Donald Trump: 45. & 47. Präsident der USA
23.09.2020 um 11:54In dem Fall verdunmung weil er sich mit diesen Zahlen profiliert und selbst ein gutes Zeugnis ausstellt . die Geschichte lief und läuft aber anders .Glünggi schrieb:Siehste da haben wir wieder den 3. weltkrieg, 4. Weltkrieg und 5. Weltkrieg. ;)
Das ist Trump. Big bigger biggest...
Sollte aber klar sein das corona nix mit Wäldern zutun hat .
Hier das senile Gestammel im Wortlaut
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think it’s a shame. I think if we didn’t do it properly and do it right, you’d have two and a half million deaths. If you take a look at alternatives, you could have two and a half million deaths or something thereabouts. You could have a number that would be substantially more.Just remember that ;)
With all of that being said, we shouldn’t have had anybody. And you saw my United Nations speech. China should’ve stopped it at their border. They should’ve never let this spread all over the world, and it’s a terrible thing. But had we not closed our country down and reopened — and now we’re doing well in reopening; the stock market is up — all of those things. But I think it’s a horrible thing.
But if we had not done it right, you could have two million, two and a half million, or three million. But it’s a horrible thing. It should’ve never, ever happened. China let this happen, and just remember that.