Hier ist ein ausführlicher Artikel einer spanischen Zeitung auf englisch.
Laut diesem Artikel bewohnt er das Haus seit zwei Monaten.
Handrick’s residence is located in downtown Adeje, nine kilometers downhill from where Jonas was found. Investigators believe that it was inside this apartment, which he moved into two months ago, that Handrick planned how to kill his wife Sylvia Handrick, 39, and his two children Jakob, 10, and Jonas. “He wasn’t planning on leaving any of them alive,” said judicial sources.
Er soll aber seit zwei Jahren auf Teneriffa leben. Also scheint er vor zwei Monaten in ein neues Haus gezogen zu sein. Er hat sich nicht offiziell angemeldet und scheint als Koch gearbeitet zu haben. Vielleicht Schwarzarbeit?
Seine Nachbarn beschreiben ihn als einen reservierten Mann, der nur kaum Spanisch spricht. Und das obwohl er seit zwei Jahren dort lebt.
The couple was separated and the father had been living in the town of Adeje, with a registered population of 47,280, for the last two years.He himself had never registered on the local census, and had no known job despite early reports that he worked as a cook. His neighbors, who hardly ever spoke with him, describe him as a reserved man who spoke just a little bit of Spanish and spent his days reading on the balcony.
Für den Ausflug zur Höhle hat der Vater einen Wagen gemietet. Die Höhle ist drei einhalb Stunden Fußmarsch vom Haus entfernt. Die Polizei vermutet, dass er schon früher bei der Höhle war und wohlmöglich sogar die Steine ausgewählt hat, mit denen er auf seine Frau und Kinder losgehen wollte.
Handrick rented a dark blue van for the day trip he had planned for the family on Tuesday. All four of them got into the vehicle and he drove to a secluded area known as Ifonche, where he claimed to have hidden Easter chocolate eggs inside a cave. The cave was a three-hour walk away, and its particularly remote location has led investigators to presume that Handrick had probably been there earlier, and perhaps even picked out the stones that he would hit his wife and children with, said sources familiar with the case.
Die Kinder haben ihre Mutter versucht zu verteidigen, indem sie begannen Steine nach dem Vater zu werfen. Daher könnten seine Verletzungen am Gesicht stammen.
Their main theory is that he first killed Sylvia while the children attempted to defend her by throwing stones at their father, who had injuries on his right cheek when he was arrested.
Die Leichen der Mutter und des Sohnes wurden an verschiedenen Stellen in der Höhle gefunden und waren so entstellt, dass ein DNA Test notwendig war um sie zu identifizieren. Unfassbar... Er muss große Wut auf seine Familie gehabt haben.
“The bodies of the mother and older brother were found at different spots inside the cave. They were very disfigured, and DNA tests were required to confirm their identities,” said Civil Guard sources familiar with the investigation. “The woman had sustained most of the blows, to her head and larynx. The child had many blows to the head and one on his back, and both showed signs of having defended themselves.”
Bis jetzt hat er nur nach seinen Medikamenten für sein schmerzendes Bein gefragt und sonst nichts gesagt. Auch nicht nach Jonas gefragt.
Until now, his only words have been to ask for medication for his leg, which he says hurts. He has refused to make any statements, and has not asked about his surviving child.
Die Ermittler glauben, dass die Tat geplant war. Seit seiner Verhaftung ist er nicht zusammen gebrochen. Normalerweise gestehen die Täter, wenn die Tat nicht geplant war.
The fact that he has not broken down at any point since his arrest is a sign that the crime was premeditated, not an impulsive act, say investigators. “When somebody kills without premeditation, they typically confess,” note experts on this matter.
Die Angehörigen von Jonas werden nicht nach Teneriffa kommen. Ein befreundeter Pfarrer aus Deutschland wird kommen und den Jungen holen.
It is unclear when Jonas will be able to leave the center where he has been temporarily placed. His aunt in Germany has talked to him on the phone, but his relatives are reportedly not coming to pick him up. They are said to be very intensely affected by the crime and have been told it is best not to travel. A German priest who is a friend of the family will likely be in charge of taking Jonas back to Germany, said sources at the Canary Islands social policy department.
Angesprochen auf die Verletzungen an seinem Gesicht, erklärte er der Polizei, dass er gestürzt sei. Die Morde gibt er nicht zu.
“I fell down a ravine and hurt myself when I grabbed some stones,” he told them.