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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.06.2013 um 05:52

Michael Jackson
So Broke He Needed Tour
To Buy a Home

Michael Jackson
da pleite, er brauchte Geld
um ein Haus zu kaufen

6/12/2013 3:23 PM PDT


It's a shocking testament ... Michael Jackson -- who amassed hundreds of millions of dollars during his storied career -- needed the "This Is It" tour so he could afford a house for his children.

During the wrongful death trial Wednesday afternoon ... AEG honcho Randy Phillips told the jury about an emotional meeting he had with MJ around Halloween, 2008. Phillips said a tearful Jackson told him his 3 kids were living "like vagabonds" -- shuttling from a Las Vegas rental to the Bel Air Hotel in L.A.

Phillips said Jackson wanted a home the family could call their own, and needed the "This Is It" tour to make enough money to realize that dream.

Phillips said the meeting was so emotional, both he and Jackson cried.

But get this ... the next day Phillips met MJ again, and the singer revealed the home he wanted to buy --- a 40,000-square-foot estate with a $93 million price tag. Phillips told MJ he thought it was ridiculous to blow his wad on the property.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.06.2013 um 06:00
'Miracle' of Michael Jackson's concert announcement described

By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 6:55 PM EDT, Wed June 12, 2013


* AEG Live CEO details drama of getting Michael Jackson to tour announcement
* "I was sweating bullets," Randy Phillips tells jurors in L.A. court
* "I admit to being a bit of a drama queen," Phillips testifies
* Phillips screamed and slapped Jackson in a London hotel, he testifies

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A drunk, despondent and "emotionally paralyzed" Michael Jackson evolved into the confident superstar Michael Jackson as he stepped on stage to announce his comeback concerts, a promoter testified Wednesday.

AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips, testifying for a sixth day in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial, explained why he sent e-mails to colleagues saying what he went through to pull off the London event in 2009 was "the scariest thing I have ever seen."

Phillips now calls it "The Miracle of March 5th."

It was a day when Phillips slapped Jackson and screamed at him so loud the walls of his hotel room shook, he testified.

Jackson's mother and three children are suing AEG Live, contending the concert promoter is liable for his death because it negligently hired, retained or supervised Dr. Conrad Murray.

AEG Live lawyers contend Jackson, not the company, chose, hired and supervised Murray. They argue AEG Live executives had no way of knowing Murray was using a surgical anesthetic in Jackson's home.

Murray, who told police he used the surgical anesthetic propofol nightly to treat Jackson's insomnia, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for Jackson's death, which the coroner ruled was caused by a propofol overdose.

"We have a little issue"

Phillips had doubts Jackson would show up for the London announcement because he couldn't reach him a week before the scheduled date. The singer was not returning his manager's calls because he was upset that Tohme Tohme had planned to auction off some of his belongings. Phillips couldn't call Jackson directly -- only through Tohme, he said.

"I was flying blind," Phillips testified. "I didn't know what was happening in Michael's camp."

Phillips was starting to worry about Jackson breaking his contract with AEG Live for his "This Is It" concerts. "If there ever was a time to stop the process," it was then in late February, he testified. "That's when we had the least amount of risk and the greatest amount of collateral."

But Phillips decided to press ahead, even if Jackson failed to get on the private jet for London.

Jackson arrived with his children, Tohme, a bodyguard, and a nanny who also did his hair and makeup on March 4, 2009. Phillips, who had to stop in Miami for the launch of Britney Spear's "Circus" tour, landed in London on March 5, just hours before the press event was set to begin.

Phillips went to the Lanesborough Hotel, where Jackson and Tohme had adjacent suites on the first floor. He sat on Tohme's couch watching CNN while the manager checked on Jackson, he testified.

"I was starting to freak out," after a while, he said. Getting from the hotel to the O2 Arena on the east end of London could take 90 minutes since "traffic is mind-boggling," he said.

After more waiting, "I am completely freaking out," Phillips said. "I was in the hallway pacing back and forth."

"We have a little issue," Tohme eventually told him, he testified. "Michael got drunk."

Tohme returned to Jackson's suite, leaving an anxious Phillips in the hotel hallway, he said.

"I had an earpiece in my ear, Blackberry in my hand, and I was typing e-mails at the same time I was talking and receiving e-mails from a lot of very concerned people at the O2," Phillips testified.

One of those e-mails was to his boss -- parent company AEG CEO Tim Leiweke:

"MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent. Tohme and I are trying to sober him up and get him to the press conference with his hairdresser/makeup artist."

Leiweke responded: "Are you kidding me?"

"Sweating bullets"

There were 3,000 fans and 350 news organizations waiting at the O2 for Jackson. "Time was ticking away," he testified. "I was sweating bullets."

Phillips eventually talked his way past bodyguard Alberto Alvarez and into Jackson's room, where he saw an empty liquor bottle on the floor by his couch.

Jackson, wearing a robe and pants, "looked hung over," Phillips testified.

"I said 'Michael, are you OK?'" he said. "He said to me that he was really concerned that there wouldn't be anyone there and maybe this would be a bust."

"Trust me, Michael," Phillips said he told him. "You're quite wrong. You have over 3,000 adoring fans, many who have camped out over night."

Phillips helped Jackson pick out the black shirt he wore to the event. But he reached his breaking point when Jackson could not get his armband fastened to his sleeve. After 10 minutes, the hotel engineer was called to help, he said.

"It was more than I could take," Phillips testified.

Phillip's next e-mail to his boss suggested his tone with Jackson was anything but soothing:

"I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking," Phillips said in another e-mail to Leiweke. "Tohme and I have dressed him and they are finishing his hair. Then we are rushing to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever seen. He's an emotionally paralyzed mess, filled with self-loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through this press conference."

Phillips vented his frustration with more than words.

"I just slapped him and screamed at him louder that I did with Arthur Cassell," he wrote to the person waiting outside the hotel with a Ford Expedition SUV and bus to take Jackson's entourage to the O2.

Cassell is someone he once screamed at over a booking issue with Lionel Richie, he said in court.

"I slapped him on the butt," like a football coach would with a player, he testified.

"A drama queen"

Phillips now takes the blame for letting the situation with Jackson get out of control.

"I admit to being a bit of a drama queen," Phillips testified. "I was so nervous, I created so much tension in the room, you could cut the tension with a knife."

When they finally began the ride to the O2, Phillips "went into jester mode to try to lighten up the whole thing," he testified. It became "a very funny ride" with Jackson joking. "He was actually quite funny in the van."

"He kept saying to me 'You look great, you've lost a lot of weight,'" although he was "his heaviest ever," Phillips said, "After the 10th time, I said 'Michael, you would have lost weight if you were pacing in the hotel waiting for you to leave.'"

The thousands of fans at the O2 and millions more around the world watched live video from helicopters following Jackson's convoy making its way to the O2.

"That was a godsend," because it created drama that added to the interest in the announcement, Phillips testified. "In an odd way, it created more anticipation and made it a bigger event as people doubted whether or not it was going to happen."

Once at the O2, Phillips realized Jackson had not written a script. What Jackson read off the teleprompter was written by Phillips as he followed Jackson to the podium.

"This is it. This is really it. This is the final curtain call. OK, I'll see you in July."

"There was Michael Jackson"

As Jackson walked up the steps to the stage, embraced by the shouts of love from thousands of fans, his evolution was complete. Phillips likened the change to the "chart of homo sapiens."

"He start a little hunched over and when he went through that curtain, there was Michael Jackson," Phillips said.

Jackson "was elated" with the reception and immediately flew back to the United States to begin preparations for his comeback concerts set to start four months later, he said.

A week before the singer was scheduled to return to London, he was dead.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.06.2013 um 06:06
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 7h
That's the update for the morning session in Jackson vs AEG Live. About to head back to court. Updated story here:

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10:25 PM - 12 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.06.2013 um 06:16
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:das letzte Vid. von Prince hatte ich schon angeschaut auf TMZ. Da ist mir auch wieder dieser Gang von Prince aufgefallen, sehr deutlich hier zu sehen. Er humpelt auf jeden Fall und das schon viele Jahre.
ja, das ist mir auch wieder aufgefallen ... Prince scheint körperlich ein "Problem" zu haben ... vielleicht ist ein Bein etwas kürzer, als das andere ... :(

mich wundert, dass die Medien nie darauf aufmerksam wurden ... sonst schreiben sie doch auch immer über jeden "Pups" ... :) und sind da nicht gerade zimperlich ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.06.2013 um 06:24
na ja, vielleicht haben die Medien das schon bemerkt, aber halten sich dann mal "anstandshalber" zurück, hahaha.!!!
Aber könnte ich mir schon vorstellen, weil doch eine radar-online-Reporterin sich über x17 beschwerte, weil sie irgendeinen Bericht aus dem Krankenhaus veröffentlichten und sie hätten sich bis dahin zurückgehalten, obwohl sie die Informationen auch hätten. Und schwupps, schon war es bei radar-online auch veröffentlicht.
Vielleicht haben sie wirklich viele Informationen, die nicht veröffentlicht werden, damit wir nicht noch mehr geschockt werden??? Ich meine, nicht nur in Bezug auf Michael.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 06:46
na prima, John Landis gibt ein Interview über Michaels Wunsch, einen Film zu drehen. Michael und John Landis hatten dieses Gespräch im Jahr 2007. Landis sagt in diesem Interview, daß Michael zu grotesk aussah!!! (Also war es wohl nichts mit mit MIchaels Vorhaben, einen "Film zu machen. Er wollte wohl selbt der Schaupieler sein)
Er sagt auch, daß er Michael seit 14 Jahren verklagte wegen der Thriller-Vermarktung.

Na der bekommt jetzt sicher Prügel von allen Fans.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 07:16
In diesem Artikel geht es um die Aussage von Randy Phillips vor Gericht. Er sagt, bei seinem Treffen mit Michael im Hotel sah er einen entschlossenen Mann, der wieder auf die Bühne gehen muß, um Geld zu verdienen, damit er für seine Kinder und sich ein Haus kaufen kann, weil sie das Vagabundenleben beenden wollen.
Nach einer Millionenvorauszahlung von AEG hätte Michael sich dann entschieden, dieses Haus in Holmby Hills zu mieten und er hätte dann diesen Vertrag über 31 Konzerte unterschrieben.

