Der Dyatlov-Pass-Vorfall
07.03.2019 um 16:48Ich habe gerade passend dazu ein Interview mit Holmgren gefunden:Herzöffnung schrieb:2.)was könnte mit der Zunge passiert sein? Habe gelesen dass sie antemortem herauskam da sich geronnenes Blut in ihrem Magen befand. Einfach hin gefallen und Zunge ab? Mhhh...das Zungenbein ist doch auch raus...soweit hinten sind die Zähne ja nicht...
Yes Lyudmila is yet another mistake as a result of the autopsy report. However, this is not a case of what’s ante- or postmortem, but a result of wishful thinking. The pathologist never said it was blood in her stomach; he simply states that a red substance was present in her stomach. It could be anything, from her last meal to any other substance finding its way down her throat whilst she lay with her face against running water for many days. Furthermore, if it perchance was blood in her stomach, it could be a result of many other circumstances. One shall also remember that hypothermia-related deaths are still among the most difficult cases for postmortem diagnosis in forensic medicine. But there are several cases in where changes in gastric mucosa have been seen in hypothermia-related deaths. Ulcers and multiple bleedings in the stomach as a result of severe hypothermia are quite normal. Even if the pathologist in the Dyatlov case only mentions a “red substance,” I would suggest that it in fact was blood as a result of hypothermia. Although not as a result of Lyudmila’s tongue being removed while still alive.Außerdem soll es zu seiner Theorie bald eine ausgearbeitete, wissenschaftlich gestützte Version geben! Ich bin gespannt. ^.^
Vllt kommt ja auch irgendwann @thunderlizard zurück und kann dank seiner Recherche hinsichtlich medizinischer Fragen zusätzlich was beitragen.