cathari schrieb:Der Brand blieb nicht immer an der gleichen Stelle, das ist auf dem Bildmaterial gut erkennbar.
die röntgen-/infrarotaufnahmen in chronologischer reihenfolge hab ich leider verpasst und kanns sie jetzt auf anhieb nicht finden. wäre nett, wenn du mir die seite zeigst, wo sie zu besichtigen sind...
nochmals: die zerstörung ist nicht urplötlich aus heiterem himmel von statten gegangen, so wie es einige hier vermitteln möchten. es hat sich langsam vollzogen, das bauwerk wurde nach und nach geschwächt, wofür es natürlich auch anzeichen gab, und ist letztendlich, als der kritische punkt überschritten war, in einem rutsch eingestürzt. die behauptung, es wäre innerhalb von wenigen sekunden passiert ist faktisch
Around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, firefighters noticed a bulge in the southwest corner of 7 World Trade Center, between the 10 and 13th floors, which was a sign that the building might collapse.
"we saw a fire starting to show at windows in 7 World Trade Center, decided to go in and try and see if there was anybody in the building and/or put out the fires, and we did a search from floor to floor of 7 World Trade Center passing fire on floors 3, 7, 9. The standpipes had no water. We tried to extinguish a few fires with cans. When we got to 11, there was just too much smoke and we decided that, without water, if we went any higher, we'd be on fool's mission.
So we left 7 World Trade Center, back down to the street, where I ran into Chief Coloe from the 1st Division, Captain Varriale, Engine 24, and Captain Varriale told Chief Coloe and myself that 7 World Trade Center was badly damaged on the south side and definitely in danger of collapse. Chief Coloe said we were going to evacuate the collapse zone around 7 World Trade Center, which we did."
"As the day went on they started worrying about 7 World Trade Center collapsing and they ordered an evacuation from that area so at that time, we left the area with the other companies, went back to the command post on Broadway, where we were instructed, they were looking for companies to go to the west side to operate on the bridges, to cut members out that they had confirmed were pinned and trapped under the bridges on the west side.
A Battalion Chief was assigned to us. We took our apparatus to West Street to the north bridge, on that side over there, where we began to operate. We had identified different members who were deceased and trapped in rigs. We were about to proceed our operation there and this was in the afternoon, I would say approximately maybe 2:00 roughly, where we started to operate and then they asked us to fall back again due to the potential of 7 World Trade Center collapsing."
He was operating between 4 and 5 World Trade Center, when "They made us evacuate due to the fear of 7 coming down."
http://www.debunk911myths.org/topics/7_World_Trade_Center (Archiv-Version vom 13.06.2010)