Donald Trump: 45. & 47. Präsident der USA
20.11.2016 um 01:36@wichsteilchen
Man legt gerne manchem was in den Mund was nie gesagt wurde. Und so manch einer plappert das dann nach, was manche anderen in den Mund legen, ganz unreflektiert ohne sich über den Wahrheitsgehalt zu informieren.
Many people will have seen the claim that Winston Churchill said the immortal words.
“The Fascists of the future will be the anti-fascists.”
Often when challenging a BNP, EDL or some other far right idiot online they will use this semi-famous quote of Winston Churchill to vilify the anti-fascists/ anti-racists stance.
But here’s the problem.
There is no record of Winston Churchill ever saying this.
And the Winston Churchill society when asked if he had said it, replied by stating.
“There was absolutely no evidence anywhere of him ever saying it and so, therefore, he didn't say it.”
Man legt gerne manchem was in den Mund was nie gesagt wurde. Und so manch einer plappert das dann nach, was manche anderen in den Mund legen, ganz unreflektiert ohne sich über den Wahrheitsgehalt zu informieren.