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Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

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Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

08.03.2011 um 09:45
Juchhee wieder mal beide Sichtungen durcheinander gewürfelt.

Greg spricht über das V-shaped Object.
Zitat von smokingunsmokingun schrieb:Greg and his wife are not alone. Thousands in Phoenix, Nevada, Tucson, even in northern Mexico have testified to the same close encounter: a V-shaped formation of five lights, moving silently, slowly, at a low altitude.
Five lights = Fünf (5) Lichter
V-Shapeed Formation = eine V-förmige Formation

jetzt schau ich mir das Bild dazu an und fange an zu zählen .... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... ups..das geht ja weiter 6, 7, und da ist noch ein Entfernes Licht ...8.

Und welche Form haben wir da .... hmm .... ein V?
Nööö, das sieht ja aus wie ..... oh ...eine Linie .....

Wir sehen auf dem Bild also eine Lichterlinie bestehend aus 7+1 Lichtern.

Es ist also nicht das im Artikel beschriebene V-förmige Objekt, bestehend aus 5 Lichtern, das sich über den Himmel bewegte .....
Wer sich mit dem Fall beschäftigte weiß auch, dass es sich um die "Zweite Sichtung" handelte, die gegen 22 Uhr auftauchte und die sich lediglich am Horizont nach unten bewegte.

Greg spricht aber von:
Zitat von smokingunsmokingun schrieb:watching the lights go overhead
Also von Lichter die sich ÜBER IHM bewegten.

Wir stellen also fest: Greg meint definitiv nicht die Lichterreihe um 22 Uhr, die im Bild gezeigt wird, sondern das "V" das sich vorher über der Stadt zeigte.

Im Artikel wird jetzt erklärt:
The U.S. military admitted to dropping flares that night southwest of the city, but that doesn't explain the numerous sightings of an actual black craft with up to seven lights moving silently overhead.

"I've actually dropped flares from the air in Vietnam," said Greg. "What I saw wasn't flares."
Natürlich nicht, denn die Flareserklärung bezieht sich NUR auf die zweite Sichtung um 22 Uhr ... die Lichterreihe.

Das "V" von dem Greg spricht wurde nie durch Flares zu erklären versucht.
(Zumal es ein ganz anderes Flugverhalten aufwies)

In dem Artikel wird mal wieder erfolgreich alles vermischt um ein Klärung zu erschweren.

Wer dem Geheimnis des "Vee"auf die Schliche kommen möchte, muss aber dazu bereit sein beide Sichtungen komplett trennen zu können.


Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

08.03.2011 um 09:51

äh nein die flares ist die einzige Antwort der Regierung auf den fall.Und diese Lichter hoverten von Norden nach süden bis Mexiko..nur du sprichst von flares...und wiederholst dich zum 50 mal

1x zitiertmelden

Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

08.03.2011 um 10:13

Ich behandle hier den fall im Kontext wie es alle anderen auch tun ausser die Gwupler..sogar in WIKI steht dass dies falsch sei zu trennen und nur zur Pseudodebunking zählt ...Wenn dir das nicht passt musst du auch nicht dauernd hier reinposten und den selben Senf wiederholen wenn mal jemand anderer etwas postet.Ich bin zigmal darauf eingegangen. Ausserdem hast du den Thread eh schon vernichtet und Diskussionen verhindert. Ich wollte nur diese NEWS reinsetzen aufgrund des 14. Gedenktages..
Fang mal an deine Flares zu belegen oder lasses sein!

1x zitiertmelden

Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

08.03.2011 um 10:48

List du eigentlich was ich schreibe oder packst du gleich das DEGEGEN-Schild aus wenn du meinen namen liest?
Zitat von smokingunsmokingun schrieb:äh nein die flares ist die einzige Antwort der Regierung auf den fall.Und diese Lichter hoverten von Norden nach süden bis Mexiko..nur du sprichst von flares...und wiederholst dich zum 50 mal
Die Lichter die "hoverten" sind das "Vee"
Die "Flares" sind die Linie um 22 Uhr die sich NICHT bewegte.

