monstra schrieb am 22.03.2018:Das Versagen der US-Nachrichtendienste liegt darin, eine Gestalt wie Oswald nicht spätestens nach seiner Rückkehr aus der Sowjetunion unter strenge Beobachtung genommen zu haben
das zeugt wie gesagt von großer Unkenntnis.
Aus einer Rezension eines vor kurzem erschienen Buchs über CIA-Spionageabwehr-Chef James Angleton
Angleton always sought to give the impression that he knew very little about Oswald before November 22, 1963. … His staff had monitored Oswald’s movements for four years. As the former Marine moved from Moscow to Minsk to Fort Worth to New Orleans to Mexico City to Dallas, the Special Investigations Group received reports on him everywhere he went. (p. 140) Zu einem Aspekt der Überwachung Oswalds ist ein neuer Blogeintrag erschienen der einen guten Überblick verschafft
Why was Oswald’s name taken off the FBI’s watch list? was Angeltons Mitarbeiterin Anne Eggerter aussagte:
It was Angleton’s staff member, Ann Egerter, who opened Oswald’s 201 SIG file on December 9, 1960.[56] Egerter was questioned by the House Select Committee. They knew they could not expect her, as a CIA employee, to answer truthfully, even under oath, the question whether Oswald was a CIA agent. Allen Dulles, Kennedy’s fired CIA director, had said in the January 27, 1964, closed-door Warren Commission meeting that no CIA employee, even under oath, should ever say truthfully if Oswald (or anyone else) was in fact a CIA agent.[57] The House Select Committee therefore had to get the answer from Angleton’s associate, Ann Egerter—by then retired and somewhat obliging—by indirect questioning.
When Egerter was asked the purpose of Counterintelligence’s Special Investigations Group (CI/SIG), she said, “We were charged with the investigation of Agency personnel who were suspected one way or another.”[58]
Egerter had thereby already made a crucial admission, whose implications would be drawn out step by step. Her HSCA interviewer then asked Egerter to confirm this specific purpose of SIG: “Please correct me if I am wrong. In light of the example that you have given and the statements that you have made it seems that the purpose of CI/SIG was very limited and that limited purpose was being [sic] to investigate Agency employees who for some reason were under suspicion.”
Egerter replied, “That is correct.”[59] hatte Akte in der Abteilung, die für das Ausspionieren von CIA-Personal zuständig war...