Aussage vor Gericht: "Michael hatte die Kontrolle über sein Leben",0,685205.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 07:23
Nach wie vor weiß ich nicht, was das alles mit der Frage zu tun hat, ob Murray von AEG eingestellt wurde????
Was für ekelige Sachen müssen da ausgebreitet werden, nur um diese Frage zu beantworten????
Ich fasse es nicht.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 08:12
Jetzt kommt noch ein gewisser "Keya Morgan" (Klatchreporter) ins Spiel. Er twitterte, daß er in einem Bev.-Hills-Hotel den Randy Phillips und den Tohme belauscht hätte und sie hätten die Kathrine eine "Bitch" genannt. Ich glaube, das wird heute vor Gericht ausgewertet. Jetzt soll wohl dieser Keya Morgan befragt werden.
Ich glaube, ich bin im Kindergarten.
Seit wann werden überhaupt getwitterte oder E-Mail - Schreiben vor Gericht als Beweise genutzt???
Ist das überhaupt zulässig? Ist doch Eingriff in die Privatsphäre!!! Zumindet meiner Ansicht nach.
In E-Mails oder Twitter wird doch viel Scheiß geschrieben, das stimmt doch oft nicht mit der Realität überein. Na ich weiß nicht.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 08:24
Paris Jackson
She Hasn't Grieved
Over Dad's Death

6/13/2013 10:30 AM PDT


Paris Jackson is stable and doing OK ... but she's dealing with some pretty heavy issues, including the fact that she hasn't dealt with Michael Jackson's death -- this according to sources connected with the Jackson family.

Our sources say Paris -- who's currently receiving psychological help at UCLA Medical Center -- has indeed felt bullied, but NOT by schoolmates. We're told Paris has had an obsession with comments people leave about her on social media and websites -- and the negative comments "really get to her." Our sources say she currently does not have access to her phone or the Internet, so the problem is temporarily solved.

Paris, one source says, is a "rebel." We've learned Paris almost got expelled from school after punching a student who "talked smack about her father."

We're told Debbie Rowe has expressed deep concern about some of the friends Paris has been hanging with -- friends who she believes have been a bad influence.

And there's this ... we're told the shrinks who have been helping Paris believe she has not really gone through the grieving process over her dad's death. In other words, a lot of emotional upset has been building for nearly 4 years.

We're told when Paris gets out of UCLA ... she and Debbie Rowe are going away together for 6 to 8 weeks so she can get better. Our sources say Debbie feels very strongly it's important to get her the hell out of L.A. for the summer.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 08:48
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #30 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 28 – June 12 2013 – Summary

Jackson family was not in the courtroom

Randy Phillips Testimony

AEG cross

A lot of his early testimony focused on Jackson’s ex-manger, Tohme Tohme. Phillips told jurors how he met with Tohme for two hours at the bar in the Hotel Bel-Air to discuss Jackson’s tour in 2008. That was the first of many meetings over the years between Phillips and Tohme. It led to a later meeting with Jackson.(AP)

Phillips recalled his first meeting in the summer of 2008 with Dr. Tohme in the bar of the Bel Air Hotel. Phillips said his understanding was that Dr. Tohme went over expenses and signed the checks for Michael. Meeting lasted 2 hours. Dr. Tohme described Michael's circumstances, his life, career, where he was living, finances. They mostly talked about restarting his career. (ABC7)

Phillips said the idea came off proposal from Raymone Bain, that the best starting point would be in London. Phillips explained a residency tour was easier than full blown tour, living out of hotels. Michael had not toured in so long. "We thought it would be a great city for people to come from around the wowrld to see him," Phillips testified. (ABC7)

Phillips said Dr. Tohme thought it was important to explain why Mr. Jackson wanted to go back to work. Michael explained one of the biggest motivations was that he wanted to earn enough money to buy a house for his family. Dr. Tohme spoke with an accent, came from another country, Phillips explained.
Putnam: Did it seem that MJ was ready to go back on tour?
Phillips: Only from what Dr. Tohme told me. The meeting was very positive. (ABC7)

Phillips then asked for a meeting with the artist. Had a meeting at MJ's suite in Bel Air near street near Bellagio. Phillips said he believed that was the 2nd meeting. The 1st meeting was a parlor above his suite. "That was more about the dates and how we would put them on sale, who he wanted to work with," Phillips explained. "I was told by Dr. Tohme that MJ was living in LV. He stayed at Bel Air when in LA." (ABC7)

"When we relocated to London, we would make it a larger than life event," Phillips testified. "When we built the 02 just Timberlake did 6 night, Beyonce did 8 nights," Phillips explained. "In London, people love to go out." Population changes too because there are a lot of visitors from other countries, Phillips said. The Arena was built for entertainment, music. Phillips said MJ was an ideal candidate, probably an ideal place for the come back. Michael was very receptive, since he liked London. "He had friends there, just felt comfortable there," Phillips told the jury. He loved that idea which made everything else that much better. (ABC7)

That shorter meeting with Jackson discussed a London residency. Phillips said that was preferable because MJ hadn’t toured in a long time. Phillips said he didn’t think Jackson had his “touring legs” and it would be easier on him, his kids, to stay in one place. Phillips said Jackson was sharp in the planning meetings, and said he wanted to work with Kenny Ortega and choreographer Travis Payne. Phillips said he hadn’t worked with either Ortega or Payne before, but he knew of them. Phillips on Jackson: “He loved the idea of London. He knew a lot of people there.” Former actor Mark Lester’s name came up a lot today. Phillips said the planning meeting with Jackson was the first time he felt the singer was ready to tour. All they talked about was music. (AP)

In Oct 2008, Phillips said he felt MJ was ready to go. "He was dressed well, his eyes were clear, he is very sophisticated 50 year old man". Phillips: I don't believe anything I read in the press, especially the English press. I take a lot of those stories with a grain of salt. "He is a very smart, articulate young man who had control of his life," Phillis testified. Phillips talked about not noting anything atypical in meetings. He was not concerned about MJ's health, physical condition or drug problem. (ABC7)

At this point, Phillips started to discuss the ways he felt the portrayal of Jackson had been skewed during the trial. Phillips: “We seem to be talking about Michael like he’s the 5-year-old lead singer of the Jackson 5.” (AP)

Phillips said he knew Michael Jackson as a sophisticated, forceful businessman and not the drugged-up performer who's been described throughout an ongoing civil trial filed over the singer's untimely death. Jackson was a far more complex figure than has been portrayed during the trial , said Randy Philips. (AP)

Phillips said based on meetings he had with Jackson in 2008 and early 2009, he found Jackson to be a "sophisticated man who had control of his life." (AP)

The portrait of Jackson that's been presented to the jury during the seven-week trial has been inaccurate, Phillips said. Jackson was described by both sides in opening statements as struggling with prescription drug addiction throughout his life. (AP)

Phillips said he disagreed with the descriptions of Jackson "because he's been presented as drug-addled 5-year-old. That was not the man I dealt with. The man I dealt with was forceful. Kind, but determined. He was a force." (AP)

Phillips disputed various portrayals of Jackson, describing the singer as someone actively engaged in his comeback who knew “who he wanted to work with and how he wanted to do it.” “We seem to be talking about Michael like he’s the 5-year-old singer in the Jackson Five and he wasn’t,” Phillips said. “He was a sophisticated, very smart, articulate, 50-year-old man who had control of his life.” “He’s been presented as a drug-addled 5-year-old and that’s not the man I dealt with,” he said. “The man I dealt with was forceful, kind -- but determined. And a force. He was a force.” (LAtimes)

There were several meetings at the Hotel Bel-Air, and then other meetings at the mansion of a friend, and eventually MJ’s rented mansion. Defense attorney Marvin Putnam asked Phillips whether he was concerned about Jackson’s health, saw signs of drug abuse. “No,” he responded. (AP)

MJ moved from LV to home in December 08 or January 09. He was bone-weary from traveling, Phillips recalled. MJ said he was tired of living like Vagabonds, wanted the kids to have a permanent place to live, a sense of community, Phillips testified. The exec said the meeting got emotional. "He teared up he said he wanted a residence for his family that they could call their own." "That was the primary reason he wanted to go back work," Phillips said. Phillips testified MJ wanted to tour one more time since he was young enough to do it and the kids were old enough to appreciate it. "I felt incredibly bad that this incredible star was trying to earn enough money to buy a house," Phillips recalled. "I cried also." (ABC7)

Phillips said at one of the meetings, Jackson told him one reason he wanted to perform again. “He wanted his own house,” he said. Phillips said at that point, Jackson was staying with rich friends. He said he and Jackson both cried during the meeting. Phillips: “He wanted his kids to have a permanent place to live and a sense of community. “I felt incredibly bad that this incredible star was at this point where he couldn’t buy a house,” Phillips said. This meeting was on Halloween. After the meeting, Jackson took the kids to a party at Liz Taylor’s house, Phillips said. (AP)

Randy Phillips described an emotional Halloween meeting with the pop star at a Bel Air hotel, with Jackson's three children running in and out of the room. It was the “first time Michael really told me why he wanted to go back to work,” Phillips told the court during questioning from AEG attorney Marvin Putnam. “He described his life with the kids,” Phillips said. “He said they were living like vagabonds.” On the stand Wednesday, Phillips said it was his understanding Jackson and his children — Prince, Paris and Blanket — were primarily living in Las Vegas at the time, but stayed in the Bel Air hotel when they came to Los Angeles. Phillips thought the family would also stay in homes belonging to Jackson’s friends. “He actually broke down and I broke down -- we both broke down,” Phillips said.
“He got emotional. He teared up about his family and having a good life with them and a place to live and a residence they could call their own.” (LATimes)

Putnam: Any concern about his mental well being?
Phillips: No, he was just emotional. (ABC7)

When asked whether he was concerned by the fact that Jackson was crying, Phillips said there was nothing “abnormal” about the reaction given the topic. “I felt incredibly bad that this incredible star was at the point where he just couldn’t buy a house with all this money he made,” he testified. “It just didn’t make sense.” (LATimes)

Phillips said he tried to talk MJ out of purchasing a $93 million house in Beverly Hills. (ABC7) Phillips said he went to a Bel Air home the next day that Jackson was interested in buying. He described the house as “gigantic,” a 40,000-square-foot property with a $93-million price tag. Phillips said he thought the house was too much — he testified he told the singer “you’ll put every dime you make into this house” and “it made no sense whatsoever.” (LATimes)

Phillips discussed a $5 million advance payment to Jackson. $3 million was to settle a lawsuit, the rest for living expenses. (AP) AEG advanced $3 million to Jackso to settle a lawsuit. "He could not enter contract with us until he settled with Bahrain," Phillips said (ABC7)

Phillips said Dr. Tohme was the one who secured the Carolwood home, not AEG. (ABC7)

Phillips told the jury that Jackson came up with the name “This Is It” for the tour. Said the singer liked its double meaning. He said Jackson saw it as his final tour, but also a play on the notion that his shows would be the only place to be at that moment. (AP)

The tour agreement was signed in the living room of Carolwood house. There was no press because wanted maximum impact at the news conference. After contract was signed, they popped a champagne to celebrate. Michael read the entire contract, Phillips said, asked questions. MJ wanted to make sure of AEG's commitment about the movie in the contract, Phillips recalled. Also MJ wanted to know how many shows. "It was 31" Phillips said. "He came up with the number." Prince had done 21 shows. "MJ and Prince were incredibly competitive, he wanted to do enough shows that Prince could not catch up with him". Putnam: Was Mr. Jackson excited?
Phillips: Yes, he hugged me. (ABC7)