Hatte ich etwas anderes in meinem Beitrag geschrieben?
Zitat von smokingunsmokingun schrieb:Ich behandle hier den fall im Kontext wie es alle anderen auch tun
neee, du wirfst zwei voneinander unabhängige, zeitlich getrennte Vorkommnisse zusammen.

Aber wenn das so im Wiki steht, wird das schon seine Richtigkeit haben *G*
Zitat von smokingunsmokingun schrieb: Ausserdem hast du den Thread eh schon vernichtet und Diskussionen verhindert.
Ich würde sagen du verhinderst jede Diskussion die entgegen der von dir gewünschten "Lösung" geht.
Ansonsten würdest du nicht so vehement zwei zeitlich unterschiedliche Vorkommnisse, die sich außerdem in Form und Bewegungscharakteristik gänzlich unterscheiden, immer wieder zusammenwerfen wenn man versucht EINES der Vorkommnisse auszuklammern.

Sieht man nämlich Beide Vorkommnisse als getrenntes Ereignis, trifft zumindest bei der 22 Uhr Linie, die Flares Erklärung recht gut zu.

Übrig bleibt das Vee, das zu klären wäre.
Und das hat mit den Flares nun mal gar nichts zu tun.

Im Bezug zum Vee, davon zu sprechen "Das waren keine Flares" sind verbale Nebelbomben, denn keiner behauptet dass das Vee flares gewesen wären.

Als "netten" Nebeneffekt erreicht man aber dass in den Köpfen der Leser mal wieder die Lichterreihe als Flares angezweifelt wird.

1x zitiertmelden

Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

08.03.2011 um 10:52
Zitat von Dorian14Dorian14 schrieb:Die "Flares" sind die Linie um 22 Uhr die sich NICHT bewegte.
achso vorher war die bewegung noch ein anzeichen für das ang. Absinken..obwohl alle miteinander sich bewegten aber @der_wicht hatt ja festgestellt wie du mit Photoshop da nachgeholfen hattest.. Ich hab auch kein Bock mehr auf Wiederholungen.. ja dein Name ist Programm hier in jedem Thread und massgeblich daran Schuld warum das Forum an Qualität verloren hatt .. als mach ruhig weiter :troll:

1x zitiertmelden

Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

08.03.2011 um 11:01
Zitat von smokingunsmokingun schrieb: aber @der_wicht hatt ja festgestellt wie du mit Photoshop da nachgeholfen hattest..
Willst du wieder dein Unwissen über Grafische Bearbeitung auf den Tisch packen?
Reicht das nicht dass du dich einmal blamiert hattest?

aber wer mag darf gerne hier nachlesen und sich an deiner "grafischen analyse" erfreuen
Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext! (Seite 18)


Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

08.03.2011 um 11:27
Oh ,es geht wieder los.

Wann seht ihr endlich ein,dass man bei dem Thema auf keinen grünen Zweig mehr kommt.Nach allen,was da abgegangen ist,ist doch gar keine Diskussion mehr möglich,da die hauptsächlichen Diskussionsteilnehmer mittlerweile so gerne haben wie Hund und Katze.

In den offiziellen Diskussionen habe ich nie eine Bearbeitung wie die von Dorian gesehen.Trotzdem mag er das korrekt durchgeführt haben. Es ist ja auch diskutiert worden,dass sich das Objekt weiterbewegt haben könnte.Letztendlich ist es auch völlig egal es war einiges zu der Zeit in der Luft:).

Ohne vor Ort Recherche und Original Dokumente ist der Fall nicht zu lösen,wenn er überhaupt noch gelöst werden kann.

Fest steht,eine verantwortliche Flugzeugstaffel für das V wurde nie identifiziert. War dann sicherlich keine offizielle Army Staffel. Und zivile Formation a La Stormville Flyers hat sich auch nicht gemeldet.

