Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
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Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 20:41Ich glaube diese Frage hat sich jetzt erübrigt. ;)geeky schrieb:Sicher? Dann zähle sie doch bitte mal auf, 10 reichen fürs erste.
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 20:43Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 20:44@yakamozzz
Schade um die vielen Bytes, du hast mit deinem Spambeitrag außerdem das Thema voll verfehlt:
Schade um die vielen Bytes, du hast mit deinem Spambeitrag außerdem das Thema voll verfehlt:
Can schrieb:aus allen Herrenländer und sind keineswegs Türken
geeky schrieb:studierte Historiker, die auch aktiv am wissenschaftlichen Leben teilnehmen, und keine Taxifahrer oder TV-Moderatoren, ok?
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 20:47Du nimmst studierte türkische Menschen(obwohl auch "ausländische" in der Liste waren) nicht für voll, oder wie kann ich sonst dein Beitrag im Vergleich zu der Liste von yakamozz verstehen ? @geeky
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 20:48Das sind alles autoren,Historiker,Professoren,Dr.,Darunter sind über 30Prozent armenier!!! enthalten.Nichts da mit verfehlt.Ich kanns mir vorstellen das de das mal verdauen musst.
Das 1915 auf beiden Seiten verluste waren stimmen wir alle glaueb ich überein.Aber wie wird es bewertet,ab wann spricht man von einem Genozid,da liegen wir meilenweit auseinander.
Das 1915 auf beiden Seiten verluste waren stimmen wir alle glaueb ich überein.Aber wie wird es bewertet,ab wann spricht man von einem Genozid,da liegen wir meilenweit auseinander.
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 20:54@yakamozzz
Ich habe mir mal einen der ersten deutschsprachigen aus deiner Liste genommen und zwar Lepsius, Johannes: "Der Todesgang des armenischen Volkes"
Und über ihn lesen wir bei Wiki
Ich habe mir mal einen der ersten deutschsprachigen aus deiner Liste genommen und zwar Lepsius, Johannes: "Der Todesgang des armenischen Volkes"
Und über ihn lesen wir bei Wiki
Lepsius ist zudem bekannt durch seine Dokumentation des Völkermords an den Armeniern 1915/1916. Sie trägt den Titel „Bericht über die Lage des armenischen Volkes in der Türkei“ und wurde am 7. August 1916 von der deutschen Zensur verboten. 20 000 Exemplare wurden allerdings an Adressaten in ganz Deutschland verschickt, noch bevor die Zensur zugriff. Es gibt eine weitere Auflage der Dokumentation, welche um ein Gespräch mit Enver Pascha im Jahr 1915 erweitert ist. Sie trägt den Titel „Der Todesgang des armenischen Volkes“.Du siehst also dass deine ellenlange Liste nicht unbedingt nur Leute sind, die es so sehe wie du sondern durchaus die Meinung eines Völkermordes vertreten
1908 hatten die Armenier des Osmanischen Reiches große Hoffnungen in die Jungtürkische Revolution gesetzt, die dem verhassten Regime Abdul Hamids (1876-1909) ein Ende setzte. Während des Ersten Weltkrieges kam es aber, insbesondere während der kritischen Wochen im April 1915, als eine alliierte Invasion Konstantinopels unmittelbar drohte (Schlacht von Gallipoli), zu Übergriffen auf die armenische Bevölkerung zunächst in der Hauptstadt, wo es zu Massenverhaftungen und Deportationen kam, und später dann in den von Armeniern besiedelten Gebieten Ostanatoliens. Lepsius setzte in dieser Zeit mit seinem von ihm gegründeten Hilfswerk die humanitären Aktivitäten fort, und versuchte (vergeblich) politisch Einfluss zu nehmen, besonders in Deutschland, das zu dieser Zeit der wichtigste militärische Verbündete des Osmanischen Reichs war und tausende von Soldaten und Offizieren in der Türkei stationiert hatte, aber auch bei direkten Gesprächen mit Offiziellen in der Türkei, etwa dem Oberbefehlshaber Enver Pascha.
