Discrimination in the Name of NeutralityHeadscarf Bans for Teachers and Civil Servants in Germany In recent years there has been a debate in Germany, as in many other European countries, about how to deal with an increasingly diverse society. One of the most prominent controversies has been the wearing of the headscarf by some Muslim women.
Since 2004, half of Germany’s 16 states (Länder) have introduced laws prohibiting public school teachers (and other civil servants in several states) from wearing the headscarf at work. The eight other German states have no such restrictions.
Some of the laws banning religious symbols and dress exempt Christian symbols. None of the laws explicitly target the headscarf, but parliamentary debates and official explanatory documents prior to the introduction of the lawsmake clear that the headscarf is the focus. Furthermore, the only court cases to date involving challenges
to the laws have concerned women wearing a headscarf. Human RightsWatch has repeatedly criticized countries that force women to wear the veil. But laws such as those in Germany, which exclude women who wear the headscarf from employment, run foul of the same international standards. They discriminate against Muslim women who wear a headscarf, on the grounds of religion and gender. The bans in Germany are neither necessary nor justified. Where there are concrete concerns that a teacher’s
conduct breaches the duty to ensure that schools remain neutral on questions of religion and ideology, they should be addressed through ordinary disciplinary procedures, on a case-by-case basis. Teachers should be assessed on the basis of their actions, not views imputed to them by virtue of religious dress.
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