Was natürlich im Gegenschluss nicht beweist,dass ein riesiges V rumgeflogen ist.Für diese Möglichkeit sprechen Zeugenaussagen,aber es ist auch nicht widerlegbar,dass diese sich getäuscht oder gelogen haben könnten.Radar gibt es angeblich keines.

Der Fall bleibt damit "nicht zu lösen,ungeklärt".

Damit könnten wir auf dem kleinsten Nenner abschließen.Oder wir hauen noch 40 Seiten und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier raus:). Wie ihr wollt.


Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

08.03.2011 um 12:07
Ok...in diesem Video beim Timecode 47.48 Min. erzählt Steven Greer das die Phoenix Lights 1997 gekommen sind weil er sie kontaktiert hat, was er auch in seinem Buch schreibt:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0oLJNfs_rM (Video: Dr. Steven Greer presents "Contact & Disclosure: The Final Sequence")

Ergo waren es außerirdische Raumschiffe in Phoenix damals...

1x zitiertmelden

Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

08.03.2011 um 12:12
Zitat von RhodanosRhodanos schrieb:erzählt Steven Greer das die Phoenix Lights 1997 gekommen sind weil er sie kontaktiert hat
Ah ja.
Zitat von RhodanosRhodanos schrieb:Ergo waren es außerirdische Raumschiffe in Phoenix damals

Jetzt bin ich überzeugt.

Wo kann ich eine Steven-Greer-Fan-Kaffeetasse kaufen?

1x zitiertmelden

Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

08.03.2011 um 12:13

abgelehnt... zero points


Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

08.03.2011 um 12:14

Aber ... ein Kapazunder hat das gesagt! Das muss stimmen!!1


Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

08.03.2011 um 12:16
Zitat von voidolvoidol schrieb:Wo kann ich eine Steven-Greer-Fan-Kaffeetasse kaufen?
vorsicht - Dr. Steven Greer Fan Cups haben den henkel innen :-)


Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

10.03.2011 um 02:01

die zeit die du aufwendest um Pseudodebunking zu vollziehen hättest du benutzen können dich mit der Ufologie zu beschäftigen oder diesem fall genauer . .Ich weiss dass interessiert dich nicht was die Leute da Aussagen aber es zeigt ein bild von triangle ufos & Orbs. .Flares ist nunmal ein dummer versuch gewesen abzutun.diese sind praktisch von allen ausgeschlossen worden, deswegen kam da auch nix mehr.es ist schön dass du naiv hereinfällst und glaubst und damit den gesammten Abend ausblendest. Es gibt fotos vom V dieses entspricht dem angeblichen 2200h flares. ect ..steht alles schon im Thread drin..ignorieren nützt niemandem. genauso alle abzutun als "verwurschtler" die vorort untersuchten und zahlreiche dokus erstellten . Jeder Sender hatt es geschnallt nur du nicht..

Achja da du wenigsten J.B Alexander denn du auch zuerst einmal automatisch ad hominem beschimpft hast jetzt angeblich respektierst (ob dass an der user kritik lag? oder dem perfekten Lebenslauf?)

