@Fedaykin @Glünggi @brba @Issomad @canales etc.
jeremybrood schrieb:Die Mehrheit der Flüchtlinge in Syrien flieht vor Assad und nicht vor der Isis und erst recht nicht vor den gemässigten
Die Mehrheit flüchtet vor Kämpfen, Bomben, Raketen und Luftangriffen, von Rebellen wie Regimeseite wie USA etc. und Russland. Auch vor Kämpfen unter verschiedenen Rebellengruppen.
Und wenn du "gemässigte Rebellengruppen" erwähnst, nenn sie bitte beim Namen. Wie
@canales bestätigte, gabs sowas wie eine kompakte Gruppe FSA höchstens im ersten Kriegsjahr.
MB und Islamistische salafistische Gruppen waren von Anfang an stark und heute gibt es keine wirklich gemässigten, mit wenigen Ausnahmen wie Southern Front, Kurden,
ansonsten ist es die Realität, dass die Waffen willentlich geteilt werden mit Gruppen die alles anderen als Moderat sind, sondern alKaida-Ideologie-Vertreter.
Bsp. Harakat Hazm, die Gruppe wurde bewaffnet, wurde mehrmals von alNusra geplündert, fusionierte dann mit Levant Front, diese wiederum ist Teil von Fatah Halab.
The group was supplied BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missiles[13] in a covert CIA program launched in 2014. Scores of the groups fighters also received U.S. military training in Qatar under the same program.[15]
Wikipedia: Hazzm Movement2014
It's not yet clear whether Washington's purported allies in Syria are completely on board with the U.S. offensive against Islamic State. One of the administration's favored moderate rebel factions, Harakat Hazm, part of the Free Syrian Army alliance and a recipient of U.S. missiles and training, issued a statement Tuesday denouncing the "external intervention" — that is, the U.S.-led bombing campaign in Syria — as "an attack on the revolution."
The group said its main goal was toppling Assad. It is demanding "unconditional arming" of the Free Syrian Army, yet its members also acknowledge fighting alongside Al Nusra Front, the official Al Qaeda force in Syria.
http://touch.latimes.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-81466037/oder heute die 13.Division, Leader Ahmad Saud,
13. Division ist in Fusion mit Fatah Halab.
2014 tätigte Ahmad Saud die Aussage, den Golan zurückzuerobern und bei Gelegenheit die Rebellenfraktionen in
Goutha mit Waffen zu beliefern.Das bedeutet die radikalsten Gruppen nebst IS und Nusra,
Jaysh al- Islam/al- Rahman Legion[2][3] Jaysh al-Islam
al-Rahman Legion
Ahrar ash-Sham (Damascus branch only)
Ajnad al-Sham Islamic Union
Habib Mustafa Brigades[4]
Zahran Alloush"
Wikipedia: Unified Military Command of Eastern GhoutaAhmad Al-Sa’oud, who heads the rebel unit Division 13, was asked by the interviewer to explain “your stance, as an armed opposition group, on Israel.”
“We are for the return of all Syrian land occupied by Israel,” Al-Sa’oud responded.
Al-Sa’oud’s 13th Division was among the first armed Syrian opposition groups to receive U.S.-made TOW anti-tank missiles from the Obama administration, which is said to have carefully vetted each of those rebel factions receiving American-made arms.
Al-Sa’oud’s stance on Israel’s presence in the Golan Heights—territory annexed from Syria during 1967’s Six Day War—caused concern among terrorism experts, who have long warned that U.S. arms could fall into the hands of radical militant groups that joined the years-long fight to depose President Bashar al-Assad.
“This is precisely the problem we’ve faced in arming the Syrian opposition,” said terrorism analyst Patrick Poole. “Despite repeated promises that we would only arm ‘vetted rebels’ there’s no confidence that anyone in the U.S. government has any idea who they’re dealing with or what their agenda might be.”
Al-Sa’oud confirmed in the interview that the U.S. missiles had been provided to it by the Friends of Syria, which also provided training on how to use the advanced weaponry.
Al-Sa’oud said he expects to receive more shipments of U.S. arms because, “day after day, we are increasing our legitimacy and credibility on the ground.”
Factions like the 13th Division also are exploring the possibility of sending some of the U.S. TOW missiles to other rebel factions fighting in Ghouta, the site of deadly chemical gas attacks.
