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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.06.2013 um 13:54
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14 Jun
This is MJ's picture from June 19, 2009. How do you think he looked?

BMv5TnrCEAAjWH .jpg large

10:48 PM - 14 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.06.2013 um 14:00
na, da können wir doch froh sein, dass Roger Friedman keine "verrückten" Geschichten
verbreitet ... :D :D :D

Paris Jackson Will Not Attend Family Wedding, Still Recovering

06/15/13 1:27pm Roger Friedman

I know the tabs and TMZ and Randy Jackson will be disappointed, but Paris Jackson will not be attending a family wedding in Encino this weekend. Paris’s cousin Taj Jackson is getting married at the Jacksons’ now abandoned former HQ, the Havenhurst house in Encino owned by Michael Jackson’s estate. But Paris is staying at UCLA Medical Center where she is undoubtedly getting some needed rest and learning how to deal with life in a complex world. I keep reading crazy stories and posts either in TMZ or the New York Post that are far, far from the mark. But there’s a fine line here dealing with a 15 year old, her mother, and their family. While it might be great to drive traffic off this story, it also might be more prudent to let this kid alone. I’m still not sure why Katherine Jackson or guardian TJ haven’t pulled down Paris’s Twitter account. PS Mrs. Jackson, Prince, and Blanket will attend.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.06.2013 um 14:23
hier hat wohl Rebbies Sohn, Austin Brown, gegenüber E! News geplaudert ...

Paris Jackson’s cousin talks bullying

16 June 2013

Paris Jackson’s cousin has become part of an anti-bullying campaign in the wake of her apparent suicide attempt.

Michael Jackson’s 15-year-old daughter was taken to hospital June 5 after reportedly cutting herself with a knife and overdosing on Ibuprofen.

Reports suggested the teen felt no one but her late father understood her and that she suffered cruel taunts at the hands of her peers.

Days after the apparent suicide attempt her cousin, Austin Brown, is speaking out against bullying.

"There's so many kids being bullied and being pressured into things, and they're not really able to express who they are and to really be themselves,” he told E! News.

Austin said he sympathises with anyone who is targeted by their peers.

The 27-year-old son of Michael Jackson’s sister Rebbie has been a victim of bullying himself and wants kids to know it gets better.

"Being a kid in Southern California, you listen to different music, you dress different, your family may do something differently,” he said. "Kids are going to find really harsh and mean things to say. So, you've just got to create that rhinoceros skin and keep it pushing.”

Austin has now become part of the Friend Movement’s The New F Word campaign. The organisation’s mission is to stop bullying.

“…We're trying to raise awareness on really just to be nice to people, really be able to express who you are, be who you want to be and just live life as honest as possible and not have to worry about people judging you,” Austin explained.

Paris Jackson is meanwhile seeking “intense therapy” as she continues her recovery.

According to E!, she’s been attending sessions regularly at UCLA Medical Center.

“She has a couple weeks of very intense therapy [ahead of her] before anything else happens,” a source said, adding, “Where she does it all depends on the best place.” (Archiv-Version vom 09.01.2014)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.06.2013 um 14:41
Sie hat die Nase voll
Janet Jackson dreht ihrer Familie den Geldhahn ab

Freitag, 14. Juni 2013 | 00:59 Uhr | Jenny


Gerade erst hat es Janet Jackson (47) nach 30 Jahren harter Arbeit im Musikbusiness in den erlesenen Club der Milliardäre geschafft, da treten auch schon die Nachteile ihres finanziellen Erfolges ans Licht. Denn als einziges Familienmitglied mit einer aktiven Karriere ist offenbar sie es, die schon seit Langem das kostspielige Leben des Jackson-Clans finanziert. Als Neu-Milliardärin sollte das für Janet zwar eigentlich kein Problem sein, doch die Sängerin fühlt sich, besonders von ihren Brüdern, zunehmend ausgenutzt. Aus diesem Grund soll sie sich jetzt dazu entschlossen haben, den Jackson-Männern ein für alle Mal den Geldhahn abzudrehen.

"Janet ist sehr großzügig gewesen, wann immer ein Mitglied der Familie wegen Almosen zu ihr kam," verriet eine Quelle der US-Zeitung National Enquirer. "Aber es schien, als sei das Geld, das sie ihnen gab, niemals genug und es war nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis Janet das Gefühl hatte, ausgenutzt zu werden." Janet habe in der Vergangenheit sogar ihre Telefonnummer geändert, damit nur noch ihre Mutter Katherine (83) direkten Kontakt zu ihr hat. Doch auch das soll keine Wirkung gezeigt haben, da ihre Brüder einfach über ihre Mutter wieder Zugang zu ihr suchten. Jackie, Tito, Jermaine (58), Marlon und Randy (56) "bitten sie, ihnen mit allem zu helfen, angefangen von ausstehenden Unterhaltszahlungen bis hin zu Zwangsversteigerungen und Pfändungen wegen Steuerschuld. Aber nun hat sie eine Grenze gezogen und sie wissen lassen, dass genug genug ist."

Wie schön, dass Janet einmal mehr echte Frauenpower beweist und sich letztlich gegen ihre Brüder durchzusetzen weiß.



<small<Published on: June 10, 2013
by NATIONAL ENQUIRER staff[/size]

MEGABUCKS Janet Jack­son has cut ties with her freeloading brothers, sources say.

In the past, 47-year-old Janet’s big brother Michael reportedly kept the extended Jackson clan afloat.

But since the King of Pop’s untime­ly death, his reportedly cash-strapped brothers have sought help from Ja­net – who it was recently revealed has grossed a bil­lion dollars from concert tours, acting gigs, album sales and corporate spon­sorships.

“Janet has been very generous whenever one of her family came to her for a handout,” a source told The ENQUIRER.

“But it seemed like the money she gave them was never enough, and it was only a matter of time be­fore Janet felt like she was being taken advantage of. Eventually, Janet had to change her phone number so that her mom, Katherine, was the only family member with direct ac­cess to her. But now Janet’s brothers try to get to her through their mom!”