ein zitat aus seinem Buch:
The Phoenix Lights

The name given to this event is both a misnomer and misleading. The official
response to this event, or series of events, is as important as the observations. First,
while thousands of people in Phoenix did see the UFO, so did people in many
other areas. In addition, there is strong evidence that this was not a singular event
though the best known occurred on March 13, 1997.
Long-distance Event
The first report came at about 7 P.M. from Henderson, Nevada, which is contiguous
to Las Vegas. Following that there were sightings of a gigantic, slow-moving craft
that were time-synchronized over Kingman, Arizona, southeast to Prescott, on to
Phoenix, and then as far south as Tucson. There were videos and photographs
taken as the object slipped silently along. Importantly, witnesses noted that as the
object passed overhead, the stars could not be seen. That means the UFO was a
solid object and could not possibly be light aircraft flying in formation as some
have alleged.
In the Phoenix area there were at least two sets of sightings that night, and
maybe more. The key sightings took place between 8 and 9 p.m., and no convincing
explanation has ever been made. When questioned, officials at Luke Air Force
Base, which is located immediately next to Phoenix, put out a news release9
attributing the incident to flares dropped from A-10 Warthogs of the Maryland Air
National Guard, which was practicing over Barry Goldwater Range just to the
southwest of the city. Unfortunately it took them four months to announce the flare
theory. Importantly, the timing was off as the flares were dropped after 10 p.m. Of
course skeptics quickly glommed onto that explanation and pronounced the case
solved. Again, the facts did not fit the circumstances in time or location. Certainly
flares did not drift the distance of more than 300 miles that the V-shaped UFO had
traveled nor would they block out the stars.
Unconscionably, in June 1997 then Governor of Arizona Fife Symington held a
press conference at which he had an aide enter dressed in a space alien costume. It
was clear at that time that he was belittling the whole experience by making fun of
a situation that no one understood. A decade later, Symington made a public
admission; he had been one of those witnesses that night in 1997. At about 8:30 he
too had seen a large V-shaped craft that blocked out the stars just as the others had
reported and was now willing to discuss the matter on national television,
including Larry King Live. His excuse for the 1997 press charade was concern
about how emotionally witnesses were reacting to the event. He was bothered by
the fact that he could not get any good answers from the U.S. Air Force, his own
Adjutant General, or the Arizona Director of Public Safety.
Despite his own later legal problems, Symington made a pretty good witness.
Of his own sighting he stated, "As a pilot and a former Air Force officer, I can
definitively say that this craft did not resemble any man-made object I'd ever
For a complete description of this intriguing case I recommend either the awardwinning
documentary The Phoenix Lights: We Are Not Alone by Dr. Lynne Kitei,
or her recent book, The Phoenix Lights: A Skeptic s Discovery That We Are Not
Alone. As she lives in the Phoenix area, Lynne has been able to record and study
many similar luminescent phenomena over a period of years. In fact, she has
photos in which orbs of light are seen as she is looking down from her home in the
hills nearby. See her Web site at www.thephoenixlights.net for more details.


Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

10.03.2011 um 02:32
Ist zwar OT passt aber hier in jeden Thread
Die Diskussionen erinnern mich an eine Art Revierkampf des Wissens
Ich denke das man seine Überzeugung nicht rechtfertigen muss.
Das schwierige an der eigenen Meinung ist das man ein Individuum ist das eine einzigartige Denkweise hat.
Das ist doch das wichtigste und wenn man das verinnerlicht hat sind nicht akzeptable Gegenargumente nur eine Bestätigung dafür.


Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

10.03.2011 um 08:22

ich bin mir nicht sicher ob ich deinen Post richtig verstehe..aber danke..

noch ein Zitat von Dr. Lynne Kitei (link oben)
Not only were formations of the amber balls of light witnessed days before the mass sighting, but there are also reports that the orbs detached from the main object or craft, went out into the environment for a time and then re-docked with it during the Arizona event. In addition, there were witnesses who watched in awe as the gigantic, low, silent object glided slowly right over them, only to take off at a tremendous speed moments later.

Whether there was one object that could morph and actually blink out when military jets scrambled towards it as it hovered over 7th Avenue and Indian School Roads in Phoenix at 8:20 pm or a parade of several phenomena occurring simultaneously, we may never know. But one thing is certain...

Um das ein wenig zu rekapitulieren Hier noch ein guter Artikel zum 10 jährigen..:


Feb. 25, 2007 12:00 AM

On a mild springlike evening the string of amber orbs appeared as if by magic, a celestial sleight of hand that would in the coming weeks make headlines and video highlights across the nation.

