Jedimindtricks schrieb:Wegschauen kann und macht jeder ,und sich dann wundern das der halbe nahe Osten in Europa ist.
Es gibt da einen interessanten Artikel "Aleppo’s Bitter Lessons", der den Rebellen eine Mitschuld an den zivilen Opfern in den eingeschlossenen Gebieten in Syrien zuschreibt:
The slow—and then very fast—fall of Aleppo also raises larger questions about the wisdom and morality of fighting a clearly losing battle, and one in which Syrian civilians lose the most. Put bluntly: In rebels’ battle for Aleppo, it’s not clear what the point was, particularly in the last few years.
Rebels originally stormed Aleppo from the surrounding countryside in July 2012, but after they overran the city’s eastern neighborhoods, the offensive stalled. The divided city settled into an extended stalemate, in which civilians on both sides were cut down by snipers and shelling. Then, at the end of 2013, the regime launched its relentless campaign of aerial bombing on the city’s eastern neighborhoods, including the use of improvised, building-flattening “barrel bombs” dropped from helicopters.
Rebels originally justified their entrance to Aleppo city by saying they’d come to protect protesters and civilians from regime security forces and paramilitaries. But by 2014, east Aleppo was being smashed into fragments and its civilians killed in the dozens by weapons against which Aleppo’s rebels had no answer. Russia’s bombing campaign after its September 2015 intervention only accelerated the pace of civilian death.
It has to be asked: Why did rebels hold on inside Aleppo? And at some point, did rebels become partially responsible for the death of their own civilian constituents?
Auch jetzt in Ghouta ist es ein aussichtsloser Kampf. Keine Regierung kann die Besetzung ganzer Landstriche durch illegale bewaffnete Gruppen ("Rebellen", Proxies) tolerieren. Und der Grund, warum Rußland mit den Islamisten Gespräche geführt hat: Eine Evakuierung nach dem Vorbild von Aleppo und anschließende Wiederherstellung der Verwaltung in Ghouta.
Noch mal zu den Zahlen: Aus den für Aleppo kolportierten 300.000 Zivilisten wurden knapp 36.000 (Kämpfer und deren Familien eingeschlossen) Personen, die nach Idlib evakuiert wurden:
The evacuation concluded on December 22. According to international humanitarian estimates, more than 36,000 people were evacuated from the remaining rebel pocket to the opposition-held western countryside.10 More than 121,000 residents sheltered in east Aleppo or fled the fighting into regime-held west Aleppo. hat jetzt täglich 5 Stunden (von 9 bis 14 Uhr) Waffenstillstand in Ghouta inklusive der Gebiete von HTS verkündet und es soll dann auch ein Fluchtkorridor für die Zivilisten geöffnet werden.