“Right now, we have no way to deliver these missiles to the Eastern Ghouta,” Al-Soud was quoted as saying. “When a path opens up, we will absolutely lend our support to the rebels there.”
http://freebeacon.com/national-security/u-s-armed-syrian-rebel-group-seeks-all-syrian-land-occupied-by-israel/Nichtsdestotrotz werden sie bewaffnet:
Aufwind für gemässigte Rebellen
Und die Lieferungen der TOW-Raketen scheinen nun in beachtlichen Mengen zu erfolgen. «Wir bekommen so viele, wie wir brauchen und wann immer wir sie brauchen», erklärte ein Rebellenvertreter der «New York Times». Weil sie nun über die besseren Waffen verfügen, ist das Ansehen der gemässigten FSA-Kämpfer offenbar gestiegen – sowohl bei den islamistischen Rebellengruppen als auch in der Bevölkerung. Die Islamisten hätten sie immer als Agenten des Westens und als Ungläubige bezeichnet, erklärt Ahmad Saud, der Kommandant der Division 13. «Jetzt sehen sie (die Islamisten), wie effektiv es ist, sich mit dem Westen zu verbünden.»
http://www.nzz.ch/international/mehr-amerikanische-waffen-fuer-rebellen-1.18629121 (Archiv-Version vom 19.11.2015)Fazit:
es ist schwierig zu sagen, welche Nichtmoderaten Gruppen sprich Terrorgruppen noch nicht mit Hilfe Moderate Gruppen mitbewaffnet wurden,
A new video released by al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra shows fighters from the terror group using the very weapons which were supplied by the U.S. to “vetted moderate” rebel groups as part of a disastrously failed plan to combat ISIS.
As I’ve noted previously, at this point it is difficult to identify terror groups operating in Syria that have not gotten hold of the U.S.-provided weapons that had been delivered to the “vetted moderate” rebel groups:
Dec 2: U.S.-Backed Syrian Rebels Ally with Al-Qaeda in South, Surrender CIA-Supplied Weapons in the North
Dec 14: Report: Al-Qaeda Using CIA-Supplied TOW Anti-Tank Missiles in Northern Syria
March 3: U.S.-Backed Syrian Rebel Group Collapses, U.S.-Supplied Weapons End Up in Al-Qaeda Hands
March 24: Video Shows Al-Qaeda’s Jabhat al-Nusra Using U.S.-Provided TOW Anti-Tank Missiles in Syria
June 8: Video Shows ISIS Using U.S. TOW Anti-Tank Missiles in Capture of Palmyra
June 27: ISIS Using U.S. TOW Anti-Tank Missiles in Latest Syrian Offensive
July 31:Chechen Terrorists In Syria Have Obtained U.S.-Provided TOW Anti-Tank Missiles
Sept 22: Report: U.S.-Trained, ‘Vetted Moderate’ Syrian Rebel Leader Defects to Al-Qaeda, Turns Weapons Over to Terror Group
This list does not include the $1 billion worth of Humvees – 2,300 vehicles – captured by ISIS from the retreating Iraqi Army last year during their push into northern Iraq.
They additionally captured 40 M1A1 battle tanks, 52 M198 howitzers, and 74,000 machine guns. ISIS in Syria has been seen using these weapons.
http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015/10/27/new-syrian-al-qaeda-video-shows-fighters-using-weapons-supplied-by-u-s-to-vetted-moderates/Und ich bin weder Assad- noch Putinfreund.
Aber hier wird keine demokratische Alternative zu Regime unterstützt, die politischen und moderaten Oppositionen jämmerlich ignoriert,
so eskaliert das Ganze immer wie mehr.
Wenn Waffen in Hände Islamic Front, oder Ahrar al Sham geraten, ist das gleichbedeutend wie in Hände alNusra oder IS.
Die Ideologie ist diesselbe.
“The Islamic Movement of Free Men of the Levant is an Islamist, reformist, innovative and comprehensive movement. It is integrated with the Islamic Front and is a comprehensive and Islamic military, political and social formation. It aims to completely overthrow the Assad regime in Syria and build an Islamic state whose only sovereign, reference, ruler, direction, and individual, societal and nationwide unifier is Allah Almighty’s Sharia (law)”. - original Arabic text from Ahrar ash-Sham's website at http://ahraralsham.net/?page_id=4195 (Archiv-Version vom 17.09.2015), translated into English by Malak Chabkoun at the Al Jazeera Center for Studies.[38]
Wikipedia: Islamic Front (Syria)