Although little more than an atmospheric curiosity at the time, the hovering and evenly spaced balls of light would soon become known as the Phoenix Lights, an event that 10 years later continues to spark debate over just what was seen that night.

Those who accepted the explanation that it was military flares dismissed the controversy with logical precision, while people who saw it as an otherworldly encounter claim the truth has been shrouded in lies and disinformation.

In the ensuing decade, the Phoenix Lights would change outlooks, minds and even a few lives. What hasn't changed is this: The mystery that still hovers above March 13, 1997.

The key witness

What she was seeing had barely registered when Lynne Kitei raced inside to fetch her video camera. Lights, six of them, evenly spaced in a direct line. They were - floating? - over Phoenix. Certainly not a plane. Or balloons.

She had seen something like this before, but could these be like the amber orbs she saw in 1995 hovering in formation just 100 yards from the backyard of her Paradise Valley home? And she had seen orbs like that just two months ago. In each case she had snapped photos. This time she wanted video.

By the time she was back on her patio, only three lights continued to shine. She pressed "Record," and those several seconds of tape would become one of the seminal recordings of the Phoenix Lights to be shown on the news, TV specials and, several years later, her own documentary.

In the decade since that night Kitei, a respected physician, has resigned from her position at the Arizona Heart Institute to devote herself full time to talk about, and further investigate, the Phoenix Lights.

"If you had told me this is what I'd be doing," she says, "I would never have believed it, not in a million years."

For seven years she spent nearly all her spare time trying to answer the question that plagued her: What were those orbs, and what did they want? She finished with 750 pages of notes detailing her interviews with witnesses, experts and UFO investigators. Her notes included extensive research of similar sightings around the world.

Kitei remained anonymous for seven years, fearful of the ridicule that accompanies those seen to be tilting at extraterrestrial windmills.

But her chase for the truth eventually overcame her fears of going public. She condensed her notes into a 222-page book, The Phoenix Lights, where she revealed her findings as well as her name.

What she has not found is a definitive answer, only educated speculation as to the meaning of the lights.

"It's never been about me; it's about the data," Kitei says. "To present it I had to come forward, to tell people what I know."

Kitei also has discovered something nearly as surprising as interplanetary visitors - a wider acceptance of things that can't quite be explained. She said she still receives e-mails from fans of her book and her documentary, The Phoenix Lights . . . We Are Not Alone.

She takes no offense at those who call her efforts a waste of time.

"Some people deny it even exists, that it all feeds into a logical explanation," she says. "That's OK if it gives them comfort. Everyone in their own time."

The lights appear

It is generally agreed that at about 10 p.m. on March 13, 1997, under a clear sky with no breeze, a string of lights appeared to the southwest. The orbs seemed to form a flattened V shape, like a boomerang. They appeared to be motionless, or traveling so slowly that movement was imperceptible.

They shimmered for five to 10 minutes and were seen by hundreds, and likely thousands, of people.

In the days to come, air traffic controllers at Sky Harbor International Airport would tell reporters and UFO investigators that they spotted nothing on radar. Officials at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson would report that no military maneuvers were taking place that night at the Barry M. Goldwater Range to the west of Gila Bend (and would change their story two months later, saying the person on duty that night failed to look at the proper logbook).

Photos and video of the Phoenix Lights were popping up on local and national TV news. The images made their way around the world.

Then things got crazy.

Stories trickled in of isolated sightings from northwestern Arizona about three hours before the mass sighting in Phoenix. Some people said the lights seemed to float before accelerating and disappearing into the night. From those sightings, experts in the UFO community assembled a timeline that had a mysterious craft drifting north to south across Arizona.

Video of the Phoenix Lights appeared on TV tabloid shows with breathless commentators wondering if this was the proof UFO believers had been waiting for. And when Gov. Fife Symington called a press conference, few expected to see the extraterrestrial who emerged from backstage (a Symington aide in alien drag).

At least one person wasn't laughing.

