@Jedimindtricks @canales @Glünggi @JoschiX @xxrabiatorxx @crastro @nickellodeon Jedimindtricks schrieb:aber der sovjetstern bei den US special forces ist schon geil
Witzig, ja!
Komisch nur, dass SDF andernseits von Friedenskongress Genf und Gesprächen ausgeschlossen ist.
HNC möchte die alleinige Oppositionenvertretung.
Complicating the situation further is the High Negotiations Committee's (HNC) insistence that it should be the only opposition group represented at peace talks in Geneva, where multiple attempts to forge a political solution to the more than five-year war have failed. The HNC is a Saudi-backed coalition of Syrian opposition groups created in Riyadh in December 2015.
http://www.businessinsider.de/kurds-arabs-tension-syria-2016-5?_ga=1.39470435.1967643309.1462560872?r=US&IR=TIn HNC vertretene bewaffnete Gruppe Army of Islam (Jaish al-Islam) hat jüngst
nebst Blockade von Kongress,
auch Waffenruhe gekündigt, zusammen mit verfeindeter Rivalengruppe
Failak al-Rahman.
Zugleich drohten die Rebellengruppen mit Gewalt: Sie würden "mit allen Mitteln antworten, um unser Volk an allen Fronten zu verteidigen, bis das Regime seine Offensive gegen alle befreiten Regionen, besonders Daraja, vollständig beendet und sich auf seine Positionen vor dem 14. Mai zurückzieht". Die 29 Rebellengruppen prüfen demnach, sich komplett aus den Friedensverhandlungen zurückzuziehen.
Auch Rivalen unterzeichnen die Forderung
Zu den Unterzeichnern der Erklärung zählen die beiden rivalisierenden Rebellengruppen Dschaisch al-Islam und Failak al-Rahman
http://www.n-tv.de/politik/Syrische-Rebellen-stellen-Ultimatum-article17751811.htmlDie gleichen Ultimatum stellenden "Rebellen"
sind zutiefst selber verwickelt in Menschenrechtsübertretungen und
Teil der Army of conquest,
Wikipedia: Dschaisch al-Fatah.
Sowie Fatah Halab.
On 13 May 2016, Amnesty International accused the Fatah Halab coalition of "repeated indiscriminate attacks that may amount to war crimes". It also reported their alleged use of chemical weapons. [7]
Wikipedia: Fatah HalabThe armed groups carrying out indiscriminate attacks on the Sheikh Maqsoud area are part of the Fatah Halab military coalition which includes: Islamic Movement of Ahrar ash-Sham, Army of Islam, al-Shamia Front, Brigade of Sultan Murad, Sultan Fatih Battalions, Fa Istaqim Kama Omirt Battalions, Nour al-Deen Zinki Battalions, 13 Brigade, 16 Brigade, 1st Regiment (al-Foj al-Awal) and Abu Omara Battalions.
https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/05/syria-armed-opposition-groups-committing-war-crimes-in-aleppo-city/International community must not tolerate abuses by armed groups
Two of the armed groups attacking YPG forces in Sheikh Maqsoud - Ahrar al Sham and Army of Islam - have sent their own representatives to the UN-brokered negotiations over the Syria conflict in Geneva. The other armed groups have approved other delegates to represent them at the talks.
“The international community must not turn a blind eye to the mounting evidence of war crimes by armed opposition groups in Syria. The fact that the scale of war crimes by government forces is far greater is no excuse for tolerating serious violations by the opposition,” said Magdalena Mughrabi.
Armed opposition groups committing war crimes in Aleppo city
Armed groups surrounding the Sheikh Maqsoud district of Aleppo city have repeatedly carried out indiscriminate attacks that have struck civilian homes, streets, markets and mosques, killing and injuring civilians and displaying a shameful disregard for human life, said Amnesty International.