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04.02.2022 um 00:02AKSELI GALLEN-KALLELA - Finnlands Moderne
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Ab min 04:16 sagt der Direktor des Kunstmuseums von Helsinki, Janne Gallen-Kallela-Siren:
The Kalevala is a compilation of oral poems collected by a man called Elias Lönnrot around 1830 and 1840. He put these oral poems that he heard from people, he wrote them down into a book, and the book became the „Kalevala“. And this text then became for artists and musicians and composers, actresses, journalists, rechercheurs a source of inspiration. And Akseli Gallen-Kallela was one of those artists in the late 19th century, who chose the Kalevala as the source material for his mythological works. So the Kalevala is not about the power of the sord. It is about the power of the word. And basically the word that is sang out. This is what gives the magic. When you think of Finnish nature, of course the first thing you think about it is very visual. you see the colors, the textures but actually nature is nothing without the element of sound. It’s only when you hear the trickle of the rain, or the sound of the wind, or the gusts that come and brush by, or the sound of breaking ice, or falling snow so it’s a very multi sensory environment. And I think that Kalevala in some way takes that multi sensory environment which has to do with touch, smell, sound and sight and put them all together. And I think that's where the magic comes, because that’s when you combine all the five senses and then ask what is the sixth sense? It’s almost like the synesthesia of all of them. And I think in many ways Gallen-Kallela and other artists working in this period were trying to reach a little bit beyond what was the scientific or the sort very historiatic truth.Aus dem gesagten hebe ich mal einen Satz hervor, den ich sehr abgefahren finde:
Und ich glaube, darin liegt die Magie, denn wenn man alle fünf Sinne kombiniert und dann fragt, was der sechste Sinn ist, dann ist das fast so etwas wie die Synästhesie aller Sinne.Ich habe mal von einer Synästhesie der Worte geträumt 😎 ... von einer Art Einheitssprache, in der soz. jedes Wort in sich vollendet wäre. Das einzelne Wort würde in der Sprache alle Sinneswahrnehmungen, und darüber hinaus alle möglichen Bedeutungen beinhalten ... crazy.