treat Jackson's insomnia so he could be rested for rehearsals. The coroner ruled Jackson's June 25, 2009, death was caused by an overdose of propofol.

AEG Live lawyers argue it was Jackson who chose and supervised Murray and that their executives had no way of knowing about the dangerous propofol treatments being administered in the privacy of Jackson's home.

Houghdahl's e-mail came during a "highly charged time" when there was doubt the show would be ready for its London debut in July of that year, Phillips testified Friday.

Phillips met with Dr. Murray, Michael Jackson and Ortega at Jackson's home a day after getting the Houghdahl e-mails, according to testimony.

While Jackson lawyers argue that meeting was intended to pressure Murray to make sure Jackson was ready for rehearsals, AEG lawyers contend Dr. Murray assured producers nothing was wrong with him.

AEG's lawyer showed jurors a clip Thursday of Jackson performing several non-consecutive 360-degree spins while rehearsing his song "Billie Jean" on June 5, 2009.

Phillips described them as "multiple 360 spins," although conceding he was not a choreographer.

Jackson lawyers, in their rebuttal Friday, showed the jurors the side-by-side comparison of the routine in 2001 and the one weeks before Jackson's death that was seen in the "This Is It" documentary made from rehearsal video.

"Anywhere in the movie does it show Michael Jackson doing multiple 360 spins?" Jackson lawyer Brian Panish asked Phillips.

"No," Phillips said.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.06.2013 um 10:21
doch doch, der Anwalt kann ja dann in der nächsten Woche die Brena Richie dazu befragen, die kann sich mit Michael in Verbindung setzen, wie sie es ja schon getan hat :D :D :D
Davon abgesehen, will der Anwalt der Jacksons wirklich diese Brenda Richie aussagen lassen, ich glaube, ich spinne!
Schau mal, der hat nämlich geschwätzt zu den Reportern:

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.06.2013 um 10:25
jajaja, den Bericht von CNN über " Michael Jackson lost dance moves in last days" hatte ich schon gelesen.
Ich finde es trotzdem fragwürdig, diese beiden Acts miteinander zu vergleichen!!!
Das eine ist ein ausgereifter "Bühnenauftritt" und das andere ist eine Probe. Das kann man nicht vergleichen, das ist voreingenommen! Da müßte man eine andere Probe hernehmen.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.06.2013 um 10:42
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:doch doch, der Anwalt kann ja dann in der nächsten Woche die Brena Richie dazu befragen, die kann sich mit Michael in Verbindung setzen, wie sie es ja schon getan hat :D :D :D
Davon abgesehen, will der Anwalt der Jacksons wirklich diese Brenda Richie aussagen lassen, ich glaube, ich spinne!
Schau mal, der hat nämlich geschwätzt zu den Reportern:
na, da eröffnen sich doch ganz neue Perspektiven ... zukünftig wird es dann keine ungeklärten Todesfälle oder Verbrechen mehr geben ...
da kann man dann nur mal hoffen, dass der Verstorbene keine "Spielchen" treibt ... aber es heißt ja, in der "anderen Welt" gibt es kein böse mehr, keinen Hass, keinen Neid, all die "Schlechtigkeiten" sind nicht mehr existent ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.06.2013 um 11:04
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Ich finde es trotzdem fragwürdig, diese beiden Acts miteinander zu vergleichen!!!
Das eine ist ein ausgereifter "Bühnenauftritt" und das andere ist eine Probe. Das kann man nicht vergleichen, das ist voreingenommen! Da müßte man eine andere Probe hernehmen.
so genau nehmen es doch die Schreiberlinge nicht ... es zählt doch nur die Schlagzeile und die soll in den Köpfen der Leserschaft haften bleiben ... grrrr


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.06.2013 um 11:14
Michael Jackson
Every Shocking Death Scene Photo

6/15/2013 12:50 AM PDT


Photo Gallery auf der Website ... enthält 155 Bilder ...

Here it is ... the Michael Jackson death scene ... every single shocking photo taken, from the doll he slept with, Propofol bottles, Dr. Murray's mysterious medical bag, portentous writing on the wall, old costumes ... everything.

The photos were taken by LAPD investigators on June 25th, 2009, the day Michael died. A few of these photos trickled out during Dr. Murray's criminal trial, but now they're all here in one gallery ... ALL 155.

The gallery is a fascinating window into how Michael lived ... and how he died.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.06.2013 um 11:24
ich kann mir nicht helfen, ich glaube nicht, daß es so aussah am 24/25.6.
Da waren doch zuerst die Jacksons dort zum suchen und finden. Die haben doch bestimmt alles durchstöbert! Die Aufnahmen wurden doch danach gemacht!!!

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.06.2013 um 13:49
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:ch kann mir nicht helfen, ich glaube nicht, daß es so aussah am 24/25.6.
Da waren doch zuerst die Jacksons dort zum suchen und finden. Die haben doch bestimmt alles durchstöbert! Die Aufnahmen wurden doch danach gemacht!!!
na, vielleicht nicht ganz so "rumpelig" ...
am 25.06.2009 haben bestimmt der Jackson Clan, aber auch die zu ermittelden Dienstkräfte etwas "nachgeholfen" ... nicht zu vergessen, evtl. auch Dr. Murray und später dann die Sanitäter ...

schau mal auf Bild Nr. 148 ... das scheint doch u. a. der Geschäftspartner von LaTunta, Jeffre Phillips, zu sein ... der war dann auch im Haus von MJ, als das LAPD die Bilder aufgenommen hatte ...
na, dann war doch LaTunta bestimmt nicht weit entfernt ... :)