Phillips said he too was excited. Phillips: MJ was one of the biggest stars in the world, the idea of him getting on the stage again was one of the biggest parts of my career. Phillips said MJ held the glass of champagne but I didn't think he drank it. "Meeting ended with a toast and everybody high-fiving." (ABC7)

“Michael and Prince were incredibly competitive, and he wanted to beat Prince’s record by enough that Prince could never beat it again,” Phillips said. After Phillips and Jackson signed the paper, the two embraced and the group celebrated with champagne, the executive testified. “Were you excited?” Putnam asked. “Incredibly,” Phillips said.
“Why?” “Because he’s one of the biggest stars of the world, if not the biggest star in the world,” Phillips said. “And the idea of helping him come back, you know, and helping him get on the stage again -- one of the greatest parts of my career.” (LATimes)

Phillips explained it would be better to have press conference since MJ had been gone so long and there were credibility issues w/ consumers. One of the hardest things is creating demand for tickets, Phillips said, since it is an expensive proposition. "When your consumer isn't sure and they have a limited amount of income, they hesitate; and our aim was to eliminate that hesitation." But Phillips said in his gut he knew that people wanted to see him perform again. (ABC7)

The testimony then switched to the preparations for the London press conference announcing "This Is It" in March 2009. By that point, Jackson and Tohme had a falling out. Phillips said the pair weren’t speaking to each other because of a planned auction. Phillips said he wasn’t sure the press conference would happen until Jackson stepped onto a private plane and actually got to London. Phillips said AEG executive Paul Gongaware always thought Jackson would perform, but Phillips said he didn’t agree. Phillips said if Jackson hadn't done the press conference, it wouldn't have really hurt AEG Live. They hadn't spent much yet, he said. He said if they canceled the shows, this point would have been when AEG “had the least amount of risk and the greatest amount of collateral” (AP)

Phillips said there was a breakdown with Dr. Tohme about an auction that Dr. Tohme had set up involving memorabilia. Phillips: I was concerned because Dr. Tohme lost contact and he was our only way to directly connect to MJ. "At this point in time I was flying blind because I didn't know what was happening in Michael's camp" Phillips explained. "Paul always thought it was going to happen," Phillips said. "I was never as sanguine as him." Phillips said he had one experience with MJ that was helping secure the LA Gear deal, a disaster for LA Gear, but great for Mr. Jackson. In late Feb 09, if Jackson decided 'I can't do this' or 'I can't go forward, don't want to' it would not have hurt AEG Live, Phillips said. Phillips said at that point they only had put out $5 mil advance. (ABC7)

Phillips was again asked if he thought Jackson was abusing prescription drugs, or had concerns about his health. He said no. (AP)

Putnam: Did Dr. Tohme get on plane to UK with MJ?
Phillips: Yes
Putnam: Did press conference happen as scheduled??
Phillips: Chuckles ... it was on the same day. (ABC7)

The executive then testified about the March 5, 2009 press conference, which he described as “The Miracle of March 5.” Phillips sent a series of emails that day stating that he screamed at Jackson and that the singer was a “mess.” Phillips told the jury he sent those emails while he was pacing up and down the hallway outside Jackson’s hotel room.(AP)

Phillips described the drama behind the scenes before the press conference. He said he wasn't sure that they were going to get on plane. Phillips was in Miami covering the opening of Britney Spears' a Circus tour. "It was one of the top 5 tours of the year," Phillips responded. "I am the CEO of the company it would remiss of me not to be there," Phillips explained. Phillips arrived in London on March 5. He traveled with David Loeffler, since they were also producing the Lionel Ritchie tour. Phillips said he was in the room for about 20 minutes watching TV and Dr. Tohme went to MJ's suite. Phillips said he wanted to get to the arena early because of London traffic. (ABC7) The singer was late to the conference, and Phillips said he knew that in London traffic, they were going to be very late. (AP) "I assume Dr. Tohme would help get MJ ready," Phillips recalled. Phillips said Dr. Tohme exhibited no concerns about getting MJ ready on time. Dr. Tohme was gone for what it seemed like an eternity, Phillips said. "Don't worry, he just needs a little more time," Phillips said Tohme told him. "I started to freak out." "I am completely freaking out," Phillips said. "I was in the hallway pacing back and forth." Tohme told Phillips: "We have a little issue. Michael got drunk, I think he said he was trying to sober him up, but he was going to be late". Phillips said he became even more anxious. He was receiving emails and phone calls from people at the O2 arena. (ABC7)

Phillips to Leiweke
MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent. Tohme and I are trying to sober him up & get him to the press conference (ABC7)

"It didn't make me less freaked out; I needed to pass on what was happening to Leiweke" Phillips said. Leiweke responded: are you kidding me? (ABC7)

The executive said before he yelled at Jackson, Tohme had told him that the singer was drunk and they were sobering him up. Phillips at this point wasn’t allowed in Jackson’s hotel room. All the info about MJ was coming to him through Tohme. “I was starting to freak out,” Phillips said after Tohme had come and gone a couple times and he hadn't seen Jackson. Phillips said after a while, he told Jackson’s bodyguard Alberto Alvarez he had to get into Jackson’s room. “To me, at the time, it was a crisis,” Phillips said. “Time was ticking away. I was sweating bullets.” (AP)

Phillips said he told MJ's bodyguard, Alberto Alvarez, that it was a crisis situation and needed to get into the room. "Time was slipping away, I was sweating bullets. For me at the time it felt like a crisis," Phillips remembered. Phillips said he received 25 phone calls in 5 minutes. Phillips entered MJ's room. "He had a robe on, and his pants. I remember seeing an empty bottle of booze at the couch, maybe vodka or gin," Phillips recalled. "To me, he looked hungover," Phillips testified. (ABC7) Phillips said when he got into the room, the singer was sitting on a couch. There was a bottle of clear liquid that may have been vodka He said Jackson appeared hung over.(AP) Phillips: I said Michael, are you ok? That's when he said to me that he was really concerned no one was going to be there. (ABC7) He said Jackson appeared hung over. He said Jackson told him he was worried that people didn’t care about him anymore. Phillips said he explained that 3,000 fans were waiting for him, and then Jackson went and got ready. (AP) Phillips said he told MJ things were quite differently, there were 3,000 adoring fans waiting for him and all top news organizations. Dr. Tohme talked about hiring or renting a crowd, we didn't do that, we just had to leak that MJ was coming and fans got the word. MJ got up, Phillips said, and went to the bathroom with Dr. Tohme and makeup artist. The children were watching TV in another room. Phillips: MJ had black slacks on and boots, white V-neck shirt. Someone was holding 3 different shirts, one black, one blue and one red. "They were asking me what he should wear, I suggested black since the background was red," Phillips recalled. Phillips described how MJ wanted to wear a sequin armband but didn't have a way to attach it to his arm. Phillips said he got angry. Phillips: I admit to being a drama queen. MJ wouldn't leave unless he had sequined armband on. At that point it was more than I could take. "I raised my voice and said guys, that's enough!" Phillips recalled. (ABC7)

Phillips said he was being a drama queen when he wrote his boss that he screamed at Jackson so loud “the walls are shaking.” Phillips told the jury that he created tension in the room, but that he did yell at the singer over a wardrobe issue. Jackson wanted to wear an armband and couldn’t get it on. It was eating up a lot of time, and Phillips says he yelled at them to get going. The email, Phillips said today, “wasn’t the full reflection” of events leading up to getting Jackson to the press conference. He said it wasn’t the scariest thing he’d ever seen, which he also written to his boss. (AP)

On the van on the way to the press conference, Phillips said he tried to lighten the mood. Mark Lester, Jackson’s friend, was also there. (AP) In the van ride, news helicopters were following and press could see he was coming, Phillips remembered. (ABC7) Phillips said helicopters were following Jackson’s van, which is the only reason that reporters and fans stayed. (AP) "He was chagrined, he knew that what he had done wasn't the coolest things," Phillips recalled. The mood in the van changed, Phillips said. Michael was quite funny. He told Phillips the exec had lost a lot of weight. Phillips responded to MJ that he too would've lost weight if he were pacing in front of the hotel room like he was. Everyone laughed hard. (ABC7)

At the arena, Phillips said he jogged behind Jackson’s golf cart and wrote the short remarks the singer said that day. Before the lunch break, defense attorney Marvin Putnam played a clip showing the press conference from the special features on “This Is It.” (AP)

Phillips said MJ was to write his own remarks the night before the press conference, but didn't do it. Phillips wrote a few lines for him. "He started a little hunched over," Phillips said of MJ in the news conference. "When he went through that curtain, there was MJ." Putnam showed a clip of the press conference, where fans we're screaming and MJ was saying "this is it." "He was so nervous and really concerned about how people would have reacting to him," Phillips said. "He became MJ again, they were telling him they still loved him. It underscored that he was a human being," Phillips opined. "I thought it came out fine," Phillips said about the press conference. They announced 10 shows initially. "I was ecstatic. He was elated," Phillips said. "Because his worse fears and trepidations, they didn't happen." (ABC7) Phillips: “I thought it came out fine.” He said Jackson was elated with the fan turnout and result of the event. (AP)

