Der hybride Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine
10.03.2015 um 20:36Interessant die FAQ der uacrisis:
Why doesn’t Ukraine support the idea of federalization?Also da ist - und war vermutlich auch nie - Spielraum für die Wünsche der Bevölkerung im Donbass. Somit auch keine Verhandlungsbasis für politische Runden. @Fedaykin
According to Art. 2 of its Constitution Ukraine is a unitary state. De facto, a federal state structure is impossible within a unitary state.
In light of thousands of Russian troops hovering near Ukraine’s southern and eastern borders, federated regions of Ukraine will be vulnerable to military pressure from the Russian Federation, as it happened in Crimea.
Experts say that the division of Ukraine into federal subjects will on the one hand expand regional and minority rights, but on the other – split the country into distinct spheres of interest. In order to preserve the state’s territorial integrity and broaden regional and minority rights, experts suggest Ukraine to decentralize.