Die politischen Parteien in Deutschland ignorierten die Mahnungen Lepsius' weitgehend. Liberale Politiker wie Ernst Jaeckh und Friedrich Naumann unterstützten lautstark die deutsch-türkische Waffenbrüderschaft, die SPD, die die Burgfriedenspolitik nicht gefährden wollte, hüllte sich in Schweigen. Lediglich der katholische Zentrumsabgeordnete Matthias Erzberger unterstützte Lepsius und reiste selber auf eigene Faust in die Türkei, um mit den jungtürkischen Machthabern zu verhandeln. Lepsius musste schließlich aufgrund drohender strafrechtlicher Verfolgung im Zusammenhang mit der deutschen Militärzensur seine Aktivitäten im benachbarten Ausland fortsetzen.
Eines der wichtigsten Werke von Lepsius ist seine 1919 veröffentlichte Publikation Deutschland und Armenien 1914-1918: Sammlung diplomatischer Aktenstücke, auch bekannt als Lepsiusdokumente, die später zum wichtigsten Schriftstück zum Völkermord an den Armeniern werden sollte. Das Auswärtige Amt hatte Lepsius 1918 die Aufgabe erteilt, das Aktenmaterial über die Haltung der deutschen Regierung in der Armenierfrage zu veröffentlichen. Lepsius selbst ging es bei seiner Arbeit aber nicht nur um das Verwischen der deutschen Spuren, sondern darüber hinaus in seinen eigenen Worten um das Stellen in den Vordergrund der Faktizität des Völkermords an den Armeniern. Lepsius beschreibt diese schwierige Aufgabe beim Erstellen dieses Werkes mit den Worten, dass es eine Kunst zwischen den vier Fronten Entlastung Deutschlands, Belastung der Türkei, Reservebedürftigkeit des Amtes und Vertrauensgewinnung der Armenier war.
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 20:55@geeky
hier bitteschön
) The Armenian File; Leon Picon
2) Death and Exile; Daniel Pipes and Booknews
3) Great Game of Genocide, The Armenian Massacres; N. Stone
4) The Armenian Massacres; Ed Erickson
5) The Armenian Rebellion at Van; Ed Erickson
hier ein auszug
by Kamuran Gurun
One of the most eye-opening and reliably informative books regarding the false Armenian Genocide on record. Too bad it's not written by a Westerner, in case there are those of you who believe (justifiably) a writer's origin can determine his or her bias. However, there are more than enough excerpts taken from Western sources to set your minds at ease.
"We can easily state that propaganda is one of the weakest points of the Turks.” [Gurun, File, p. 36]
With this simple, declarative sentence political scientist and former Ambassador Kamuran Gurun introduces us to one of the most concise but informative exposes ever written of the seldom-discussed, insidious role of the British anti-Turkish propaganda machine in spreading the Armenian “genocide” myth, during and for a period after World War I. The statement also points a finger at Turkey’s complete apathy to the vast propaganda onslaught from the West. Most people who follow “The Armenian Question” with anything more than a passing interest are hazily aware that the Western Imperialist Powers were somehow involved in the spread of the exaggerated tales of unilateral massive atrocities in Anatolia. The degree to which the falsifications were actually an integral part of the Great Powers’ policies dra e instrumentalities which they used in disseminating their propaganda are usually glossed over or only vaguely hinted at by those who treat the history of the 1915-23 era in the Levant.
