Ich habe aber das Gefühl, dass Du immer nur deine Meinung verteidigst und nicht mal nach Seiten recherchierst die das widerlegen können. Selbst mal aktiv wirst und herausfinden willst was wirklich geschehen ist.
Hier nochmal ein Link der "Gegenseite" auf der mit den Mythen aufgeräumt wird - da widerlegt
http://madeleinemythsexposed.pbworks.com/w/page/39077415/Rebuttal%20of%20%22Fact%22%201Kann man alles selbst nachlesen, wenn man die Muse hat.
Als erster Punkt wird angeführt, dass es unmöglich sein kann, dass Maddie entführt wurde, weil es keine Einbruchspuren gab. Es wurden nur Kates Fingerabdrücke gefunden.
Aber in PJ Files steht, dass außerhalb des Rollos/Fenster gar keine Untersuchung statt fand!
Es wurden tatsächlich Fingerabdrücke gefunden. Diese wurden nicht analysiert.
Jeder der Tapas9, Putzfrauen, usw... gab zu dem Fenster einen Zeugenbericht ab zum Thema Fenster und Terrassentür und hat ihn NICHT geändert:
Zeugenaussage von Kate Marie Healy , 2007/05/04 um 14.20 Uhr
"At around 10pm, the witness came to check on the children. She went into the apartment by the side door, which was closed, but unlocked, as already said, and immediately noticed that the door to her children's bedroom was completely open, the window was also open, the shutters raised and the curtains open, while she was certain of having closed them all as she always did.."
Zeugenaussage von Gerald Patrick McCann , 2007/05/04 um 11.15 Uhr
"The side door that opens into the living room, which as said earlier, was never locked, was closed."
Zeugenaussage von Gerald Patrick McCann 2007/09/07
When questioned, he states that from the first moment, after the first fruitless searches, he thought that Madeleine had been abducted and it was this information that he gave to everyone to whom he spoke.
He reached such a conclusion because he did not think it possible that she had gone out on her own or opened the blinds and window in the room .
When questioned, he says that on that night he made several phone calls, including calls to two sisters, a couple of Kate's uncles, his brother or certainly sent him a message, father Paul Seddon who baptized Madeleine and married G. and K.
Zeugenaussage von Amy Tierney 2007/05/06
She confirms that, on the night of the disappearance she was on duty and immediately went to the bedroom to see if the girl was hiding. She saw that the shutter was raised and that the window was partially open .
It was then that she began to look in the wardrobes to see if the girl was hiding. The first idea that occurred to her was that the girl could have left by her own means, however after checking that the window was open and the shutter raised she asked the parents whether Madeleine's shoes were there, to which they replied that they were, these facts led her to think that Madeleine could have been taken by someone. However there was a bed against the window, which could have enabled the girl to climb up onto it and then up to the window, the witness thinks it would not be possible as she would not be able to open the shutters and even if she had done so she would have fallen outside as the window is too high for a child of that age to be able to descend without falling.
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