@FiatLuxFan Sag mal sitzt du da in deinem Zimmer, inmitten einer großen Wolke aus seltsam riechendem Qualm ?
Anders kann ich mir den Quatsch den du von dir gibst so langsam nicht mehr erklären.
Da du Quellen anderer nicht zu lesen scheinst.
"Firefighter Mike Sube: "We made our way to a small pond. That's where I observed the largest piece of wreckage that I saw, a portion of the landing gear and fuselage. One of the tires was still intact with the bracket, and probably about three to five windows of the fuselage were actually in one piece lying there. ...There were enough fires that our brush truck was down there numerous times. ...I saw small pieces of human remains and occasionally some larger pieces. That was disturbing, but what was most disturbing was seeing personal effects."
Lieutenant Roger Bailey, Somerset Volunteer Fire Department: "We started down through the debris field. I saw pieces of fiberglass, pieces of airplane, pop rivets, and mail...Mail was scattered everywhere. ...the one guy who was with us almost stepped on a piece of human remains. I grabbed him, and he got about half woozy over it."
When former firefighter Dave Fox arrived at the scene, "He saw a wiring harness, and a piston. None of the other pieces was bigger than a TV remote. He saw three chunks of torn human tissue. He swallowed hard. 'You knew there were people there, but you couldn't see them,' he says."
usw . usw. usw,
FiatLuxFan schrieb:Bring mir eine ordentliche Quelle die das bestätigt und ich glaubs dir.Mit"Augenmass"gebe ich mich nicht zufrieden.
Du hast keine Ahnung woher das Bild ist oder ? ^^
Dieses Bild beweist ganz klar, das DU nur Aussagen der Zeugen MISSBRAUCHST um deine Räuberpistolen unter das Volk bringen zu können.
Bei dir hat das ganze sogar Methode und somit unterstelle ich dir VORSATZ !
Schau mal Abends in den Spiegel und frag dich mal ob deine Art und Weise so die richtige ist.