How successfully the Turks could have warded off the resultant stigma through counter-propaganda will never be known. But it is certain that in 1922 Sultan Mohammed Vl put it quite succinctly and pointedly, when he told the American writer E. Alexander Powell:
“If we sent one, your newspapers and periodicals would not publish an article written by a Turk, if they published it, your people would not read it, if they read it, they would not believe it. Even if we sent a qualified person to America, to convey to you in your language, the Turkish point of view, would he find an impartial audience?” [Gurun, File, p. 37]
It was true throughout Ottoman history, and it remains almost as true today. Ottoman Turks obviously had never really felt the need to develop a propaganda machine. Turks today still retain an abiding contempt for propaganda. Turks of the Republic have on occasion tried to counteract with information programs the malicious falsehoods about their history and culture — and even this they have done only lately and with minimal successes. Blend together the normal Turkish reticence with the deftness of the English propaganda factory “Wellington House,” add the zeal of the Western missionaries in exaggerating what had happened in Eastern Anatolia, and a monumental myth is born.
The Armenian File supplies us with fascinating insights into the activities of Wellington House, the distortions of truth which it circulated, and its relationship to British policy objectives. Throughout Gurun’s book there are numerous useful illustrative quotations. Startling, but characteristic, is the following admission from The Armenians, published in 1916 by an Englishman, C. F. Dixon-Johnson:
“We have no hesitation in repeating that these stories of wholesale massacre have been circulated with the distinct object of influencing, detrimentally to Turkey, the future policy of the British Government when the time of settlement shall arrive. No apology, therefore, is needed for honestly endeavouring to show how a nation with whom we are closely allied for many years and which possesses the same faith as millions of our fellow subjects, has been condemned for perpetrating horrible excesses against humanity on ‘evidence’ which, when not absolutely false, is grossly and shamefully exaggerated.” [Gurun, File, p. 45]
“Wellington House,” sometimes known also as the Masterman Bureau, turned out a mass of publications, authored by such famous British writers as Max Aitken, James Bryce, Conan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling, Arnold Toynbee, and H. G. Wells. Such was the caliber of the propagandists whose writings flooded Western Europe, the Scandinavian nations, Russia, and America. Among their publications was a “blue book” on the Armenians published in 1916. In its first form it was a pamphlet entitled Armenian Atrocities, The Murder of a Nation. Since the original Wellington House edition of this pamphlet is no longer available, it cannot be compared with the reprint done in the United States in 1975 by an Armenian publishing house. Gurun points out that it is impossible for us to know today whether the Toynbee who wrote The Western Question in Greece and Turkey would have permitted the 1975 edition if he had been alive at the time of the reprint.
Or, consider still another prop in the building of the great Armenian myth: the role of the American missionary. Kamuran Gurun, in his study, has unearthed statement after statement drawn from the commentators of Russia, France, the United States, and Britain. Another quotation from E. A. Powell’s writings states:
“The extent of the American missionary effort in the old Ottoman Empire is quite generally known, but its effect on American public opinion is not, perhaps, so widely recognized. Very early in their work the American missionaries discovered that Moslems do not change their faith, so, debarred from proselytism among the Turks, they devoted their energies to religious, educational, and medical work among the Christian minorities, particularly the Armenians. For half a century or more, these missionaries provided our chief sources of information on conditions in the Near and Middle East, and by them public opinion the United States on these subjects was largely mouIded . Having been rebuffed by the Moslem Turks and welcomed with open arms by the Christian Armenians, it is scarcely surprising that they espoused the cause of the latter and the reports they sent home and the addresses they delivered, when in America on leave of absence, were filled with pleas for the oppressed Christians and with denunciations of their Turkish oppressors. The congregations which supported the missionaries accepted this point of view without question, and there was thus gradually developed, under the aegis of our churches, a powerful anti-Turkish opinion.” [Gurun, File, p. 30]
This “powerful anti-Turkish opinion,” which Powell wrote about and which had been circulating all over America, makes it easier for us to understand Henry Morganthau’s blind anti-Turkish attitude as reflected in his later book. His judgments were seriously colored by what he constantly heard unilaterally from missionaries at home and from those in Turkey when he was the American ambassador there. Although Gurun does not draw this direct connection in his treatment of Morganthau, on pages 240-41 of Gurun’s book, there are revealed other fascinating political meetings which further show Morganthau’s motivations and underlying bias against the Turks.
