@LL - ich hoffe, Ihr hattet auch ein schönes WE .... ;-)
BaroninvonPorz schrieb:
Hier sagt er, dass er sich hinkniet – vor der ersten Ecke zum Badezimmer (ab 2 Stunden 47 Minuten). Bei der nächsten Ecke ist er laut seiner Aussage genauso vorgegangen. Das sagt er wenig später.
Danke - da ich von diesem Video leider keine Ahnung hatte, habe ich bereits am 11-06-2014 eine These hier eingestellt:
"...aber mal zurück zu thema:
ich hatte hier vor ein paar seiten mal die these reingestellt, dass OP mMn nicht auf seinen stümpfen war, als er schoss, sondern kniend - ich hatte dazu einen link gepostet über die richtige schusshaltung (so, wie sie jeder schütze lernt)
- gibt es dazu eigentlich seitens der ermittlungen irgendwelche konkreten aussagen -außer der zeugenaussage, dass er keine prot. anhatte...????
---würde mich mal interessieren----"
@obskur@infinitas...meine these geht dahin, dass jemand in panik sicherlich irgendwie auf irgendwas schießt (das er keine hatte, wissen wir ja alle) - aber es wäre ien weiteres indiz für gezieltes, selbstbeherrschtes handeln.....ordentlich hinknien, beine etwas auseinander, zielen und schießen.....
so meine ich das"
" Das hatte ich gesehen, kannst du das näher erläutern kurz inwiefern das mit der Schusshöhe übereinstimmen könnte? Prinzipiell halte ich das für möglich, aber wie will man das nun beweisen? Der Beweis ob er ohne oder mit Prothesen unterwegs war, ist ja bereits offenbar schwierig. Derzeit gilt es war ohne, laut Vermeulens Schlagmarken bzw. gibts da ja eine die darauf hinweist er hatte sie an.
Nur sollte diese als Beweis dafür dienen, dass er erst nach den Schüssen die Tür aufhebelte. Insofern ist das - für mich - alles ziemlich unklar, denn es war ja alles möglich eigentlich gemäß der Indizienlage.
.....der höchste treffer in der tür ist ca. 105cm......
wenn ich die bilder richtig gesehen habe, ist dieses auch der flachste winkel - logischer weise die weiteste schussabgabe.
die weiteste schussabgabe wäre diagonal von der ecke übergang flur/badezimmer - etwa 2,10 meter
(deckt sich auch mit dem fundort der einen hülse - patronenauswurf rechts - also richtung flur-schrank)
da OP ca. 185 groß ist und seine prot ca 25-30cm bringen, wäre er auf stümpfen (im mittel) 157 groß
der einschusswinkel beträgt nach meiner schätzung !!! ca. 5 grad - somit ist die waffe auf ca. 120 cm abgefeuert worden - bei größtmöglicher schussentfernung im bad......usw...."
Rabenfeder schrieb:
Oscar Pistorius, das Model, der Valentinstag und das war dann Notwehr
17.06.2014 um 13:12
"Wenn man das Programm bei sich installiert kann man das berechnen. Eine Datei namens "Reeva Head Wound" konnte ich öffnen, darin sind Berechnungen und ein Kommentar, wie folgt:
1,eba,Elbow angle,degree,165,180 = straight arm,
2,bhf,Bullet hole height from floor ,cm,97.3,Court case,
3,dhf,Door handle height from floor (not used in calcs),cm,110,From TV,
4,ste,Shoulder to elbow,cm,33,Oscar's arm = 66cm,
5,tsd,Head distance behind door,cm,86,Vary till height = 155 or 184cm,
6,ebg,Elbow to gun barrel tip,cm,47,Hand to gun barrel tip = 14cm,
7,ths,Person distance: top of head to top of shoulder,cm,32,Court case on stumps,
8,stb,Horizontal distance from shoulder to tip of gun barrel,cm,80,Measured 180 tall man,
9,hoh,Height of Reeva's head when hit,cm,88,Court Case ( Reeva = 171 cm),
10,dt,Door thickness,cm,4,Standard door,
11,hfa,Horizontal floor shooting angle (from door right angle),degree,35,From bathroom plan,
1,asm_01,Reeva sitting on floor when hit in head,,,,
2,gbd,Gun barrel distance to the outside surface of toilet door,cm,150,Main variable in calc,
3,sad,Vertical shooting angle through toilet door,degree,5.06220278452732,Calc output,
4,gbh,Height of gun barrel point from floor,cm,109.259853056431,Calc output,
5,bdd,Shooters body distance from door,cm,227.814260997228,Calc output,
6,fts,Shooters shoulder height,cm,124.754966748437,Calc output,
7,fth,Shooter full height (floor to top of head),cm,156.754966748437,Oscar : stumps =155 legs =184,
There is agreement between state and the defence that Reeva was towards the back of the toilet cubicle when hit in the head with shot D.