The “What Have You Done For Me Lately” singer revealed in Feb­ruary that she had secretly married Middle East business tycoon Wissam Al Mana, who’s nine years her junior.

“He wants Janet to cut off her family and he supports her deci­sion one hundred percent,” says the insider. Of Janet’s siblings, her five brothers – Jackie, 62, Tito, 59, Jermaine, 58, Marlon, 56, and Randy, 51 – are the most demanding, a source says.

“They’ve asked Ja­net to help them with everything from late child-support payments to home foreclosures and tax liens,” the source said. “But now she’s drawn a line and let them know enough is enough.”

Meanwhile, 83-year-old clan matriarch Katherine stands to hit the jackpot if she wins a $40 billion wrongful death suit against concert promoter AEG Live. She claims the company failed to properly investigate and supervise the doctor hired to care for Michael in connection with the singer’s ill-fated “This Is It” come­back tour.

“If Katherine collects just a small portion of that claim against AEG, there’s no doubt her sons will be lined up at her doorstep with their hands out,” the source says. “But the good news is a windfall for Kath­erine will take some of the pressure off of Janet!”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.06.2013 um 15:08
die Medien kennen bestimmt nicht die genauen Hintergründe, die zu dem schicksalhaften Ereignis führten ... aber die hier, wissen es genau ... mal eine andere Version ... :)

14:43 UHR | 16.06.2013 | N. Blank
Paris JacksonSelbstmordversuch weil Prinz Michael nicht ihr Bruder sein soll?


Hat die Wahrheit um ihren Vater sie dazu gebracht, nicht mehr leben zu wollen? Paris Jackson soll kurz vor ihrem Selbstmordversuch erfahren haben, dass sie und Prinz Michael nicht denselben biologischen Vater haben.

Was brachte Paris Jackson (15) dazu, nicht mehr leben zu wollen? Berichteten Medien, dass vor allem ein familiärer Zoff die 15-Jährige zur Zweifelung getrieben habe, präsentiert die britische Zeitung „Sun“ jetzt ein neues Motiv. Demnach habe Paris kurz vor ihrem Selbstmordversuch erfahren, dass Prinz Michael (16) und sie nicht denselben biologischen Vater hätten. Paris sei dies mitgeteilt worden, um sie auf den Milliarden-Prozess mit dem Konzertveranstalter „AEG Live“ vorzubereiten.

Der Konzern hatte bereits angekündigt, in dem Prozess nicht nur Jacksons Drogen- und Alkoholkonsum zu thematisieren, sondern auch zu beweisen, dass lediglich Michael Jacksons (†50) jüngster Sohn Blanket ein leibliches Kind des „King of Pop“ sei. Das Unternehmen werde den „unwiderlegbaren“ Beweis erbringen, dass Michael nicht der Vater von Paris und Prince Michael ist, zitiert die „New York Post“ einen Insider aus den Reihen des Konzerns.

Die Vaterschaft der beiden ältesten Jackson-Kinder sorgt immer wieder für Schlagzeilen. Bereits 2009 hatte Paris´ Mutter Debbie Rowe gegenüber „News of the World“ erklärt, mit dem Sperma eines anonymen Spenders künstlich befruchtet worden zu sein.

Doch: „Paris wollte immer glauben, dass Michael ihr Vater sei. Aber ihr war bewusst, dass dies vermutlich nicht der Fall ist“, berichtet ein Insider nun der „Sun“. Aber: „Sie war überzeugt, dass sie und Prinz Michael Voll- und nicht Halbgeschwister seien“, erklärt die Quelle weiter. Zu hören, dass ihr älterer Bruder einen anderen Vater habe, habe bei in ihr eine die Abwärtsspirale in Gang gesetzt. Sie soll am Boden zerstört gewesen sein, als ihr die Wahrheit mitgeteilt worden sei. „Sie vergöttert ihren Bruder Michael“, meint der Insider.

Paris Jackson wurde am 5. Juni mit dem Rettungswagen ins Krankenhaus gebracht, nachdem sie sich mit einem Fleischerbeil die Pulsadern aufgeschnitten hatte. Mittlerweile gehe es ihr den Umständen entsprechend gut. Sie wolle allerdings noch weitere 30 Tage im Krankenhaus verbringen, heißt es weiter.

ähnlicher Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 18.06.2013)

Paris Jackson in kill bid over brother

Singer's girl suicide attempt came after she was told
she does not have the same biological dad as Prince

Published: 11 hrs ago

PARIS Jackson’s suicide attempt came days after she was told she does not have the same biological father as her brother Prince.

Paris, 15 — who sources say has always known Michael Jackson could not be her natural dad — was convinced she was Prince’s full sibling.

She believed Debbie Rowe was their mum and an unnamed man their dad.

But after being told the truth, a string of rows followed between devastated Paris and Prince, 16.

She plunged into depression and is still in an LA hospital after reportedly slashing her wrists and downing pills on June 5.

Paris was given the news to prepare her for a tough grilling during the £26billion court fight between the Jackson family and concert firm AEG, who they blame for Michael’s death.

Last night a family friend said: “Paris has always wanted to believe Michael was her dad, but was aware that wasn’t really the case.

“She was convinced her and Prince were full siblings. She always idolised him.

“Hearing she wasn’t started a downward spiral.” Paris is said to be feeling better but will stay in hospital for up to 30 days.

She will then spend more time with mum Debbie, 54, in California. Paris is said to hate the “circus” at the Jackson household — but remains close to her grandma Katherine. Last night Paris’s representatives did not return our calls. (Archiv-Version vom 16.06.2013)

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.06.2013 um 15:23
und auch das wäre doch eine Möglichkeit ... ja, Paris möchte bei Diana Ross leben ...
ist doch unglaublich, was die Medien so verbreiten ... :D :D


16th June 2013
By Mike Parker

MICHAEL JACKSON'S distraught daughter Paris wants to live with her godmother Diana Ross.

