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Practical psychology and English training in one

7 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Eltern, Depression, Partnerschaft ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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Practical psychology and English training in one

05.08.2018 um 14:17
Hm, I thought to myself, why not combine learning English with learning a little useful psychology? Tony Robbins has impressive skills when it comes to understanding people and all of us could use a little bit of that, I guess.

The knowledge in them seems to be on point and I watched them a lot. I just ask that you actually watch and understand them thoroughly before getting hostile. It really doesn't help to watch 2 minutes and then forming a hostile opinion. Well, it might help to drive me away from the thread, so any translation help on my part will cease. I do have a problem with superficial judgement.

I understand close to every word in them, so IF you have trouble with any part of it, I just need minute and second and I can help.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71DpDnZKsvw (Video: Tony Robbins and Hannah)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nya1CoxnIpA (Video: Tony Robbins-- Seminar - Shift Your Mind & Shape Your Destiny --full--tk)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLSqzMqI8tA (Video: Tony Robbins - Heal your relationship no matter what - Tony Robbins Relationship 2017)


Practical psychology and English training in one

05.08.2018 um 23:24

Excellent! I was thinking about looking a bit deeper into Tony's way of promoting certain ideas, afer you mentioned him in a different thread.
(And I seriously hope that I wasn't one of the folks that you mentioned as "hostile" :( )

I am absolutely looking forward to the follow-up discussion and ideas!

Question: which language(s) would you prefer for this thread? English annd German or English only?


Practical psychology and English training in one

05.08.2018 um 23:30
You were perfectly fine. I just had occasions where people saw the seminar setting and instantly thought: Freakshow, poor woman.

Either language ist fine with me. Although I suggest to really work through one video minute by minute until there are no gaps left. It's a great feeling when you can watch it in one go without needing to translate anything.

The videos are worth watching a few times.


Practical psychology and English training in one

08.08.2018 um 19:09
And I thought, I'd be busy helping people figure out passages, clarifying words (Tony is a fast speaker). Seems I don't have to worry about that...


Practical psychology and English training in one

12.08.2018 um 23:23
OK, Let's start with the simplest basics.

Human need psychology explains human behavior with 6 needs. I have no idea whether that's the end all and be all but it's pretty useful in order to find a good response to other people's actions.

1.: Certainty: The need for stability. To be on top of things, to know what's going on.

2.: Variety: Stimulus and change. So that life isn't just ugly monotony.

3.: Significance: Am I special and worthy of attention?

4.: Love/connection: emotional interaction with others.

These four are the basic needs. They are non-negotiable. They must be met on a sort of daily basis. Which means that if you run low on one of them, the brain finds ways, no matter how stupid, to bring them into tolerable levels.

5.: Growth: Being smarter, more free, getting better at dancing, having Children...

6: Contribution: Being beneficial to others. Living a life bigger than just your own interests.

Two ideas about that:

The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the level of uncertainty that you can comfortably live with. If you constantly need a lot of certainty, you will lead a small life.

If you prioritize these needs from 1 to 6, you will have an ordinary life.
If you live them upside down, you get amazing results. Doesn't mean that certainty becomes irrelevant. It just won't dominate your actions.



Practical psychology and English training in one

18.08.2018 um 23:05
Da es keinen interessiert, verabschiede ich mich. Falls jemand Fragen hat, bin ich über PN erreichbar.

Ich war so naiv zu denken, Wissen, das jeder braucht, kombiniert mit Englisch und meiner Hilfe beim Verstehen hätte einen Wert. Hat's aber nicht.


Practical psychology and English training in one

27.07.2020 um 15:18
Yep, that topic's been a real hoot. Psychology is overrated anyway. Why understand people when you can judge and blame them ( :


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