[Phillips had doubts Jackson would show up for the London announcement because he couldn't reach him a week before the scheduled date. The singer was not returning his manager's calls because he was upset that Tohme Tohme had planned to auction off some of his belongings. Phillips couldn't call Jackson directly -- only through Tohme, he said.
"I was flying blind," Phillips testified. "I didn't know what was happening in Michael's camp."
Phillips was starting to worry about Jackson breaking his contract with AEG Live for his "This Is It" concerts. "If there ever was a time to stop the process," it was then in late February, he testified. "That's when we had the least amount of risk and the greatest amount of collateral." But Phillips decided to press ahead, even if Jackson failed to get on the private jet for London. Jackson arrived with his children, Tohme, a bodyguard, and a nanny who also did his hair and makeup on March 4, 2009. Phillips, who had to stop in Miami for the launch of Britney Spear's "Circus" tour, landed in London on March 5, just hours before the press event was set to begin. Phillips went to the Lanesborough Hotel, where Jackson and Tohme had adjacent suites on the first floor. He sat on Tohme's couch watching CNN while the manager checked on Jackson, he testified. "I was starting to freak out," after a while, he said. Getting from the hotel to the O2 Arena on the east end of London could take 90 minutes since "traffic is mind-boggling," he said. After more waiting, "I am completely freaking out," Phillips said. "I was in the hallway pacing back and forth." "We have a little issue," Tohme eventually told him, he testified. "Michael got drunk." Tohme returned to Jackson's suite, leaving an anxious Phillips in the hotel hallway, he said. "I had an earpiece in my ear, Blackberry in my hand, and I was typing e-mails at the same time I was talking and receiving e-mails from a lot of very concerned people at the O2," Phillips testified.
One of those e-mails was to his boss -- parent company AEG CEO Tim Leiweke:
"MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent. Tohme and I are trying to sober him up and get him to the press conference with his hairdresser/makeup artist."
Leiweke responded: "Are you kidding me?"
There were 3,000 fans and 350 news organizations waiting at the O2 for Jackson. "Time was ticking away," he testified. "I was sweating bullets."
Phillips eventually talked his way past bodyguard Alberto Alvarez and into Jackson's room, where he saw an empty liquor bottle on the floor by his couch.
Jackson, wearing a robe and pants, "looked hung over," Phillips testified.
"I said 'Michael, are you OK?'" he said. "He said to me that he was really concerned that there wouldn't be anyone there and maybe this would be a bust."
"Trust me, Michael," Phillips said he told him. "You're quite wrong. You have over 3,000 adoring fans, many who have camped out over night."
Phillips helped Jackson pick out the black shirt he wore to the event. But he reached his breaking point when Jackson could not get his armband fastened to his sleeve. After 10 minutes, the hotel engineer was called to help, he said.
"It was more than I could take," Phillips testified.
Phillip's next e-mail to his boss suggested his tone with Jackson was anything but soothing:
"I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking," Phillips said in another e-mail to Leiweke. "Tohme and I have dressed him and they are finishing his hair. Then we are rushing to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever seen. He's an emotionally paralyzed mess, filled with self-loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through this press conference."
Phillips vented his frustration with more than words.
"I just slapped him and screamed at him louder that I did with Arthur Cassell," he wrote to the person waiting outside the hotel with a Ford Expedition SUV and bus to take Jackson's entourage to the O2.
Cassell is someone he once screamed at over a booking issue with Lionel Richie, he said in court.
"I slapped him on the butt," like a football coach would with a player, he testified.
Phillips now takes the blame for letting the situation with Jackson get out of control.
"I admit to being a bit of a drama queen," Phillips testified. "I was so nervous, I created so much tension in the room, you could cut the tension with a knife."
When they finally began the ride to the O2, Phillips "went into jester mode to try to lighten up the whole thing," he testified. It became "a very funny ride" with Jackson joking. "He was actually quite funny in the van."
"He kept saying to me 'You look great, you've lost a lot of weight,'" although he was "his heaviest ever," Phillips said, "After the 10th time, I said 'Michael, you would have lost weight if you were pacing in the hotel waiting for you to leave.'"
The thousands of fans at the O2 and millions more around the world watched live video from helicopters following Jackson's convoy making its way to the O2.
"That was a godsend," because it created drama that added to the interest in the announcement, Phillips testified. "In an odd way, it created more anticipation and made it a bigger event as people doubted whether or not it was going to happen."
Once at the O2, Phillips realized Jackson had not written a script. What Jackson read off the teleprompter was written by Phillips as he followed Jackson to the podium.
"This is it. This is really it. This is the final curtain call. OK, I'll see you in July."
As Jackson walked up the steps to the stage, embraced by the shouts of love from thousands of fans, his evolution was complete. Phillips likened the change to the "chart of homo sapiens."
"He start a little hunched over and when he went through that curtain, there was Michael Jackson," Phillips said.
Jackson "was elated" with the reception and immediately flew back to the United States to begin preparations for his comeback concerts set to start four months later, he said. (CNN)]

He said the next day, Jackson, his kids and Mark Lester went to a stage performance of Oliver Twist. Lester starred in a Twist film version. (AP) They stayed in London to watch Oliver Twist. Phillips got MJ and his kids the best seats in the house."When we arrived at the theater, it was kind of pandemonium. When MJ walked in he received standing ovation," Phillips recalled. Phillips said they had to have police on the way out due to the thousands of people in the streets. (ABC7) He said Jackson received a standing ovation at the Oliver Twist show. There was a huge crowd outside too, Phillips said. (AP)

Phillips said after the problems with the press conference, he didn’t have concerns about Jackson’s psychological well-being. He said overall, he had at least 20 meetings with Jackson and other than the one after Arnold Klein visit, he wasn’t concerned. (AP) Phillips was not concerned with MJ's physically. He said he was concerned the day before when MJ drank prior to the presser. Phillips: This wouldn't be the first time I'd dealt with an artist who had drank a little too much. (ABC7)

Per the contract, they had agreed upon 31 shows. The pre-registration kind of gave them first look of how the show would sell, Philips said. Paul Gongaware called him, Phillips said, alerting him that the shows were going to be sold out and needed to add more shows. (ABC7) Phillips then testified about AEG exec Paul Gongaware calling him, urging him to add more “This Is It” shows. (AP) "Dude, we're going to sell out ridiculous amount of tickets," Gongaware told Phillips. Phillips called Dr. Tohme asking to add more shows, MJ agreed to 50 with two conditions. He wanted house out in countryside. House needed at least 16 acres, rolling streams, horseback riders and wanted a guest house for the writers to work on Thriller 3D. "He didn't want to be trapped in a hotel in London with the kids," Phillips said. After the 50th show, MJ also wanted the world record to document his record, since he knew no one had done 50 shows, Phillips explained. (ABC7) Phillips said Michael Jackson never expressed reservations about performing 50 shows at London’s O2 Arena. (AP)

Putnam showed a frame of the video showing Phillips and MJ in the golf cart going to the presser. (ABC7) Defense attorney Marvin Putnam then showed a frame from “This Is It” to show jury an image of Tohme. Tohme was in golf cart with Jackson. So too was Phillips, who testified before lunch he was running behind the cart. Phillips was in the front seat, in front of Jackson. Phillips: “My memory was faulty,” he said of the golf cart incident. (AP)

Phillips said they had a meeting with Bravado regarding merchandising and were going to open a store at the arena to sell MJ's merch.(ABC7)

Putnam asked Phillips about his meetings at Jackson’s rented mansion on Carrolwood Drive. Phillips said he was never allowed upstairs into Jackson’s bedroom. He only left the first floor once, he said. He said he went to an underground room and watched a screening of a film Jackson was working on. (AP) Most meeting happened at MJ's house in Carolwood, some were at Center Staging, Phillips recalled. Phillips said he had one meeting at Carolwood he went downstairs to the movie room when Michael showed him the movie Ghost he was working on. The exec went to the powder room and kitchen, but never went to the upstairs level of the house. (ABC7)

Putnam again asked Phillips whether Jackson showed any signs of being under the influence of prescription drugs. The executive said no. (AP) Phillips said he never saw MJ drink, under the influence, using prescription drugs, inebriated, hungover, slur speech during the TII period
Did you at anytime have any reason to believe that MJ couldn't perform at the O2 arena?
Phillips: No (ABC7)

He said that when he heard about Murray, he’d been told that Frank Dileo (MJ manager) and Paul Gongaware tried to talk Jackson out of bringing Conrad Murray to London. He said they and tour accountant Tim Woolley wanted Phillips to talk him out of it. Phillips said he called Jackson and it was “probably the most tense one-on-one phone call” he had with the singer. He said he tried to get Jackson to considering hiring a London-based doctor. Phillips said Jackson refused. Phillips: “It’s Michael. When he wants something, he wants something.” The executive said it was his understanding that AEG never paid Murray any money. He said he thought Jackson paid Murray some money. (AP)

Phillips learned MJ wanted to bring his own doctor on tour. This was right at the beginning of rehearsals at the a Forum. Phillips expressed he was concerned not about the doctor, but the cost it would be to bring the physician on tour. This was the time where Dr. Tohme was no longer in MJ's life, Frank DiLeo was back in the game, Phillips explained. "It was probably kind of the most tense, one on one, phone call," Phillips testified. The exec said he told MJ that London had great doctors. "Would you consider that we hire a doctor, that you hire a doctor, in London for this tour?" Phillips said. Phillips said MJ told him his body is the machine and the engine of the machine drives this entire venture and needs a physician 24/7. Phillips: It's Michael, when he wanted something, he wanted something, if he wanted his own doctor, I was in no position to tell him no. (ABC7)

"Tour was sold, there was no question if tickets were going to go," Phillips said, "I just wanted to keep the most money in his pocket." Phillips said AEG Live was advancing money to pay Dr. Murray, but they would recoup it 100%. He said it was MJ's money. "I thought I was going to be able to reason with him, but he insisted to have his own physician," Phillips said. Phillips said he didn't think it was red flag because it was MJ. "Because it was MJ's decision, MJ's money. I took my shot," Phillips said. After this, Phillips never again discussed Dr. Murray going to London with MJ. Phillips never had any discussions about an independent contract agreement for Dr. Murray. Phillips said Dr. Murray was going to be paid $150,000 a month plus expenses. "I thought it was high, but not crazy," Phillips said. Phillips said he never hired Dr. Murray and no one ever told him the deal was finalized.(ABC7)

Phillips said he was aware that Murray had sought $5 million to work with Jackson. He said he thought that meant Murray was successful. Phillips also said the high figure didn’t alarm him or make him think that Murray was unethical. Phillips said the $150k a month Murray agreed to receive seemed high, but “not crazy high.” He said it didn’t cause him pause or concern. (AP)

Defense attorney Marvin Putnam then wanted to show Phillips a clip of the executive’s interview with Sky News. The full clip was 10 mins. This prompted a long sidebar and when the attorneys emerged, a longer clip of Phillips’ interview. It wasn’t 10 mins. It also wasn’t the 10 second clip played by plaintiffs earlier during Phillips’ testimony (AP)

Putnam showed the video of the Sky News interview. Jackson's attorneys objected, they went to Judge's chamber to talk. In the interview, Phillips explained that Dr. Murray was MJ's personal physician and MJ wanted him on tour. (ABC7) . In the video, Phillips said Jackson wanted Murray. Phillips also said in the July 1, 2009, interview that he tried to talk Jackson out of hiring Murray, but said it was Jackson’s decision. (AP)

Putnam: Did you hire Dr. Murray?
Phillips: No
Phillips said AEG never paid Murray.(ABC7) Under questioning by Putnam, Phillips again said AEG Live didn’t hire Murray or give him any money (AP)

AEG Live CEO Phillips then recounted the first time he met Conrad Murray, during a meeting at Jackson’s rented mansion. (AP) Putnam talked about a meeting at Carolwood with MJ, Dr. Murray, Gongaware, DiLeo, Ortega in May. "I was concerned about Michael's weight, personally. I believe Kenny wanted him to show up at rehearsals more often," Phillips recalled.
Putnam: Was this an emergency meeting?
Phillips: No (ABC7)

Phillips said he wasn’t concerned at this point about possible drug misuse or alcohol abuse by Jackson. Phillips said he was concerned about Jackson’s weight. Kenny Ortega was concerned about getting MJ to rehearsals at this meeting. (AP) Putnam asked if this was an intervention. Phillips said no, he used this term as idea for all to get together, but not related to drugs. Dr. Murray was there because he was Michael's physician, Phillips said. The exec talked to Dr Murray about MJ losing weight, his only agenda. "Michael said that he always had problem keeping his weight," Phillips recalled. "When he performed he lost 2-4 pounds, needed Dr. Murray". "He had a high metabolism, he burned calories very quickly," Phillips said. Dr. Murray told Phillips MJ was working out with Lou Ferrigno. The doctor didn't tell Phillips he was going to the house every night and that he was giving him Propofol. Phillips said he never had conversation with Dr Murray about drug abuse of treatment of MJ. "It was a very positive meeting," Phillips said (ABC7)

