@Groucho @Lambach Das Expertenpanel des HSCA machte auch keien Unterschied zwischen dem "large defect" und dem Loch
The majority of the panel believes that there is a possibility that this movement may have been caused by neurologic response to the massive brain damage caused by the bullet, or by a propulsive effect resulting from the matter that EXITED THROUGH THE LARGE DEFECT under great pressure,
http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/headwnd.htmHirnmasse kann wohl kaum durch "subkutane Bruchlinien" mit intakter (!) Haut ausgetreten sein...
großer defekt = Austrittswunde = Schädelbereich mit fehlender Knochensubstanz und Haut
durch das Loch konnte Hirnmasse austreten
The LARGER EXIT DEFECT in the front of the skull would theoretically permit greater exodus of tissue under pressure , and a resulting backward movement of the head could occur.
damit schließt sich der kreis zum Autopsiereport
durch den großen Defekt sah man die rechte Hirnhälfte bzw. Hirnmasse AUSTRETEN.
https://www.dict.cc/?s=exudeCLEARLY VISIBLE in the above described LARGE SKULL DEFECT and EXUDING FROM IT is lacerated brain tissue which on close inspection proves to
represent the major portion of the right cerebral hemisphere.
Bei Bruchlinien UNTER INTAKTER HAUT kann man wohl kaum Hirnmasse sehen,- also fehlte dort Haut und Schädeldecke. Nur so konnte Hirnmasse auch austreten.
großer Defekt = Öffnung, durch die Hirnmasse austrat und Gehirn sichtbar
großer Defekt = Loch, Austrittwunde, Bereich mit fehlender Haut und Knochensubstanz
Dr. Humes vor der Warren Commission:
we concluded that the LARGE DEFECT to the upper right side of the skull, in fact, would represent a WOUND OF EXIT.
https://books.google.de/books?id=lOpMVJB0V1IC&pg=PA130&lpg=PA130&dq=we+concluded+that+the+large+defect+to+the+upper+right+side+of+the+skull,+in+fact,+would+represent+a+wound+of+exit.&source=bl&ots=MdwfQRasOK&sig=EQzoJVA5k-2B0rbJHrUuzWZP0PA&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjKovX_pobRAhVDqxoKHXjlBEAQ6AEILTAD#v=onepage&q=we%20concluded%20that%20the%20large%20defect%20to%20the%20upper%20right%20side%20of%20the%20skull%2C%20in%20fact%2C%20would%20represent%20a%20wound%20of%20exit.&f=falseHumes Statment
LARGE DEFECT to the upper right side of the skull, in fact, would represent a WOUND OF EXIT.
1. There is a LARGE irregular DEFECT of the scalp and skull ON THe RIGHT involving chiefly the parietal bone but extending somewhat into the temporal and occipital regions.
Humes paraphrasiert vor der WC den Autopsiereport
großer Defekt = Austrittswunde
bredulino schrieb:involving chiefly the parietal bone but extending somewhat into the temporal and occipital regions.