The relevant data for the shots as stated by the state ballistics expert (Capt Mangena) was: Height of shots through the door A (93.5cm), B(104.3cm), C(99.4cm) and D(97.3cm).
The shot that missed hit the toilet wall at a height of 89cm and it ricocheted to hit the wall again at 87.5cm. Reeva was hit in the hip at a height of 93cm (92cm was stated by Prof Saayman). The ballistic expert’s conclusions were that A=hip shot, B=missed shot, C=arm shot, D=head shot. Some of the data was gathered from the court case on TV when the ballistics expert testified and the rest was obtained from evidence provided during cross-examination from other expert witnesses. The calculations confirmed the ballistics expert 's main conclusions that the shot at height 93 cm (shot A) was the shot that hit Reeva in the hip and that it must have been the first shot. The second shot (B) missed her and it the back corner of the toilet cubicle. Also, it is most likely that Oscar was indeed on his stumps. From the data and photographs one can calculate how far Reeva was standing behind the door and also the horizontal floor angle (that was about 35 degrees) from where the first shot was fired.
She must have been standing close behind the door (at a slight angle) with her right hip between 4.5 and 13cm from the door.
The calculations using shot A as the hip shot yields 4.5 cm if she was hit at a height of 93cm (Capt Mangena’s testimony) or 13 cm if the hip shot was at a height of 92cm (Prof Saayman’s testimony). These calculations uses a shot vertical downwards shot angle of about 5.5 degrees.
The ballistics expert measured these angles to be between of 5-6 degrees. The photographs of the bullet trajectories confirmed the ballistics expert 's main conclusions that the shot at height 93 cm (shot A) was the shot that hit Reeva in the hip and that shot B was the missed shot that hit the wall of the toilet cubicle.
It also confirms claims by the pathologist of the defence, Dr Botha and Mr Dixon, that there were wooden splinters found in the hip and arm wounds, which suggests that she was close to the door. Also, it is most likely that Oscar was indeed on his stumps, except if he shot cowboy style, from the hip with an elbow angle of 90 degrees (in this case his height is calculated at 176cm, slightly shorter than the 184cm when he has his prosthesis on).
If you are interested in doing your own calculations you can download for free the computer code I wrote from www.myvbsoft.com . There are also a few relevant pictures contained in the code.
I just also want to point out a very basic physics error in Mr Dixons evidence. It seems that he misunderstood the parallax error caused by him taking photographs from the street level of the model on his knees. He gave an erroneous explanation claiming that one would be able to see more of the model from the street level.
Dr Stipp observed the bathroom window from the first floor which is about 3m higher than the street. Mr Pistorius height on his stumps were given as 1.55m .Using the following data and assumptions one can calculate the difference in view that Dr Stipp would have had from that of Mr Dixon.
Height of bathroom window sill from floor =1.1m (measured by Mr Dixon), height of both Dr Stipp and Mr Dixon = 1.8m (assumptions, eye level about 1.7m), Mr Dixons street photograph was taken at a distance of 60m (Mr Dixon did not measure the distance) and the Stipps balcony is another 10m further back and 3 m above street level. Then, if Mr Pistorius was standing 2m away from the window inside the bathroom, Dr Stipp vantage point is 3+1.7 = 4.7m and that of Mr Dixon = 1.7m with the bathroom window sill at 3 + 1.1 = 4.1m. It can then easily be calculated that Dr Stipp would be able to see 1.55m - 1,1m + 0.049m (parallax component) = 49.9cm of Mr Pistoriuss body from the head downwards. On the other hand Mr Dixon would only be able to see 1.55 -1.1 - 0.08 (parallax component) = 37.0cm.
Although the prosecution picked this up, I was a little surprised that they did not explore it in more detail, especially in the light of all the attempts from both defence and the prosecution to discredit the witnesses.
I am also surprised that the prosecution have not yet try to explain the scenario of the two sets of sounds heard by the Stipps. One presumes that the one set was the shots and the other from the cricket bat hitting the door, but which came first? The defence claims the shots were first and then later followed by the bat. If this is correct then the screams heard by the state witnesses from just after 03h00 to about 03h17 when the screams stopped, must have been from Oscar.
On the other hand if the first sounds were from a cricket bat and the shots were at 03h17 then it is most likely that the screams were those of Reeva.
For me this is the crux of the case and it has not really been explored. Maybe the prosecution will provide us with their scenario to explain this during their closing arguments.
Interessant wie er das damals schon berechnet und gesehen hat... inwzischen sind wir damit auch an der Stelle angekommen, fragt sich nur wie es die Anklage sieht? Davon hat man ja nix gehört bisher, was er auch kritisiert.
"I was a little surprised that they did not explore it in more detail," "