Frauen in Kampfeinsätzen:
Rote Armee, 2. WK
ChinesischeVolksbefreiungsarmee, Chin. Bürgerkrieg
Israel: Diverse Nahost-Kriege
Vietnam:Vietminh, Vietcong, Nordvietnamesische Armee
Kambodscha: Khmer Rouge
Sowie inzahlreichen grösseren und kleineren Bürgerkriegen rund um die Welt.
Wie wäre es mit den Pilotinnen der UdSSR im 2. Weltkrieg:
"Of the all-femaleunits, perhaps the most famous is the 146th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment, whoflew light bombing raids over German lines. From fragile open-cockpit P0-2 bombers,usually without parachutes, crews flew five to ten missions a night, sometimes putting inup to 15 missions in a single night. Startled by the sound of female voices overhead anddreading their deadly payloads, German troops allegedly nicknamed these women the "NightWitches," raining down death from the sky.
...daring pilots like Liliia Litviak(alternate spellings: Lydia Litvyak, Lilya Litvak) . This diminutive blonde Hero of theSoviet Union painted flowers, rather than sharks or death's heads, on the sides of heraircraft: one for each kill. Petite and girlish, she was also a deadly fighter pilot.Along with her friend and colleague, Katya Budanova, who served in the same regiment,she was one of only a handful of female flying aces in world history. She completed 268combat flights in less than one year of combat flying, and is credited with 12 kills. Ather death in death in August 1943, she was 21 years old.
...they never whimperedand never complained and were very courageous. If I compare my experience commanding themale and female regiments, to some extent at the end of the war it was easier for me tocommand this female regiment. They had the strong spirit of a collective unit.
(Dr.Raina Pennington: Wings Women and War: Soviet Airwomen in World War II Combat)