The foregoing paragraphs of this review, it must be noted, deal only with a tiny but characteristic fraction of the book’s contents. They were chosen simply to be illustrative of the mass of documentary material that appears in this concise book. In seven pages of introduction and 323 pages of text, indices, a bibliography, and notes, Kamuran Gurun delves into every factor that has led up to the development of the Armenian Myth, from defining the Armenians and their origins; through the onset of the Armenian “question;” their position in the Ottoman Empire; the numerous attempts at insurrection; the recurrent acts of treason and involvement with Russia, particularly when Russia was at war with the Ottomans; the treachery during World War I, the decision to relocate the insurgents, and the ensuing problems of implementing that decision; and, finally, the aborted civil war within the Turkish War of Independence. In treating the activities of the Armenians during the period surrounding World War I, Gurun describes the rise of the Dashnagtsutune, the territorial agreements the Armenians made with Russia over Turkey’s eastern provinces, and the beginnings of Armenian underground activities and terrorism. And every statement and event is thoroughly documented, frequently from Armenian sources. In short, this book tells the complete story concisely. One is tempted to say “too concisely,” for the volume seemingly has more documentation than narrative analysis. Anyone who takes up this book for bedtime reading makes a mistake; it is not a running account of the development of a people nor is it easy reading as history. The book is, however, what its title says it is: a file, a dossier, not of an individual, or even of a people. It is a file which undoubtedly constitutes the most compact, fully documented, chronological treatment of the birth of a malignant myth—a myth of innocence which has plagued the Western world for nearly a century. It is a source book of information, drawn not only from official and unofficial documents but also from the histories, commentaries, and other accounts written by Armenians as well as “outsiders.”
No one who ever deals with the Armenian issue in the future can fail to take this book into account. Difficult though it may be to get started reading The Armenian File, every Turkish-American should have access to it. It should be in the university libraries and in the public libraries. It tells the story more completely and honestly than anything heretofore.
Published jointly by K. Rustem & Bro. and Weidenfield & Nicolson Ltd., London-Nicosia-lstanbul, it is not yet easily obtainable in American bookstores. Copies are obtainable now for $29.95 +$1.50 (shipping and handling) by calling Customer Service at 212-647-5151 or writing to:
St. Martin’s Press
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
Readers of this review may wish to consider presenting copies to their local public and university libraries.
The book is that important.
hier bitteschön
) The Armenian File; Leon Picon
2) Death and Exile; Daniel Pipes and Booknews
3) Great Game of Genocide, The Armenian Massacres; N. Stone
4) The Armenian Massacres; Ed Erickson
5) The Armenian Rebellion at Van; Ed Erickson
hier ein auszug
by Kamuran Gurun
One of the most eye-opening and reliably informative books regarding the false Armenian Genocide on record. Too bad it's not written by a Westerner, in case there are those of you who believe (justifiably) a writer's origin can determine his or her bias. However, there are more than enough excerpts taken from Western sources to set your minds at ease.
"We can easily state that propaganda is one of the weakest points of the Turks.” [Gurun, File, p. 36]
With this simple, declarative sentence political scientist and former Ambassador Kamuran Gurun introduces us to one of the most concise but informative exposes ever written of the seldom-discussed, insidious role of the British anti-Turkish propaganda machine in spreading the Armenian “genocide” myth, during and for a period after World War I. The statement also points a finger at Turkey’s complete apathy to the vast propaganda onslaught from the West. Most people who follow “The Armenian Question” with anything more than a passing interest are hazily aware that the Western Imperialist Powers were somehow involved in the spread of the exaggerated tales of unilateral massive atrocities in Anatolia. The degree to which the falsifications were actually an integral part of the Great Powers’ policies dra e instrumentalities which they used in disseminating their propaganda are usually glossed over or only vaguely hinted at by those who treat the history of the 1915-23 era in the Levant.