He said there was no concern at this point that Jackson couldn’t perform all 50 shows. He said it wasn’t an “intervention”. Jackson told participants at the meeting that he had always had difficulty maintaining his weight, and lost 2 to 3 lbs during performances. Phillips said he didn’t think that discussions about Jackson’s weight violated any patient-doctor confidentiality. The executive said that he hadn’t heard of propofol before Jackson’s death, and it wasn’t mentioned in the meeting. (AP)

They discussed Phillips’ business card found in Murray’s card. Phillips said he often writes his cell number on card, it wasn’t unusual. (AP) Phillips said he carry his business cards at all times and it's not abnormal for him to write his cell phone on the back of it.
Putnam: Do you think the fact Dr. Murray had your business card you hired him?
Phillips: No (ABC7)

The second time Phillips said he met Conrad Murray was at a rehearsal at the Forum. It was a quick salutation, he said. The third time Phillips said he met Conrad Murray was on June 20th, after the ‘trouble at the Front’ email. (AP)

On June 19, MJ went to rehearsal but was sent home sick. The only concern Phillips said he had was with MJ's weight. (ABC7)

Phillips was asked a series of questions about those emails. He said before receiving them, he wasn’t concerned about Jackson’s health. He only exception was during a production meeting after Jackson visited his dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein. He said Jackson wasn’t engaged in the meeting and was staring straight ahead, into the dining room. Before court recessed for the day, Phillips said the 'trouble at the Front' emails were "alarming to him." (AP).

Phillips: There was a production meeting at Carolwood house, I noticed that Michael was sitting at the couch and starring at the dining room. "He wasn't engaged," Phillips said. "I asked Michael Amir Williams what was going on, and he said he had seen Dr. Klein.". Phillips didn't think he was abusing prescription drugs at this point. Dr. Murray was not in this meeting. (ABC7)

Phillips recalled receiving a chain of emails on June 19, Trouble at the Front. The meeting Tim Leiweke requested didn't take place because if it was superseded by the June 20th meeting, Phillips explained. Phillips talked about the chemical imbalance that happened with Britney Spears and that she was treated for that during one of her tours. Phillips said he's not 100% sure what he meant when he wrote the problems with MJ could be chemical or physiological. (ABC7)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 08:54
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #31 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 29 – June 13 2013 – Summary

(Source: Majority of the below is from ABC7 unless otherwise indicated)

Randy Phillips Testimony

AEG cross

Jurors viewed a lengthy clip of Michael Jackson as he rehearsed "Billie Jean." some jurors could not help but smile. Phillips wiped his eyes. Jackson performed his iconic gyrations. Phillips testified that video, shot weeks before Jackson died, showed no signs of health problems.

Putnam showed "Trouble of the Front" email chain that Randy Phillips forwarded to MJ's team at the time saying we have a real problem here. Phillips: I thought it was essential they got this information, I wanted to be completely transparent with his management team. "I wanted everybody to be in the loop of the information I was getting,"

Phillips said. "I didn't know what the problem was," Phillips said, adding MJ never told him he wasn't ready or didn't want to perform. Phillips said that he never said nor had any discussions about pulling the plug on the tour. "Michael's only obligation was to show up and perform a class act show at opening night," Phillips explained.

Phillips said he never mentioned a substance abuse could be the problem. John Branca, MJ's lawyer, inquired if it could be the issue.

Phillips said he does not remember ever seeing a contract where the artist is required to rehearse. "The only requirement an artist had is to deliver a class act show," Phillips explained. Enrique Iglesias never showed up to rehearsals in the last tour Phillips did, the exec said. "I thought it was odd, but Enrique Iglesias showed up in Boston, did an amazing show, got great reviews."

Phillips said he expected MJ to rehearse because he hadn't been on stage over 12 years. "As everything with MJ, this production was the biggest, the best, the greatest the world has ever seen," Phillips explained. Phillips testified MJ told Kenny Ortega he did not need to rehearse because he had been dancing his songs all his life.

Putnam: Did you ever tell MJ or his management team he was in breach of his contract? Phillips: No

Putnam: Did you discuss MJ's medical treatment with Dr. Murray? Phillips: No
Phillips said he never discussed substance abuse or use of Propofol with Dr. Murray.

Phillips explained in the 25-minute conversation with Dr. Murray he recounted information he received from Kenny Ortega and John Hougdahl. "It was actually very confusing," Phillips said. "had emails from Kenny and Hougdahl and then Dr. Murray assuring me MJ was fine." Phillips said Dr. Murray told him MJ was fine, he wasn't sure what was wrong with him in the rehearsal the night before, maybe the flu. Putnam: Did you know what was going on? Phillips: Not a clue, I was very confused. After that, Phillips said he sent an email to Ortega detailing his conversation with Dr. Murray. "He (Dr. Murray) was just so calm on the phone, and sure of what he was saying, he was very believable," Phillips said. That's why Phillips wrote in the email he was respecting Dr. Murray more and more. Phillips: I think it's important to give him love, support, not second guess, give diagnosis of what we think the problem is

Putnam: At the time you wrote 'the doctor is extremely successful', did you believe this to be true? Phillips: Yes
Phillips: I was told he had asked $5 million to buy out clinics in 3 different states. To me, hearing that, meant he was a successful doctor

"We check everyone out" reference in Phillips' email: Putnam: Did you mean u performed financial background check on Dr Murray? Phillips: No
"That referred what in my mind is the process we go through when we do business with third party vendors," Phillips explained.
Phillips said at that point he had sufficient information to believe what he wrote was true.

Phillips said he wouldn't even think of checking a doctor's finance to determine whether he's fit to practice medicine. Phillips: Never occurred to me if a doctor was a good business man or not, a doctor could not perform his functions because he's in debt. Phillips said by knowing Dr. Murray was in debt, he could've said to MJ to pay less for the services since the doctor needed the job.

Putnam: Were you in any position to tell MJ what he needed to prepare for the shows? Phillips: No

Phillips said that if they stopped the show at that point, he is not sure MJ could ever resume his career.

Phillips explained he wanted Ortega to be open minded about what was going on with MJ and the exec didn't want him to quit. "I think he's one of the most creative, artist-oriented director and I understand why MJ loved him show much," Phillips said about Ortega. "I was concerned, confused, I had Dr Murray's information and prospective and I had Kenny's information and prospective" Phillips explained. "I was completely baffled as to what was going on," Phillips said.

"As far as I was concerned, the only person in charge of Michael Jackson's health was Michael Jackson," Phillips said. (AP)

"The only person in charge of Michael Jackson's health is Michael Jackson. He was a 50 year old man, father of three," Phillips opined. Putnam: Was there any reason to believe MJ wasn't capable of making his own medical decisions? Phillips: None whatsoever

Meeting on June 20th was between Kenny Ortega, Dr. Murray, MJ and Phillips. Putnam: Was Dr. Murray attending because AEG wanted him there? Phillips: Frank DiLeo wanted him there. "He was MJ's personal physician," Phillips explained. Ortega opened the meeting and didn't get very far, Phillips recalled. Dr Murray interrupted him and told him to stop being an amateur doctor. Dr. Murray told Ortega he should leave MJ's health in his hands, Phillips recalled. Ortega was a bit surprise that Dr. Murray admonished him. "Basic stay in your lane, this is my lane, I have it," Phillips said. "Michael looked great, he was fine in this meeting," Phillips testified. "I've been doing this choreography most of my career, have muscle memory, don't need to rehearse all the time" Phillips said MJ told Ortega. "You build the house and when you're done, I'll come and put the door on and paint it," Phillips described MJ said. MJ agreed to start coming to rehearsals, he understood Kenny needed him since it was such a complex production, Phillips told the jury. "MJ needed to learn his cues, this was a massive effects show," Phillips said. "It was incredible, they loved each other. MJ told us he wouldn't do This Is It this is it without Ortega directing it," Phillips recalled. Phillips: Michael looked great, the doctor was reassuring, Kenny interacted with MJ, Kenny was was on board and Michael seemed to be fine. "All I thought at this point was that he (Dr. Murray) and a Michael had a fabulous relationship," Phillips said.

Randy Phillips said he was concerned about information from tour high-level tour works that Jackson was unable to rehearse six days before his death, but he was reassured by the MJ’s doctor that everything was fine. Phillips said the MJ appeared fine at a meeting held hours after he received a series of emails from tour personnel that Jackson's health was deteriorating and he appeared physically incapable of preparing for his comeback shows, dubbed "This Is It." The reports of Jackson shivering and being unable to eat came from the tour's director, Kenny Ortega, and production John "Bugzee" Hougdahl. Hougdahl said Jackson's ability to perform had diminished over the previous two months in an email sent June 19, 2009. Phillips said he expected Jackson to rehearse, but it was not something he was contractually obligated to do. He has denied that AEG hired Conrad Murray, the former cardiologist convicted of involuntary manslaughter after administering a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol. Murray seemed competent, Phillips said, although he acknowledged they did not discuss in detail treatments the physician was giving Jackson. (AP)

Phillips said he thought the emails Ortega sent were a little judgmental, since they had not had the meeting to find out what was going on. Phillips explained he also had great relationship with MJ and Ortega thought if the exec was around they could resolve any issues that arose. "Michael and Kenny agreed to resume rehearsals on June 23," Phillips said.

Phillips said he watched the rehearsals on 23 and 24. "How do you describe the best entertainer in the world? I had goose bumps, it was fantastic!" Phillips described the rehearsals. Phillips said the three execs looked like three babies, with goose bumps. "It was phenomenal!" "I thought he did an incredible job," Phillips described, saying there was no reason to be concerned anymore with the trouble at the front.

Phillips spoke with MJ on 24th, asked how he was. Putnam: Did he lose his ability to do 360s? Phillips: Considered he did multiple 360s, no. He, Kenny and Travis had a communal hug, went back to dressing room to get ready to leave, Phillips said. "Frank DiLeo and I were standing outside the dressing room waiting for MJ," Phillips recalled. "You've gotten me this far, I can take it from here. I got this," MJ told Phillips. "It felt like a million dollars," Phillips explained.

Phillips became emotional Thursday when he described Jackson's death, with tears appearing to well up in his eyes before his attorney quickly moved on to other topics. (AP)

"I was totally shocked," Phillips said about MJ's passing hours later. Phillips last spoke with MJ around midnight. "Ortega was elated with rehearsal, it was his work and MJ's work coming alive on stage" Phillips testified. "He knew we were over the hump."

