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RT News - Die andere "Wahrheit" (Propaganda)
30.11.2015 um 15:56Jo ich folge keinen RT Links
habe das Original.
Und muss sagen, recht Freizügige Intepretierung. Zumal RT nur aus der Analyse zitiert, aber keine Verweis auf die enstprechenden Seiten oder Kapitel
There is no general prohibition in treaty or customary international law on the use of nuclear weapons.409
The United States has not accepted a treaty rule that prohibits the use of nuclear weapons per se, and thus nuclear weapons are lawful weapons for the United States. The law of war governs the use of nuclear weapons, just as it governs the use of conventional weapons.410
For example, nuclear weapons must be directed against military objectives.411
In addition, attacks using nuclear weapons must not be conducted when the expected incidental harm to civilians is excessive compared to the military advantage expected to be gained.
412 U.S. Policy on the Use of Nuclear Weapons. The United States has developed 6.18.1 national policy on the use of nuclear weapons. For example, the United States has stated that it would only consider the use of nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States or its allies and partners.
413 In addition, the United States has stated that it will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapons States that are party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and in compliance with their nuclear nonproliferation obligations.
414 Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control Obligations. Nuclear weapons are regulated 6.18.2 by a number of arms control agreements restricting their development, testing, production, proliferation, deployment, use, and, with respect to specific types, possession. Some of these agreements may not apply in times of war. Guidance on nuclear arms control agreements is beyond the scope of this manual. AP I Provisions and Nuclear Weapons. Parties to AP I have expressed the 6.18.3 understanding that the rules relating the use of weapons introduced by AP I were intended to apply exclusively to conventional weapons.
415 Thus, Parties to AP I have understood AP I provisions not to regulate or prohibit the use of nuclear weapons.
416 Although the United States is not a Party to AP I, the United States participated in the diplomatic conference that negotiated AP I based upon this understanding.
417 Authority to Launch Nuclear Weapons. The authority to launch nuclear weapons 6.18.4 generally is restricted to the highest levels of government. The domestic law and procedures concerning nuclear weapons employment are beyond the scope of this manual. 6
De Abschnitt über Atomwaffen. Und jetzt möchte ich mal sehen wo das mit der "Analyse" übereinstimmt.
Wie wäre es wenn RT mal das Russische Weißbuch veröffenlicht. Immerhin ist Russland das einzige LAnd was in lezter Zeit seine Atomwaffen in Diskussionen oder Zwischenstaatliche Gespräche eingebracht hat, sei es die Krim, oder Dänemark.
habe das Original.
Und muss sagen, recht Freizügige Intepretierung. Zumal RT nur aus der Analyse zitiert, aber keine Verweis auf die enstprechenden Seiten oder Kapitel
There is no general prohibition in treaty or customary international law on the use of nuclear weapons.409
The United States has not accepted a treaty rule that prohibits the use of nuclear weapons per se, and thus nuclear weapons are lawful weapons for the United States. The law of war governs the use of nuclear weapons, just as it governs the use of conventional weapons.410
For example, nuclear weapons must be directed against military objectives.411
In addition, attacks using nuclear weapons must not be conducted when the expected incidental harm to civilians is excessive compared to the military advantage expected to be gained.
412 U.S. Policy on the Use of Nuclear Weapons. The United States has developed 6.18.1 national policy on the use of nuclear weapons. For example, the United States has stated that it would only consider the use of nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States or its allies and partners.
413 In addition, the United States has stated that it will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapons States that are party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and in compliance with their nuclear nonproliferation obligations.
414 Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control Obligations. Nuclear weapons are regulated 6.18.2 by a number of arms control agreements restricting their development, testing, production, proliferation, deployment, use, and, with respect to specific types, possession. Some of these agreements may not apply in times of war. Guidance on nuclear arms control agreements is beyond the scope of this manual. AP I Provisions and Nuclear Weapons. Parties to AP I have expressed the 6.18.3 understanding that the rules relating the use of weapons introduced by AP I were intended to apply exclusively to conventional weapons.
415 Thus, Parties to AP I have understood AP I provisions not to regulate or prohibit the use of nuclear weapons.
416 Although the United States is not a Party to AP I, the United States participated in the diplomatic conference that negotiated AP I based upon this understanding.
417 Authority to Launch Nuclear Weapons. The authority to launch nuclear weapons 6.18.4 generally is restricted to the highest levels of government. The domestic law and procedures concerning nuclear weapons employment are beyond the scope of this manual. 6
De Abschnitt über Atomwaffen. Und jetzt möchte ich mal sehen wo das mit der "Analyse" übereinstimmt.
Wie wäre es wenn RT mal das Russische Weißbuch veröffenlicht. Immerhin ist Russland das einzige LAnd was in lezter Zeit seine Atomwaffen in Diskussionen oder Zwischenstaatliche Gespräche eingebracht hat, sei es die Krim, oder Dänemark.