How successfully the Turks could have warded off the resultant stigma through counter-propaganda will never be known. But it is certain that in 1922 Sultan Mohammed Vl put it quite succinctly and pointedly, when he told the American writer E. Alexander Powell:
“If we sent one, your newspapers and periodicals would not publish an article written by a Turk, if they published it, your people would not read it, if they read it, they would not believe it. Even if we sent a qualified person to America, to convey to you in your language, the Turkish point of view, would he find an impartial audience?” [Gurun, File, p. 37]
It was true throughout Ottoman history, and it remains almost as true today. Ottoman Turks obviously had never really felt the need to develop a propaganda machine. Turks today still retain an abiding contempt for propaganda. Turks of the Republic have on occasion tried to counteract with information programs the malicious falsehoods about their history and culture — and even this they have done only lately and with minimal successes. Blend together the normal Turkish reticence with the deftness of the English propaganda factory “Wellington House,” add the zeal of the Western missionaries in exaggerating what had happened in Eastern Anatolia, and a monumental myth is born.
The Armenian File supplies us with fascinating insights into the activities of Wellington House, the distortions of truth which it circulated, and its relationship to British policy objectives. Throughout Gurun’s book there are numerous useful illustrative quotations. Startling, but characteristic, is the following admission from The Armenians, published in 1916 by an Englishman, C. F. Dixon-Johnson:
“We have no hesitation in repeating that these stories of wholesale massacre have been circulated with the distinct object of influencing, detrimentally to Turkey, the future policy of the British Government when the time of settlement shall arrive. No apology, therefore, is needed for honestly endeavouring to show how a nation with whom we are closely allied for many years and which possesses the same faith as millions of our fellow subjects, has been condemned for perpetrating horrible excesses against humanity on ‘evidence’ which, when not absolutely false, is grossly and shamefully exaggerated.” [Gurun, File, p. 45]
“Wellington House,” sometimes known also as the Masterman Bureau, turned out a mass of publications, authored by such famous British writers as Max Aitken, James Bryce, Conan Doyle, Rudyard Kipling, Arnold Toynbee, and H. G. Wells. Such was the caliber of the propagandists whose writings flooded Western Europe, the Scandinavian nations, Russia, and America. Among their publications was a “blue book” on the Armenians published in 1916. In its first form it was a pamphlet entitled Armenian Atrocities, The Murder of a Nation. Since the original Wellington House edition of this pamphlet is no longer available, it cannot be compared with the reprint done in the United States in 1975 by an Armenian publishing house. Gurun points out that it is impossible for us to know today whether the Toynbee who wrote The Western Question in Greece and Turkey would have permitted the 1975 edition if he had been alive at the time of the reprint.
Or, consider still another prop in the building of the great Armenian myth: the role of the American missionary. Kamuran Gurun, in his study, has unearthed statement after statement drawn from the commentators of Russia, France, the United States, and Britain. Another quotation from E. A. Powell’s writings states:
“The extent of the American missionary effort in the old Ottoman Empire is quite generally known, but its effect on American public opinion is not, perhaps, so widely recognized. Very early in their work the American missionaries discovered that Moslems do not change their faith, so, debarred from proselytism among the Turks, they devoted their energies to religious, educational, and medical work among the Christian minorities, particularly the Armenians. For half a century or more, these missionaries provided our chief sources of information on conditions in the Near and Middle East, and by them public opinion the United States on these subjects was largely mouIded . Having been rebuffed by the Moslem Turks and welcomed with open arms by the Christian Armenians, it is scarcely surprising that they espoused the cause of the latter and the reports they sent home and the addresses they delivered, when in America on leave of absence, were filled with pleas for the oppressed Christians and with denunciations of their Turkish oppressors. The congregations which supported the missionaries accepted this point of view without question, and there was thus gradually developed, under the aegis of our churches, a powerful anti-Turkish opinion.” [Gurun, File, p. 30]
This “powerful anti-Turkish opinion,” which Powell wrote about and which had been circulating all over America, makes it easier for us to understand Henry Morganthau’s blind anti-Turkish attitude as reflected in his later book. His judgments were seriously colored by what he constantly heard unilaterally from missionaries at home and from those in Turkey when he was the American ambassador there. Although Gurun does not draw this direct connection in his treatment of Morganthau, on pages 240-41 of Gurun’s book, there are revealed other fascinating political meetings which further show Morganthau’s motivations and underlying bias against the Turks.
