Unruhen in der Ukraine - reloaded
07.07.2014 um 20:23Ach, mir fällt grad ein, die Tagesschau hat an dem Tag berichtet, es kam ein ukrainischer Soldat um .....
Es findet sich vor allem sehr viel Desinfo:sarasvati23 schrieb:Hab bisher nur darüber gelesen und bei Ria Novosti glaub ich. In westlichen Medien wird man nicht finden, wie so vieles nicht, was in der Ukraine vorgeht.
As you read or watch the mainstream U.S. media’s accounts of the Ukrainian government’s military offensive against ethnic Russians in East Ukraine, it’s worth remembering that these MSM outlets have been feeding Americans a highly biased narrative of the crisis non-stop from the beginning.
For instance, New York Times correspondent David M. Herszenhorn included in a largely celebratory account of the Ukrainian blitzkrieg that overwhelmed ethnic Russian positions in the town of Slovyansk on Saturday this summary of the conflict’s background:
Sen. John McCain appearing with Ukrainian rightists at a per-coup rally in Kiev.
Sen. John McCain appearing with Ukrainian rightists at a pre-coup rally in Kiev.
“The separatist rebellion is the latest, bloodiest chapter in a crisis that began in November after Viktor F. Yanukovych, then Ukraine’s president, rejected a trade accord he had promised to sign with the European Union in favor of closer ties with Russia. Protesters took to the streets of Kiev, eventually driving Mr. Yanukovych from office. Within a week, Russia invaded Crimea, then annexed the peninsula.”
Herszenhorn, like nearly all his MSM colleagues, simply can’t find it within himself to display the journalistic integrity needed to present an evenhanded and unbiased explication of how this crisis unfolded. Instead, it’s all about blaming Ukraine’s elected President Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin for everything.
It is very ironic, today in the US we’re celebrating the 238th anniversary of our Independence Day where we broke away from an unelected tyrannical government far away. Yet, the same US government is now doing its very best to suppress the people in east Ukraine who want the very same thing – just the ability to secede from a government that they feel is oppressive and does not represent their views.https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/beginning-of-ethnic-cleansing-in-eastern-ukraine/
I also offered my gloomy prediction for the outcome of the talks between Kiev and the breakaway east. The problem, as I pointed out, is that the regime in Kiev feels the muscle of the US government behind them (along with US special forces and other “advisors” in-country) so they have very little incentive to seek a sustainable peace with the restive east.
Without US intervention in the situation, it is likely that a solution more equitable than the current ethnic cleansing would be worked out.
The Silence of American Hawks About Kiev’s Atrocitieshttp://www.thenation.com/article/180466/silence-american-hawks-about-kievs-atrocities
The regime has repeatedly carried out artillery and air attacks on city centers, creating a humanitarian catastrophe—which is all but ignored by the US political-media establishment.
But what else could a huge shipment of urban warfare weapons and the advisors that go with them be used for?http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2014/july/03/is-brzezinski-pushing-ethnic-cleansing-for-eastern-ukraine.aspx
Ethnic cleansing.
We already see with the resumption of Kiev's attacks on the east, a sharp turn toward the targeting of civilian apartment blocks and non-military targets. We know from a recent United Nations report that more than 100,000 have already fled eastern Ukraine. The country's post-coup president, Petro Poroshenko, was very clear, ending the ceasefire (that wasn't much of a ceasefire) by stating that "We will attack and we will liberate our land!"
Does that mean liberating it from the "others" who do not accept rule by the post-coup government? Those who Kiev's prime minister Arseniy "Yats" Yatsenyuk has already called "subhumans"?
Urban warfare equipment and training for the Kiev military machine would, as Russian political scientist Yevgeny Minchenko points out, mean "municipal infrastructure will be destroyed, leading to a humanitarian catastrophe." In his view, “[t]he war will continue, and people will gradually leave their homes. It will be bad for both sides, but neither one can stop now.”
Brzezinski has long advocated US domination of Ukraine to deprive Russia of any productive relationship with its neighbor. "Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire,” he wrote in his 1997 book book, The Grand Chessboard.
Ethnic cleansing of ethnic Russians and Russian speakers may be exactly what Brzezinski has in mind.
Das sind normale Erkennungsbänder, damit man sich im Friendly Fire nicht gegenseitig erschießt, die Separatisten sehen schließlich fast genauso aus wie die ukrainischen Soldaten.sarasvati23 schrieb:Nur die Armbinde macht schon irgendwie stutzig.
Three Ukrainian traffic police officers shot dead by gunmen wearing camouflagehttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2679467/Three-Ukrainian-traffic-police-officers-shot-dead-gunmen-wearing-camouflage.html
Unknown gunmen target men near the railway station in Donetsk
They killed three and left another police traffic officer fighting for his life
Murder comes as Ukraine's president shakes up military hierarchy
He appointed new defence minister and military chief to combat corruption
In parliament today Petro Poroshenko said army is 'starting from scratch'
...The murder of three traffic police officer came as a group of former pro-Russian separatists joined forces with Ukrainian troops to guard checkpoints in Donetsk and allow government soldiers to pass through on what was described as an 'anti-terrorist operation.
@sarasvati23sarasvati23 schrieb:Die gelben Armbinden, was bedeuten die? Dieses Gelb mit dem Ukrainischen Symbol wurde doch von Rechten auf Fahnen auf dem Maidan geschwenkt.
Oder ist das bedeutungslos?
Die gelben ArmbindenGanz genau. Was dort in der Ukraine gegen die Separatisten kämpft sind auch größtenteils nationalukrainische Faschisten. Ich finde es amüsant wie die Transatlantiker und sog. "Liberalen" diesen Haufen mordende Nazischeisse vor jeder Kritik in Schutz zu nehmen versuchen.
Sind das nicht die Armbinden von Kolomoiski Privatarmee waren doch auch in Mariopol.
Auf Uniformen im Einsatz benutzt man einfach gelbes Klebeband. Die Wolfsangel ist eher was für Propagandazwecke bei Aufmärschen usw.sarasvati23 schrieb:Kolomoiskis Azov Batallion trägt die gelbe Armbinde mit der Wolfsangel.
Russia is asking for Kolomoyskyi to be put on Interpol's wanted list.[30] On 2 July 2014 a Russian District Court authorized his arrest in absentia for "organizing the killing of civilians".[31]Wikipedia: Ihor Kolomoyskyi
Warts ab, bald wird der Völkermord nich mehr zu leugnen sein.sarasvati23 schrieb:Die ukrainische Armee feuert völlig willkrülich auf 2 Autos, dabei kommen 2 Menschen um. Dieses sinnlose Ermorden der Zivilbeölkerung dient doch wohl nur dem Zweck, die Menschen dort zu demoralisieren. Luhansk hat fast eine halbe Milion Einwohner, das ist eine völlig andere Größenordnung.
Dann lies doch mal die Beiträge, Videos sagen wenig aus. Wenn schon konservative Quellen davon berichten könntest Du das ja wenigstens mal zur Kenntnis nehmen.nocheinPoet schrieb:In den Filmen sehe ich wenn dann Hinweise, aber keine validen Belege, dazu wird von beiden Seiten zu viel Propaganda betrieben.