Jacko’s girl told the US Child Protective Services she can no longer bear to be under the care of grandma Katherine, 83, and cousin TJ Jackson.

Paris, 15, is even prepared to leave her brothers Prince, 16, and Blanket, 11, behind at the family estate in Calabasas, Los Angeles.

She was last night under observation at UCLA Medical entre having been transferred there from a psychiatric unit at another hospital, where she was taken after her suicide attempt.

Before being moved, the teenager was interviewed by social workers who are investigating her case.

Paris slashed her wrists and swallowed an overdose of prescription painkillers.

LA Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff, who originally imposed the joint guardianship order, demanded a full investigation into the “health, education and welfare” of the King of Pop’s daughter.

A visitor who saw Paris in hospital revealed she told a social worker: “I want to live. I just don’t want to live at home any more. I feel like I’m being stifled there.

“I miss my dad terribly still and at times I feel like there’s no one I can talk to about how I feel. I want to go and live with Diana, who was one of dad’s closest friends.”

Paris said that at first she had hoped to apply for a legal emancipation order like the one obtained by actress Drew Barrymore, who a judge allowed to “divorce” her parents at 15 and look after herself.

But Paris was advised against this course of action by a lawyer who told her there was “no way” an LA judge would allow her to do that given her “extraordinary circumstances and security requirements”.

Motown legend Diana, whose hits include Chain Reaction and Rescue Me, was named in Jacko’s will as a back-up guardian should anything have happened to his mother.

Paris added that, despite becoming close to her real mum Debbie Rowe, 54, in recent months she was aware that the former medical assistant signed legal papers drawn up by her father’s lawyers agreeing to play no part in her upbringing.

Paris is said to feel under a lot of pressure as she is due to testify in the multi-million dollar civil action which members of the Jackson family are engaged in against entertainment giant AEG.

They claim the concert promoter put undue pressure on Michael to perform his This Is It series of gigs at London’s O2 arena and failed to supervise his doctor Conrad Murray.

He is serving a four-year sentence for manslaughter after administering a lethal dose of anaesthetic Propofol.

A spokesman for Diana, 69, who has six grown-up children of her own, declined to comment.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.06.2013 um 15:56
Fire marshal cuts public, media seats for Jackson trial

By Jeff Gottlieb
June 14, 2013, 6:25 p.m.

The Los Angeles fire marshal has ordered the number of people in the courtroom where the Michael Jackson wrongful-death suit is being tried be reduced immediately, cutting the number of seats for the media by nearly two-thirds and leaving only one spot available for the public.

That does not mean the news media or the public will be shut out of the trial, which finished its 30th day Friday. Since the early days of the proceedings, a closed-circuit feed has been shown in another courtroom that seats 63 people.

The new rule means that media will alternate days in the courtroom. The Times, for instance, will have a seat on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but will have to watch the proceedings in the overflow room other days. Other media, including CNN, KTLA-TV (Channel 5), the Associated Press, the New York Post and Agence France Press, are also part of the rotation.

The number of spectator seats in the courtroom is being reduced from45 to 34.

Before the trial started, Judge Yvette Palazuelos ruled that no cameras would be allowed in the courtroom. CNN's request to broadcast the proceedings was denied.

Mary Hearn, a spokeswoman for the court, said the plaintiffs and defendants each get 12 seats, which can be filled with members of the legal team and guests. Another seven are reserved for the media and the rest for court staff. If the parties to the suit bring fewer people, their seats will be taken by media or the public. There is a daily lottery for the public.

Hearn said that 15 to 20 reporters have been in the courtroom most days.

A small group of Jackson fans have been attending the trial. Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, has been in the audience most days, along with her nephew. Janet Jackson attended for half a day.

But if Michael Jackson's children or one of the celebrities on the witness list, such as Prince or Diana Ross, testify, the number of people wanting a look at the trial would probably grow.,0,7244669.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.06.2013 um 19:34
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #32 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 30 – June 14 2013 – Summary

Katherine Jackson was in court.

Randy Phillips Testimony

Jackson redirect

Panish started out by asking Phillips about his meeting with Jackson’s ex-manager, Tohme Tohme, at the Polo Lounge in Beverly Hills. Phillips denied calling Katherine Jackson anything derogatory during the meeting. He also denied he called Jackson a “freak.” (AP)

Phillips denied again using derogatory terms to refer to Mrs. Jackson while meeting with Dr. Tohme at Polo Lounge on May 4th of this year. (ABC7) Phillips also denied that he discussed the Jackson vs AEG Live case with Tohme, but says other people may have. Lawyers were at the meeting. (AP)

Panish then moved into questioning about Phillips’ conversation with Brenda Richie. He testified about this earlier this week. Phillips said Brenda Richie told him she had been talking to Jackson (through a medium) and the singer told her not to blame Conrad Murray. Panish showed jury Phillips’ deposition testimony, in which he didn’t mention Brenda Richie’s statements. The questioning about Richie statements is one of the areas Panish used this morning to try to show Phillips’ testimony has evolved. (AP)

The back-and-forth between Phillips and Panish has been very pointed, tense this morning. Judge has had to intervene a couple times. For instance, at one point Panish asked Phillips, “Are you bored with this?” Phillips: “No, you’re very interesting.” (AP)

Panish mentioned that Phillips had testified a lot about conversations with Jackson, Frank Dileo, and attorney Peter Lopez. Panish asked what those three had in common. Phillips said it was a rhetorical question. “They all passed away.” (AP) Panish asked Phillips what MJ, Peter Lopez and Frank DiLeo have in common. "They've all passed away," Phillips responded.(ABC7) The lawyer said none had given testimony in the case before dying. AEG lawyer objected as to Dileo, who gave sworn statement in another case (AP)

