bestätigt Sanders (ungewollt) die Intention von Pistorius Handeln:
Nel asks Stander if he is 100% certain of the contents of the phone conversation with Oscar on the morning of February 14. He says yes, he is. Nel asks him to repeat it. Stander says, “Johan, please, please, please come to my house. I shot Reeva, I thought she was an intruder. Please, please, please come quick.”
This is very important because it goes to intent, which is required for the Murder charge. There is really no mistaking from this statement that Oscar intended to shoot somebody. Oscar says very directly to Stander that he shot and that he thought the person was an intruder.
Clarice Versuch eine Tote wieder zum Leben zu erwecken:
Roux asks her if she had any discussions with Oscar. She says that while they were trying to stop the bleeding, she asked “Oscar, what happened.” He looked at her and said “I thought she was an intruder.” She didn’t ask anything else. They just continued trying to save Reeva’s life at that stage.
This makes no sense to me because Reeva was clearly dead at this point according to Stipp. Mr. Stander testified that when Stipp came outside, he told him it was a fatal head wound but also said that Stipp didn’t talk about the other injuries, nor did Stander ask. Now Carice is saying that Stipp only told her “it’s very bad.” Why are the Standers being so vague about Reeva’s injuries and the fact that she was dead?
Und Stander, der Stipps Telefonnummer innerhalb einer Stunde von Reevas Tod Oldwage und nicht etwa der Polizei überreichte, also bevor Reevas Mutter überhaupt informiert wurde! All dies geschah offenbar im
Rahmen der Aktion "Rettung von Reeva".....
The only other thing that Stander asked Stipp that night was for his cell phone number. Stander says he did this in case the police needed it.
Nel then asks him about his call to Stipp later that night after he left the scene (the one that Stipp got around 4:30am). He wants to know why he made that call. Remember, per Stipp’s testimony, during this call he was informed that the Defense lawyer would be contacting him. Stander says he believed it was the right thing to do to inform Stipp that he had passed along his number.
Interestingly enough, he did not give Stipp’s number to the police; he gave it directly to advocate Oldwage. Within one hour of Reeva’s violent death, prior to Reeva’s mom even knowing she was dead, Mr. Stander was providing details and phone numbers to Oscar’s defense lawyer. Any question about whose side the Standers are on?