Africanus schrieb:Die Zusammenarbeit des FBI mit al-Awlaki nach 9/11 beweist Vorauswissen?
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Despite this email and an offer to speak with U.S. officials, the final report of the Commission notes that its members were unable to locate al-Aulaqi for an interview during the course of their investigation. The report describes al-Aulaqi’s prior relationship with at least two of the 9/11 hijackers as a “remarkable coincidence” and describes him as a “potentially significant San Diego contact” of the hijackers.Al-Aulaqi ein signifikanter Kontakt der 9/11-San-Diego-Terrorzelle gemäss der 9/11-Commission.
Indeed, one memo obtained by Judicial Watch from then-FBI Director Robert Mueller to then-Attorney General John Ashcroft on October 3, 2002 — seven days before the imam suddenly re-entered the U.S., was detained and then released at JFK Airport – is marked “Secret” and titled “Anwar Aulaqi: IT-UBL/AL-QAEDA.” The FBI ordered al-Aulaqi’s release at JFK, even though an arrest warrant was still active at the time of his detention. On October 22, 2002, 12 days after the imam’s return, another FBI memo, also marked “Secret,” includes the subject line “Anwar Nasser Aulaqi” and “Synopsis: Asset reporting.”Gegen Al-Aulaqi lag ein Haftbefehl vor in 2002 und das FBI lässt ihn wieder laufen. Und 12 Tage später ein Top-Secret Memo mit dem Subject "Anwar Nasser Aulaqi" mit der Zusammenfassung : Agent berichtet !
On October 23, 2003, al-Aulaqi wrote (after first leaving a voice mail) to an unnamed official at the FBI Academy:
I was astonished by some of the talk circulating in the media about me. I was even more surprised to know that the congressional report on Sep 11 had alluded to me as being a “spiritual adviser” to the hijackers. The Guardian newspaper in the UK mentioned that the US authorities are looking for me in the UK while Time magazine mentions that they are looking for me in Yemen. Well in both countries I could be easily accessed. Even though I have nothing more to say than what I did at our previous meetings I just wanted to let you know that I am around and available. I am amazed at how absurd the media could be and I hope that the US authorities know better and realize that what was mentioned about me was nothing but lies.Dann heult sich der sogenannte Al-Qaida-Terrorist erstmal beim FBI aus was doch die Medien für Lügen über ihn verbreiten.
Al-Aulaqi was assassinated by President Obama through a drone strike in Yemen on September 30, 2011, the first American ever acknowledged to have been subject to a targeted killing. His 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman al-Aulaqi, was also killed by a U.S. drone attack, allegedly accidentally, two weeks later. In June, a federal appeals court ordered the release of a Department of Justice memorandum providing the legal justification for the targeting of U.S. citizens in such strikes.Und dann lässt die US-Regierung unter Obama ihren "Asset" letztlich in 2011 fallen und zerfetzt ihn mit einer Drohne. Seinen Sohn gleich mit dazu. Vermutlich lief hier eine Art Clean-Up-Kampagne unter Obama um gezielt Personen zu töten die an 9/11 beteiligt waren als Undercover-Agenten. :
Ob vor oder nach 9/11 - Al-Aulaqi wurde von der 9/11-Commission als Kontaktmann der 9/11-San Diego-Terrorzelle identifiziert. Das war also ein Al-Qaida-Terrorist. Und dieser Al-Qaida-Terrorist ist dann plötzlich NACH 9/11 ein "Asset" des FBI ? Die US-Behörden machen "Geschäfte" mit Al-Qaida-Terroristen ?
Es liegt auf der Hand das dieser Mann vom FBI beschützt wurde bis 2011 obwohl es ein Al-Qaida-Terrorist war. Seid wann beschützt eine US-Behörde Al-Qaida-Terroristen ? Ich glaub mir muss hier in den letzten 13 Jahren etwas entgangen sein ;-).
Aber wie üblich. Irgendwann lässt die Regierung alle fallen und tötet sie. Alles nur Marionetten.