Panish spent a lot of the morning going over areas where he says Phillips changed his testimony. The lawyer played some of Phillips’ interview with Sky News a few days after Jackson’s death. Panish noted that Phillips didn’t mention in the interview that Jackson was responsible for Conrad Murray’s salary. (AP)

Panish: Are you aware of articles quoting you saying you hired Dr. Murray?
Phillips: I don't recall (ABC7)

Panish pressed asking if he had testified earlier in the week saying he was not aware of articles quoting him. It's been a long time the articles have been written, Phillips testified, saying he doesn't remember whether he gave any other interviews. Phillips: If articles were written from interview w/ Sky News it's possible, I just don't remember giving interview about AEG hiring Dr. Murray. Earlier, Phillips testified Michael Roth, AEG's PR person, set up interviews, so most likely he had talk with Roth about hiring Dr. Murray. "I don't remember, you have to show me the articles," Phillips explained when Panish asked if he gave other interviews says AEG hired Dr. Murray. (ABC7)

As to Dr. Murray hiring, Phillips said all he knew in beginning of June when they met at the Forum, there was no agreement with Dr. Murray. Phillips said 'he' didn't want to hire an American doctor due to the costs. "There were two issues: one was cost, the other was the ability to practice in the UK," Phillips explained. (ABC7)

Questioning then moved into Phillips’ testimony about his phone conversation with Conrad Murray on June 20, 2009. Panish was trying to show Phillips’ testimony changed about the call, that different answers were given at deposition, trial. At his deposition, Phillips initially said the call only lasted 2 to 3 minutes. He changed it later in depo, after meeting with his lawyer. The call was actually much longer, around 25 minutes, Phillips has since said.(AP)

Phillips testified he doesn't know whether his home number is unlisted or not. He said he rarely uses it due to cell phones. (ABC7)

Panish pressed Phillips about why his testimony changed so much. Questioned why he didn’t just say that he didn’t recall or remember. Panish said Phillips had said he didn’t recall ore remember details dozens of time during his deposition. Phillips said he clarified his answers as necessary. “We’re parsing words,” Phillips said. “It’s all we’ve been doing.” (AP)

Phillips was then asked about the “trouble at the Front” email and the assertion by production manager that MJ could do multiple 360 spins early in rehearsals, but “would fall on his ass” if he tried it on June 19, 2009. Phillips had been shown a long clip of a rehearsal of “Billie Jean” on Thursday. Jackson did several spins, but one spin at a time. The “Billie Jean” rehearsal footage in "This Is It" film was from June 5, 2009, Panish said. Panish showed a couple clips from earlier in Jackson’s career of him doing multiple, extremely fast 360 spins. The lawyer asked Phillips if there was any footage of Jackson doing multiple 360 spins during “This Is It” rehearsals. His answer was no. Phillips tried to make the point that all the “This Is It” footage was rehearsals, while one of the clips was a full-blown MJ performance. (AP)

Panish then asked Phillips if he saw Jackson perform consecutive spins in 2009. Considering the movie is a rehearsal and that’s a full-on performance at Madison Square Garden…no,” he said. (KCAL) Phillips said he believed Jackson was holding back because it was a rehearsal, not a "full-on" performance. (NYDailyNews)

The exec explained again he felt very confused, Dr. Murray was saying MJ was fine, but emails from Ortega and Hougdahl said it differently. Dr. Murray reassured Phillips on June 20th that MJ was fine, the doctor wasn't sure what was going on the day before, perhaps the flu. (ABC7)

Panish asked Phillips about his testimony that Jackson looked good on June 20, 2009, just hours after he’d been sent home from rehearsal. The lawyer showed Phillips a picture of Jackson taken on June 19th from a costume fitting. Jackson was in a T-shirt, looked thin. Phillips said of Jackson on June 20th: “He wasn’t dressed in a T-shirt, he looked great.” Phillips said he had no idea what changed from previous day about Jackson's appearance. (He didn't see him on June 19th) (AP)

Panish attempted again to "impeach" the witness, which is a legal technique to put in question his credibility. "He looked really good," Phillips said about MJ rehearsals on June 23 and 24. "But you said it was fantastic," Panish inquired. Phillips said he was as confused as anyone, since the MJ he expected to see after the chain of emails was very differently from what he saw. "The MJ sitting in that living room looked great," Philips recalled. Panish showed pic of MJ on Jun 19th wearing t-shirt looking very skinny. The attorney asked if that MJ looked really good in Phillips's opinion. Phillips explained that his description of MJ looking really good was from what he saw on June 23. Phillips recalled that MJ didn't look like the picture from the 19th, the day he went home sick. On the 23rd, Phillips said MJ was not wearing t-shirt, had hair and makeup done, looked great. (ABC7)

On June 19, after a particularly troubling day of rehearsal, tour director Kenny Ortega sent Phillips an email in which he said Jackson was "trembling, rambling, obsessing" and needed a mental health evaluation. A photo taken during a costume fitting that day shows a gaunt Jackson in a white T-shirt. A meeting with Jackson, Ortega, Phillips and Murray was held at the singer's Carolwood Drive house the next day. Phillips testified Jackson "looked really good." Panish asked him how Jackson could improve so quickly. "I was as confused as anybody because the Michael Jackson I saw, the Michael Jackson sitting in that living room ... looked great." What changed in 12 hours? Panish asked. "I have no idea," Phillips replied. (LAtimes)

Panish then wanted to ask Phillips about a voicemail that Jackson’s manager Frank Dileo left for Conrad Murray on morning of June 20th. The message was played during Murray’s criminal trial. In it, Dileo is heard saying that tests need to be taken on Jackson. Panish wanting to play the message for this jury prompted a recess during which the attorneys argued. Jury left the courtroom. Plaintiff’s attorneys said it should be played because Phillips was asked whether Dileo called Murray. AEG attorneys argued it was improper. Katherine Jackson’s team also said it should be played because Phillips could verify it was Dileo’s voice on the call. AEG attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina however said it would lead jurors to derive an “improper inference.” The judge wouldn’t allow the Frank Dileo message to be played for the jury. Panish was frustrated by the judge’s ruling. He threw his left arm against his leg and it sounded like he cursed under his breath. (AP)

