Bürgerkrieg in Syrien
12.08.2015 um 16:39https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde24/2079/2015/en/
Thousands of civilians remain trapped in Eastern Ghouta, an area to the north and east of Damascus that has been continuously besieged by Syrian government forces since 2013. They have little access to food, water, medicines, fuel or electrical power due to the ongoing blockade by government forces, and the actions of non-state armed groups that largely control the area. The government has failed to comply with UN Security Council demands that they allow UN humanitarian agencies free access to deliver aid to civilians under siege across the country.Nach wie vor geht Assad gezielt gegen die eigene Bevölkerung vor. Anstatt sie zu befreien zerbombt er sie lieber, ist wohl billiger.
Eyewitness testimony and expert analysis of weapons and remnants shown in videos andImmer noch befiehlt das Schwein Assad Kriegsverbrechen und seine willfährigen Hunde des Krieges von der SAA führen sie aus. Diese devoten Drecksäcke sind auch nicht besser als die IS Schergen.
pictures indicate that in the majority of the attacks the Syrian government used fighter jets to
drop unguided bombs on civilians and civilian objects. Weapon experts whom Amnesty
International consulted said that the weapons used are unable to adequately distinguish
between military objectives and civilians when used in heavily populated civilian areas like
Eastern Ghouta.
Repeated use of such imprecise means of warfare in densely populated civilian areas
amounts to indiscriminate attacks, which are prohibited by international humanitarian law.
Indiscriminate attacks that kill or injure are war crimes. Launching attacks that are directed
at a military objective when it can be foreseen that they would cause loss of civilian life and
damage to civilian objects disproportionate to the anticipated military advantage also can
constitute war crimes.
In at least 10 out of the 13 incidents that it investigated Amnesty International found that
there was no legitimate military objective struck or at or in the vicinity of the strike site.
Under the laws of war, attacks that target civilians who are not directly participating in
hostilities are always impermissible and amount to war crimes.