Phillips said he didn't see MJ in the hospital, only saw the gurney he was on behind the curtains in the emergency room. "After MJ passed away, I think Dr. Tohme was standing next to me," Phillips recalled. Putnam: Did you talk to Dr. Murray? Phillips: Yes, he was hysterical, he was crying, I tried to calm him down, but there was no conversation."I was in the hallway with Frank DiLeo and the head nurse came out," Phillips described. "Nurse said ' I'm sorry to tell you Mr. Jackson's passed away,'" an emotional Phillips recalled. "Frank collapsed," Phillips said, holding back tears. "I had to grab him. We were devastated."

Phillips said Thursday that his company doesn't have a policy for dealing with artists who are the subject of articles that state or suggest they have a substance abuse problem. “We're not judgmental like that," Phillips said. He later added, "You can't give up on people—that's not our job. " (AP)

"Being an artist means you have to reinvent yourself all the time," Phillips explained. "You can't give up on people, that's not our job." Phillips said when they make a deal with an artist, they are not part of their inner circle, they don't control what they do after rehearsal

Phillips said he knew Dr. Arnold Klein was a famous dermatologist, he had gone to him many years ago. Phillips: I had a concern the way Michael seemed that day (when he came back from Dr. Klein), but never saw him like that again. "He had cosmetic work and had vitiligo," Phillips said. It seemed normal for MJ to go to a dermatologist prior to touring. Phillips said he asked Dr. Murray whether he knew MJ was seeing Dr. Klein for some type of treatment. Dr. Murray responded he was aware. As to email Phillips wrote that Dr Klein was shooting MJ up, Phillips said MJ's manager asked for a million dollar advance to pay MJ's bills. One of the bills, Phillips said, was from Dr. Klein for $48,000 for restyling, Botox and dozens of things that said IM, IM, IM. Phillip said he didn't know what IM meant, but MJ's manager said it was intramuscular, meaning injections.

"I didn't know what Propofol was at the time," Phillips explained. All Phillips knew about Propofol was when he was administered it during a colonoscopy. He learned from media MJ died of Propofol overdose.

Putnam: AEG Live make a fortune after MJ's death? Phillips: No

No more questions from AEG attorney.

Jackson re-direct

Panish asked Phillips if the exec used derogatory terms to refer to Mrs. Jackson, like the B word. He said no.

Panish referred back to the meeting at the Polo Lounge between Randy Phillips and Dr. Tohme. Phillips and Panish argued about the fact that Phillips said Panish was following him around with photographers. Phillips said it was Panish who told him that, and Panish replied he never said it. Panish: Did you point to me and accused me of following you at the Polo Lounge? Phillips: Yes, I speculated, yes, yes. Panish: You will say anything, won't you? Phillips: That's outrageous! Panish asked if Phillips thought he was still following him. He responded he didn't know, he's not sure what Panish is capable of.


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14.06.2013 um 09:05
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 21. Teil

12. Juni 2013

Am Dienstag beendete Panish die Befragung von Randy Phillips, der nochmals zu Thome Thome und Merchandising Einnahmen nach Michaels Tod Stellung nehmen musste. Phillips beschwerte sich zudem über Michaels damalige, geschäftliche Umfeld.

Befragt wurde Randy Phillips erneut zum Abkommen von AEG mit Thome Thome, in dem u.a. festgehalten war, dass er AEG Live als Michael Jacksons Manager assistiere. Thome wurden darin monatlich 100 000 Dollar versprochen. Randy Phillips gab zu verstehen, er sehe darin keinen Interessenskonflikt, da auch Michael Jackson unterschrieben hat. Das Geld sei ein Vorschuss an Jackson gewesen, doch Thome (der vom MJ Estate verklagt wurde) sei nie bezahlt worden.

Eine Rechtsanwältin von AEG äusserte während den frühen This Is It Vorbereitungen Misstrauen gegenüber Dr. Thome Thome. Sie frage sich, ob Thome „der wahre Jakob“ sei und schlug vor, einen privaten Ermittler anzuheuern. „Und/oder mindestens, dass jemand von AEG Live Michael Jackson trifft, um sicherzustellen, ob er versteht, dass wir einer Tour-Vereinbarung mit ihm entgegen gehen, die von ihm erfordern wird, eine weltweite Tour zu performen…“

Auch Phillips gab gestern zu, über Thome, der via Jermaine Jackson zu Michael gekommen sei, nicht richtig Bescheid gewusst zu haben. „Ich wusste nicht einmal, wo sein Büro war, abgesehen von der Bar im Bel-Air Hotel.“ Trotzdem sagt Randy Phillips, Thome habe einen „phänomenalen Job“ für MJ gemacht. In einer Mail schrieb er: „Er ist ein guter Typ, der für Michael Wunder vollbracht hat, er ist nur kein Manager.“

Bereits letzte Woche hatte Phillips gesagt, dass Thome zuvor keine Erfahrung als Manager eines Musikkünstlers hatte. Phillips bestätigte, dass er Michael Jacksons Schreiben erhielt, in dem er mitteilte, er habe die Dienste von Dr. Thome gekündigt.

Ebenfalls nochmals Thema war Michaels Befinden. Kenny Ortega habe eine „food person“ engagiert, die dafür gesorgt habe, dass Michael gegessen habe.

Phillips musste ausserdem Auskünfte zu den Merchandising Einnahmen geben. In einer AEG internen Mail nach Michaels Verscheiden, schrieb Phillips: „Michaels Tod ist eine schreckliche Tragödie, aber das Leben muss weiter gehen. AEG wird ein Vermögen mit Merchandising Verkäufen, Ticket-Zurückbehaltung, die tourende Ausstellung, und vom Film/DVD machen. Ich wünsche mir noch immer, er wäre hier!“

Kurz vor der Mittagspause beendete Brian Panish seine Befragung und der AEG Anwalt Marvin Putnam stellte abschliessende Fragen an Phillips. Diesem sei die Erleichterung ins Gesicht geschrieben gewesen, notierte ein Journalist.

Mit Michael zu dealen sei „anspruchsvoll“ gewesen. „Weil Michael launenhaft war. Eines der Dinge, die ihn gross gemacht haben, war auch eines der Dinge, die es unmöglich machten, mit ihm Geschäfte abzuwickeln“, so Phillips. „Er änderte seine Meinung. Er wollte verschiedene Sachen an unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten. Er wechselte Stellvertreter wie wir Socken wechseln.“ Phillips hatte zuvor ausgesagt, man habe eine „Abrisskarte“ benötigt um seine Vertreter im Auge zu behalten.

In einer Mail vom 2. Juni 2009, inmitten der This Is It Proben, schrieb Phillips: „ …MJ zu fokussieren ist nicht die einfachste Sache der Welt und wir haben noch immer keinen Anwalt, keinen Geschäftsführer, oder, überhaupt einen echten Manager hier. Es ist ein Alptraum!“

Im Verlaufe der Gerichtsverhandlung gab Randy Phillips bekannt, dass The Jacksons während dem BET Experience Festival am 30. Juni im Staples Center auftreten werden. Ein Anwalt der Jackson Familie sagt, die Brüder hätten keine andere Wahl, da die meisten Veranstaltungsorte in der Stadt im Besitz von AEG seien. Am Festival treten auch Beyoncé, R. Kelly etc. auf.

Abschliessend zur heutigen Meldung ein Link zu einem englischen Artikel, in dem ein Anthropologe über Michaels humanitäre Hinterlassenschaft schreibt, die Fans rund um die Welt anspornen, sich in Michaels Namen für Missstände einzusetzen, Geld zu sammeln etc.


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14.06.2013 um 09:15
The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 22. Teil

13. Juni 2013

Randy Phillips versuchte am Mittwoch die Geschenisse vor der This Is It Presskonferenz in ein besseres Licht zu rücken. Und er sprach über seine positiven Erinnerungen an Michael, den er als gebildet, energisch, freundlich und zielstrebig beschrieb. Bizarr war allerdings eine Aussage Phillips, in der er erzählte, Michaels Geist habe Lionel Richies ex-Frau mitgeteilt, dass er sich aus Versehen selbst umgebracht hatte und Murray keine Schuld treffe.

Im Dialog mit dem Anwalt aus den eigenen Reihen, berichtete Randy Phillips von einem Treffen mit Michael Jackson, bei dem dieser in Tränen ausgebrochen sei, da er es leid war, „wie ein Vagabund zu leben“, weil er mit seiner Familie abwechselnd in einem Las Vegas Miethaus und einem Bel Air Hotel wohnte. Deshalb sei eine von Michaels grössten Motivationen der Wunsch gewesen, sich ein eigenes Haus zu kaufen. Auch er selbst habe weinen müssen, sagte Randy Phillips. In seinem Eifer habe Michael eines Tages ein riesiges Anwesen in Bel Air als sein Wunschhaus erwähnt, das 93 Millionen Dollar gekostet hätte. Phillips sagt, das sei zu teuer, da er doch nicht alles Geld in ein Haus stecken sollte.

Randy Phillips berichte auch über die positiven Zeichen während den Vorbereitungen zu This Is It. Michael habe den Namen vorgeschlagen und er sei für sein Comeback sehr engagiert gewesen. „Er wusste, mit wem er zusammenarbeiten wollte und wie er es machen wollte.“

Bisher sei im Gericht über Michael gesprochen worden, als wäre er der 5 Jahre alte Sänger der Jackson 5, doch der war er nicht. „Er war ein gebildeter, sehr smarter, sich gut ausdrückender, 50 Jahre alter Mann, der Kontrolle über sein Leben hatte.“

„Er wurde als Medikamenten abhängiger 5-Jähriger präsentiert, doch das ist nicht der Mann, mit dem ich zu tun hatte. Der Mann, mit dem ich zu tun hatte war energisch, freundlich – aber zielstrebig. Und Energie. Er war Energie.“

Als Michael Jackson und die AEG Führungsleute im Holmby Hills Haus den Vertrag unterschrieben, habe Michael einige Wünsche gehabt. MJ hätte mit seinen Anwälten doppelt geprüft, dass die Vereinbarung bis zu 31 Shows in der Londoner O2 Arena abdeckte. Prince hatte dort 20 Shows gegeben, und Michael wollte das übertreffen. Nachdem der Ticketverkauf angekündigt wurde, habe AEG realisiert, dass die Nachfrage noch viel grösser war, als angenommen.