After the break, Panish told Phillips, “I’m going to try to finish if you try to answer” the questions. (AP)
Panish: I want to finish, you answer the questions, ok?
Phillips: We got a deal (ABC7)

It wasn’t long before Phillips made some allusion to what his attorneys told him, prompting a sidebar. When the lawyers returned, Judge Yvette Palazuelos told Phillips to testify about “substance” of conversations with his lawyers. Palazuelos said if he had a doubt, Phillips should ask her. “I can talk to you,” he responded. (AP)

Phillips was asked whether he mediated a dispute between Jackson’s managers Tohme Tohme and Frank Dileo. Phillips said no. The executive said he urged them to meet for breakfast or some other meal, but it wasn’t his role to make sure they got along. (AP)

Phillips was then asked about whether there was an ethical wall involved in AEG Live’s dealings with Jackson. Phillips had called this
concept a Chinese wall, but the judge told everyone to call it an ethical wall instead. The executive said he understood it to be an arrangement so there wasn’t an unfair advantage for one side in certain arrangements. Panish: “If somebody’s on both sides of a deal it can potentially be a conflict of interest.” Phillips said it depends. “It can be, it isn’t always” a conflict of interest, Phillips said. (AP)
Panish asked the "Chinese Wall" comment Phillips made on the stand if it meant he was mediating conflicts. Phillips said it was ethical wall. "I didn't do Travis', but I was involved in material terms of Kenny's deal," Phillips said. (ABC7)

The questions related to Tohme’s $100k per month agreement with AEG Live, which Jackson also signed. Phillips said he felt there was an ethical wall in place between AEG Live and Tohme when that deal was made. Important to note, the payment required Tohme to assist in getting cancellation insurance for “This Is It” by a certain time. The deadline passed, so AEG Live never paid Tohme Tohme the $100k a month. (AP)

Panish: Was there an ethical wall between AEG Live and Dr. Tohme?
Phillips: I felt that it was (ABC7)

Panish questioned whether the ethical wall in the Tohme deal was memorialized in writing. Phillips said that’s not the way it works.
“It’s about behavior. It’s not a real wall,” Phillips told Panish about the concept of an ethical wall. There was lots of back and forth on the ethical wall issue, Phillips maintained it was a code of behavior, not something that’s written down (AP)

Panish asked if Phillips had the "ethical wall" in writing. "I don't know those things are in writing, it's figure of speech," Phillips said. The exec said the ethical wall is not set up. "It's about behavior, it's not a real wall, it's about behavior," Phillips explained. (ABC7)

Panish: You don't know how to set up one?
Phillips: I've never seen one (ethical wall) set up formally (ABC7)

"To me it's how you behave, you behave ethically with each other" Phillips described saying the ethical wall existed between AEG Live and MJ (ABC7)

Panish: How do AEG employees know about ethical wall?
Phillips: Frankly, I believe interests merge after deal is struck between 2 parties. (ABC7)

Phillips explained that ethical wall is not something that's build, tangible, or in a document, but it's about the behavior of the parties. (ABC7)

Panish: Did you tell Mr. Gongaware there was an ethical wall?
Phillips: It's not something you discuss, it's how you behave (ABC7)

Panish asked about potential conflict of interest w/ AEG and Dr Tohme. "MJ directed us to do that agreement and he signed it," Phillips said. Panish asked if there was doc saying there's a potential conflict of interest with AEG Live hiring Dr. Tohme to be MJ's personal manager. "Mr. Panish, it's the artist who directed us, I didn't know who Dr. Tohme was," Phillips responded. (ABC7)

Panish: Did you advise in writing potential conflict of interest?
Phillips: No
Panish: Did the artist sign a release of potential conflict of interest?
Phillips: The artist may have created the conflict, so no (ABC7)

Phillips also repeated that Jackson requested the Tohme agreement. “The artist may have created the conflict, too,” he said.(AP)

Panish asked Phillips about many the artists he’s mentioned working with, including George Strait, Bon Jovi,Britney Spears. Panish: “How many of those artists had personal managers that had a contract directly with AEG Live.” Phillips: “Probably none of them.” Panish then asked how many of the artists Phillips mentioned had doctors hired by AEG Live for them. “None,” the executive replied. (AP)

Panish then asked Phillips about his assertion that Jackson changed managers like some people change socks. The lawyer asked how many times Phillips changed his socks during the day. 2 to 3 times, he replied, if he went for a workout. (AP) About 'changing the socks' comment, Panish asked Phillips how many times a day he changes his socks. He said 2-3. Panish asked Phillips how many managers MJ had from 2007 until his death. "Dr. Tohme initiated the deal," Phillips said, then Frank DiLeo, a period of time Arpac Hussain, then, subject to dispute, Leonard Rowe. Panish asked if DiLeo and Tohme were the main managers. Phillips agreed but said that wasn't what Panish asked him. Phillips added Raymone Bain and Peter Lopez as MJ's managers. "Lopez did a Pepsi deal for MJ as his manager," Phillips explained. (ABC7) He then listed four people who were designated as Jackson managers during the “This Is It” period. (AP)

"I don't know who our attorneys sent the contract to, so I can't say," Phillips said about emailing Dr. Murray's contract. (ABC7) Panish asked how many of the managers Phillips sent Conrad Murray’s contract to. More back-and-forth on that issue, without a clear answer. (AP)

As to creating AEG Live: "I absolutely did, I invented the company based on business plan I created and I also named it," Phillips testified. (ABC7)

Panish: You said whomever MJ had as his own manager was his own business, correct?
Phillips: Correct (ABC7)

Phillips explained when he received email from Kathy Jorrie questioning Dr. Tohme he forwarded it to Peter Lopez, MJ's attorney at the time. (ABC7)