Frances Emma Barwood never saw the lights as she drove home March 13 north along Highway 51. Her eyes were on the road, not the sky, though in a week's time she'd be eye-deep in controversy.

As the Phoenix city councilwoman fielded calls from curious constituents, she decided she needed to know more.

She called for an investigation.

What she got, Barwood says from her home in Dewey, was ridicule.

"Oh, the media had a heyday with me," says Barwood, who would never hold another political office when her City Council stint was up.

Barwood did not assume the lights were UFOs as the media inferred, she says. She only wanted a government agency to look into the odd occurrences of March 13. She received calls from eyewitnesses in Prescott Valley, Phoenix and points south.

A decade ago, Barwood would have leaned toward a logical explanation. Today, she's open to the not-so-logical.

"I don't know what it was, but I'm a lot more open to that thing coming from elsewhere," Barwood says. "What makes us think we're the only intelligent being in the whole entire universe?"

The flares exposed

Those who believed in logical explanations would have to wait four months for the proof they knew was out there when the military, spurred by a June 1997 story in USA Today that brought national attention to the Phoenix Lights, decided to take a second look.

They were flares, said the Air National Guard, dropped during nighttime exercises at the Barry M. Goldwater Range.

That simple explanation didn't fly with those who had four months of mystery on their side.

They were flares, insists Lt. Col. Ed Jones, who piloted one of the four A-10s in the squadron that launched the flares.

Phoenix Lights by Lynne Kitei Jones, in his first interview with the media about the night 10 years ago, can't believe a decision to eject a few leftover flares turned into a UFO furor that continues to this day.

Jones now is assistant director of operations for the 104th Fighter Squadron of the Maryland National Guard. His title has changed, but his story remains the same.

He and the rest of his colleagues were cruising the night skies of southwestern Arizona on the last night of Operation Snowbird, so named because they were winter visitors. Pilots dropped flares to light the night but had no idea they were about to ignite controversy as well.

On the way back to Tucson, not far from Gila Bend, Jones says, he reminded pilots to eject their leftover flares. Since this was their last night on maneuvers, it was more cost-effective to eject the flares than to offload and store the munitions upon returning.

"One of our guys had about 10 or so left, so he started to puke them out, one after another," Jones says. "So every few seconds or so, when the next flare was ready to go, he hit the button and launched it."

Jones looked behind him and saw an evenly spaced string of lights over the desert, floating ever so slowly to earth. Each was extremely bright, a "couple million" candle power, Jones knew. They seemed to hover because heat from the flare rose into the parachute, as if each were a tiny hot-air balloon. The planes headed for the base.

Jones and the rest of the crew returned to Maryland. Several weeks later, Jones says, "All this stuff just blew up."

News of the unexplainable Phoenix Lights reached Maryland, where the logical explanation sat waiting to be discovered. It would not be until the end of July when it was announced that the Maryland Air National Guard had launched flares that night and were the lights everyone had seen.

"With flares that bright, they can be a lot closer than they seem," Jones said. "Yes, they could have looked like they were right over Phoenix."

There are those who believe the flare story is a lie, the military's attempt to cover up the truth. Others think flares were indeed dropped but only as a diversion so officials could explain what people saw that night.

Jim Dilletoso belongs in the first camp. The Phoenix computer specialist who has analyzed film and video of dozens of alleged UFO sightings says Lynne Kitei's video, the best taken that night, is not of military flares.

Dilletoso compared the lights to the thousands of images on his database, which he likens to testing fingerprints or blood samples. He tests for size, brightness, movement characteristics and more.

"I have thousands of knowns," Dilletoso says. "I didn't get a match to flares, airplane lights, Venus, swamp gas, flashlights, whatever. That means it's unknown. Not a spacecraft necessarily, but unknown."

The questions remain

A decade has passed, and while the Phoenix Lights have dimmed, they refuse to disappear.

