My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
13.10.2023 um 05:57Your sack has but nothing upgot? 😱altesgemäuer schrieb:a happy sack
The balls function still?
There lock I me on!!!Courageonion schrieb:I wish you a good bettering!
Your sack has but nothing upgot? 😱altesgemäuer schrieb:a happy sack
There lock I me on!!!Courageonion schrieb:I wish you a good bettering!
@altesgemäueraltesgemäuer schrieb am 12.10.2023:Now the AU pulsates through my blueblack flecks
Have you noch nie AU gecryed, wenn your head in love with the Holzbalken?Füchschen schrieb:The upshortening AU is not part of my experience. What mean you therewith?
Yes Sirrin!Füchschen schrieb:And please receive my best bettering Wisches for a complete recovery 🤩 after your long sleeping 😴 or absence.
Can you remember what you have gecryed when a blow hit you from the clear heaven, can't you?altesgemäuer schrieb:Have you noch nie AU gecryed, wenn your head in love with the Holzbalken?
You see, unshining you were blurred.... , weren't you?altesgemäuer schrieb am 12.10.2023:I stumbled down the thermstairs, a blur
Sir,altesgemäuer schrieb am 12.10.2023:Now the AU pulsates through my blueblack flecks
Yes Sirrin!
I wisch you again a complete recovery 🤩altesgemäuer schrieb am 12.10.2023:Now the AU pulsates through my blueblack flecks
Thank you for your compliment!BlueBrain schrieb:Very crafty, your elaborations are!
I think @BlueBrain likes our thread but he is afraid a little bit to participate because all the Denglish could offcolouring onto the Standard English. He likes our elaborations which means that he onknows our labour with all our writing. As you once wrote:Bundesferkel schrieb:What for Dingens?
:DBundesferkel schrieb am 03.05.2023:We strange us on and give us effort!
here?BlueBrain schrieb:Very crafty,
From Sister Dementia from the orden zur halfgeopend Tabernacledoor? Some time she asked ze boss where to find her computerbrill.Füchschen schrieb:*I hope I will never suffer from dementia!
Wen are you spreching eigentlich on? #metooBlueBrain schrieb:The problem with this is, that your English might actually worsen if do it too often.
😂🤣😎altesgemäuer schrieb:From Sister Dementia from the orden zur halfgeopend Tabernacledoor?
Yeah. Why not? When noble young men return, zis should finally be worth a toast. Burp.Füchschen schrieb:Can I gratulate you for your recovery?