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Schwere Matheaufgabe in Englisch
27.07.2011 um 22:51Könnt ihr mir helfen diese Aufgabe zu lösen?
Take PI and round it too into 4 decimals accuracy.
Multiply 4 decimal golden ratio with 4 decimal PI. The resulting floating point number (4 decimals) is x.
(1x)+(2x)+(3x) // Ich bin nur bis hier gekommen Ergebnis bis hier 37,5817616 und Integer = 37
Round the result to integer. Take square of the integer and calculate modulo 56 for the square.
Take cube of the modulo. Cube is x.
x * y
where y is the cube of golden ratio (golden ratio is 4 decimals and cube is also rounded to 4 decimals). The resulting floating point number is used as password by REMOVING the decimal dot (111,2222 -> 1112222).
Take PI and round it too into 4 decimals accuracy.
Multiply 4 decimal golden ratio with 4 decimal PI. The resulting floating point number (4 decimals) is x.
(1x)+(2x)+(3x) // Ich bin nur bis hier gekommen Ergebnis bis hier 37,5817616 und Integer = 37
Round the result to integer. Take square of the integer and calculate modulo 56 for the square.
Take cube of the modulo. Cube is x.
x * y
where y is the cube of golden ratio (golden ratio is 4 decimals and cube is also rounded to 4 decimals). The resulting floating point number is used as password by REMOVING the decimal dot (111,2222 -> 1112222).