Hier ein Vorgeschmack wie Aluminium in das Gehirn gelangt. Was es dort macht, sollte und ist ja bereits Bestandteil vieler Diskussionen. Da zu suchen hat es sicherlich nichts. Erst recht nicht in Gehirnen von Kindern.
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140673683912734https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/17119290/Hier eine Aussage welche die aktuelle Herangehensweise an das Thema verdeutlicht und hinterfragt.
The Flarend and Movsas results are not surprising in view of the present scientific understanding of aluminum adjuvants. Today, it is known that Al adjuvant particles persist in the body for years. The Al adjuvant particles dissolve very slowly; they remain in the body as particles, not dissolved aluminum ions. The Al adjuvant is taken up by macrophages, which then transport it around the body and into the brain. Since macrophages are seldom present in the blood, it’s not surprising that the aluminum was not detected in the blood in the Movsas study. The transport of aluminum adjuvant into the brain is explained here:
http://vaccinepapers.org/al-adjuvant-nanoparticles-can-travel-brain/Und bezüglich der achso seltenen Nebenwirkungen empfehle ich das folgende Dokument von GlaxoSmithKline bezüglich der Nebenwirkungen des hauseigenen hexavalenten Impfstoffs. Wenn das einen blind weiterimpfen lässt, na bitte, Feuer frei. Aber jeden rational denkenden Menschen sollte dies zumindest besorgen und Fragen zur postulierten Sicherheit aufwerfen.
Here, I have listed just a few of the adverse reactions recorded between pages 11 and 31 of their document:
106 cases of cyanosis
69 cases of loss of consciousness
165 cases of hypotonia
102 cases of hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes
107 cases of convulsions
20 cases of epilepsy
98 cases of febrile convulsions
33 cases of grand mal convulsions
47 apnea attacks
108 cases of vomiting
43 cases of Gaze Palsy
12 cases of anemia
1 case of bone marrow failure
6 cases of cardiac arrests
53 cases of diarrhea
593 cases of pyrexia (high temperature)
22 cases of gait disturbance
6 cases of anaphylaxis
62 cases of pertussis (whooping cough)
2 cases of meningitis pneumococcal
3 cases of arthritis
16 cases of muscle twitching
22 cases of tremors
264 cases of crying (does not indicate the severity)
2 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome
10 cases of respiratory arrest
7 cases of Kawasaki’s disease [14]
All of these adverse events occurred after the children received the Infanrix Hexa vaccination, some just hours after being vaccinated. I am sure that you will agree that these documented facts make extremely uncomfortable reading.
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