Phillips sagt, Michael habe dann für 50 Shows zugestimmt unter folgenden Bedingungen: Er wollte ein Haus auf dem Land in der Nähe von London, damit er und seine Kinder nicht in einem Hotel leben musste. Über die Art des Hauses habe er genaue Vorstellungen gehabt. 16 Acres gross, die Umgebung mit sanft geschwungenen Hügeln, mit Bächen, Reitmöglichkeit und mit seinem separaten Gästehaus. Später habe er erfahren, dass Michael im Internet nach einem geeigneten Haus surfte und etwas Besonderes fand. Spannend, wie gut sich Randy Phillips auf einmal an solche Einzelheiten erinnern kann. Der King of Pop habe für die 50. Show auch die Anwesenheit eines Repräsentanten des Guinnes Buch der Weltrekorde gewünscht. “Er wusste, dass niemals jemand fähig sein wird, 50 Shows in einer Arena in einer Stadt zu geben.“ Bei Brainstormings sei ihm bewusst geworden, dass Michael die Tour „überlebensgross“ machen möchte. „Für Michael ging alles darum, grösser, besser und umfangreicher zu sein als alles zuvor.“

AEG Live zeigte den Geschworenen das Video der This Is It Pressekonferenz als Beweis, dass sich Michael auf die Konzerte freute. (Anmerkung von niemand zweifelt daran, dass sich Michael grundsätzlich auf die Konzerte freute. Und wir alle wissen, dass Michael sein Leben lang immer alles bisherige übertreffen wolle. In anderen Momenten wurde er wohl aber von der Realität eingeholt und war unsicher, ob er es nach dieser langen und schweren Zeit abseits von der Bühne, schaffen werde. Es gibt Hinweise, dass MJ bereits spätestens bei der History Tour mit massiven Schlafproblemen kämpfte. Und die vielen Medikamente, die er zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes im Körper hatte, lassen die Frage aufkommen, wie sich das zu der Zeit auf ihn auswirkte, auf seine Entscheidungsfähigkeit etc. Es gibt Momente und Abschnitt im Leben, da müssen Menschen vor sich selbst geschützt werden, egal wie intelligent und erfahren diese sind.)

Randy Phillips sagte aus, dass sich Michaels Angst nicht um die Auftritte drehte. MJ sei besorgt gewesen, dass seine Popularität verblasst war und dass keine Leute an die Pressekonferenz kämen.

Den Tag der Pressekonferenz beschreibt Randy Phillips als „das Wunder vom 5. März.“

Gestützt auf Mails und Aussagen Phillips, habe er den „betrunkenen, mutlosen und emotional gelähmten“ Michael unter eine kalte Dusche stellen lassen und „so laut angeschrieen, dass die Wände zitterten“ und ihn geschlagen. Es habe sich dabei nur um einen Klaps auf den Po gehandelt, wie dies ein Football Trainer tun würde, relativierte Phillips zwar vor einigen Tagen.

Phillips ging mit dem AEG Anwalt die Ereignisse nochmals durch. Er habe Zweifel gehabt, ob Michael überhaupt an der Pressekonferenz auftauchte, da er ihn eine Woche lang nicht erreichen konnte. MJ habe nicht auf die Anrufe seines Managers reagiert, da er so verärgert über Thome Thome war, weil dieser eine Auktion von Besitztümern aus der Neverland Ranch angesetzt hatte. Phillips selbst konnte Michael nicht direkt kontaktieren. Er habe schon damit gerechnet, dass Michael seinen Vertrag breche, denn im späten Februar hätte er dies noch ohne grosse Konsequenzen tun können. Aber Phillips entschloss, die Konzerte auch anzukündigen, falls der Künstler selbst nicht auftaucht, so seine Aussage.

Schliesslich kam Michael doch noch nach London – am 4. März 2009 mit seinen Kindern, Thome, einem Bodyguard und einer Nanny, die auch sein Haar und Make-Up erledigte. Phillips selbst kam erst wenige Stunden vor der Pressekonferenz an. Er habe sich dann ins Lanesborough Hotel begeben, in dem Thome und Michael Suiten im ersten Stock belegt hatten. Er sei zunehmend nervöser geworden, während Thome nach Michael gesehen habe. Der Weg zur Pressekonferenz hätte bis zu 90 Minuten in Anspruch nehmen können.

“Wir haben ein kleines Problem“, habe Thome dann eventuell zu ihm gesagt. „Michael hat sich betrunken.“ Thome sei daraufhin in Michaels Suite zurück gekehrt und habe ihn besorgt zurückgelassen. „Ich hatte einen Hörer in meinem Ohr, ein Blackberry in meiner Hand und ich schrieb gleichzeitig Mails während ich sprach und Mails von einer Menge sehr besorgter Leute in der O2 erhielt.“

Die Zeit sei davon gerannt, während 3000 Fans und 350 Journalisten in der O2 auf Michael gewartet haben und er sei zunehmend ins Schwitzen gekommen.

Möglicherweise sei er hinter Bodyguard Alberto Alvarez in Michaels Raum gegangen, wo er eine leere Liquorflasche auf dem Boden bei seiner Couch sah. Michael habe einen Robe und Hosen getragen und ausgesehen, als habe er einen Kater. „Ich sage, Michael, bist du OK?“ Darauf habe ihm Michael gesagt, dass er wirklich besorgt sei, ob überhaupt jemand in der O2 sei und es vielleicht eine Pleite werde.

Er habe Michael dann geholfen, das schwarze Shirt auszusuchen, aber er sei an seine Grenzen gestossen, als es Michael nicht schaffte, sein Armband an den Ärmel festzumachen. Nach 10 Minuten sei ein Hoteltechniker zu Hilfe gerufen worden. Das alles sei zuviel für ihn gewesen, sagte Phillips aus.

Anschliessend gab Randy Phillips zu, dass die damals versandten Mails nicht völlig unrichtig waren.

Eine Mail an seinen damaligen Chef Leiweke lautete: “I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking, Tohme and I have dressed him and they are finishing his hair. Then we are rushing to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever seen. He’s an emotionally paralyzed mess, filled with self-loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through this press conference.”

Und der Person, die vor dem Hotel mit Fahrzeugen wartete, schrieb Phillips: “I just slapped him and screamed at him louder that I did with Arthur Cassell,”

Randy Phillips sagte vor Gericht, dass er Arthur Cassel einmal aufgrund eines Booking-Problems mit Lionel Richie angeschrieen habe.

Phillips nahm vor den Geschworenen die Schuld auf sich, dass die Situation ausser Kontrolle geraten sei. „Ich gebe zu, ein wenig eine Drama Queen zu sein“, sagte er. „Ich war so nervös, ich kreierte so viel Spannung im Raum, dass man die Spannung mit einem Messer hätte durchschneiden können.“

Als sie sich schliesslich auf den Weg zur O2 Arena begaben, habe er sich wieder beruhigt. Es sei sogar zu einer „sehr lustigen Fahrt“ geworden, bei der Michael Jackson Spässe gemacht habe. Michael habe ihm immer wieder gesagt „Du schaust grossartig aus, du hast eine Menge Gewicht verloren.“ Dies obwohl es damals sein schwerstes jemals gewesen sei. Er habe nach dem 10. Mail mit den Worten reagiert: „Michael, du hättest auch Gewicht verloren, wenn du im Hotel auf und ab gegangen wärst auf dich wartend, um aufzubrechen.“

Letztendlich habe sich die Verspätung aber positiv ausgewirkt, da damit vor lauter Drama das Interesse an Michaels Ankündigung nur noch stieg.

In der Arena realisierte Phillips dann, dass Michael kein Skript geschrieben hatte. Was Michael letztendlich vom Teleprompter ablas, habe er geschrieben, während er Michael zum Podium folgte, wo Michael dann richtig aufgetaut sei und zu „Michael Jackson“ wurde.

Michael sei nach der Ankündigung umgehend und „begeistert“ in die Staaten zurückgekehrt um mit den Vorbereitungen für die Konzerte zu beginnen.

Ziemlich eigenartig war eine Aussage von Randy Phillips über Michaels Tod. In einer Mail vom 18. August 2009 schrieb Phillips die mysteriösen Zeilen: „Ich denke ich weiss woran MJ gestorben ist und dies würde Conrad entlasten.“

Vor Gericht erklärte er die Worte nun wie folgt: Phillips berief sich auf eine Unterhaltung mit Brenda Richie, der ex-Frau von Lionel Richie. „Brenda rief mich an um mir zu erzählen, dass sie entweder durch ein Medium oder direkt mit Michael kommuniziert habe. Sie sagte, Michael habe ihr erzählt, dass es nicht Dr. Murrays Fehler war, sondern, dass er sich selbst aus Versehen umgebracht hatte.“ Brian Panish erhob Einspruch auf die Geister-Geschichte, das sei „dreifaches Hörensagen.“ Trotz Gelächter im Gerichtsaal liess die Richterin Yvette Palazuelos die Erklärung zu.

Die E-Mail vom August 2009 wurde bereits am Montag von Brian Panish gezeigt. Damals sagte Phillips noch, dass er sich nicht erinnern könne, worüber er da geschrieben hatte beziehungsweise an was er dachte, woran Michael gestorben sei.


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14.06.2013 um 09:18
Gerechtigkeit – der Freispruch

13. Juni 2013

Heute vor 8 Jahren ist MJ von allen 10 Anklagepunkten freigesprochen worden. 4 Jahre später ist er gestorben…

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Michael Jackson 2005 Live Court Verdict
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Navex3 ~ Hochgeladen am 06.07.2009

so all of you idiots who call him a pedophile can see that he was wrongly accused


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14.06.2013 um 09:22
Michael Jackson war pleite: „Schockierende“ Wahrheit vor Gericht
Er wollte seinen Kindern ein Haus kaufen

Geschrieben am: 13.06.2013 um 09:35 Uhr

Michael Jackson war ein Ausnahmekünstler, aber mit Geld konnte er nicht umgehen, was schon zu Lebzeiten bekannt war. Er nahm in seiner Karriere zwar hunderte Millionen Dollar ein, galt bei seinem Tod aber als mehr oder weniger pleite. Vor Gericht kam jetzt die bittere Wahrheit ans Licht.

Er brauchte unbedingt das Geld, das er mit seiner „This Is It“-Tour verdient hätte, weil er seinen Kindern ein noch besseres Leben bieten wollte.

Am Mittwoch sagte Randy Phillips (Boss des Konzertveranstalters AEG) aus, dass er 2008 ein emotionales Meeting mit Jackson hatte, bei dem angeblich sogar Tränen flossen. Der Sänger hätte dem Manager offeriert, dass seine drei Kids – Blanket, Paris & Prince Michael – ein „Vagabundenleben“ führen würden. Ständig pendelnd zwischen einem gemieteten Anwesen in Las Vegas und einem Hotel in Los Angeles.

Deswegen wollte MJ ein Haus kaufen, was aber nur durch zusätzliche Einnahmen hätte ermöglicht werden können. Beide hätten zum Schluss des Gesprächs sogar geweint, was man angesichts des knallharten Business glauben kann oder auch nicht.

Dass Michael Jackson keinerlei Bezug zu verantwortlichem Umgang mit Geld hatte, zeigt auch der Fakt, dass er sich ein 40.000 Quadratmeter großes Anwesen kaufen wollte, das unglaubliche $93 Millionen gekostet hätte. Von Phillips kam der freundschaftliche Rat, sein Vermögen nicht für sowas aus dem Fenster zu werfen.

Schließlich mietete sich Jackson lediglich das Haus und fand darin tragischerweise auch den Tod.


