moment , da war doch noch was ....
Several residents expressed concerns about the presence of Ukrainian soldiers in their neighbourhood.
bloße anwesenheit von ukrainischen soldaten versetzt die bewohner in angst und schrecken man könnte befreit werden mit 122 oder 152 mm geschossen . soweit isses dann schon .
joo , sieht halt alles aus wie grozny danach ...
aber auch heftig ...
an SMM patrol was stopped by two “DPR” members in a civilian pick-up vehicle, who ordered the patrol to return in the direction they had just travelled*. “DPR” members escorted the patrol back to a “DPR” checkpoint, where one armed man exited his vehicle and stood in front of the lead SMM patrol vehicle. After shouting and behaving aggressively, he took a 12.7mm heavy machine-gun from the vehicle, loaded it with shaking hands, and pointed it at the SMM. Acting aggressively, he approached the lead SMM vehicle and gave an ultimatum: depart the area through Oktiabr or take his escort to the next checkpoint. The SMM patrol turned around and left Oktiabr, and returned safely to base in Mariupol.
da wollt wohl einer den dicken markieren . absolut unsichere zustände zum arbeiten für die osce , wohlgemerkt liegt minsk 2 nun schon bissl zurück . die jungs meinens vielleicht gar nicht so ?!