John F. Kennedy: Mord oder Verschwörung?
27.12.2012 um 16:53Inwiefern sind die CIA- verbindungen von Oswalds freunden spekulationen? Und oswalds verbindungen zu ferrie und banister? Guten rutsch!
1) Samuel A. Kinney- Sam told me this three times (he also stated that he found the notion of conspiracy "plausible" to the HSCA, based off the recently-released contact reports available thru the ARRB/ Archives). He thought Oswald was the lone shooter, although he stated emphatically that there were no missed shots (!)- he spoke to Connally about this and THE GOVERNOR AGREED WITH SAM! Sam also told me that the "right rear" of JFK's head was missing[he later recovered THE piece of the president's head on the C-130], and that his windshield (of the follow-up car) and left arm were splattered with blood and brain matter. Finally, whether hyperbole or not, Sam said "He had no brains left". Sam passed away 7/21/97 while vacationing in Iowa. His wife Hazel told me she regretted that Sam is now forever unable to tell more...;
2) Roy H. Kellerman- According to his widow June, Roy "accepted that there was a conspiracy"- this was based on June overhearing Roy's telephone conversation with someone from the HSCA in approx. 1977 or 1978. As we all know, Roy stated to the WC that "there has to be more than three shots, gentleman" and that a "flurry of shells" came into the car. Like Bill Greer, Roy is often added to the list of those witnesses who reported that the right rear of JFK's head was blasted. The above information was reported to author Anthony Summers for the Dec. 1994 "VANITY FAIR", p. 88 [uncredited]; you'll also find it in my book. Finally, Kellerman's daughter told Harold Weisberg in the 1970's that "I hope the day will come when these men [Kellerman and Greer*]will be able to say what they've told their families";
3) Abraham W. Bolden, Sr,- Abe is a firm believer in a conspiracy AND in Secret Service negligence. Also, Abe is adamant that there was a plot to kill JFK in Chicago in early November, 1963. I spoke to Bolden twice and corresponded at length with him between 1993 and the present. Bolden is currently working on his own book with his wife:);
4) Maurice G. Martineau- Abe's boss in the Chicago office, Martineau was equally adamant to me that a conspiracy took the life of President Kennedy. He also told me he finds the work of the HSCA much more valid than that of the WC. However, when it comes to info. on the Chicago plot, Martineau is afraid to give me details to this day...;
5) John Norris- a member of the uniformed division of the Secret Service, Norris is a fervent believer in a conspiracy, although one gets the impression this is more based on his beliefs than actual knowledge, but I could be mistaken. Still, his views and beliefs are important for obvious reasons;
6) *Bill Greer- despite many suspicions I have about Greer's conduct on 11/22-11/23/63, he is a "default" addition to this list. In addition to Kellerman's daughter's comments mentioned above, he is also among those witnesses who, at least indirectly, gave testimony that the right rear of JFK's head was missing. Also, to the HSCA, he had much misgivings about the "Single Bullet Theory". Still, this could just be guilty conscience- he expressed much guilt to Jackie Kennedy concerning his awful performance on Elm Street (which he would later deny to the FBI and the WC; even Greer's son Richard was adamant to me that his father had absolutely no survivor's guilt, despite these documented, very early guilt feelings. Even Dave Powers and Ken O'Donnell document Greer's early remorse ["Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye'; see also Powers interview by Charles Kuralt, 11/22/88 on video];
Also, Paul E. Landis, Jr., an agent in the follow-up car who, like agent Hill, was assigned to Jackie, stated twice that shots came from the front [18H755; 18H759];
In addition, agent Thomas "Lem" Johns, who rode in the V.P. follow-up car, told the HSCA that "the first two [shots] sounded like they were on the side of me towards the grassy knoll" [RIF 180-10074-10079]; Finally, SAIC of the Dallas office, Forrest V. Sorrels, riding in the lead car, believed the shots came from the front
Hier ist ein Foto von 1959, das eine U2 in Atsugi zeigt:Interessant:
Text zum Foto:
This photo, taken by Toda Yasunori of Japan, shows a U-2 Spy Plane coming into the Atsugi Naval Air Station in 1959. Yasunori took this photo when he was a young boy (Archiv-Version vom 12.09.2012)
But Swike knew where to look, and was urged on by former CIA Counterintelligence Chief James Angleton, who felt the research in this book was too important to ignoreAngleton spielte bei der Vertuschung selbst eine Rolle:
The most consistently prominent players in the assassination saga continue to be James Jesus Angleton and his counterintelligence staff. They held a file on Oswald predating the assassination by at least three years. After the assassination, Angleton and his closest associate, Ray Rocca, served as the gateway between the Warren Commission and the CIA. If anyone was in a position to move Oswald around prior to the assassination and control the cover-up afterwards, it was Angleton.