There was some more discussion of Murray and Phillips’ assertion that he thought he was successful because he asked for $5 million. Panish asked if it seemed odd that Murray agreed to take the job for less -- a $150k a month fee. “That wasn’t unreasonable because that’s what doctors make,” Phillips responded. He said he had a general idea of what doctors earn. (AP)

Panish inquired about the fact that Phillips thought Dr. Murray asking for $5 million as payment automatically made him a good doctor.
Panish: If he wanted $10 million, he would be more successful?
Phillips: Absolutely true
Panish: For $20 million the most successful doctor around?
Phillips: Correct
"I wasn't alarmed by the number because it was Michael's doctor and Michael was paying for it," Phillips explained. (ABC7)

Phillips said John Branca had been hired by MJ on June 18th, two days prior to the 20th meeting. Panish: Did you ever tell Branca you brought the doctor to the fold? Phillips: I think there was some logical communication, otherwise they would've been hanging. Regarding the email John Branca asked if MJ's problem was related to substance abuse, Phillips said he didn't know one way or the other. (ABC7)

AEG recross

Panish concluded his questioning. Putnam was back at it. Phillips joked: Your honor, is this really over after this? Courtroom laughed. (ABC7)

Phillips reiterated that AEG never paid Dr. Tohme because some conditions of his contract were not fulfilled. (ABC7)

Putnam: Did Dr. Tohme have anything to do with Dr. Murray?
Phillips: None whatsoever that I know of (ABC7)

Putnam: Are you aware of any articles were you are quoting saying we hire him (Dr. Murray)?
Phillips: No (ABC7)

Regarding the video shown yesterday of Mr. Jackson's spinning, Phillips testified it was production rehearsal, not even full dance rehearsal. Phillips said MJ did 360s spins, and he was 50 years old. The other video shown to the jury yesterday was MJ performing in the early 80s. (ABC7) Defense lawyer Marvin Putnam took over and asked a few questions. Some of the main ones related to Jackson’s 360 spins. Putnam asked Phillips when the two vids Panish showed him were shot. Phillips said one was ‘01 and other one looked like it was from the 80s. Putnam asked Phillips how old Jackson was when he died. The singer was 50, and was only doing a rehearsal in ‘09, Phillips said. (AP)

Jackson redirect

Then it was Panish's turn again.

Phillips: You are back?
Panish: Just a couple of questions
Phillips: I'm gonna miss you
Everyone laughed (ABC7)

Phillips said MJ didn't do multiple 360s spins that he remembers, but he didn't know if the choreography called for it. Phillips said he's not a choreographer. "I'm flat footed, there's a reason I'm in this side of the business." Phillips said if he tried a 360 spin he'd be on the jury's lap. "I know what a 360 is, you don't need to be a choreographer to know that," Phillips explained. (ABC7)

Panish got another few questions and asked again about the 360 spins. He questioned Phillips’ knowledge of choreography. “I’m flat footed,” Phillips replied. “There’s a reason I’m on this side of the business.” Continuing the self-deprecation, he added he couldn’t do a 360 spin. “If I tried, I’d be in the jury’s lap.” (AP)

Panish: Who's more competent to judge choreography you or Hougdahl?
Phillips: Could be me since he hadn't worked in pop production before (ABC7)

Phillips was finally excused, subject to recall.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.06.2013 um 21:29
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Paris JacksonSelbstmordversuch weil Prinz Michael nicht ihr Bruder sein soll?
diese Meldungen sind aus der Luft gegriffen und man merkt, dass im Augenblick wieder das Sommerloch herrscht, ich meine Nessie kennen die Jugendlichen nicht mehr oder auch Sam das kleine Krokodil also muß wieder einmal ein Jackson herhalten ....


ich finde eigentlich schon, dass die Geschwister sich ähnlich sehen, die untere Gesichtspartie ist doch ähnlich ... wenn es um Blanket ginge
aber so

bei allem anderen kann ich leider nicht mitsprechen, da verstehe ich zuwenig

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.06.2013 um 16:23
gestern haben die Jacksons gefeiert ... Taj Jackson, ein Neffe von MJ, hat gestern seine langjährige Freundin, Thayana Sco, geheiratet ... Taj ist der älteste Sohn von Tito ... das Brautpaar hat sich für die Eheschließung den 16.06. ausgesucht, die Eltern von Taj, Tito und seine verstorbene Mutter, Delores "DeeDee" hatten vor Jahren, 1972, ebenfalls an einem 16.06. geheiratet ... :)

Finally something to celebrate: The Jackson clan enjoy a respite from wrongful death trial and Paris's suicide bid as they attend Michael's nephew Taj's wedding

By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 05:13 GMT, 17 June 2013 | UPDATED: 08:43 GMT, 17 June 2013

The Jackson family have been embroiled in a multi-billion dollar lawsuit against concert promoters over Michael Jackson's death and are coping with the recent suicide attempt by his teenage daughter Paris.

But the family got a much needed respite from their woes on Sunday as they gathered to celebrate the wedding of Michael's nephew Taj Jackson and Thayana Sco.

Taj, 39, who is the eldest of Tito Jackson's three sons, and his bride were feted during a reception at the family compound in the Sherman Oaks area of Los Angeles.

article-2342959-1A5B5F0E000005DC-991 634
Sparkly arrival: La Toya Jackson decks out in sequins as she arrives for er nephew Taj's wedding

Michael's 15-year-old daughter Paris did not attend her cousin's wedding as she continues to receive treatment following her suicide bid earlier this month.

Paris, her older brother Prince and younger brother Blanket have been under the custody of grandmother Katherine and Taj's brother T.J. since their father's death in June 2009.

