My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
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My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
04.05.2023 um 13:28And his vorwalker Henry VIII has killed 6 wifes. Head up!
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
05.05.2023 um 13:03Henry VIII was ganz einfach a murderer and no one stopped him. In a way it was like this Angst phenomen: "If I open my mouth, I'll end a head shorter." Everyone was gehorsam to the King Henry VIII who said the ganze time: "She wanted to die. She opened her mouth." And so the Bishop's Antwort at Henry VIII was: "Yes, my beloved King, your dear wife wanted to die. Segen on you, my dear King, and on all your followers for thousands of years!" And the King got a turn-around thought as usual and he asked verschwörerisch: "Has she vertold you so? Through letters?"altesgemäuer schrieb:And his vorwalker Henry VIII has killed 6 wifes.
Yes, the Bishop hield his head up and not died under the sword although he had opened his mouth on a not right way.altesgemäuer schrieb:Head up!
I believe not what is the official explanation for the 2 deaths. Who knows what really happened in the Ehebed? Two wives sent the weird King away, this creep in the Ehebed; Katharina von Aragon had a lot of failbirths and almost always the baby girls died. Two other wives had a killer and the King and his official explanation said that Zeugen saw the Sharpjudge with the sword.
We must never forget that Henry VIII is the Schreiber of his Historie.
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
05.05.2023 um 13:14Henry was the composer from GREENSLEAVES, he played the lute and he sang fervently.
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
05.05.2023 um 14:15Yes, the people believed he composed GREENSLEEVES because of the textBundesferkel schrieb:Henry was the composer from GREENSLEAVES, he played the lute and he sang fervently.
Alas my loue, ye do me wrong,Quelle: Wikipedia: Greensleeves#cite ref-3
to cast me off discourteously:
and because they kennt him and his life. He was a party lion and went on turniers and banquets a lot.
He was a burden in the Ehebed and the wives cast him off discourteously. His people in Great Britain kennt the story behind and said: "See, this is the King HenryVIII's intimste thinking."
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
05.05.2023 um 15:54@Bundesferkel @Füchschen
Es gibt no klaro Beweise über den Komponist von Greensleeves, da das lied schon im 16. Jahrhundert bekannt war und there are keine records about the origin. Es wird sometimes attributed to William Schäksbier or King Heinrich VIII., aber there is no evidence therefor.
Es gibt no klaro Beweise über den Komponist von Greensleeves, da das lied schon im 16. Jahrhundert bekannt war und there are keine records about the origin. Es wird sometimes attributed to William Schäksbier or King Heinrich VIII., aber there is no evidence therefor.
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
05.05.2023 um 16:03Henry Vlll was Born 1509!
It gives not evidence for the existence from oldwall, littlefox and unionspiglet in the real world, too.
It gives not evidence for the existence from oldwall, littlefox and unionspiglet in the real world, too.
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
05.05.2023 um 16:36But Wiki is the festen overconception, that Henry not in question comes. Its a funny legend - because greensleeve is in a italy style composed. This style has sich in England erst after his death verbreitet. @Bundesferkel
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
05.05.2023 um 16:45I can the great Onregung over the crowning sowieso not understand. There are so many scandals of the royals.
1. The concubinage scandal of King William II - The unmarried King William II had several mistresses, which put the reputation of the monarchy at risk.
2. The succession war between Stephen of Blois and Matilda - This conflict over the succession to the throne led to great unrest and destruction that tarnished the reputation of the monarchy.
3. The loss of Normandy by King John Lackland - King John Lackland lost Normandy to France and was criticized for it by many in England.
4. The revolt against the Steuers of King Richard II - The high Steuers of King Richard II led to a rebellion that damaged the reputation of his monarchy.
5. The War of the Roses - The conflict between the York and Lancaster families over the throne led to decades of instability and uncertainty in England.
1. The concubinage scandal of King William II - The unmarried King William II had several mistresses, which put the reputation of the monarchy at risk.
2. The succession war between Stephen of Blois and Matilda - This conflict over the succession to the throne led to great unrest and destruction that tarnished the reputation of the monarchy.
3. The loss of Normandy by King John Lackland - King John Lackland lost Normandy to France and was criticized for it by many in England.
4. The revolt against the Steuers of King Richard II - The high Steuers of King Richard II led to a rebellion that damaged the reputation of his monarchy.
5. The War of the Roses - The conflict between the York and Lancaster families over the throne led to decades of instability and uncertainty in England.
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
09.05.2023 um 14:57Here you have some Drinkingmoney.
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
09.05.2023 um 14:58I break together
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
09.05.2023 um 15:24In the quiet lies the power.
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
09.05.2023 um 15:28To be out of the cutter.
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
09.05.2023 um 17:21Your English is to run away 😄
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
09.05.2023 um 17:41You can me crosswise
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
09.05.2023 um 17:53:D
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
09.05.2023 um 18:47Lick me on the ass Oldwall
My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg!
09.05.2023 um 19:24Where lies the rabbit in the pepper?
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