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14.06.2013 um 09:31
Jacko-Prozess: Jetzt spricht der Geist des "King of Pop"

13.06.2013, 15:57 Uhr

Der Prozess der Jackson-Familie gegen den Konzertveranstalter AEG Live nimmt langsam skurrile Züge an. Die Mutter des "King of Pops" und seine drei Kinder werfen AEG vor, Jacksons Gesundheit während der Vorbereitungen auf seine Comeback-Tour vernachlässigt und damit seinen Tod in Kauf genommen zu haben. Dies gelte insbesondere für die Einstellung von Arzt Conrad Murray, der Jackson das zum Tod führende Beruhigungsmittel Propofol verabreichte. Firmenchef Randy Phillips erhielt nun Unterstützung von einem ganz besonderen Entlastungszeugen: Michael Jackson höchstpersönlich.

So behauptete Philiips am Dienstag (11. Juni) vor Gericht, seine langjährige Freundin Brenda Richie - die Ex-Frau von Sänger Lionel Richie - habe über ein Medium Kontakt mit Jackson aufgenommen. "Sie sagte, Michael habe ihr mitgeteilt, dass es nicht Dr. Murrays Fehler war, sondern sich Michael aus Versehen selbst umgebracht hat", sagte Phillips nach Angaben der "New York Post".

Vorsitzende ließ bizarre Zeugenaussage zu

Nach dieser Aussage sei im Gerichtssaal Gelächter ausgebrochen. Die Vorsitzende Yvette Palazuelos ließ die bizarre Zeugenaussage dennoch zu. Jackson-Anwalt Kevin Boyle war davon nicht sehr angetan. Nach der Verhandlung ätzte er gegen AEG: "Ich hoffe, die Jackson-Brüder überleben ihr eigenes AEG-Live-Erlebnis." Denn wie es der Zufall will, stehen die wiedervereinigten "The Jacksons" - Jermaine, Tiro, Randy und Maron - ebenfalls bei dem Konzertveranstalter unter Vertrag.

ähnlicher Bericht:

13. Juni 2013
von Fabian Peltsch

Zeugenaussage vor Gericht: 'Michael Jacksons Geist sagt, er habe sich selbst umgebracht'

Bizarre Aussage im Jackson-Prozess gegen Konzertveranstalter AEG-Live: Der CEO der Firma erzählte vor Gericht, dass Michael Jackson sich 'aus Versehen selbst getötet habe'. Er beruft sich dabei auf Lionel Richies Ex-Frau Brenda, die mit dem Geist des King Of Pop gesprochen haben will.

Michael Jacksons Geist hat Lionel Richies' Ex-Frau erzählt, dass er sich aus Versehen das Leben genommen hat. Diese Aussage konnte man gestern im Prozess um Michael Jacksons Todesumstände vernehmen.

Vorgebracht wurde sie von Randy Phillips, einem geschäftsführenden Vorstandsmitglied des angeklagten Veranstaltungsunternehmens AEG-Live. Phillips berief sich dabei auf seine gute Freundin Brenda Richie (die Ex-Frau von Lionel Richie), die 2009 Kontakt zu dem verstorbenen King Of Pop aufgenommen haben will. Angeblich entlastete der Geist ihr gegenüber auch seinen Leibarzt Dr. Murray:

"Brenda rief mich an um mir zu sagen, dass sie in Kontakt mit Michael getreten sei, entweder durch ein Medium oder auf direktem Wege. Sie erzählte mir, dass Michael ihr gesagt habe, dass es nicht Dr. Murrays Fehler gewesen sei, sondern dass er sich selbst aus Versehen umgebracht hat", so der AEG-CEO Phillips.

Obwohl Jacksons Familie die Geister-Geschichte vor Gericht als "dreifaches Hörensagen" ablehnte, ließ Richterin Yvette Palazuelos sie als Zeugenaussage zu. Gelächter im Gerichtssaal war die Folge.

Michael Jackson war im Juni 2009 im Alter von 50 Jahren gestorben, nachdem sein Arzt Conrad Murray ihm das Beruhigungsmittel Propofol verabreicht hatte. Murray war in einem anschließenden Gerichtsverfahren wegen einer Mitschuld an Jacksons Tod zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. AEG wiederum organisierte die geplante Comeback-Tour Jacksons und habe den Sänger, so die Hinterbliebenen, bei den Vorbereitungen aufs Äußerste gefordert, ohne dabei auf seinen fragilen Gesundheitszustand Rücksicht zu nehmen. Auch sollen die AEG-Verantwortlichen auf Conrad Murray Druck ausgeübt haben, um Michael Jackson unter allen Umständen fit zu halten. (Archiv-Version vom 17.06.2013)


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14.06.2013 um 09:37
Days before death, executive asked: Does Michael Jackson need a straitjacket?

By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 1:13 PM EDT, Thu June 13, 2013

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* "He is having a mental breakdown," AEG Live CEO Tim Leiweke wrote
* CFO: "Is it 'pre-show nerves' bad or 'get a straight jacket/call our insurance carrier' bad?"
* At his deposition, Leiweke said he didn't know if "breakdown" referred to Jackson
* Jackson's mother and children are suing the concert promoter for liability in his death

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A top executive at AEG Live's parent company asked days before Michael Jackson's death if the singer was having big problems -- enough to warrant a straitjacket, according to testimony from Jackson's wrongful death trial.

CNN obtained the video testimony played for jurors this week at the trial, which is in its seventh week in Los Angeles.

"Trouble with MJ. Big trouble," AEG CEO Tim Leiweke wrote to AEG Chief Financial Officer Dan Beckerman on the night of June 20, 2009. "He is having a mental breakdown."

Beckerman, who became AEG's CEO after Leiweke left this year, replied: "I figured something might be wrong given how jittery Randy has been this week. Is it 'pre-show nerves' bad or 'get a straight jacket/call our insurance carrier' bad?"

The reply was referring to AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips.

On June 25, Jackson died from what a coroner ruled was an overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol administered by Dr. Conrad Murray. Two weeks after that, Jackson's "This Is It" comeback tour, produced and promoted by AEG Live, had been set to launch in London.

Jackson's mother and three children are suing AEG Live, the concert promotion branch of AEG, arguing the company is liable for his death because it negligently hired, retained or supervised Murray. They say executives pressured Jackson to attend rehearsals despite his deteriorating health and ignored red flags that should have warned them about the dangers posed by Murray.

AEG Live lawyers say that it was Jackson who chose and controlled Murray and that company executives had no way of knowing he was giving Jackson nightly infusions of propofol to treat his insomnia.

The Leiweke-Beckerman e-mail exchange followed an "intervention" that Phillips held at Jackson's home to find out what was wrong with the singer, according to testimony.

Leiweke forwarded to Beckerman an e-mail chain between Phillips, show director Kenny Ortega and others involved in the production.

Production manager John "Bugzee" Houghdahl started the exchange about Jackson, which he titled "trouble at the Front."

"I have watched him deteriorate in front of my eyes over the last 8 weeks. He was able to do multiple 360 spins back in April. He'd fall on his ass if he tried now," Houghdahl wrote about Jackson.

AEG's lawyer showed jurors a clip Thursday of Jackson performing several 360-degree spins while rehearsing his song "Billie Jean." It was not clear what day it was recorded.

Ortega had sent Jackson home from a rehearsal the night of June 19, 2009 because of his strange behavior.

"He was a basket case and Kenny was concerned he would embarrass himself on stage, or worse yet -- get hurt," Houghdahl wrote. "The company is rehearsing right now, but the DOUBT is pervasive."

Jackson lawyer Kevin Boyle asked Leiweke during his deposition why he wrote to Beckerman that there was "big trouble" with Michael Jackson.

"We were aware that he had missed several rehearsals," Leiweke said.

He said he couldn't remember if he was referring to Jackson or Phillips when he wrote to Beckerman that "He is having a mental breakdown."

In a video of his deposition played for jurors, Beckerman said: "I was just trying to understand: Is it stage fright and the show will go on, or is it, 'I can't go through this; I'm not going to step on stage'?"

Jackson stepped on stage just two more times in his life after that day. His rehearsals at the Staples Center on June 23 and 24 were filmed and became the basis for the "This Is It" documentary of his last months.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 10:14
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:na prima, John Landis gibt ein Interview über Michaels Wunsch, einen Film zu drehen. Michael und John Landis hatten dieses Gespräch im Jahr 2007. Landis sagt in diesem Interview, daß Michael zu grotesk aussah!!!
hmmmm, mit diesem IV ist Landis nun wieder im Gespräch ... aber hat er es nötig, sich mit diesen Infos "ins Gespräch" zu bringen ... na und so etwas wollen einige Fans doch nicht von ihrem
Idol MJ hören ... :D die verschließen doch lieber die Augen, als, dass sie jemals zugeben würden, dass die kosmetischen OPs MJ wirklich einen Gefallen getan haben ...
unabhängig davon, ob die Schilderungen vom Landies, über MJ's Aussehen, denn auch so zu interpretieren sind, wie er es getan hat ...

Landis sagt u. a. noch, dass er hat meistens gute Erinnerungen an Michael Jackson hatte, obwohl er ihn verklagte ... die Klage wurde aber im vergangenen Jahr für eine ungenannte Summe beigelegt ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.06.2013 um 10:29
Tanay Jackson, ist die Tochter von Tito Jackson ...

Paris Jackson's Cousin Tanay: Not Everyone in a Big Family Can Get Along

von Rebecca Macatee 13. Juni 2013 - 15:06

VIDEO auf der Website

As Paris Jackson recovers from her alleged pill overdose on June 5, sources tell E! News she has the support of her whole family, including cousin Tanay Jackson.

Tanay, whose father is Tito Jackson and older brother is Paris, Blanket and Prince's coguardian T.J. Jackson, spoke with E! News exclusively about how her 15-year-old cousin is expected to move forward.

The singer, whose music is featured on her new YouTube music page, 7Tanay7, said it was clear from Paris' alleged actions that she was unhappy and the situation was serious. And while Tanay didn't want to get too wrapped up in the family drama, she did feel that her brother T.J. would definitely be concerned about Paris' recent situation.

She also admitted that the Jackson side of the family could be tough, but urged Paris to do what is it that makes her happy. If that means living with biological mother Debbie Rowe, Tanay thinks that's what Paris should do.

As for Paris' relationship with her brothers? While Tanay admitted that in a big family, not everyone can always get along, she thinks Paris and Prince have unconditional sibling love. As for any reports about a rift between Paris and Price over her relationship with Debbie? Tanay thinks that whatever they're going through should stay between them and them alone.

Tanay was also troubled by Paris' transfer from Children's Hospital in Calabasas to UCLA Medical Center, where Michael Jackson died in 2009. She explained that were she in her cousin's situation, that would be too much to go through during a difficult time.

Twitter Account von Tanay Jackson ... (Archiv-Version vom 27.11.2015)
