Der Dollar als Waffe
14.09.2018 um 16:10"Wish to reduce reliance on dollar is response to US unpredictability
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Friday that the credibility of the dollar is decreasing, thus making other countries wish to replace it with other currencies.
At the same time, Russian authorities currently have no specific plans on abandoning the use of the US dollar in international transactions but this issue is on Moscow's agenda.
"Rather consistent and strong interest of certain countries in Europe, in the East, in the Middle East and so on to gradually minimize the use of the dollar in mutual trade can be seen. This process indeed exists. The Russian side has no specific plans yet on this issue but it is on our agenda," Peskov told reporters, Sputnik reports.
The spokesman noted that many countries were holding talks and expert consultations, seeking to reduce the use of the dollar in mutual transactions in trade and investment.
"It is a natural process and a reaction of the countries, including Russia, to rather unpredictable actions of the United States, which are rather questionable in terms of norms and rules of international trade. Of course, this all leads to falling credibility of the dollar and emerging desire to substitute dollar with other currencies," Peskov pointed out.
According to the spokesman, the Russian authorities aren't considering the possibility of forced conversion of dollar bank deposits into ruble ones amid possible US sanctions against Russian banks.
"No, the administration is not planning such actions, there are no such plans at all, as far as I know," Peskov told reporters when asked if there were any plans for the forced conversion of Russian clients' deposits in dollars into ones in rubles."
Je mehr die USA den Dollar als Waffe benutzen, umso mehr sehnen sich Länder wie auch Russland wie man im Artikel sieht, sich dieser Waffe, dem Dollar zu entziehen, wie Dmitry Peskov etwas diplomatischer wenn auch sehr deutlich ausdrückte.
Dieser Prozess geht fängt grad erst an, sei es das ganz ganz frische wenige Tage alte bilaterale Abkommen zwischen Russland-China, Russland-Türkei, Russland-Iran usw.. nicht mehr den Dollar als Handelswährugn zu benutzen, "the credibility of the dollar is decreasing, thus making other countries wish to replace it with other currencies." da tut sich was, Dominoeffekte nicht ausgeschlossen.
Wenn Trump so weiter macht jeden und alles zu sanktionieren, den Dollar als Waffe einzusetzen was das Zeug hält, sich nicht an Internationale Regeln und Gesetze hält, dann hätte er gute Chancen als die jenige Person in die Geschichte einzugehen, der den Dollar, und somit die Macht der USA, an die Wand gefahren und dessen Ende eingeleutet hat.