Nun ist es offiziell - Israel ist das einzige Land der Welt das Frauen keine Rechte garantiert
The Council also adopted the related draft resolution “Situation of and assistance to Palestinian women”, by a recorded vote of 40 in favour to 2 against (Canada, United States), with 9 abstentions (Brazil, Cameroon, Germany, Jamaica, Mexico, Romania, Togo, Ukraine, United Kingdom). By its terms, the Council called for urgent measures to ensure the safety and protection of the Palestinian civilian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and urged the international community to continue giving special attention to promote and protect the rights of Palestinian women and girls, including by, among other things, intensifying steps to improve their difficult living conditions.
Gut, Deutschland enthält sich . Dürfte aber der Witz des Tages sein das Saudi Arabien , iran , pakistan und wie Sie alle heissen den Leuten was Frauenrechten erzählen wollen.
Schönes gesamtresumee von den United Nations und deren zustand, wo der komissar für Menschenrechte aus dem Hause assad in Syrien kommt LoL.