The foregoing paragraphs of this review, it must be noted, deal only with a tiny but characteristic fraction of the book’s contents. They were chosen simply to be illustrative of the mass of documentary material that appears in this concise book. In seven pages of introduction and 323 pages of text, indices, a bibliography, and notes, Kamuran Gurun delves into every factor that has led up to the development of the Armenian Myth, from defining the Armenians and their origins; through the onset of the Armenian “question;” their position in the Ottoman Empire; the numerous attempts at insurrection; the recurrent acts of treason and involvement with Russia, particularly when Russia was at war with the Ottomans; the treachery during World War I, the decision to relocate the insurgents, and the ensuing problems of implementing that decision; and, finally, the aborted civil war within the Turkish War of Independence. In treating the activities of the Armenians during the period surrounding World War I, Gurun describes the rise of the Dashnagtsutune, the territorial agreements the Armenians made with Russia over Turkey’s eastern provinces, and the beginnings of Armenian underground activities and terrorism. And every statement and event is thoroughly documented, frequently from Armenian sources. In short, this book tells the complete story concisely. One is tempted to say “too concisely,” for the volume seemingly has more documentation than narrative analysis. Anyone who takes up this book for bedtime reading makes a mistake; it is not a running account of the development of a people nor is it easy reading as history. The book is, however, what its title says it is: a file, a dossier, not of an individual, or even of a people. It is a file which undoubtedly constitutes the most compact, fully documented, chronological treatment of the birth of a malignant myth—a myth of innocence which has plagued the Western world for nearly a century. It is a source book of information, drawn not only from official and unofficial documents but also from the histories, commentaries, and other accounts written by Armenians as well as “outsiders.”
No one who ever deals with the Armenian issue in the future can fail to take this book into account. Difficult though it may be to get started reading The Armenian File, every Turkish-American should have access to it. It should be in the university libraries and in the public libraries. It tells the story more completely and honestly than anything heretofore.
Published jointly by K. Rustem & Bro. and Weidenfield & Nicolson Ltd., London-Nicosia-lstanbul, it is not yet easily obtainable in American bookstores. Copies are obtainable now for $29.95 +$1.50 (shipping and handling) by calling Customer Service at 212-647-5151 or writing to:
St. Martin’s Press
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
Readers of this review may wish to consider presenting copies to their local public and university libraries.
The book is that important.
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 20:57@Valentini
habe nieee behauptet,dass es prtürkische historiker gibt....aber werde das nicht mehr schreiben,wäre glaube ich das 4 oder 5te mal
habe nieee behauptet,dass es prtürkische historiker gibt....aber werde das nicht mehr schreiben,wäre glaube ich das 4 oder 5te mal
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 20:59@yakamozzz
Wollte dir damit lediglich aufzeigen dass deine lange Liste, von der man sich zunächst erstmal erschlagen fühlt, durchaus nicht unbedingt deine Meinung wiedergibt.
Wollte dir damit lediglich aufzeigen dass deine lange Liste, von der man sich zunächst erstmal erschlagen fühlt, durchaus nicht unbedingt deine Meinung wiedergibt.
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 20:59@Valentini
Wenn es wirklich ein Völkermord wäre,würde man die armenier in den Grossstädten wie Istanbul,Izmir,BUrsa auch deportieren,es wurden lediglich die deportiert,die mit RUssland kooperiert haben.........
Wenn es wirklich ein Völkermord wäre,würde man die armenier in den Grossstädten wie Istanbul,Izmir,BUrsa auch deportieren,es wurden lediglich die deportiert,die mit RUssland kooperiert haben.........