La Toya Jackson was spotted arriving at the Jackson compound for the wedding reception.

article-2342959-1A5B5F32000005DC-641 634
Balance: La Toya pulls down her sparkly trousers as she arrives for the family event on Sunday
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Wedding reception: The Jackson sister arrived on Sunday at the Jackson family compound in the Sherman Oaks area of Los Angeles
article-2342959-1A5BDAAE000005DC-155 634
Family event: Jermain Jackson arrived with his father Joe, son Jaffar and wife Halima Rashid

Joe Jackson, the 84-year-old patriarch of the entertainment family, also attended the celebration.

Jermaine Jackson, an original member of The Jackson Five, was also there with his son Jaffar and wife Halima Rashid, and sang during the reception for his nephew.

Taj stood up for his late uncle last month after choreographer Wade Robson accused Michael Jackson of molesting him from the ages of seven to 14.

article-2342959-1A5BDAB6000005DC-437 634
Friendly face: Joe waved upon his arrival while Jaffar and his dad looked slightly subdued, as though they were going to a funeral not a wedding
article-2342959-1A5BD791000005DC-35 634x
Reality check: Kris Jenner left her daughter's bedside to come to thwe wedding and
article-0-1A5B6287000005DC-392 634x99
Big day: Taj posted a wedding day tweet asking people to wish him luck

During a Twitter backlash against Robson, Taj told how he was molested by somebody from his mother's side of the clan and said Michael counselled him after the ordeal.

Robson has filed legal documents seeking financial compensation for the alleged childhood molestation at the hands of the late pop star. The Jackson family has accused Robson of lying about the molestation.

Taj and his brothers T.J. and Taryll formed the music group 3T.

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Brotherly support: TJ held a young family member in his arms as he watched the nuptials of Taj
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Family event: The wedding reception drew family members and guests to the Jackson family compound

Their mother Delores 'Dee Dee' Martes married Tito in 1972 at age 18 and they divorced in 1993.

She was found dead floating in a boyfriend's swimming pool in 1994 and the death was originally ruled accidental. Her boyfriend, however, was later charged with her killing and found guilty of second-degree murder in 2000.

Taj and Thayana, who is one of three Brazilian triplets who perform together in a musical group, were married on the 41st anniversary of Tito and Dee Dee's wedding.

article-2342959-1A5B5EB6000005DC-549 634
Home run: Legendary Major League baseball player barry bonds also attended the ceremony


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.06.2013 um 16:26
Taj Jackson Wedding: Inside Details on Paris Jackson's No-Show—Plus, How Prince Michael and Blanket Are Coping

von Marcus Mulick | 17. Juni 2013 - 04:54

The wedding between Taj Jackson and Tayana Jackson was a full-on Jackson family affair, but there was one notable absence: Paris Jackson.

The nuptials, which were held Sunday afternoon at the family's Hayvenhurst home, "was like a family reunion," says a source inside the wedding. Guests included Prince Michael Jackson, Blanket Jackson, Katherine Jackson, Jermaine Jacksun, La Toya Jackson, Tito Jackson and Joe Jackson.

Also in attendance were Omer Bhatti and proud new grandmother Kris Jenner, whom our source tells us "was happy" and "looking fabulous" following news that Kim Kardashian welcomed a baby girl.

As for Paris' absence? Mum's the word.

"No one said a word about Paris," our source says, adding that the 15-year-old, who was being treated at UCLA Medical Center following her alleged suicide attempt, "wanted to come but they wouldn't let her out of the hospital."

"I think everyone was trying to block it out and just enjoy the wedding," our source adds. "You wouldn't know anything was going on, except that [Katherine] looked sad. She didn't look her normal, happy self."

Still, the family matriarch seemed to be keeping a positive outlook.

"She's optimistic Paris will get the help she needs," we're told. "She doesn't think Paris realized at the time how serious the consequences of her actions would be. The hospitalization has hit Paris hard that this is serious."

Meanwhile, Paris' brothers, Prince Michael and Blanket, reportedly spent the wedding dancing and having fun with their cousins.

"Blanket and Prince are very well-adjusted. You wouldn't know anything was wrong," the insider claims.

"They were hanging out and laughing with their cousins, having a great time. Prince's girlfriend was there. He didn't leave her hip the entire night. And Blanket was really outgoing, but he only talks to the people he's close with."

As for the wedding, which had a "family reunion" feeling to it, everything went off without the kind of domestic drama associated with the famous family.

In fact, the nuptials featured the key hallmark of the Jackson clan: music.

"Jermaine got up and sang three songs," our insider says, adding that the singer "dedicated one to his mother, Katherine."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.06.2013 um 16:34
Bilder bei "LSA" entdeckt ...

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DeeDee, Tochter von TJ, und Dave O Philly
yz0Original anzeigen (0,7 MB)
TJ und DeeDee

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.06.2013 um 16:42
weitere Bilder von LSA ...

5ff424acd71a11e29cc822000a1f96e3 7Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
63d888ead6f411e296d622000ae91256 7
eff3272cd72611e2aeb222000a1f9e7e 7
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.06.2013 um 17:33
Zitat von leaxxleaxx schrieb:diese Meldungen sind aus der Luft gegriffen und man merkt, dass im Augenblick wieder das Sommerloch herrscht ....
ja, alles nur Spekulationen ... denn gesetzlich ist MJ der Vater von Prince, Paris und Blanket ... ob er auch der leibliche bzw. der biologische Vater ist, werden evtl. nur wenige Personen wissen ... und die Öffentlichkeit hat eh keinen Anspruch darauf, Kenntnis darüber zu erlangen ...
ich hoffe natürlich sehr, dass es Dokumente für MJ's Kinder gibt, aus denen dann auch hervor geht, welcher Abstammung sie tatsächlich sind ... wenn es denn wirklich so sein sollte, dass bei allen 3 Kindern Samenspenden von "unbekannten Männern" verwendet worden sind ...

die Leihmutterschaft von Blanket dürfte eigentlich die am besten dokumentierte Abstammung wiedergeben ... schließlich war da auch ein Notar involviert, der Baby Blanket zur Neverland Ranch "geliefert" hat ...

