Gohan schrieb:Wie sollen Sprengsätze inklusive Verkabelungen die Flugzeugeinschläge und anschließende Feuer überlebt haben?
In dem man z. B. den Sprengstoff mit einer feuerfesten Box ummantelt.
Warum Verkabelung?
Wie oft muss ich noch schreiben, dass man keine Verkabelung gebraucht hätte:
9/11 Allgemein (Seite 2004) (Beitrag von dh_awake)
Gohan schrieb:Wo sind Druckwellen und Sprenggeräusche?
"A number of devices for cutting materials of a substantial thickness are known in the art. Many of these devices employ explosive shaped charges which deliver energy to the surface of a material in the form of a high pressure, high velocity shock front. The conical or “V” shaped charge, for example, explodes and focuses cutting energy onto the surface of the material to be cut. A primary disadvantage of explosive shaped charges is that they generate excessive noise and debris upon detonation. This noise and debris can pose potentially serious health and safety hazards to someone using a cutting device which employs conventional shaped charge explosives.
Thermite-based cutting devices which employ a cutting flame
produce virtually no extended shock wave and generate relatively little over pressure. Thermite-based cutting devices do not present the same health and safety hazards which are attendant upon explosive shape charge cutting devices."