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 21:01@Valentini
Wenn sich Historiker über diesem Thema nach 100jahren immer noch nicht einigen können,so werden wir "laien" es auch nicht nach 500jahren.Beide Seiten haben genügend Material.
Wenn sich Historiker über diesem Thema nach 100jahren immer noch nicht einigen können,so werden wir "laien" es auch nicht nach 500jahren.Beide Seiten haben genügend Material.
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 21:01Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 21:06@Valentini
was OMG??
durch diese aktion ist für mich klar,dass es niemals eine systemtische ausrottung gegeben hat. Und wenn es o wäre.würden aktuell keine 40000armenische FLüchtlinge sich derzeit in der TÜrkei aufhalten.Noch immer gibt es sehr viele armenische Türken in der Türkei.
was OMG??
durch diese aktion ist für mich klar,dass es niemals eine systemtische ausrottung gegeben hat. Und wenn es o wäre.würden aktuell keine 40000armenische FLüchtlinge sich derzeit in der TÜrkei aufhalten.Noch immer gibt es sehr viele armenische Türken in der Türkei.
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 21:08Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 21:11@yakamozzz
Wie gesagt: heul dich bei der UNO aus, nicht bei uns...
Was für dich klar ist und was den Historikern klar ist sind zwei paar Schuhe.yakamozzz schrieb:durch diese aktion ist für mich klar,dass es niemals eine systemtische ausrottung gegeben hat.
Wie gesagt: heul dich bei der UNO aus, nicht bei uns...
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 21:13@geeky
Am besten fand ich bisher in diesem schändlichen Trauerspiel eigentlich die Aktion von Yusuf Halacoglu als Leiter einer Ausgrabung eines Massengrabes in Kars, in dem er nachweisen wollte dass die Armenier eigentlich die Türken abgeschlachtet haben und nicht umgekehrt und dass dann bei der Freilegung des "Massengrabes " (welches ja seehr alt sein muss) Plastiktüten um die Toten gehüllt war....
Am besten fand ich bisher in diesem schändlichen Trauerspiel eigentlich die Aktion von Yusuf Halacoglu als Leiter einer Ausgrabung eines Massengrabes in Kars, in dem er nachweisen wollte dass die Armenier eigentlich die Türken abgeschlachtet haben und nicht umgekehrt und dass dann bei der Freilegung des "Massengrabes " (welches ja seehr alt sein muss) Plastiktüten um die Toten gehüllt war....
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 21:17@geeky
ICh heule mit sicherheit nicht vertrete meine standpunkt und lasse mich auch nicht von euch abspeisen.Ihr habt eure ich meine.Der rest ist anderen überlassen die das lesen sollen sich alle sleber ne meinung bilden.PUNKt.ENDE
ICh heule mit sicherheit nicht vertrete meine standpunkt und lasse mich auch nicht von euch abspeisen.Ihr habt eure ich meine.Der rest ist anderen überlassen die das lesen sollen sich alle sleber ne meinung bilden.PUNKt.ENDE
Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 21:20Zukunftsvision: Kein EU-Beitritt der Türkei
05.03.2010 um 21:23@geeky
Und wir sollten nicht vergessen zu erwähnen dass Prof. Dr. Yusuf Halacoglu auch eine der "Referenzquellen" im Propagandastreifen "Sari Gelin" ist...aber dass die bösen Armenier schon damals im Besitz einer mysteriösen Technologie sind um Leichen in blütenweiße Plastiksäcke zu verpacken und diese voll erhalten fast ein Jahrhundert überstehen, das hat der werte Herr Professor vergessen zu erwähnen
Und wir sollten nicht vergessen zu erwähnen dass Prof. Dr. Yusuf Halacoglu auch eine der "Referenzquellen" im Propagandastreifen "Sari Gelin" ist...aber dass die bösen Armenier schon damals im Besitz einer mysteriösen Technologie sind um Leichen in blütenweiße Plastiksäcke zu verpacken und diese voll erhalten fast ein Jahrhundert überstehen, das hat der werte Herr Professor vergessen zu erwähnen
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