Steve Kates is not surprised. Dr. Sky, as he is known on radio and on his Web site, follows aviation and astronomy and often is called upon to explain unusual occurrences above us. Kates is hardly surprised the mystery of the Phoenix Lights endures today.

"Mystery is a great thing," Kates says. "We don't want to think we're alone. I imagine even ancient people looked to the sky and wondered."

The night had a profound effect on Bobby Brewer, who was with a friend driving southbound on Highway 51when the lights appeared.

Brewer would write UFOs: 7 Things You Should Know, which many may consider unusual coming from a pastor.

The experience led Brewer to respect those who have reported sightings, encounters or even abductions.

The lights were so compelling that night, he pulled off the highway to stare.

"It was like seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time," says the pastor for young adults and singles at Citichurch in Scottsdale. "It took my breath away."



The Arizona Republic

http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/news/articles/0225phxlights0225.html# (Archiv-Version vom 21.03.2007)



Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

11.03.2011 um 12:22
Aufgrund des wiederkehrenden "geschickten" Trollens möchte ich kurz mal auf eine Definition hinweisen:
A classic CureZone troll is trying to make us believe that he is a genuine skeptic with no hidden agenda. He is divisive and argumentative with need-to-be-right attitude, "searching for the truth", flaming discussion, and sometimes insulting people or provoking people to insult him. Troll is usually an expert in reusing the same words of its opponents and in turning it against them.

While sometimes, he may sound like a stupid, uninformed, ignorant poster, do not be deceived! Most trolls are highly intelligent people trying to hide behind a mask of stupidity and/or ignorance! They usually have an agenda. Very few trolls come to CureZone out of pure skepticism.

A CureZone Troll is generally a person who is extremely skeptical of the main forum subject.
He is generally interested to make other forum members look stupid. A troll will sometimes use insults to provoke other people to insult him. Then, he will complain to moderators of being insulted and will request that his opponents get banned from further discussion.

...und hoffe man verzeiht mir diesen kleinen OT -Seitenhieb.Mehr will ich gar nicht hinzufügen..


Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

11.03.2011 um 12:38
Das mit dem Bannen und den Mods,die Stelle gefällt mir.


Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

23.02.2012 um 00:09

Moin Leute!

Ist im Zusammenhang mit den Phoenix Lights schon dieses Video gepostet worden, das Video kannte ich vorher noch gar nicht und es zeigt das die Phoenix Lights gar nicht weiß waren, wie im bekannten Video, und Flares somit auschließen sondern die Phoenix Lights waren orange.



Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

25.02.2012 um 02:40



Sichtungen 1997 Phoenix, Arizona im Kontext!

19.06.2012 um 11:40
das war`s? ich lese mir annähernd alles durch und dann bricht die diskussion ohne ergebnis ab? ich hoffe man bekommt im profil wenigstens eine auszeichnung (masochist 1. klasse oder ähnliches). ganz ehrlich, man muss alleine schon was an den augen haben oder in seiner realtätsblase leben, um die verkrüppelten lichter (die sich vermutlich auflösenden flares) als ein zusammenhängendes objekt wahrzunehmen. könnten es trotzdem keine flares sein? möglich. ist es wahrscheinlich? nein. genauso gut könnte ich auf dem niveau von leichtgläubigen ufo-fetischisten behaupten, es gibt den mann im mond oder wir leben alle in einer matrix. aber das weiss nur Keanu Reeves.

mich haben der bildvergleich und die ausführungen von Dorian14 überzeugt. Dorian14, FrankD usw. überzeugen mit hintergrundwissen, objektiver recherche und sachlicher argumentation. informativer als viele internetseiten und fernsehdokumentationen.

gehört zwar nicht ungedingt in diesen threat, aber im bezug zum Disclosure Project auch nicht völlig falsch. was ist aus John Callahan und seinem ufo von 1986 über alaska geworden? wo sich mal ausnahmweise pilotensichtungen und bodenradar decken sollen.

1x zitiertmelden