In his book, Oswald and the CIA (2008), John Newman argued: "In my view, whoever Oswald's direct handler or handlers were, we must now seriously consider the possibility that Angleton was probably their general manager. No one else in the Agency had the access, the authority, and the diabolically ingenious mind to manage this sophisticated plot. No one else had the means necessary to plant the WWIII virus in Oswald's files and keep it dormant for six weeks until the president's assassination. Whoever those who were ultimately responsible for the decision to kill Kennedy were, their reach extended into the national intelligence apparatus to such a degree that they could call upon a person who knew its inner secrets and workings so well that he could design a failsafe mechanism into the fabric of the plot. The only person who could ensure that a national security cover-up of an apparent counterintelligence nightmare was the head of counterintelligence."
Whether this cable embodies CIA incompetence or treachery is still a matter of debate. What is certain is that after JFK's death, CIA officials manipulated intelligence to plead a false ignorance about Oswald's travels and contacts. They relied on official secrecy to evade accountability and retain their positions of power... In a recent piece for I suggested that the new records indicate two top CIA officials, deputy CIA director Richard Helms and counterintelligence chief James Angleton, may have been guilty of criminal negligence in JFK's death -- with the caveat that key records that might clarify the issue remain classified.Angleton wird wohl kaum in den Epstein- Interviews Informationen preisgeg eben haben, die noch bis 2017 unter Verschluss sein werden und ihn eventuell belasten könnten.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said his father spent a year trying to come to grips with his brother's death, reading the work of Greek philosophers, Catholic scholars, Henry David Thoreau, poets and others 'trying to figure out kind of the existential implications of why a just God would allow injustice to happen of the magnitude he was seeing.'
He said his father thought the Warren Commission, which concluded Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing the president, was a 'shoddy piece of craftsmanship.'
Rose asked if he believed his father, the U.S. attorney general at the time of his brother's death, felt 'some sense of guilt because he thought there might have been a link between his very aggressive efforts against organized crime.'... Kennedy replied: 'I think that's true. He talked about that. He publicly supported the Warren Commission report but privately he was dismissive of it.'
He said his father had investigators do research into the assassination and found that phone records of Oswald and nightclub owner Jack Ruby, who killed Oswald two days after the president's assassination, 'were like an inventory' of mafia leaders the government had been investigating.
He said his father, later elected U.S. senator in New York, was 'fairly convinced' that others were involved.
Ja, das ist die berühmte Rede an der Columbia University vom 12. November 1963, die "alle" erwähnen, aber keiner kennt, da er sie nie gehalten hat. Kennedy hat überhaupt nie eine Rede an der Columbia University gehalten.alibk92 schrieb:ich hab gehört, das john f. kennedy versucht hat das Geld in staatliche hände zu bringen als es bei den Banken zu privatisieren, da die Bänker sonst zuviel einfluss auf die politik hätten.
Wenn es Oswald nicht war, konnte es dementsprechend auch nicht der CIA sein? Oder was willst du mit diesem sinnfreien, nutzerbezogenen Doppelposting aussagen?bredulino schrieb:kannst du nun die CIA- Verbindungen von Oswalds Umfeld debunken?
Du musst dein Video leider abtippen, bevor jemand drauf eingehen kann:bredulino schrieb:gar nciht mehr auf meien Posts eingegangen bist
Branntweiner schrieb:Du musst dein Video leider abtippen, bevor jemand drauf eingehen kann:
Wo habe ich geschrieben dass es nicht Oswald war?Branntweiner schrieb:Wenn es Oswald nicht war, konnte es dementsprechend auch nicht der CIA sein?
Ok, habe ich missverstanden. Die Frage, ob Oswald Einzeltäter war oder in organisiertem Rahmen agierte, ist nicht uninteressant.bredulino schrieb am 25.01.2013:Wo habe ich geschrieben dass es nicht Oswald war?