ich werde nie verstehen, warum MJ Arnold Klein, Matt Fiddes, Mark Lester und vielleicht noch einige andere, gefragt haben soll, ob sie ihren Samen zur weiteren Verwendung spenden wollen ... :)
aber es geht ja um die Jahre 1996/1997 ... vielleicht steckten sie da mit den Leihmutterschaften doch noch in der Anfangsphase ... 2001/2002 war man da schon weiter ...
Zitat von leaxxleaxx schrieb:ich finde eigentlich schon, dass die Geschwister sich ähnlich sehen, die untere Gesichtspartie ist doch ähnlich ... wenn es um Blanket ginge
aber so
also ich sehe auch durchaus Ähnlichkeiten zu MJ und "seinen" Kindern ... bzw. auch zur Jackson Family ...
es gibt auch einige Youtube Videos, da werden Zweifel zur Vaterschaft widerlegt ...
ok, was sagt das schon ... wenn ich ein Kinder-Bild meines Sohnes neben ein Kinder-Bild von MJ lege, dann wird man auch da Ähnlichkeiten entdecken ...

na ja, eigentlich sind die Medien ja auf der Suche nach den Hintergründen, die zu der Verzweifelungstat von Paris, geführt haben ... und nun wird wieder einmal in alle Richtungen wie wild spekuliert ...

diese Kinder können einem doch leid tun ... da kann man wieder sehen, Geld ist nicht alles ... es sind sehr reiche, aber arme Kinder ... :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.06.2013 um 17:41
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 14 Jun
Court resumes Monday at 9:45 a.m. There’s still no word on who the next witness will be, but it may be an expert witness.
11:18 PM - 14 Jun 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14 Jun
On Monday, Jacksons attorneys will tell the judge how much time they have left in their case in chief. We don't know yet who next witness is
11:12 PM - 14 Jun 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 14 Jun
Phillips was finally excused, subject to recall. Session is over for the day. Trial resumes at 9:45 am PT on Monday.
11:12 PM - 14 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.06.2013 um 18:17
Taj Jackson Wedding: Paris MIA From Cousin's Star-Studded Nuptials

by Free Britney at June 17, 2013 11:28 am. Updated at June 17, 2013 11:30 am.

The wedding of Taj Jackson and Tayana Jackson was a major family affair, with one notable exception: Michael Jackson's daughter Paris Jackson.

The Sunday nuptials of Taj and Tayana took place at the family's Hayvenhurst home, and "was like a family reunion," says a source inside the wedding.


Taj Jackson is the oldest son of Michael's brother Tito, and the older brother of TJ Jackson, who in 2012 was named co-guardian of MJ's three children.

One of whom, Paris Jackson, was conspicuously absent Sunday.

"No one said a word about Paris," an E! source says, adding that the troubled teen "really wanted to come but they wouldn't let her out of the hospital."

"I think everyone was trying to block it out and just enjoy the wedding. You wouldn't know anything was going on, except that [Katherine] looked sad."

"She just didn't look her normal, happy self today."

The reason for that is very much obvious.

"She's optimistic Paris will get the help she needs. She doesn't think Paris realized at the time how serious the consequences of her actions would be."

"The hospitalization has hit Paris hard that this is serious."

Meanwhile, Paris' brothers, Prince and Blanket, "are very well adjusted. You wouldn't know anything was wrong. They were hanging out and laughing."

"Prince's girlfriend was there. He didn't leave her hip the entire night. Blanket was really outgoing, but he only talks to the people he's close with."

Considering recent reports that Paris and Prince do not have the same father, we're glad to hear that the focus was on having a good time on this day.

Besides Prince Michael, Blanket and Katherine, other well-known guests included Jermaine Jacksun, La Toya Jackson, Tito Jackson and Joe Jackson.

Also in attendance were Omer Bhatti and Kris Jenner, who was "happy" and "looking fabulous" following news that Kim Kardashian gave birth to a baby girl.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.06.2013 um 18:27
Jacko’s kid skips nups

Last Updated: 2:50 AM, June 17, 2013
Posted: 1:34 AM, June 17, 2013

Paris Jackson missed a cousin’s wedding yesterday after doctors said they needed more time to evaluate the troubled teen following her attempted suicide, family sources say.

Jackson, 15, daughter of Michael Jackson, remained under observation at UCLA Medical Center while her cousin Taj Jackson, a son of Tito Jackson, was getting hitched at the family’s longtime home in Encino, Calif.

The King of Pop’s only daughter had been promised she’d get out in time for the wedding. But doctors are still worried about Paris’ mental condition following her June 5 suicide attempt, in which she took pills and cut her wrists.

She could end up spending a chunk of her summer vacation in the same West Los Angeles hospital where her dad died four years ago.

“She’s been told she might have to miss out” on other family events, a source close to the family said.

“She’s been told [by doctors] she’ll be there for two weeks with the caveat that it could be more,” a source close to the family said. Paris Jackson hasn’t tweeted anything to her 1.3 million followers since the day before her failed suicide, when she ominously wrote: “yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they’re here to stay.”

ähnliche Berichte


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17.06.2013 um 19:01
Austin Brown ‏@AustinBrown 16 Jun
Nothing like getting knowledge and stories from this dude. My grandfather always has me laughing.…

instagramaustinbrown zpsd52c6f0eOriginal anzeigen (0,3 MB)

1:24 AM - 16 Jun 13


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17.06.2013 um 19:05
❤DeNeva Diva❤ ‏@Divaintraining 22h
Congrats to @tajjackson3 and Thayana on your wedding today!! Wishing you many years of happiness!! 👰🎩💏👫❤
Retweetet von Painted Desert Ranch

BM5nb6VCIAECYyg.jpg large

8:06 PM - 16 Jun 13


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17.06.2013 um 19:14
Randy Jackson Jr. ‏@randyjacksonjr 43m
Me and the bro @princemjjjaxon last night #family #wedding

instagramrjacksonjr zps8e802013Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

6:26 PM - 17 Jun 13
